Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "sub-pkg-mng")
     self.utils = Utils(self._log)
     self.useFakeChrootMode = False
     self.rootDir = None
     self.subPkgDir = None
     self.subPkgTempDir = None
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__ (self, logger, tempDir):
     # tempDir MUST begin with '/', see _getConfPath
     self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(tempDir, "tempDir")
     self.yumConfPath=os.path.join(self.tempDir, "yum.conf")
     self.yumConfPluginDir=os.path.join(self.tempDir, "yum.pluginconf.d")
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__ (self, logger):
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, logger, stateManager, installManager, pilotVersion,
              pilotDir, logDir, workDir, apiDir, startupScriptsDir,
              rpmActiveRfs, yumActiveRfs, yumConfForActiveRfs,
              yumConfForNewVersionOnly, prevRfsDir, sdUtils, bootUtils):
     self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "pilot-services")
     self._utils = Utils(self._log)
     self._stateManager = stateManager
     self._installManager = installManager
     self._pilotVersion = pilotVersion
     self._pilotDir = pilotDir
     self._logDir = logDir
     self._workDir = workDir
     self._apiDir = apiDir
     self._startupScriptsDir = startupScriptsDir
     self._rpmActiveRfs = rpmActiveRfs
     self._yumActiveRfs = yumActiveRfs
     self._yumConfForActiveRfs = yumConfForActiveRfs
     self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly = yumConfForNewVersionOnly
     self._debugNoInstallMode = False
     self._otherPilot = None
     self._pilotHints = None
     self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
     self._sdUtils = sdUtils
     self._bootUtils = bootUtils
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__ (self, logger, stateManager, installManager, pilotVersion, pilotDir, logDir, workDir, apiDir, startupScriptsDir, 
               rpmActiveRfs, yumActiveRfs, yumConfForActiveRfs, yumConfForNewVersionOnly, prevRfsDir, sdUtils, bootUtils):
     self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install","pilot-services")
     self._utils = Utils(self._log)
     self._stateManager = stateManager
     self._installManager = installManager
     self._pilotVersion = pilotVersion
     self._pilotDir = pilotDir
     self._logDir = logDir
     self._workDir = workDir
     self._apiDir = apiDir
     self._startupScriptsDir = startupScriptsDir
     self._rpmActiveRfs = rpmActiveRfs
     self._yumActiveRfs = yumActiveRfs
     self._yumConfForActiveRfs = yumConfForActiveRfs
     self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly = yumConfForNewVersionOnly
     self._debugNoInstallMode = False
     self._otherPilot = None
     self._pilotHints = None
     self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
     self._sdUtils    = sdUtils
     self._bootUtils  = bootUtils
Esempio n. 6
class Yum(object):

# We do not want to waste space: cache should be clear after installation

# List of 'provides' of packages that are allowed to be installed multiple versions side by side
# install-only packages are allowed until the sun burns down



    def __init__ (self, logger, tempDir):
        # tempDir MUST begin with '/', see _getConfPath
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(tempDir, "tempDir")
        self.yumConfPath=os.path.join(self.tempDir, "yum.conf")
        self.yumConfPluginDir=os.path.join(self.tempDir, "yum.pluginconf.d")

    def setRoot (self, rootDir, useFakeChrootMode=False):
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rootDir, "rootDir")

    def addDiskRepo (self, repoName, repoDir):
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(repoDir, "repoDir")
        self.diskRepos.append((repoName, repoDir))
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            self._testModeAddRpms(repoName, repoDir)

    def addHttpRepo (self, repoName, repoAddr):
        self.httpRepos.append((repoName, repoAddr))

    def doInstall (self, package):
        self._log("do-install-called").info("doInstall(%s) called", package)
        cmd="--assumeyes install "+package
        #Work around to the ANNOYING problem of yum refusing to install a leader because it requires an oscar which is older
        # than some installed oscar. Instead of raising if install fails, we check the output, and if it failed due to 
        # some 'newer' package which is already installed, we install that package first, and retry
        #self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes install "+package)

        while retry:
            if rc==0:
            # This is a sample of the error message we get from yum:
            #package oscar- (which is newer than oscar- is already installed
  "which is newer than (.*)\) is already installed", errText)
            if mo != None:
                self._log("do-install-workaround").info("doInstall(%s) workaround: Found package %s that needs to be installed first", package, rpmToInstall)
                # We assume that this package must be installed properly, without tricks
                self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes install "+rpmToInstall)
                numLoops += 1
                if numLoops < 10:
                self._log("do-install-workaround").info("doInstall(%s) workaround: Did not find any package that needs to be installed first", package)
        raise RuntimeError("Yum install failed: returned %s" % rc)

    def doReinstall (self, package):
        self._log("do-reinstall-called").info("doReinstall(%s) called", package)
        self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes reinstall "+package)

    def doUpdate (self, package):
        self._log("do-update-called").info("doUpdate(%s) called", package)
        self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes update "+package)

    def doRemove (self, package):
        self._log("do-remove-called").info("doRemove(%s) called", package)
        self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes remove "+package)

    def doUpgrade (self, package):
        self._log("do-upgrade-called").info("doUpgrade(%s) called", package)
        self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes upgrade "+package)

    # localinstall is needed because 'yum install' with a file name works only if file anme ends with .rpm
    def doLocalInstall (self, package):
        self._log("do-local-install-called").info("doLocalInstall(%s) called", package)
        self._runYumRaiseIfFail("--assumeyes localinstall "+package)

    def doTestInstall (self, package):

        """Checks that an install would work. Returns True if OK, False if not"""

        self._log("do-local-install-called").info("doTestInstall(%s) called", package)
        (rc,outText,errText)=self._runYum("--assumeyes --downloadonly install "+package)
        # 0 means nothing to do. Message in output means exit due to plugin, not due to errors
        ret = ((rc==0) or (errText.find("exiting because --downloadonly specified") != -1))
        self._log("do-local-install-done").info("doTestInstall() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def createYumConfAt (self, yumConfDir):
        Given a directory name, creates a yum.conf file in it (Plus plugins, as needed).
        Returns name of generated yum.conf file (To be passed to 'yum -c')
        self._log("create-yum-conf-at-called").info("createYumConfAt() called, dir=%s", yumConfDir)

        pathToYumConf=os.path.join(yumConfDir, "yum.conf")
        if not os.path.exists(yumConfDir):

        pathToYumPluginConf = os.path.join(yumConfDir, "yum.pluginconf.d")
        if not os.path.exists(pathToYumPluginConf):

        confText=self._getConfText() % {'pluginpath' : pathToYumPluginConf}
        self._writeTextToFile(confText, pathToYumConf)
        self._log("create-yum-conf-at-text").info("createYumConfAt() called, conf text is '%s'", confText)

        self._log("create-yum-conf-at-done").info("createYumConfAt() done")
        return pathToYumConf

    def _testModeAddRpms (self, repoName, repoDir):
        """For unit tests only, copies rpms to yum cache to avoid bug"""
        # This is needed to overcome a bug in fakechroot (apparently): If the rpm itself is not found in the cache,
        # Then yum checks for the space available on disk before 'downloading it', and it uses the statvfs() for that,
        # and apparently this function is not covered by fakechroot. See this strace output:
        # 10887 stat("/users/eng/orens/testRpm/rfs1/var/cache/yum/x86_64/centos6/box/packages/sugar-2.0-2.x86_64.rpm", 0x7fffa3a72260) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
        # 10887 statfs("/var/cache/yum/x86_64/centos6/box/packages", 0x7fffa3a722d0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
        # This is the result of code at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/yum/, line 1600.
        self._log("test-mode-add-rpms").info("_testModeAddRpms(repoName=%s, repoDir=%s) called, self.rootDir=%s", repoName, repoDir, self.rootDir)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(repoDir, "repoDir")
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            raise ValueError("Never call this func in production code")
        repoCachePackagesDirFromOutside=os.path.join(self.rootDir, "var/cache/yum/"+repoName+"/packages")
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+repoCachePackagesDirFromOutside)
        if repoDir.startswith(self.rootDir):
            repoDir = repoDir.replace(self.rootDir, "")
        for file_ in os.listdir(repoDirFromOutside):
            if file_.endswith(".rpm"):
                fileFromOutside=os.path.join(repoDirFromOutside, file_)
                self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp "+fileFromOutside+" "+repoCachePackagesDirFromOutside)

    def _getConfPath (self):
        pathToYumConf=os.path.join(self.rootDir, self.yumConfPath[1:])  # Remove leading '/' from 
        return pathToYumConf

    def _getPluginConfPath (self):
        pathToYumPluginConf=os.path.join(self.rootDir, self.yumConfPluginDir[1:])  # Remove leading '/' from 
        return pathToYumPluginConf
    def _getConfText (self):
        for (repoName, repoDir) in self.diskRepos:
            text += self.configRepoTemplate % {'repoName' : repoName, 'baseurl' : 'file://'+repoDir}
        for (repoName, repoAddr) in self.httpRepos:
            text += self.configRepoTemplate % {'repoName' : repoName, 'baseurl' : 'http://'+repoAddr}
        return text

    def _createYumPlugins (self, pluginConfDir):

from yum.plugins import PluginYumExit, TYPE_INTERACTIVE

requires_api_version = '2.1'
plugin_type = (TYPE_INTERACTIVE,)

def config_hook(conduit):
    parser = conduit.getOptParser()
    if hasattr(parser, 'plugin_option_group'):
        parser = parser.plugin_option_group

    parser.add_option('', '--downloadonly', dest='dlonly', action='store_true',
           default=False, help="don't update, just download")
    parser.add_option('', '--downloaddir', dest='dldir',
                      action='store', default=None,
                      help="specifies an alternate directory to store packages")

def postreposetup_hook(conduit):
    opts, commands = conduit.getCmdLine()
    if opts.dldir:
        repos = conduit.getRepos()
        rlist = repos.listEnabled()
        for repo in rlist:

def postdownload_hook(conduit):
    opts, commands = conduit.getCmdLine()
    # Don't die on errors, or we'll never see them.
    if not conduit.getErrors() and opts.dlonly:
        raise PluginYumExit('exiting because --downloadonly specified ')
        self._writeTextToFile(downloadonlyConfText, os.path.join(pluginConfDir, "downloadonly.conf"))
        self._writeTextToFile(downloadonlyPyText, os.path.join(pluginConfDir, ""))

    def _createYumConf (self):
        self._log("create-yum-conf").info("_createYumConf() called, writing to %s", pathToYumConf)

        if not os.path.exists(dir_):

        pathToYumPluginConf = self._getPluginConfPath()
        if not os.path.exists(pathToYumPluginConf):

        confText=self._getConfText() % {'pluginpath' : self.yumConfPluginDir}
        self._writeTextToFile(confText, pathToYumConf)
        self._log("create-yum-conf-text").info("_createYumConf() called, conf text is '%s'", confText)

        self._log("create-yum-conf-done").info("_createYumConf() done")

    def _writeTextToFile (self, text, fileName):
        f=open(fileName, "w")

    def _removeYumConf (self):
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -rf "+self._getPluginConfPath())

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath (self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("%s must start with '/', value given is '%s'" % (name, pathToCheck))

    def _runYum (self, cmd):
        NOTE: This function is used by pilot services to allow pilot to run the yum command
        cmd=self.command+" "+cmd
        return (rc,outText,errText)

    def _runYumRaiseIfFail (self, cmd):
        if rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Yum command '%s' failed: returned %s" % (cmd, rc))
        return (outText,errText)

    def _updateCommand (self):
        self.command="yum -c "+self.yumConfPath
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            self.command="fakeroot fakechroot /usr/sbin/chroot "+self.rootDir+" "+self.command
        elif self.rootDir != "/":
            self.command = self.command+" --installroot "+self.rootDir
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__ (self, logger, product, sysVarDir, sysRunDir, dataVarDir, rpmsDir, 
                  appDir, appDirReal, bootDevPath, grubConf, prevRfsDir=None, vitalDir=None, systemRoot="/", useFakeChrootMode=False):
        product : Name of product we handle, e.g. 'qb'.
        sysVarDir : path to sys dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/oscar/install/0/var'. 
        sysRunDir : path to sys dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/oscar/install/0/run'. 
        dataVarDir : path to data dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/data/oscar/install/0/var'. 
        rpmsDir : path to rpms dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/rpms'. 
        appDir : path to app dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/app'. 
        appDirReal : real path to app dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/rfs/sys/0/var/app'. 
        bootDevPath : Path to boot device, e.g. '/boot'
        grubConf : name of grub.conf file relative to boot device, e.g. 'grub/grub.conf'.
        systemRoot : For unit tests, specifies location of the file-system root.
        useFakeChrootMode : For unit tests, True to use fakechroot instead of chroot (via rpm --root or yum --installroot)
        prevRfsDir : Location to copy some RFS data to during OS install
        vitalDir : Path to vital dir.

        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(systemRoot, "systemRoot")
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "install-manager")
        self._utils = Utils(self._log)
        self._product = product
        self._bootDevPath = bootDevPath
        self._grubConf = grubConf
        self._systemRoot = systemRoot
        self._useFakeChrootMode = useFakeChrootMode
        self._vitalDir = vitalDir

        self._rpmsDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(rpmsDir))

        self._sysVarDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(sysVarDir))
        self._sysRunDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(sysRunDir))
        self._dataVarDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(dataVarDir))
        self._logDir=os.path.join(self._dataVarDir, 'log')
        self._stateDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "state")
        self._yumConfActiveRfsDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "yum-conf-active-rfs")
        self._yumConfNewVersionDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "yum-conf-new-version")
        self._appDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(appDir))
        self._appDirReal = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(appDirReal))
        self._installDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir,"sub-pkgs")
        self._workDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'work')
        self._apiDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'api')
        self._startupScriptsDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'startup')
        self._startupScriptsPrevDir=os.path.join(self._startupScriptsDir, 'prev')
        self._rpmKeysDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "rpm/keys")
        self._tempDir = os.path.join(self._sysRunDir, "tmp")
        self._installTempDir = os.path.join(self._tempDir, "sub-pkgs")  # install-temp can be cleared between runs
        self._subPkgManager = SubPkgManager(self._log)
        self._subPkgManager.setDirs(self._systemRoot, self._installDir, self._installTempDir, self._rpmKeysDir, self._useFakeChrootMode)

        self._stateFile = os.path.join(self._stateDir, product+"-state")
        self._stateManager = StateManager(self._log)
        self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
        self._preparedPackageFilePath = None

        self._log("init").info("InstallManager::__init__() called, self._product=%s, self._sysVarDir=%s, self._sysRunDir=%s, "\
                               "self._dataVarDir=%s, self._rpmsDir=%s, self._appDir=%s, self._bootDevPath=%s, "\
                               "self._grubConf=%s, self._prevRfsDir=%s, self._vitalDir=%s", 
                               self._product, self._sysVarDir, self._sysRunDir, self._dataVarDir, self._rpmsDir, 
                               self._appDir, self._bootDevPath, self._grubConf, self._prevRfsDir, self._vitalDir)

        # If true, we will not actually install RPMs. This helps modify this module in-box and testing the 
        # changes, to avoid having to create a package file each time
Esempio n. 8
class InstallManager(object):
    This is the main install manager

    def __init__ (self, logger, product, sysVarDir, sysRunDir, dataVarDir, rpmsDir, 
                  appDir, appDirReal, bootDevPath, grubConf, prevRfsDir=None, vitalDir=None, systemRoot="/", useFakeChrootMode=False):
        product : Name of product we handle, e.g. 'qb'.
        sysVarDir : path to sys dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/oscar/install/0/var'. 
        sysRunDir : path to sys dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/oscar/install/0/run'. 
        dataVarDir : path to data dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/data/oscar/install/0/var'. 
        rpmsDir : path to rpms dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/rpms'. 
        appDir : path to app dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/app'. 
        appDirReal : real path to app dir relative to root, e.g. '/opt/qb/sys/rfs/sys/0/var/app'. 
        bootDevPath : Path to boot device, e.g. '/boot'
        grubConf : name of grub.conf file relative to boot device, e.g. 'grub/grub.conf'.
        systemRoot : For unit tests, specifies location of the file-system root.
        useFakeChrootMode : For unit tests, True to use fakechroot instead of chroot (via rpm --root or yum --installroot)
        prevRfsDir : Location to copy some RFS data to during OS install
        vitalDir : Path to vital dir.

        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(systemRoot, "systemRoot")
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "install-manager")
        self._utils = Utils(self._log)
        self._product = product
        self._bootDevPath = bootDevPath
        self._grubConf = grubConf
        self._systemRoot = systemRoot
        self._useFakeChrootMode = useFakeChrootMode
        self._vitalDir = vitalDir

        self._rpmsDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(rpmsDir))

        self._sysVarDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(sysVarDir))
        self._sysRunDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(sysRunDir))
        self._dataVarDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(dataVarDir))
        self._logDir=os.path.join(self._dataVarDir, 'log')
        self._stateDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "state")
        self._yumConfActiveRfsDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "yum-conf-active-rfs")
        self._yumConfNewVersionDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "yum-conf-new-version")
        self._appDir = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(appDir))
        self._appDirReal = os.path.join(systemRoot, self._chopLeadingSlashIfFound(appDirReal))
        self._installDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir,"sub-pkgs")
        self._workDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'work')
        self._apiDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'api')
        self._startupScriptsDir=os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, 'startup')
        self._startupScriptsPrevDir=os.path.join(self._startupScriptsDir, 'prev')
        self._rpmKeysDir = os.path.join(self._sysVarDir, "rpm/keys")
        self._tempDir = os.path.join(self._sysRunDir, "tmp")
        self._installTempDir = os.path.join(self._tempDir, "sub-pkgs")  # install-temp can be cleared between runs
        self._subPkgManager = SubPkgManager(self._log)
        self._subPkgManager.setDirs(self._systemRoot, self._installDir, self._installTempDir, self._rpmKeysDir, self._useFakeChrootMode)

        self._stateFile = os.path.join(self._stateDir, product+"-state")
        self._stateManager = StateManager(self._log)
        self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
        self._preparedPackageFilePath = None

        self._log("init").info("InstallManager::__init__() called, self._product=%s, self._sysVarDir=%s, self._sysRunDir=%s, "\
                               "self._dataVarDir=%s, self._rpmsDir=%s, self._appDir=%s, self._bootDevPath=%s, "\
                               "self._grubConf=%s, self._prevRfsDir=%s, self._vitalDir=%s", 
                               self._product, self._sysVarDir, self._sysRunDir, self._dataVarDir, self._rpmsDir, 
                               self._appDir, self._bootDevPath, self._grubConf, self._prevRfsDir, self._vitalDir)

        # If true, we will not actually install RPMs. This helps modify this module in-box and testing the 
        # changes, to avoid having to create a package file each time

    def unit_test_initializeSystemFirstInstall (self, curVersion, curBuild, keys):
        Should be called once after first install to initialize the state file and keys.
        Used only by unit tests. In real life, the extract_pkg script does this.
        curVersion : Name of the current version
        curBuild : Name of the current build
        keys : listof paths to ascii armoured files with gpg keys for rpm validation
        self.initializeSystemFirstInstall(curVersion, curBuild)
        # Import rpm keys
        for key in keys:

    def initializeSystemFirstInstall (self, curVersion, curBuild):
        Should be called once after first install to initialize the state file and keys.
        curVersion : Name of the current version
        curBuild : Name of the current build
        self._log("initial-set-cur-version").info("initialSetCurVersion() called, curVersion=%s", curVersion)
        # Create initial dirs
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._stateDir)
        # Set initial state
        self._stateManager.initialSetCurVersion(self.combineVersion(curVersion, curBuild))

    def init (self):
        Must be called after creating this object, to initialize it, on a system that has been initialized 
        (i.e. has a state file on disk)
        self._log("init").info("init() called")
        # Make sure these dirs exist. If not, create them.
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._sysRunDir)
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._logDir)
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._workDir)
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._apiDir)        
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._startupScriptsDir)
        self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self._startupScriptsPrevDir)

        #TODO(orens): catch InstallException that might be raised during load, reset state and restart oscar
        self._log("init").info("init() loading state")


    def isPendingRestart (self):
        Returns true if 'switch' was executed, we are not waiting for system to restart.
        return self._stateManager.isLocked()

    def setPilotHints (self, hints):
        self._log("setPilotHints").info("setPilotHints(hints=%s) called", hints)
        self._pilotHints = hints

    def startup (self, logDir = None):
        Must be called during startup of an installed system, i,e, upon every Oscar start.
        Call this after callint init()
        When logDir is passed, the start-up script writes its logs into that directory, otherwise default directory is used.
        self._log("startup").info("startup() called")

        #TODO(orens): In the future, when we do not need to support upgrading from EFT versions,
        # remove this call, and all the setVersionToActivateOnStartup() support from StateManager

        # Run all scripts from the startup dir, move them to 'prev' later
        self._log("startup-running").info("startup(): Scanning directory %s for startup scripts", self._startupScriptsDir)
        for file_ in files:
            fullPath=os.path.join(self._startupScriptsDir, file_)

            if logDir is not None:
                startupCommand = fullPath + " --log-dir " + logDir
                startupCommand = fullPath

            # Do not run .tmp files or directories :-)
            if (not fullPath.endswith(".tmp")) and os.path.isfile(fullPath):
                self._log("startup-running").info("startup(): running startup script '%s'", startupCommand)
                # If script fails, raise and get out of here. This should fail oscar start
                # Move used script to 'prev' dir, to lay there forever shamed.
                self._utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mv -f %s %s" % (fullPath, self._startupScriptsPrevDir))

    def getActiveVersionAndBuild (self):
        Returns the current active (version, build)
        self._log("get-active-version").info("getActiveVersionAndBuid() called")
        (version_, build) = self.splitVersion(versionAndBuild)
        self._log("get-active-version").info("getActiveVersionAndBuid() got %s, returning %s, %s", 
                                             versionAndBuild, version_, build)
        return (version_, build)

    def getReadyVersion (self):
        Returns (version, build) of currently ready version. 
        If no version is ready, returns None
        versionCombined = self._stateManager.getReadyVersion()
        if versionCombined==None:
            return None

        (version_, build) = self.splitVersion(versionCombined, raiseIfInvalid=True)
        return (version_, build)

    def getReadyVersion2 (self):
        Returns (version, build, switch type, install direction) of currently ready version. 
        If no version is ready, returns None
        versionCombined = self._stateManager.getReadyVersion()
        if versionCombined==None:
            return None
        switchType = self._stateManager.getSwitchType(versionCombined)

        (version_, build) = self.splitVersion(versionCombined, raiseIfInvalid=True)
        return (version_, build, switchType)

    def getStateManager (self):
        return self._stateManager

    def getPreparedPackageFilePath (self):
        return self._preparedPackageFilePath
    def isPackageValid (self, fileName):
        Checks that an RPM file is a signed, and contains a proper version for our product.
        Returns None if invalid, or (version, build) if valid
        self._log("is-valid").info("isPackageValid(fileName=%s) called", fileName)
        if not self._isPackageSigned(fileName):
            self._log("is-valid").warning("isPackageValid() returning false, fileName=%s not signed", fileName)
            return None
        versionCombined = self._subPkgManager.findVersionInFile(self._product, fileName)
        if versionCombined is None:
            self._log("is-valid").warning("isPackageValid() returning false, no version of product %s found in it", self._product)
            return None
        (version_, build) = self.splitVersion(versionCombined)
        if version_ is None:
            self._log("is-valid").warning("isPackageValid() returning false, no version of product %s found in it", self._product)
            return None
        return (version_, build)

    def addSubPkgs (self, fileName):
        Adds a package file to the repos. Raises InvalidPackageFileException if not a valid package file for this product

        Returns (version, build)

        self._log("add").info("addSubPkgs(fileName=%s) called", fileName)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(fileName, "fileName")

        if not valid:
            self._log("add-bad-rpm").error("addSubPkgs() got bad package file, not properly signed", self._product)
            raise InvalidPackageFileException()

        versionCombined = self._subPkgManager.findVersionInFile(self._product, fileName)
        if versionCombined is None:
            self._log("add-bad-version").error("addSubPkgs() got bad package file, no version of product %s found in it", self._product)
            raise InvalidPackageFileException()
        (version_, build) = self.splitVersion(versionCombined)
        if version_ is None:
            self._log("add-bad-version").error("addSubPkgs() got versionInFile '%s', cannot split.", versionCombined)
            raise InvalidPackageFileException()

        # Check if version is active or ready. If yes, raise exception

        # Extract package file into sub-pkgs dir
        (subPkgs, newSubPkgs)=self._subPkgManager.add(fileName)
        self._log("add-got-subpkgs").info("addSubPkgs() returning newSubPkgs=%s", newSubPkgs)

        self._stateManager.addVersion(versionCombined, subPkgs=subPkgs, subPkgsToRemove=newSubPkgs)

        # Remember the file path
        self._preparedPackageFilePath = fileName

        self._log("add").info("addSubPkgs() returning version=%s, build=%s", version_, build)
        return (version_, build)

    def addSubPkgsFromHttp (self, repoHttpAddr, version_, build):
        Adds a package file to the repos. Raises InstallException if package not found.

        self._log("add-from-http").info("addSubPkgsFromHttp(repoHttpAddr=%s, version_=%s, build=%s) called", repoHttpAddr, version_, build)

        versionCombined = self.combineVersion(version_, build)
        if versionCombined is None:
            self._log("add-from-http-bad-version").error("addSubPkgsFromHttp() got bad version(=%s) or build(=%s) parameters", version_, build)
            raise InstallException("Invalid version '%s', build '%s' specificaion" % (version_, build))

        # Check if version is active or ready. If yes, raise exception

        packageName = "%s-%s" % (self._product, versionCombined)
        self._log("add-from-http-package").info("addSubPkgsFromHttp(): installing package %s", packageName)

        # Extract package file into sub-pkgs dir
        (subPkgs, newSubPkgs)=self._subPkgManager.add(httpRepo=repoHttpAddr, packageName=packageName)
        self._log("add-from-http-got-subpkgs").info("addSubPkgsFromHttp() got newSubPkgs=%s", newSubPkgs)

        self._stateManager.addVersion(versionCombined, subPkgs=subPkgs, subPkgsToRemove=newSubPkgs)

        self._log("add-from-http-done").info("addSubPkgsFromHttp() done")

    def removeVersionAndSubPkgs (self, version_, build, removeSubPackages=True):
        Removes sub-pkgs added by a version during 'prepare', and the version itself.
        Version must have state 'on-disk'
        self._log("remove-subpkgs").info("removeVersionAndSubPkgs(version=%s, build=%s) called", version_, build)

        versionCombined = self.combineVersion(version_, build)
        versionState = self._stateManager.getVersionState(versionCombined)
        if (versionState != StateManager.kStateOnDisk):
            msg = "removeVersionAndSubPkgs(): Version %s is not on-disk, it is in state '%s'" % (versionCombined, versionState)
            raise InstallException(msg)

        if removeSubPackages:
            subPkgsToRemove = self._stateManager.getSubPkgsToRemoveOnRemoval(versionCombined)
            self._log("remove-subpkgs").info("Removing sub-packages: %s", subPkgsToRemove)
            if len(subPkgsToRemove):

        self._log("remove-subpkgs").info("Removing version %s from state", versionCombined)

    def removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk (self):
        Removes old versions from disk.
        Scans all versions maintained in the state, and for each version which is 'on-disk', if it is not needed (i.e. 
        for a possible rollback command), removes sub-packages and RPMs installed by it and not required by the active versions

        self._log("remove-undeeded-vers-called").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk() called")
        # Find things needed by the current active and ready versions
        # Currently no rollback support, hence nothing else is needed.
        versions = self._stateManager.getVersions()
        for ver in versions:
            # TODO(orens): When we add rollback support, keep also the 'on-disk' version we may rollback into.
            if state==StateManager.kStateOnDisk:

        # Find list of RPMs and list of subpackages we must keep
        (rpmsToKeep, subPkgsToKeep)=self._getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(versionsToKeep)

        # Find list of RPMs used by versions we remove
        (rpmsToRemove, subPkgsToRemove)=self._getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(versionsToRemove)

        # The crucial moment
        rpmsToRemove -= rpmsToKeep
        subPkgsToRemove -= subPkgsToKeep

        # Filter rpms in order to check which ones are not installed- only installed ones should be removed
        self._log("ruv-filtering1").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): Filtering RPMs %s for not installed packages", rpmsToRemove)
        rpmsToRemove = filter(rpm.isInstalled, rpmsToRemove)

        # Check if pilot wants to modify RPM list
        activeVersion = self._stateManager.getActiveVersion()
        self._log("ruv-filtering3").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): activeVersion is %s", activeVersion)
        (pilot, _) = self._createPilot(activeVersion, None)
        if hasattr(pilot, "hookModifyRpmsForRemovalOld"):
            self._log("ruv-filtering5").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): pilot hookModifyRpmsForRemovalOld() returned %s", rpmsToRemove)
            self._log("ruv-filtering6").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): pilot hookModifyRpmsForRemovalOld() not implemented")

        # We do not need to filter sub-pkgs for existance - only existing ones would be removed

        self._log("ruv-removing-ver").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): Removing RPMs %s", rpmsToRemove)
        self._log("ruv-removing-ver").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): Removing sub-pkgs %s", subPkgsToRemove)

        if len(rpmsToRemove)>0:
            yum.doRemove(" ".join(rpmsToRemove))
        self._log("ruv-removing-ver").info("removeUnneededVersionsFromDisk(): Removing versions %s from state", versionsToRemove)
        for ver in versionsToRemove:

    def _getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(self, versions):
        Returns a tuple with two sets: (rpmsOfVersions, subPkgsOfVersions)
        for ver in versions:
            self._log("get-rpms-and-subpkgs").info("_getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions() Handling version %s", ver)
            self._log("get-rpms-and-subpkgs").info("_getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(): leaders=%s", leaders)
            for leader in leaders.values():

            self._log("get-rpms-and-subpkgs").info("_getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(): subPkgs=%s", subPkgs)
            for subPkg in subPkgs:

            # The pilot of a version is always called like this:

        # Expand set by adding all required packages
        self._log("get-rpms-and-subpkgs").info("_getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(): Returning rpmsOfVersions=%s", rpmsOfVersions)
        self._log("get-rpms-and-subpkgs").info("_getRpmsAndSubPkgsOfVersions(): Returning subPkgsOfVersions=%s", subPkgsOfVersions)
        return (rpmsOfVersions, subPkgsOfVersions)

    def _expandRpmsUsingReqires (self, packages):
        Gets an iterable with a list of packages (Some may not be installed it is OK).
        Returns a set with the same packages, plus all installed packages required by these installed packages

        self._log("expand-requires").info("_expandRpmsUsingReqires(packages=%s) called, ", packages)

        while doIt:
            self._log("expand-requires").info("_expandRpmsUsingReqires() ret=%s", ret)
            for package in packages:
                for (capName, capCondition, capVersion) in requires:
                    # Ignore 'rpmxxx' capabilities
                    if capName.startswith('rpm'):
                    # Ignore capabilities which are not '='.
                    if capCondition != '=':

            # Found something new ? Add to result and continue iterating
            self._log("expand-requires").info("_expandRpmsUsingReqires() addedPackages=%s, ret=%s", addedPackages, ret)
            newPackages = addedPackages-ret
            self._log("expand-requires").info("_expandRpmsUsingReqires() newPackages=%s", newPackages)
            if len(newPackages) > 0:
                ret |= newPackages
                packages = newPackages
        self._log("expand-requires").info("_expandRpmsUsingReqires() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def prepare (self, version_, build, usePilotVersion=None):
        Prepares a version for installation.
        If a version is already prepared, raises InstallException().

        usePilotVersion: If != None, sets pilot version to be used instead of auto-selecting.
        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(version=%s, build=%s) called", version_, build)

        if self._stateManager.getReadyVersion() != None:
            msg="prepare(): A version is ready"
            raise InstallException(msg)

        if build == kFakeBuildNumber:
            msg="prepare(): Invalid build number. Build '%s' is reserved for fake builds" % kFakeBuildNumber
            raise InstallException(msg)

        newVersion=self.combineVersion(version_, build)

        self._log("prepare").info("Creating pilot for new version %s", newVersion)
        (newVersionPilot, newVersionPs) = self._createPilot(newVersion, newVersion)
        self._log("prepare").info("Creating pilot for active version %s", activeVersion)
        (activeVersionPilot, activeVersionPs) = self._createPilot(activeVersion, newVersion)

        # Teach each pilot services about the other pilot

        if usePilotVersion != None:
            self._log("prepare").info("Creating pilot for version %s, manually selected", usePilotVersion)
            if (usePilotVersion != newVersion) and (usePilotVersion != activeVersion):
                msg="Manually selected pilot should be one of %s or %s, not %s" % (newVersion, activeVersion, usePilotVersion)
                self._log("prepare").error("prepare(): %s", msg)
                raise InstallException(msg)
            self._log("prepare").info("Running pilot selection")
            # old pilot selection logic uses 'selectPilot'
            # new pilot selection logic uses 'getPilotGeneration'
            # If new version pilot supports new logic, use it.
            # If new version pilot does not support new logic, then this is downgrade, we choose our pilot.
            if hasattr(newVersionPilot, "getPilotGeneration"):
                self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): pilot selection: newVersion=%s, activeVersion=%s, newPilotGeneration=%s, activePilotGeneration=%s",
                                          newVersion, activeVersion, newPilotGeneration, activePilotGeneration)
                if newPilotGeneration > activePilotGeneration:
                    selectedVersion = newVersion
                elif newPilotGeneration < activePilotGeneration:
                    selectedVersion = activeVersion
                else:   # Pilot generations are equal, choose according to version numbers
                    selectedVersion=self._selectLatestVersion(newVersion, activeVersion)
            else: # Downgrading, choose our pilot
                selectedVersion = activeVersion

        if selectedVersion == newVersion:
            pilot = newVersionPilot
        elif selectedVersion == activeVersion:
            pilot = activeVersionPilot
            msg="Bad pilot: newVersion=%s, activeVersion=%s, selectedVersion=%s" % (newVersion, activeVersion, selectedVersion)
            self._log("prepare").error("prepare(): pilot selection: %s", msg)
            raise InstallException(msg)

        # Version is selected, We have a pilot, let's take off
        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): Selected pilot version is %s", selectedVersion)

        self._stateManager.setPilotName(newVersion, selectedVersion)

        rpm = self._createRpmForActiveRfs()
        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): Installed RPMs before prepare() are: %s", installedRpmsBefore)

        # As last, Run pilot 'prepare' function !

        # Pilot is executed in try block. In case of failure, we clear pilot name.
        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): running pilot...")
            # Old pilots do not have doPrepare2(), but we should never call old pilots from new code,
            # because the active version pilot should win.
            pilot.doPrepare2(newVersion, newVersionPilot, activeVersionPilot)
            self._stateManager.setPilotName(newVersion, None)

        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): Installed RPMs after prepare() are: %s", installedRpmsBefore)
        newRpms = sorted(list(set(installedRpmsAfter)-set(installedRpmsBefore)))

        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): New RPMs: %s", newRpms)
        self._stateManager.setRpmsToRemoveOnRemoval(newVersion, newRpms)

        # Pilot prepare went ok - time to mark this version as 'ready' !
        self._log("prepare").info("prepare(): pilot did good, marking version as ready")

    def cancel (self, version_, build):
        self._log("cancel").info("cancel(version=%s, build=%s) called", version_, build)

        versionCombined = self.combineVersion(version_, build)
        versionState = self._stateManager.getVersionState(versionCombined)
        if (versionState != StateManager.kStateReady):
            msg = "cancel(): Version %s is not ready, it is in state '%s'" % (versionCombined, versionState)
            raise InstallException(msg)

        self._log("cancel").info("Creating pilot for version %s", versionCombined)
        (pilot,_)=self._createPilot(self._stateManager.getPilotName(versionCombined), versionCombined)
        if hasattr(pilot, "hookCancelBeforeRemove"):
            self._log("cancel").info("Calling pilot hookCancelBeforeRemove()")

        rpmsToRemove = self._stateManager.getRpmsToRemoveOnRemoval(versionCombined)
        rpm = self._createRpmForActiveRfs()
        self._log("cancel").info("Removing rpms: %s", rpmsToRemove)
        if len(rpmsToRemove):
            rpm.doRemove(" ".join(rpmsToRemove))

        if hasattr(pilot, "hookCancelAfterRemove"):
            self._log("cancel").info("Calling pilot hookCancelAfterRemove()")

        self._log("cancel").info("Changing state of version %s to 'on-disk'", versionCombined)

    def switch (self, version_, build):
        version_, build are parameters of the ready version

        On success, returns pilot doSwitch() return code.
        On failure, raises something
        self._log("switch-called").info("switch(version=%s, build=%s) called", version_, build)
        versionCombined = self.combineVersion(version_, build)
        versionState = self._stateManager.getVersionState(versionCombined)
        if (versionState != StateManager.kStateReady):
            msg = "cancel(): Version %s is not ready, it is in state '%s'" % (versionCombined, versionState)
            raise InstallException(msg)

        self._log("switch").info("switch() creating pilot for version %s", versionCombined)
        (pilot,_)=self._createPilot(pilotName, versionCombined)

        self._log("switch").info("switch() forgetting things to remove on removal for version %s", versionCombined)
        self._stateManager.setSubPkgsToRemoveOnRemoval(versionCombined, None)
        self._stateManager.setRpmsToRemoveOnRemoval(versionCombined, None)

        # Get params needed to determine which user-log message to emit, and emit it
        switchType = self._stateManager.getSwitchType(versionCombined)
        installDirection = self._stateManager.getInstallDirection(versionCombined)
        self._log("switch").info("switch() got switchType='%s', installDirection='%s'", switchType, installDirection)

        if (switchType == "OS Restart") and (installDirection == "upgrade"):
            a.infra.process.logUserMessage(a.api.user_log.msg.install.OsUpgrade(activeVersion, versionCombined))
        elif (switchType == "OS Restart") and (installDirection == "downgrade"):
            a.infra.process.logUserMessage(a.api.user_log.msg.install.OsDowngrade(activeVersion, versionCombined))
        elif (switchType == "Application Restart") and (installDirection == "upgrade"):
            a.infra.process.logUserMessage(a.api.user_log.msg.install.AppUpgrade(activeVersion, versionCombined))
        elif (switchType == "Application Restart") and (installDirection == "downgrade"):
            a.infra.process.logUserMessage(a.api.user_log.msg.install.AppDowngrade(activeVersion, versionCombined))

        self._log("switch").info("switch() calling pilot doSwitch(%s)", versionCombined)

        # Returned value from pilot should signal caller something (Probably exit code).
        ret = pilot.doSwitch(versionCombined)

        # State is now locked. Let's check it, in case pilot was sloppy.
        if not self._stateManager.isLocked():
            msg="ERROR: switch() expecting state to be locked after pilot doSwitch()"
            raise InstallException(msg)

        return ret

    def verify (self):
        Verifies all installed RPMs.
        Returns list of problems, empty list if OK
        self._log("verify-called").info("verify() called")
        problems = rpm.doVerifyAllInstalled()
        self._log("verify-returning").info("verify() returning %s", problems)
        # We skip problems about some files which normally change after being installed
        filteredProblems = []
        for problem in problems:
            # /etc and /var files onbviously should not be checked
            if " /etc/" in problem:
            if " /var/" in problem:
            # .ini and .cfg files in /opt/dell seem to be changing
            if (" /opt/dell/" in problem) and (problem.endswith(".ini") or problem.endswith(".cfg")):
            # .pyc files in Oscar seem to be changing
            if (" /opt/qb/rpms/oscar-" in problem) and problem.endswith(".pyc"):
            # We over-ride firmware files when upgrading the kernel
            if " /lib/firmware/" in problem:
            # Handle a few specific files
            if (" /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli" in problem) or (" /root/.bash_profile" in problem):
        return filteredProblems

    def getRpmsDir (self):
        return self._rpmsDir

    def getAppDir (self):
        return self._appDir

    def getAppNextDir (self):
        return self._appDir+".next"

    def getAppPrevDir (self):
        return self._appDir+".prev"

    def getAppDirReal (self):
        return self._appDirReal

    def getBootDevPath (self):
        return self._bootDevPath

    def getGrubConf (self):
        return self._grubConf

    def getVitalDir (self):
        return self._vitalDir

    def getSubPkgManager (self):
        return self._subPkgManager

    def debugSetNoInstallMode (self):
        self._log("debug-no-install-mode").notice("debugSetNoInstallMode() called, NO RPMS WILL BE INSTALLED")

    def unit_test_ExtractPackageFile (self, fileName):

    def unit_test_InstallPilot (self, version_, build):
        versionCombined=self.combineVersion(version_, build)

    def unit_test_InstallRpm (self, name):
        self._log("debug-install-rpm").info("debugInstallRpm(): installing %s", name)
        if not self._debugNoInstallMode:

    def unit_test_GetInstallTempDir (self):
        """Helper for unit tests"""
        return self._installTempDir

    def unit_test_GetStateFile (self):
        """Helper for unit tests"""
        self._log("get-state-file").info("unit_test_GetStateFile(): returning %s", self._stateFile)
        return self._stateFile

    def _initPlatformBasic (self):
        self._log("init-platform-basic").info("initializing the platform-basic")
        self._platformBasic = a.infra.process.getPlatformBasicDataOrCrash()

    def _initSdUtils (self):
        self._log("init-sd-utils").info("initializing the sd-utils")        
        self._sdUtils = SdUtils(self._log)

    def _initBootUtils (self):
        self._log("init-boot-utils").info("initializing the boot-utils")
        self._bootUtils = BootUtils.s_getFromOsefOrCrash(a.infra.process.getOsef())

    def _installPilot(self, versionCombined):
        pilotPackageName = self.calcPilotName(versionCombined)
        self._log("install-pilot").info("_installPilot(): pilotPackageName=%s", pilotPackageName)
        if not self._debugNoInstallMode:

    def _createPilot (self, versionCombined, newVersionCombined):
        Returns (pilot, pilotServices)

        versionCombined - name of pilot to create
        newVersionCombined - name of version being installed ('v-b')
        self._log("create-pilot").info("_createPilot() called, versionCombined = %s", versionCombined)
        pilotRpmDirName = self.calcPilotName(versionCombined)
        pilotDirName = os.path.join(self._rpmsDir, pilotRpmDirName)
        pilotFileName = os.path.join(pilotDirName, "")
        self._log("create-pilot").info("_createPilot(): pilotFileName = %s", pilotFileName)
        if not os.path.exists(pilotFileName):
            self._log("create-pilot").error("_createPilot() Could not find pilot file %s", pilotFileName)
            raise InstallException("Could not find pilot file %s" % pilotFileName)

        # Keep a copy of sys.path
            self._log("create-pilot").info("_createPilot(): about to import, sys.path=%s", sys.path)
            import pilot
            self._log("create-pilot").error("_createPilot(): Got exception when importing and creating pilot")
            # Restore old sys.path
            self._log("create-pilot").info("_createPilot(): Restored sys.path to %s", sys.path)

        self._log("create-pilot").info("_createPilot(): creating pilot services, pilotDirName=%s", pilotDirName)
        pilotServices=self._createPilotServices(versionCombined, pilotDirName, newVersionCombined)
        self._log("create-pilot-returning").info("_createPilot() returning pilot")
        return (p, pilotServices)

    def calcPilotName (self, versionCombined):
        pilotName="pilot-%s-%s" % (self._product, versionCombined)
        return pilotName

    def _isPackageSigned (self, fileName):
        Checks that an RPM file is a signed
        return rpm.doValidateRpm(fileName)

    def combineVersion (self, version_, build):
        """Combines version and build into a single string "v-b". version and buil cannot contain '-' chars. """
        if version_.find("-") != -1:
            self._log("combine-version-bad").error("combineVersion() got version='%s', invalid", version_)
            raise InstallException("combineVersion(): bad version '%s'" % version_)
        if build.find("-") != -1:
            self._log("combine-version-bad").error("combineVersion() got build='%s', invalid", build)
            raise InstallException("combineVersion(): bad build '%s'" % build)
        return version_+"-"+build

    def splitVersion (self, versionCombined, raiseIfInvalid=False):
        Splits versionCombined into a version and a build. versionCombined must contain exactly 1 '-' char. 
        Returns (version, build), or (None, None) if versionCombined is invalid
        if raiseIfInvalid is True, then instead of returning (None, None), raises InstallException
        if versionCombined.count("-") != 1:
            self._log("version-split-bad").error("splitVersion() got '%s', cannot split", versionCombined)
            if raiseIfInvalid:
                raise InstallException("splitVersion(): bad versionCombined '%s'" % versionCombined)
            return (None, None)
        (version_,build) = versionCombined.split("-")
        return (version_,build)

    def _createPilotServices (self, pilotVersion, pilotDir, newVersionCombined): 
        self._log("create-pilot-services").info("_createPilotServices(): Called, pilotVersion = %s, newVersionCombined = %s", 
                                                pilotVersion, newVersionCombined)

        self._log("create-pilot-services").info("_createPilotServices(): creating yum.conf for active RFS and yum.conf "\
                                                "for new version %s", newVersionCombined)


        self._log("create-pilot-services").info("_createPilotServices(): got yum.conf at %s, yum.conf for new versiom only at %s", 
                                                yumConfActiveRfs, yumConfNewVersionOnly)
        pilotServices=PilotServices(self._log, self._stateManager, self, pilotVersion, pilotDir, self._logDir, self._workDir, self._apiDir,
                                    self._startupScriptsDir, rpmActiveRfs, yumActiveRfs, yumConfActiveRfs, yumConfNewVersionOnly,
                                    self._prevRfsDir, self._sdUtils, self._bootUtils)
        return pilotServices 

    def _createRpmForActiveRfs (self):
        rpm.setRoot(self._systemRoot, useFakeChrootMode=self._useFakeChrootMode)
        return rpm

    def _createYumWithAllRepos (self, repoFilter=None):
        Returns a yum object configured to see all repos

        if repoFilter != None, yum is configured to see only repos which contain the subs-string repoFilter:

        self._log("create-yum-with-all-repos").info("createYumWithAllRepos() called, repoFilter=%s", repoFilter)
        if self._useFakeChrootMode:
            yum=Yum(self._log, self._tempDir.replace(self._systemRoot, ""))
            yum.setRoot(self._systemRoot, useFakeChrootMode=True)
            yum=Yum(self._log, os.path.join(self._tempDir, "yum"))
        self._subPkgManager.addReposToYum(yum, repoFilter)
        return yum

    def _chopLeadingSlashIfFound (self, path_):
        if path_.startswith('/'):
            return path_[1:]
        return path_

    def _selectLatestVersion(self, version1, version2):
        # Split versions to version name and build number
        self._log("select-latest-version").info("_selectLatestVersion() called, version1=%s, version2=%s", version1, version2)

        # Versions must look like this: "v-b"

        if len(vb1) != 2:
            raise InstallException("Invalid version number: %s is invalid" % version1)
        if len(vb2) != 2:
            raise InstallException("Invalid version number: %s is invalid" % version2)


        # A version is official if it is made from numbers and dots only
        ver1IsOfficial=bool(re.match(onlyDigitsAndDots, version1))
        ver2IsOfficial=bool(re.match(onlyDigitsAndDots, version2))

        # Official versions beat private versions
        if ver1IsOfficial != ver2IsOfficial:
            if ver1IsOfficial:
                return version1
            return version2

        # Now we have either two official versions, or two private versions.
        if ver1 != ver2:
            # Versions are not identical. Split version into elements
            # Numerically compare the numbers, as long as both versions have them
            minLen=min(len1, len2)
            for i in range(minLen):
                # Both version elements are the same ? no need to compare
                if v1[i] == v2[i]:
                # Need to compare version elements. Convert to integers.
                    # Not an integer ? Cannot compare. Choose first version arbitrarily
                    return version1
                # Different numbers ? We have a winner !
                if ve1<ve2:
                    return version2
                if ve1>ve2:
                    return version1
                # Note that we may get here despite the 'if' that prevented comparing the same strings.
                # For example, 04 and 4 are the same.
            # Out of the loop with no decision ? Let's see if the version lengths want to talk
            # Longer length wins: is 'later' than 2.1.0

            if len1<len2:
                return version2
            if len1>len2:
                return version1

            # If we are here, then versions are not identical, but all their components are the same
            # AND they are the same length ? This could happen with versions like 2.04 vs 2.4.
            # Choose arbitrarily
            return version1

        # Versions are the same. We need to decide based on build numbers
        # Make sure build number is an integer
            raise InstallException("Invalid build number: Both '%s' and '%s' should be numeric" % (b1, b2))

        # Decide according to the build number
        if b1n<b2n:
            return version2
        return version1

    def _raiseIfVersionActiveOrReady(self, versionCombined):
        # Do not allow adding an existing version
        if curState == StateManager.kStateActive:
            self._log("add-existing-version").error("_raiseIfVersionActiveOrReady() Found existing active version '%s'", versionCombined)
            raise InstallException("Version %s is the currently active version" % versionCombined)
        if curState == StateManager.kStateReady:
            self._log("add-existing-version").error("_raiseIfVersionActiveOrReady() Found existing ready version '%s'", versionCombined)
            raise InstallException("Version %s is already ready" % versionCombined)

    def _raiseIfAbsPath (self, pathToCheck, name):
        if pathToCheck.startswith(os.path.sep):
            raise ValueError("Parameter '%s' must not start with '/', value given is '%s'" % (name, pathToCheck))

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath (self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith(os.path.sep):
            raise ValueError("Parameter '%s' must start with '/', value given is '%s'" % (name, pathToCheck))
Esempio n. 9
class SubPkgManager(object):

    def __init__ (self, logger):

    def setDirs (self, rootDir, subPkgDir, subPkgTempDir, rpmKeysDir, useFakeChrootMode=False):
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(subPkgDir, "subPkgDir")
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(subPkgTempDir, "subPkgTempDir")
        self.infoDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, "info")

        # During first install, sub-packages dir may not exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.subPkgDir):
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self.subPkgDir)

    def findVersionInFile (self, product, r2pmFile):
        Expects an r2pm file with exactly one sub-pkg called 'qb-VVV-BBB'.
        File must be below root dir

        Returns version found in r2pm file (i.e. the string VVV-BBB).
        If not exactly one such sub-pkg is found, returns None (="Invalid package file")

        self._log("find-version-called").info("findVersionInFile() called, product=%s, r2pmFile=%s", product, r2pmFile)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(r2pmFile, "r2pmFile")

        # Find version
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            rpm.setRoot(self.rootDir, self.useFakeChrootMode)

        self._log("find-version-files").info("findVersionInFile(): files=%s", files)
        for file_ in files:
            if mo != None:
        if count_ != 1:
            self._log("find-version-bad-count").error("findVersionInFile(): File %s has %s sub-pkgs called "
                                                       "'%s-...', should have exactly one", r2pmFile, count_, product)
            return None
        return version_

    def add (self, r2pmFile=None, httpRepo=None, packageName=None):
        Adds sub-packages, either from a r2pm file or from an http repo.
        To install from file:
        r2pmFile : file name

        To install from an http repo:
        httpRepo : repo address
        packageName : Name of package containing the sub-packages

        Returns a tuple (subPkgs, subPkgstoRemove).
        subPkgs: list of sub-pkgs included in this version. 
        subPkgstoRemove: list of new sub-pkgs (Replaced sub-pkgs are not included in that list). These sub-pkgs
        will be removed if 'prepare' operation is canceled

        self._log("add-called").info("add() called, r2pmFile=%s, httpRepo=%s, packageName=%s", r2pmFile, httpRepo, packageName)

        # Check that our input makes sense
        if (r2pmFile == None) == (httpRepo == None):
            msg = "add(): bad parameters, must use either r2pmFile or httpRepo"
            raise InstallException(msg)

        if r2pmFile != None:
            self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(r2pmFile, "r2pmFile")
            if packageName == None:
                msg = "add(): bad parameters, httpRepo must come with packageName"
                raise InstallException(msg)

        # Clean the temp dir and create it
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            # In ut fakechroot mode we do not remove this, because this dir has chroot soft links
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p "+self.subPkgTempDir)

        # Import RPM public keys
        # In unit tests, it is impossible to get keys from outside of the chroot. Instead, the test does rpm --import
        # in this chroot for us.
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            for keyFile in os.listdir(self.rpmKeysDir):
                rpm.doImport(os.path.join(self.rpmKeysDir, keyFile))

        # Check space - must have at least 4GB free
        if availableSize < 4e9:
            raise InstallException("Internal error: Not enough space on system disk")

        # Read all existing sub-pkgs
        self._log("add-sub-pkg").info("add(): Found old sub-pkgs %s", oldInfoDict)

        # Create temp dir for yum (for config file and such)
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            yumTempDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, "tmp")

        # Extract r2pm into temp dir
            if r2pmFile != None:
                # Install from file
                if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
                    # In CentOS6.2, package files must end with '.rpm'
                    if not r2pmNameToYum.endswith('.rpm'):
                        r2pmNameToYum=os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, 'package.rpm')
                        self._log("add-sub-pkg-copy").info("add(): Copying %s to %s to have a file name that ends with .rpm", r2pmFile, r2pmNameToYum)
                        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp -f %s %s" % (r2pmFile, r2pmNameToYum))

                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp "+r2pmFile+" "+self.subPkgTempDir)
                yum=Yum(self._log, yumTempDir)
                yum.setRoot(self.subPkgTempDir, useFakeChrootMode=self.useFakeChrootMode)
                if removeFile:
                    self._log("add-sub-pkg-remove").info("add(): Removing file that was copied")
                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -f %s" % r2pmNameToYum)
                # Install from http repo
                yum=Yum(self._log, yumTempDir)
                yum.setRoot(self.subPkgTempDir, useFakeChrootMode=self.useFakeChrootMode)
                yum.addHttpRepo("network", httpRepo)

            # Now, move/replace new sub-pkgs into subPkgDir.
            # We do this according to a very specific sequence, so that in case we abort in the middle (power failure or whatever),
            # A call to TBD() will restore things the way they were before this operation
            # Todo(orens): TBD -> Real function
            # Sequence is:
            # 1. Copy all existing sub-packages to self.subPkgTempDir, except for those found there already (i.e. new copy
            #    is better tahn old copy)
            # 2. Rename self.subPkgDir with a '.tmp' suffix
            # 3. Rename self.subPkgTempDir to become self.subPkgDir
            # 4. Remove self.subPkgDir + '.tmp'

            # System is always stable, excelt for the split-second between 2 and 3.

            # Read list of new sub-packages
            newInfoDict=self._readInfoFiles(os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, "info"))
            self._log("add-sub-pkg").info("add(): Found new sub-pkgs %s", newInfoDict)

            # Sanity-check the new info: Make sure new sub-pkgs have all the data we need in their .info files
            for subPkg in newSubPkgs:
                if not 'dir' in info:
                    self._log("add-bad-info-dir").error("add(): sub-pkg %s info does not have 'dir'", subPkg)
                    return None
                infoDirPath=os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, info['dir'])
                if not os.path.isdir(infoDirPath):
                    self._log("add-missing-dir").error("add(): sub-pkg %s info has 'dir'->%s, does not exist", 
                                                                 subPkg, infoDirPath)
                    return None
                if not 'name' in info:
                    self._log("add-bad-info-name").error("add(): sub-pkg %s info does not have 'name'", subPkg)
                    return None
                if info['name'] != subPkg:
                    self._log("add-bad-name").error("add(): sub-pkg %s info has 'name'=%s, should be identical", 
                                                              subPkg, info['name'])
                    return None

            # Step 1: Copy all old sub-packages, which are not found in the new dir, to the new dir
            for subPkg in oldSubPkgs:
                if subPkg not in newSubPkgs:
                    oldInfoFile=self._getInfoFileName(self.subPkgDir, subPkg)
                    newInfoFile=self._getInfoFileName(self.subPkgTempDir, subPkg)
                    oldSubPkgDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, oldInfoDict[subPkg]['dir'])
                    newSubPkgDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, oldInfoDict[subPkg]['dir'])
                    if os.path.exists(newSubPkgDir):
                        self._log("add-bad-name").error("add(): old sub-pkg %s not found in new sub-packages, but %s exists", 
                                                        subPkg, newSubPkgDir)
                        return None
                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp -vpf %s %s" % (oldInfoFile, newInfoFile))
                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp -vrpf %s %s" % (oldSubPkgDir, newSubPkgDir))
            # Steps 2-4: Copy all old sub-packages, which are not found in the new dir, to the new dir
            tmpOldName = self.subPkgDir+'.tmp'
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mv -vf %s %s" % (self.subPkgDir, tmpOldName))
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mv -vf %s %s" % (self.subPkgTempDir, self.subPkgDir))
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -vrf %s" % (tmpOldName))

            # Remove the install-temp directory, no sense in leaving it here

        # oldInfoDict.keys() holds the list of subPkgs before the install. Let's find out what was added.

        # Sorting makes it easy on unit tests :-)
        return (sorted(newSubPkgs), addedSubPkgs)

    def removeSubPackages (self, subPackages):
        Removes a set of existing sub-pkgs
        self._log("remove-sub-packages").info("removeSubPackages() called, subPackages=%s", subPackages)
        for subPkg in subPackages:
            if not subPkg in infoDict:
                self._log("remove-sub-packages").error("removeSubPackages(): sub-package %s not found", subPkg)
            subPkgDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, infoDict[subPkg]['dir'])
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -rf %s" % subPkgDir)
            infoFileName=self._getInfoFileName(self.subPkgDir, subPkg)
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm %s" % infoFileName)

    def addReposToYum (self, yum, repoFilter=None):
        self._log("add-repos-to-yum").info("addReposToYum() called, repoFilter=%s", repoFilter)
        for info in infoDict.keys():
            if infoData['type'] == 'repository':
                repoDir=os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, infoData['dir'])
                if (repoFilter is None) or (repoName.find(repoFilter) != -1):
                    self._log("add-repos-to-yum").info("addReposToYum(): Adding repoDir=%s", repoDir)
                    yum.addDiskRepo(repoName, repoDir)

    def getSubPkgs (self):
        return self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)

    def getSubPkgsDir (self):
        return self.subPkgDir

    def _getFilePathFromRoot (self, r2pmFile):
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            return r2pmFile

        if r2pmFile.startswith(self.rootDir):
            return r2pmFile[len(self.rootDir):]
        raise ValueError("File %s not in root dir %s" % (r2pmFile, self.rootDir))

    def _readInfoFiles (self, fromDir):
        Returns a dict of all info files found in fromDir.
        For each file <fromDir>/ X is key, value is a dict with the content of the info file

        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(fromDir, "fromDir")

        # No directory ? No sub-pkgs !
        if not os.path.exists(fromDir):
            return {}

        for file_ in files:
            if mo != None:
                ret[subPkg]=self._readInfoFile(os.path.join(fromDir, file_))
        return ret
    def _readInfoFile (self, infoFileName):
        self._log("read-info-file").info("_readInfoFile(): Info file %s has text %s", infoFileName, text)
        return json.loads(text)

    def _getInfoFileName (self, root, subPkg):
        return os.path.join(root, "info", subPkg+".info")

    def _cleanTempDir (self):
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -rf "+self.subPkgTempDir)

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath (self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("%s must start with '/', value given is '%s'" % (name, pathToCheck))
Esempio n. 10
class PilotServices(object):
    # NOTE: ALL public funcs are part of the pilot API, changes must be considered carefully  !
    #       Better not to change anything, only add
    def __init__(self, logger, stateManager, installManager, pilotVersion,
                 pilotDir, logDir, workDir, apiDir, startupScriptsDir,
                 rpmActiveRfs, yumActiveRfs, yumConfForActiveRfs,
                 yumConfForNewVersionOnly, prevRfsDir, sdUtils, bootUtils):
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "pilot-services")
        self._utils = Utils(self._log)
        self._stateManager = stateManager
        self._installManager = installManager
        self._pilotVersion = pilotVersion
        self._pilotDir = pilotDir
        self._logDir = logDir
        self._workDir = workDir
        self._apiDir = apiDir
        self._startupScriptsDir = startupScriptsDir
        self._rpmActiveRfs = rpmActiveRfs
        self._yumActiveRfs = yumActiveRfs
        self._yumConfForActiveRfs = yumConfForActiveRfs
        self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly = yumConfForNewVersionOnly
        self._debugNoInstallMode = False
        self._otherPilot = None
        self._pilotHints = None
        self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
        self._sdUtils = sdUtils
        self._bootUtils = bootUtils

    def debugSetNoInstallMode(self):
        self._debugNoInstallMode = True

    def setOtherPilot(self, otherPilot):
        """NOT FOR USE BY PILOT !!!"""
        self._otherPilot = otherPilot

    def setPilotHints(self, hints):
        """NOT FOR USE BY PILOT !!!"""
        self._pilotHints = hints

    def logInfo(self, msg):
        """Logs an info message"""

    def logWarning(self, msg):
        """Logs a warning message"""

    def logError(self, msg):
        """Logs an error message"""

    def raiseException(self, msg):
        """Raises an exception to abort current pilot operation with an error"""

        self._log("raise-exception").info("raiseException() called,  msg = %s",
        raise InstallException(msg)

    def getPilotHints(self):
        """Returns the pilot hints, None if none"""
        return self._pilotHints

    def getStateManager(self):
        return self._stateManager

    def getPilotVersion(self):
        """Returns Version of pilot being serviced"""

            "getPilotVersion() called,  returning %s", self._pilotVersion)
        return self._pilotVersion

    def getPilotDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to pilot directory, for use by pilot to access other files"""

        self._log("get-pilot-dir").info("getPilotDir() called,  returning %s",
        return self._pilotDir

    def getOtherPilot(self):
        """Returns the other pilot. Use this only during prepare() !!!"""
        return self._otherPilot

    def getSubPackages(self):
        Returns a dict of all sub-packages installed.
        For each sub-package: sub-package name is key, value is a dict with the content of the info file of the sub-package
        self._log("get-sub-packages").info("getSubPackages() called")
        return self._installManager.getSubPkgManager().getSubPkgs()

    def getSubPkgsDir(self):
        """Returns the directory in which all sub-packages are installed"""
        self._log("get-sub-packages-dir").info("getSubPkgsDir() called")
        return self._installManager.getSubPkgManager().getSubPkgsDir()

    def getBootDevPath(self):
        """Returns the path to the boot device"""
        bd = self._installManager.getBootDevPath()
            "getBootDevPath() called, returning %s", bd)
        return bd

    def getVitalDir(self):
        """Returns the path to the vital dir"""
        vd = self._installManager.getVitalDir()
        self._log("get-vital-dir").info("getVitalDir() called, returning %s",
        return vd

    def getGrubConf(self):
        """Returns the name of the grub.conf file"""
        gc = self._installManager.getGrubConf()
        self._log("get-grub-conf").info("getGrubConf() called, returning %s",
        return gc

    def getAppDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to app directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getAppDir() called")
        appDir = self._installManager.getAppDir()
        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getAppDir() returning %s", appDir)
        return appDir

    def getAppDirReal(self):
        """Returns absolute path to real app directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir-real").info("getAppDirReal() called")
        appDirReal = self._installManager.getAppDirReal()
        self._log("get-app-dir-real").info("getAppDirReal() returning %s",
        return appDirReal

    def getRpmsDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to rpms directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getRpmsDir() called")
        rpmsDir = self._installManager.getRpmsDir()
        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getRpmsDir() returning %s", rpmsDir)
        return rpmsDir

    def getLogDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to log directory, for use by pilot to create log files"""

        self._log("get-log-dir").info("getLogDir() called,  returning %s",
        return self._logDir

    def getWorkDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to work directory, for use by pilot to create scripts and such"""

        self._log("get-work-dir").info("getWorkDir() called,  returning %s",
        return self._workDir

    def getApiDir(self):
        """Returns absolute path to api directory, for use by pilot to store information available to other modules/processes"""

        self._log("get-api-dir").info("getApiDir() called,  returning %s",
        return self._apiDir

    def getStartupScriptsDir(self):
        Returns absolute path to startup scripts directory, for use by pilot to create scripts executed 
        by oscar on the next system start

            "getStartupScriptsDir() called,  returning %s",
        return self._startupScriptsDir

    def getPrevRfsDir(self):
            "getPrevRfsDir() called,  returning %s", self._prevRfsDir)
        return self._prevRfsDir

    def getSdUtils(self):
            "getSdUtils() called,  returning object %s", self._sdUtils)
        return self._sdUtils

    def getBootUtils(self):
            "getBootUtils() called,  returning object %s", self._bootUtils)
        return self._bootUtils

    def getPreparedPackageFilePath(self):
        fp = self._installManager.getPreparedPackageFilePath()
            "getPreparedPackageFilePath() called,  returning object %s", fp)
        return fp

    def rpmListRequiresActiveRfs(self, package):
        Gets list of required capabilities of a package installed in the active RFS. 
        package: Package name

        Returns List of tuples: (capName, capCondition, capVersion)
            "rpmListRequiredActiveRfs() called, package=%s", package)
        ret = self._rpmActiveRfs.doListRequires(package)
            "rpmListRequiredActiveRfs() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def yumTestInstallActiveRfs(self, packages):
        Test-Install a set of packages on the active RFS. 
        packages: A space-separated string of package names

        Returns True if OK, False if not
            "yumTestInstallActiveRfs() called,  packages=%s", packages)
        ret = self._yumActiveRfs.doTestInstall(packages)
            "yumTestInstallActiveRfs() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def yumInstallActiveRfs(self, packages):
        Installs a set of packages on the active RFS. 
        packages: A space-separated string of package names
            "yumInstallActiveRfs() called,  packages=%s", packages)
        if not self._debugNoInstallMode:
            "yumInstallActiveRfs() done")

    def getYumConfigFileActiveRfs(self):
        Gets the name of a yum config file, configured for all current repositories (found in sub-packages)
            "getYumConfigFileActiveRfs() called, returning %s",
        return self._yumConfForActiveRfs

    def getYumConfigFileNewVersionOnly(self):
        Gets the name of a yum config file, configured for one repository: The one that came with the currently installed version
            "getYumConfigFileNewVersionOnly() called, returning %s",
        return self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly

    def getAvailableSize(self, path_):
        Returns available size in bytes on a given path
        self._log("get-avail-size").info("getAvailableSize() called, path=%s",
        return self._utils.getAvailableSize(path_)

    def hook_runYumActiveRfs(self, command):
        """Emergency use only. Allows pilot to run any yum command"""

            "hook_runYumActiveRfs() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._rpmActiveRfs._runRpm(command)
            "hook_runYumActiveRfs() returning rc=%s, outText=%s, errText=%s",
            rc, outText, errText)
        return (rc, outText, errText)

    def hook_runRpmActiveRfs(self, command):
        """Emergency use only. Allows pilot to run any rpm command"""

            "hook_runRpmActiveRfs() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._yumActiveRfs._runYum(command)
            "hook_runRpmActiveRfs() returning rc=%s, outText=%s, errText=%s",
            rc, outText, errText)
        return (rc, outText, errText)

    def hook_runCommand(self, command):
        Allows pilot to run any command.
        Returns (rc, outText, errText)

            "hook_runCommand() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._utils.runCommand(command)
            "hook_runCommand() returning rc=%s", rc)
        return (rc, outText, errText)
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__ (self, logger):
Esempio n. 12
class Rpm(object):
    def __init__ (self, logger):

    def setRoot (self, rootDir, useFakeChrootMode=False):
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rootDir, "rootDir")

    def doImport (self, keyPath):
        Imports a public key (from an armoured ascii file) into the RPM db

        self._log("do-import-called").info("doImport(%s) called", keyPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(keyPath, "keyPath")
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--import "+keyPath)

    def doValidateRpm (self, rpmPath):
        Checks that a given RPM file is properly signed
        Returns True if file is properly signed

        self._log("do-validate-rpm-called").info("doValidateRpm(%s) called", rpmPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        (rc,outText,_)=self._runRpm("--checksig "+rpmPath)
        if rc != 0:
            self._log("do-validate-rpm-called").warning("doValidateRpm(%s): rpm returned %s", rpmPath, rc)
            return False
        if"rsa ", outText) == None:
            self._log("do-validate-rpm-called").warning("doValidateRpm(%s): rpm output is '%s', no 'rsa ' found", rpmPath, outText)
            return False
        if" pgp ", outText) == None:
            self._log("do-validate-rpm-called").warning("doValidateRpm(%s): rpm output is '%s', no ' gpg ' found", rpmPath, outText)
            return False
        return True

    def doVerifyAllInstalled (self):
        Verifies all install packages, comparing files on disk against md5sums remembered from package. 
        Returns list of strings with problems. If no problems, returns empty string

        self._log("do-verify-all-installed-called").info("doVerifyAllInstalled() called")
        cmd=" --verify --all"

        # --nomode is required due to the fakeroot thing used for unit testing: a file with -r--r--r-- permissions
        # inside the RPM is generated as a -rw-r--r-- file when installed
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            cmd=cmd+" --nomode"
        (rc, outText, _)=self._runRpm(cmd)
        if rc==0:
            return []
        return filter(lambda x: x.strip() != "", outText.split('\n'))

    def isInstalled (self, package):
        self._log("is-installed-called").info("isInstalled(%s) called", package)
        (rc,outText,errText)=self._runRpm("-q "+package)
        if (rc==1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return False
        if rc==0:
            return True
        raise RuntimeError("RPM command 'rpm -q %s' failed" % package)

    def doInstall (self, rpmPath):
        self._log("do-install-called").info("doInstall(%s) called", rpmPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--install "+rpmPath)

    def doRemove (self, package):
        self._log("do-remove-called").info("doRemove(%s) called", package)
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--erase "+package)

    def doListFiles (self, rpmPath):
        """Returns a list of files in an RPM file"""
        self._log("do-list-files-called").info("doListFiles(%s) called", rpmPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        (outText,errText)=self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qpl "+rpmPath)
        self._log("do-list-files-returning").info("doListFiles(%s) returning '%s'", rpmPath, files)
        return sorted(files)

    def doListRequires (self, package):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package should be installed.
        If package is not installed, returns an empty list
        List is made of (capName, capCondition, capVersion) tuples: 
          capName is name of capability
          capCondition is the '=', '<=' string, or None if no condition was specified
          capVersion is the required version, or None if no condition was specified
        self._log("do-list-requires-called").info("doListRequires(%s) called", package)
        (rc, outText, errText)=self._runRpm("-q --requires "+package)
        if (rc==1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return []
        self._log("do-list-requires-returning").info("doListRequires(%s) returning '%s'", package, ret)
        return ret

    def doListRequiresFile (self, rpmFile):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package is an RPM file.
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
        self._log("do-list-requires-file-called").info("doListRequiresFile(%s) called", rpmFile)
        (outText, errText)=self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qp --requires "+rpmFile)
        self._log("do-list-requires-file-returning").info("doListRequiresFile(%s) returning '%s'", rpmFile, ret)
        return ret

    def doListProvides (self, package):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package provides. Package should be installed.
        If package is not installed, returns an empty list
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
        self._log("do-list-provides-called").info("doListProvides(%s) called", package)
        (rc, outText, errText)=self._runRpm("-q --provides "+package)
        if (rc==1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return []
        self._log("do-list-provides-returning").info("doListProvides(%s) returning '%s'", package, ret)
        return ret

    def doListProvidesFile (self, rpmFile):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package is an RPM file.
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
        self._log("do-list-provides-file-called").info("doListProvidesFile(%s) called", rpmFile)
        (outText, errText)=self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qp --provides "+rpmFile)
        self._log("do-list-provides-file-returning").info("doListProvidesFile(%s) returning '%s'", rpmFile, ret)
        return ret

    def doGetInstalledPackages (self):
        """Returns a list of installed packages"""
        self._log("do-get-installed-packages-called").info("doGetInstalledPackages() called")
        self._log("do-get-installed-packages-returning").info("doGetInstalledPackages() returning '%s'", packages)
        return sorted(packages)

    def _parseCapabilities(self, outText):
        for line in lines:
            # Sometimes RPM files the DB locked, as a result of a killed -9 yum command, and as a result,
            # it prints such lines as part of the output. We ignre these lines
            if line.startswith("Freeing read locks"):
            if len(tokens)==3:
                ret.append((tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]))
            elif len(tokens)==1:
                ret.append((tokens[0], None, None))
                self._log("parse-capabilities-error").error("_parseCapabilities() got a line '%s', un-parsable", line)
                raise RuntimeError("_parseCapabilities() got a line '%s', un-parsable" % line)
        return ret

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath (self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("%s must start with '/', value given is '%s'" % (name, pathToCheck))

    def _runRpm (self, command):
        Returns a tuple (rc, outText,errText)

        NOTE: This function is used by pilot services to allow pilot to run the rpm command
        cmd=self.command+" "+command
        return (rc,outText,errText)

    def _runRpmRaiseIfFail (self, command):
        """Returns a tuple (outText,errText)"""
        if rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("RPM command '%s' failed" % command)
        return (outText,errText)

    def _updateCommand (self):
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            self.command="fakeroot fakechroot /usr/sbin/chroot "+self.rootDir+" "+self.command
        elif (self.rootDir != None) and (self.rootDir != '/'): 
            self.command = self.command+" --root "+self.rootDir
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(self, logger):
     self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "rpm-rpm")
     self.utils = Utils(self._log)
     self.rootDir = None
     self.useFakeChrootMode = False
Esempio n. 14
class Rpm(object):
    def __init__(self, logger):
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "rpm-rpm")
        self.utils = Utils(self._log)
        self.rootDir = None
        self.useFakeChrootMode = False

    def setRoot(self, rootDir, useFakeChrootMode=False):
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rootDir, "rootDir")
        self.rootDir = rootDir
        self.useFakeChrootMode = useFakeChrootMode

    def doImport(self, keyPath):
        Imports a public key (from an armoured ascii file) into the RPM db

        self._log("do-import-called").info("doImport(%s) called", keyPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(keyPath, "keyPath")
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--import " + keyPath)

    def doValidateRpm(self, rpmPath):
        Checks that a given RPM file is properly signed
        Returns True if file is properly signed

        self._log("do-validate-rpm-called").info("doValidateRpm(%s) called",
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        (rc, outText, _) = self._runRpm("--checksig " + rpmPath)
        if rc != 0:
                "doValidateRpm(%s): rpm returned %s", rpmPath, rc)
            return False
        if"rsa ", outText) == None:
                "doValidateRpm(%s): rpm output is '%s', no 'rsa ' found",
                rpmPath, outText)
            return False
        if" pgp ", outText) == None:
                "doValidateRpm(%s): rpm output is '%s', no ' gpg ' found",
                rpmPath, outText)
            return False
        return True

    def doVerifyAllInstalled(self):
        Verifies all install packages, comparing files on disk against md5sums remembered from package. 
        Returns list of strings with problems. If no problems, returns empty string

            "doVerifyAllInstalled() called")
        cmd = " --verify --all"

        # --nomode is required due to the fakeroot thing used for unit testing: a file with -r--r--r-- permissions
        # inside the RPM is generated as a -rw-r--r-- file when installed
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            cmd = cmd + " --nomode"
        (rc, outText, _) = self._runRpm(cmd)
        if rc == 0:
            return []
        return filter(lambda x: x.strip() != "", outText.split('\n'))

    def isInstalled(self, package):
        self._log("is-installed-called").info("isInstalled(%s) called",
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._runRpm("-q " + package)
        if (rc == 1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return False
        if rc == 0:
            return True
        raise RuntimeError("RPM command 'rpm -q %s' failed" % package)

    def doInstall(self, rpmPath):
        self._log("do-install-called").info("doInstall(%s) called", rpmPath)
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--install " + rpmPath)

    def doRemove(self, package):
        self._log("do-remove-called").info("doRemove(%s) called", package)
        self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("--erase " + package)

    def doListFiles(self, rpmPath):
        """Returns a list of files in an RPM file"""
        self._log("do-list-files-called").info("doListFiles(%s) called",
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(rpmPath, "rpmPath")
        (outText, errText) = self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qpl " + rpmPath)
        files = outText.split()
            "doListFiles(%s) returning '%s'", rpmPath, files)
        return sorted(files)

    def doListRequires(self, package):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package should be installed.
        If package is not installed, returns an empty list
        List is made of (capName, capCondition, capVersion) tuples: 
          capName is name of capability
          capCondition is the '=', '<=' string, or None if no condition was specified
          capVersion is the required version, or None if no condition was specified
        self._log("do-list-requires-called").info("doListRequires(%s) called",
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._runRpm("-q --requires " + package)
        if (rc == 1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return []
        ret = self._parseCapabilities(outText)
            "doListRequires(%s) returning '%s'", package, ret)
        return ret

    def doListRequiresFile(self, rpmFile):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package is an RPM file.
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
            "doListRequiresFile(%s) called", rpmFile)
         errText) = self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qp --requires " + rpmFile)
        ret = self._parseCapabilities(outText)
            "doListRequiresFile(%s) returning '%s'", rpmFile, ret)
        return ret

    def doListProvides(self, package):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package provides. Package should be installed.
        If package is not installed, returns an empty list
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
        self._log("do-list-provides-called").info("doListProvides(%s) called",
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._runRpm("-q --provides " + package)
        if (rc == 1) and (outText.find("is not installed") != -1):
            return []
        ret = self._parseCapabilities(outText)
            "doListProvides(%s) returning '%s'", package, ret)
        return ret

    def doListProvidesFile(self, rpmFile):
        Returns a list of capabilities that a package required. Package is an RPM file.
        List is in the same format as returned by doListRequires()
            "doListProvidesFile(%s) called", rpmFile)
         errText) = self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qp --provides " + rpmFile)
        ret = self._parseCapabilities(outText)
            "doListProvidesFile(%s) returning '%s'", rpmFile, ret)
        return ret

    def doGetInstalledPackages(self):
        """Returns a list of installed packages"""
            "doGetInstalledPackages() called")
        (outText, errText) = self._runRpmRaiseIfFail("-qa")
        packages = outText.split()
            "doGetInstalledPackages() returning '%s'", packages)
        return sorted(packages)

    def _parseCapabilities(self, outText):
        lines = outText.strip().split('\n')
        ret = []
        for line in lines:
            # Sometimes RPM files the DB locked, as a result of a killed -9 yum command, and as a result,
            # it prints such lines as part of the output. We ignre these lines
            if line.startswith("Freeing read locks"):
            tokens = line.strip().split()
            if len(tokens) == 3:
                ret.append((tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2]))
            elif len(tokens) == 1:
                ret.append((tokens[0], None, None))
                    "_parseCapabilities() got a line '%s', un-parsable", line)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "_parseCapabilities() got a line '%s', un-parsable" % line)
        return ret

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath(self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("%s must start with '/', value given is '%s'" %
                             (name, pathToCheck))

    def _runRpm(self, command):
        Returns a tuple (rc, outText,errText)

        NOTE: This function is used by pilot services to allow pilot to run the rpm command
        cmd = self.command + " " + command
        (rc, outText, errText) = self.utils.runCommand(cmd)
        return (rc, outText, errText)

    def _runRpmRaiseIfFail(self, command):
        """Returns a tuple (outText,errText)"""
        (rc, outText, errText) = self._runRpm(command)
        if rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("RPM command '%s' failed" % command)
        return (outText, errText)

    def _updateCommand(self):
        self.command = "rpm"
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            self.command = "fakeroot fakechroot /usr/sbin/chroot " + self.rootDir + " " + self.command
        elif (self.rootDir != None) and (self.rootDir != '/'):
            self.command = self.command + " --root " + self.rootDir
Esempio n. 15
class PilotServices(object):
    # NOTE: ALL public funcs are part of the pilot API, changes must be considered carefully  !
    #       Better not to change anything, only add

    def __init__ (self, logger, stateManager, installManager, pilotVersion, pilotDir, logDir, workDir, apiDir, startupScriptsDir, 
                  rpmActiveRfs, yumActiveRfs, yumConfForActiveRfs, yumConfForNewVersionOnly, prevRfsDir, sdUtils, bootUtils):
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install","pilot-services")
        self._utils = Utils(self._log)
        self._stateManager = stateManager
        self._installManager = installManager
        self._pilotVersion = pilotVersion
        self._pilotDir = pilotDir
        self._logDir = logDir
        self._workDir = workDir
        self._apiDir = apiDir
        self._startupScriptsDir = startupScriptsDir
        self._rpmActiveRfs = rpmActiveRfs
        self._yumActiveRfs = yumActiveRfs
        self._yumConfForActiveRfs = yumConfForActiveRfs
        self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly = yumConfForNewVersionOnly
        self._debugNoInstallMode = False
        self._otherPilot = None
        self._pilotHints = None
        self._prevRfsDir = prevRfsDir
        self._sdUtils    = sdUtils
        self._bootUtils  = bootUtils

    def debugSetNoInstallMode (self):

    def setOtherPilot (self, otherPilot):
        """NOT FOR USE BY PILOT !!!"""
        self._otherPilot = otherPilot

    def setPilotHints (self, hints):
        """NOT FOR USE BY PILOT !!!"""
        self._pilotHints = hints

    def logInfo (self, msg):
        """Logs an info message"""

    def logWarning (self, msg):
        """Logs a warning message"""

    def logError (self, msg):
        """Logs an error message"""

    def raiseException (self, msg):
        """Raises an exception to abort current pilot operation with an error"""

        self._log("raise-exception").info("raiseException() called,  msg = %s", msg)
        raise InstallException(msg)

    def getPilotHints (self):
        """Returns the pilot hints, None if none"""
        return self._pilotHints

    def getStateManager (self):
        return self._stateManager

    def getPilotVersion (self):
        """Returns Version of pilot being serviced"""

        self._log("get-pilot-version").info("getPilotVersion() called,  returning %s", self._pilotVersion)
        return self._pilotVersion

    def getPilotDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to pilot directory, for use by pilot to access other files"""

        self._log("get-pilot-dir").info("getPilotDir() called,  returning %s", self._pilotDir)
        return self._pilotDir

    def getOtherPilot (self):
        """Returns the other pilot. Use this only during prepare() !!!"""
        return self._otherPilot

    def getSubPackages (self):
        Returns a dict of all sub-packages installed.
        For each sub-package: sub-package name is key, value is a dict with the content of the info file of the sub-package
        self._log("get-sub-packages").info("getSubPackages() called")
        return self._installManager.getSubPkgManager().getSubPkgs()

    def getSubPkgsDir (self):
        """Returns the directory in which all sub-packages are installed"""
        self._log("get-sub-packages-dir").info("getSubPkgsDir() called")
        return self._installManager.getSubPkgManager().getSubPkgsDir()
    def getBootDevPath (self):
        """Returns the path to the boot device"""
        self._log("get-boot-dev-path").info("getBootDevPath() called, returning %s", bd)
        return bd

    def getVitalDir (self):
        """Returns the path to the vital dir"""
        self._log("get-vital-dir").info("getVitalDir() called, returning %s", vd)
        return vd

    def getGrubConf (self):
        """Returns the name of the grub.conf file"""
        self._log("get-grub-conf").info("getGrubConf() called, returning %s", gc)
        return gc

    def getAppDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to app directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getAppDir() called")
        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getAppDir() returning %s", appDir)
        return appDir

    def getAppDirReal (self):
        """Returns absolute path to real app directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir-real").info("getAppDirReal() called")
        self._log("get-app-dir-real").info("getAppDirReal() returning %s", appDirReal)
        return appDirReal

    def getRpmsDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to rpms directory"""

        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getRpmsDir() called")
        self._log("get-app-dir").info("getRpmsDir() returning %s", rpmsDir)
        return rpmsDir

    def getLogDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to log directory, for use by pilot to create log files"""

        self._log("get-log-dir").info("getLogDir() called,  returning %s", self._logDir)
        return self._logDir

    def getWorkDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to work directory, for use by pilot to create scripts and such"""

        self._log("get-work-dir").info("getWorkDir() called,  returning %s", self._workDir)
        return self._workDir

    def getApiDir (self):
        """Returns absolute path to api directory, for use by pilot to store information available to other modules/processes"""

        self._log("get-api-dir").info("getApiDir() called,  returning %s", self._apiDir)
        return self._apiDir

    def getStartupScriptsDir (self):
        Returns absolute path to startup scripts directory, for use by pilot to create scripts executed 
        by oscar on the next system start

        self._log("get-startup-scripts-dir").info("getStartupScriptsDir() called,  returning %s", self._startupScriptsDir)
        return self._startupScriptsDir

    def getPrevRfsDir (self):
        self._log("get-prev-rfs-dir").info("getPrevRfsDir() called,  returning %s", self._prevRfsDir)
        return self._prevRfsDir

    def getSdUtils (self):
        self._log("get-sd-utils").info("getSdUtils() called,  returning object %s", self._sdUtils)
        return self._sdUtils

    def getBootUtils (self):
        self._log("get-boot-utils").info("getBootUtils() called,  returning object %s", self._bootUtils)
        return self._bootUtils

    def getPreparedPackageFilePath (self):
        fp = self._installManager.getPreparedPackageFilePath()
        self._log("get-prepared-package-file-path").info("getPreparedPackageFilePath() called,  returning object %s", fp)
        return fp

    def rpmListRequiresActiveRfs (self, package):
        Gets list of required capabilities of a package installed in the active RFS. 
        package: Package name

        Returns List of tuples: (capName, capCondition, capVersion)
        self._log("rpm-list-required-active-rfs-called").info("rpmListRequiredActiveRfs() called, package=%s", package)
        ret = self._rpmActiveRfs.doListRequires(package)
        self._log("rpm-list-required-active-rfs-returning").info("rpmListRequiredActiveRfs() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def yumTestInstallActiveRfs (self, packages):
        Test-Install a set of packages on the active RFS. 
        packages: A space-separated string of package names

        Returns True if OK, False if not
        self._log("yum-test-install-active-rfs-called").info("yumTestInstallActiveRfs() called,  packages=%s", packages)
        ret = self._yumActiveRfs.doTestInstall(packages)
        self._log("yum-test-install-active-rfs-returning").info("yumTestInstallActiveRfs() returning %s", ret)
        return ret

    def yumInstallActiveRfs (self, packages):
        Installs a set of packages on the active RFS. 
        packages: A space-separated string of package names
        self._log("yum-install-active-rfs-called").info("yumInstallActiveRfs() called,  packages=%s", packages)
        if not self._debugNoInstallMode:
        self._log("yum-install-active-rfs-done").info("yumInstallActiveRfs() done")

    def getYumConfigFileActiveRfs (self):
        Gets the name of a yum config file, configured for all current repositories (found in sub-packages)
        self._log("get-yum-config-file-active-rfs-called").info("getYumConfigFileActiveRfs() called, returning %s", self._yumConfForActiveRfs)
        return self._yumConfForActiveRfs

    def getYumConfigFileNewVersionOnly (self):
        Gets the name of a yum config file, configured for one repository: The one that came with the currently installed version
        self._log("get-yum-config-file-new-version-only-called").info("getYumConfigFileNewVersionOnly() called, returning %s", self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly)
        return self._yumConfForNewVersionOnly

    def getAvailableSize (self, path_):
        Returns available size in bytes on a given path
        self._log("get-avail-size").info("getAvailableSize() called, path=%s", path_)
        return self._utils.getAvailableSize(path_)

    def hook_runYumActiveRfs (self, command):
        """Emergency use only. Allows pilot to run any yum command"""

        self._log("hook-run-yum-active-rfs-called").info("hook_runYumActiveRfs() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText)=self._rpmActiveRfs._runRpm(command)
        self._log("hook-run-yum-active-rfs-returning").info("hook_runYumActiveRfs() returning rc=%s, outText=%s, errText=%s", 
                                                            rc, outText, errText)
        return (rc, outText, errText)

    def hook_runRpmActiveRfs (self, command):
        """Emergency use only. Allows pilot to run any rpm command"""

        self._log("hook-run-rpm-active-rfs-called").info("hook_runRpmActiveRfs() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText)=self._yumActiveRfs._runYum(command)
        self._log("hook-run-rpm-active-rfs-returning").info("hook_runRpmActiveRfs() returning rc=%s, outText=%s, errText=%s", 
                                                            rc, outText, errText)
        return (rc, outText, errText)

    def hook_runCommand (self, command):
        Allows pilot to run any command.
        Returns (rc, outText, errText)

        self._log("hook-run-command-called").info("hook_runCommand() called,  command=%s", command)
        (rc, outText, errText)=self._utils.runCommand(command)
        self._log("hook-run-command-returning").info("hook_runCommand() returning rc=%s", rc)
        return (rc, outText, errText)
Esempio n. 16
class SubPkgManager(object):
    def __init__(self, logger):
        self._log = logger.createLogger("sys-install", "sub-pkg-mng")
        self.utils = Utils(self._log)
        self.useFakeChrootMode = False
        self.rootDir = None
        self.subPkgDir = None
        self.subPkgTempDir = None

    def setDirs(self,
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(subPkgDir, "subPkgDir")
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(subPkgTempDir, "subPkgTempDir")
        self.rootDir = rootDir
        self.subPkgDir = subPkgDir
        self.subPkgTempDir = subPkgTempDir
        self.rpmKeysDir = rpmKeysDir
        self.useFakeChrootMode = useFakeChrootMode
        self.infoDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, "info")

        # During first install, sub-packages dir may not exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.subPkgDir):
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p " + self.subPkgDir)

    def findVersionInFile(self, product, r2pmFile):
        Expects an r2pm file with exactly one sub-pkg called 'qb-VVV-BBB'.
        File must be below root dir

        Returns version found in r2pm file (i.e. the string VVV-BBB).
        If not exactly one such sub-pkg is found, returns None (="Invalid package file")

            "findVersionInFile() called, product=%s, r2pmFile=%s", product,
        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(r2pmFile, "r2pmFile")

        # Find version
        rpm = Rpm(self._log)
        if self.useFakeChrootMode:
            rpm.setRoot(self.rootDir, self.useFakeChrootMode)
            r2pmFile = self._getFilePathFromRoot(r2pmFile)
        files = rpm.doListFiles(r2pmFile)

        self._log("find-version-files").info("findVersionInFile(): files=%s",
        version_ = None
        count_ = 0
        for file_ in files:
            mo = re.match("^/info/" + product + "-(.*)\.info$", file_)
            if mo != None:
                version_ =
                count_ += 1
        if count_ != 1:
                "findVersionInFile(): File %s has %s sub-pkgs called "
                "'%s-...', should have exactly one", r2pmFile, count_, product)
            return None
        return version_

    def add(self, r2pmFile=None, httpRepo=None, packageName=None):
        Adds sub-packages, either from a r2pm file or from an http repo.
        To install from file:
        r2pmFile : file name

        To install from an http repo:
        httpRepo : repo address
        packageName : Name of package containing the sub-packages

        Returns a tuple (subPkgs, subPkgstoRemove).
        subPkgs: list of sub-pkgs included in this version. 
        subPkgstoRemove: list of new sub-pkgs (Replaced sub-pkgs are not included in that list). These sub-pkgs
        will be removed if 'prepare' operation is canceled

            "add() called, r2pmFile=%s, httpRepo=%s, packageName=%s", r2pmFile,
            httpRepo, packageName)

        # Check that our input makes sense
        if (r2pmFile == None) == (httpRepo == None):
            msg = "add(): bad parameters, must use either r2pmFile or httpRepo"
            raise InstallException(msg)

        if r2pmFile != None:
            self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(r2pmFile, "r2pmFile")
            if packageName == None:
                msg = "add(): bad parameters, httpRepo must come with packageName"
                raise InstallException(msg)

        # Clean the temp dir and create it
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            # In ut fakechroot mode we do not remove this, because this dir has chroot soft links
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mkdir -p " + self.subPkgTempDir)

        # Import RPM public keys
        # In unit tests, it is impossible to get keys from outside of the chroot. Instead, the test does rpm --import
        # in this chroot for us.
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            rpm = Rpm(self._log)
            for keyFile in os.listdir(self.rpmKeysDir):
                rpm.doImport(os.path.join(self.rpmKeysDir, keyFile))

        # Check space - must have at least 4GB free
        availableSize = self.utils.getAvailableSize(self.subPkgTempDir)
        if availableSize < 4e9:
            raise InstallException(
                "Internal error: Not enough space on system disk")

        # Read all existing sub-pkgs
        oldInfoDict = self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)
        self._log("add-sub-pkg").info("add(): Found old sub-pkgs %s",
        oldSubPkgs = oldInfoDict.keys()

        # Create temp dir for yum (for config file and such)
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            yumTempDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, "tmp")
            yumTempDir = "/tmp"

        # Extract r2pm into temp dir
            if r2pmFile != None:
                # Install from file
                removeFile = False
                if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
                    r2pmNameToYum = r2pmFile
                    # In CentOS6.2, package files must end with '.rpm'
                    if not r2pmNameToYum.endswith('.rpm'):
                        r2pmNameToYum = os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir,
                            "add(): Copying %s to %s to have a file name that ends with .rpm",
                            r2pmFile, r2pmNameToYum)
                            "cp -f %s %s" % (r2pmFile, r2pmNameToYum))
                        removeFile = True

                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("cp " + r2pmFile + " " +
                    r2pmNameToYum = "/" + os.path.basename(r2pmFile)
                yum = Yum(self._log, yumTempDir)
                if removeFile:
                        "add(): Removing file that was copied")
                    self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -f %s" %
                # Install from http repo
                yum = Yum(self._log, yumTempDir)
                yum.addHttpRepo("network", httpRepo)

            # Now, move/replace new sub-pkgs into subPkgDir.
            # We do this according to a very specific sequence, so that in case we abort in the middle (power failure or whatever),
            # A call to TBD() will restore things the way they were before this operation
            # Todo(orens): TBD -> Real function
            # Sequence is:
            # 1. Copy all existing sub-packages to self.subPkgTempDir, except for those found there already (i.e. new copy
            #    is better tahn old copy)
            # 2. Rename self.subPkgDir with a '.tmp' suffix
            # 3. Rename self.subPkgTempDir to become self.subPkgDir
            # 4. Remove self.subPkgDir + '.tmp'

            # System is always stable, excelt for the split-second between 2 and 3.

            # Read list of new sub-packages
            newInfoDict = self._readInfoFiles(
                os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, "info"))
            self._log("add-sub-pkg").info("add(): Found new sub-pkgs %s",
            newSubPkgs = newInfoDict.keys()

            # Sanity-check the new info: Make sure new sub-pkgs have all the data we need in their .info files
            for subPkg in newSubPkgs:
                info = newInfoDict[subPkg]
                if not 'dir' in info:
                        "add(): sub-pkg %s info does not have 'dir'", subPkg)
                    return None
                infoDirPath = os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir, info['dir'])
                if not os.path.isdir(infoDirPath):
                        "add(): sub-pkg %s info has 'dir'->%s, does not exist",
                        subPkg, infoDirPath)
                    return None
                if not 'name' in info:
                        "add(): sub-pkg %s info does not have 'name'", subPkg)
                    return None
                if info['name'] != subPkg:
                        "add(): sub-pkg %s info has 'name'=%s, should be identical",
                        subPkg, info['name'])
                    return None

            # Step 1: Copy all old sub-packages, which are not found in the new dir, to the new dir
            for subPkg in oldSubPkgs:
                if subPkg not in newSubPkgs:
                    oldInfoFile = self._getInfoFileName(self.subPkgDir, subPkg)
                    newInfoFile = self._getInfoFileName(
                        self.subPkgTempDir, subPkg)
                    oldSubPkgDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgDir,
                    newSubPkgDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgTempDir,
                    if os.path.exists(newSubPkgDir):
                            "add(): old sub-pkg %s not found in new sub-packages, but %s exists",
                            subPkg, newSubPkgDir)
                        return None
                        "cp -vpf %s %s" % (oldInfoFile, newInfoFile))
                        "cp -vrpf %s %s" % (oldSubPkgDir, newSubPkgDir))

            # Steps 2-4: Copy all old sub-packages, which are not found in the new dir, to the new dir
            tmpOldName = self.subPkgDir + '.tmp'
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("mv -vf %s %s" %
                                             (self.subPkgDir, tmpOldName))
                "mv -vf %s %s" % (self.subPkgTempDir, self.subPkgDir))
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -vrf %s" % (tmpOldName))

            # Remove the install-temp directory, no sense in leaving it here

        # oldInfoDict.keys() holds the list of subPkgs before the install. Let's find out what was added.
        newInfoDict = self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)

        # Sorting makes it easy on unit tests :-)
        addedSubPkgs = sorted(
            list(set(newInfoDict.keys()) - set(oldInfoDict.keys())))
        return (sorted(newSubPkgs), addedSubPkgs)

    def removeSubPackages(self, subPackages):
        Removes a set of existing sub-pkgs
            "removeSubPackages() called, subPackages=%s", subPackages)
        infoDict = self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)
        for subPkg in subPackages:
            if not subPkg in infoDict:
                    "removeSubPackages(): sub-package %s not found", subPkg)
            subPkgDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, infoDict[subPkg]['dir'])
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -rf %s" % subPkgDir)
            infoFileName = self._getInfoFileName(self.subPkgDir, subPkg)
            self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm %s" % infoFileName)

    def addReposToYum(self, yum, repoFilter=None):
            "addReposToYum() called, repoFilter=%s", repoFilter)
        infoDict = self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)
        for info in infoDict.keys():
            infoData = infoDict[info]
            if infoData['type'] == 'repository':
                repoDir = os.path.join(self.subPkgDir, infoData['dir'])
                repoName = infoData['name']
                if (repoFilter is None) or (repoName.find(repoFilter) != -1):
                        "addReposToYum(): Adding repoDir=%s", repoDir)
                    yum.addDiskRepo(repoName, repoDir)

    def getSubPkgs(self):
        return self._readInfoFiles(self.infoDir)

    def getSubPkgsDir(self):
        return self.subPkgDir

    def _getFilePathFromRoot(self, r2pmFile):
        if not self.useFakeChrootMode:
            return r2pmFile

        if r2pmFile.startswith(self.rootDir):
            return r2pmFile[len(self.rootDir):]
        raise ValueError("File %s not in root dir %s" %
                         (r2pmFile, self.rootDir))

    def _readInfoFiles(self, fromDir):
        Returns a dict of all info files found in fromDir.
        For each file <fromDir>/ X is key, value is a dict with the content of the info file

        self._raiseIfNotAbsPath(fromDir, "fromDir")

        # No directory ? No sub-pkgs !
        if not os.path.exists(fromDir):
            return {}

        files = os.listdir(fromDir)
        ret = {}
        for file_ in files:
            mo = re.match("^(.*)\.info$", file_)
            if mo != None:
                subPkg =
                ret[subPkg] = self._readInfoFile(os.path.join(fromDir, file_))
        return ret

    def _readInfoFile(self, infoFileName):
        f = open(infoFileName, "r")
        text =
            "_readInfoFile(): Info file %s has text %s", infoFileName, text)
        return json.loads(text)

    def _getInfoFileName(self, root, subPkg):
        return os.path.join(root, "info", subPkg + ".info")

    def _cleanTempDir(self):
        self.utils.runCommandRaiseIfFail("rm -rf " + self.subPkgTempDir)

    def _raiseIfNotAbsPath(self, pathToCheck, name):
        if not pathToCheck.startswith('/'):
            raise ValueError("%s must start with '/', value given is '%s'" %
                             (name, pathToCheck))