Esempio n. 1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Reads an input file that is a 96 well plate and transposes it 
        to yield the column letter.""")
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--genomicData', required=True, help='''The file containing elements you want to change. 
        The input file should just contain data and no column/ row headers etc''')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--clinicalData', required=True, help='The file that contains the metadata')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputData', required=False, help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    rawTable = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.genomicData)
    diseaseCode = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.clinicalData)[1:]
    # Initialise the dictionary and read in patient as key and the tumour type as the value
    diseaseDict = {}
    for entry in diseaseCode:
        k = entry[0]
        # The column that specifies tumour or normal
#        v = entry[97]
        # Breast cancer
        v = entry[149]
        diseaseDict[k] = v
    # Extract the header of the genomic file which is the patient
    header = rawTable[0]

    #Initialise a list to hold the phenotype labels
    phenotype = []
    for patient in header:
        if patient in diseaseDict.keys():
    # Change the phenotype labels to be one word
    fixedPhenotype = []
    for case in phenotype:
        if case == 'Solid Tissue Normal':#'Recurrent Tumor':
            case = 'Normal'
        elif case == 'Primary Tumor':
            case = 'Primary_Tumor'
#        elif case == 'Solid Tissue Normal':
#            case = 'Normal'
            case = 'NA'
    # Store the unique values of the phenoypes        
    sampleAnnotation = set(fixedPhenotype)
    # Number of samples
    sampleNo = len(phenotype)
    classNo = len(sampleAnnotation) 
    # Emit output
    print str(sampleNo) + '\t' + str(classNo) + '\t1'
    #print '#\t' + '\t'.join(sampleAnnotation)
    # The class labels need to be in order
    print '#\t' + '\tPrimary_Tumor\tNormal\tNA' 
    print '\t'.join(fixedPhenotype)
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        """Reads an input file that is a 96 well plate and transposes it 
        to yield the column letter.""")
        help='''The file containing elements you want to change. 
        The input file should just contain data and no column/ row headers etc'''
                        help='The file that contains the metadata')
                        help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    rawTable = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.genomicData)
    diseaseCode = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.clinicalData)[1:]

    # Initialise the dictionary and read in patient as key and the tumour type as the value
    diseaseDict = {}
    for entry in diseaseCode:
        k = entry[0]
        # The column that specifies tumour or normal
        #        v = entry[97]
        # Breast cancer
        v = entry[149]
        diseaseDict[k] = v

    # Extract the header of the genomic file which is the patient
    header = rawTable[0]

    #Initialise a list to hold the phenotype labels
    phenotype = []
    for patient in header:
        if patient in diseaseDict.keys():

    # Change the phenotype labels to be one word
    fixedPhenotype = []
    for case in phenotype:
        if case == 'Solid Tissue Normal':  #'Recurrent Tumor':
            case = 'Normal'
        elif case == 'Primary Tumor':
            case = 'Primary_Tumor'
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Reads an input file that is either a gene expression matrix or a list of 
    phenotype labels and returns a file suitable for analysis with GSEA""")
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputData', required=True, help='The file containing the data to be converted')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputData', required=False, help='The file you get at the end')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--typeOfFile', required=True, help='Either gem for gene expression matrix or phenotype for phenotype list')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    # The switch that calls either of the helper functions
    if args.typeOfFile == 'gem':
        result = convertGEMtoGCT(data)
        # The tabs mess up formatting so print header separaetly
        header = result[0:2]
        for line in header:
            print line
        for line in result[2:]:
            print '\t'.join(line)
    elif args.typeOfFile == 'phenotype':
        result = convertLabelstoCLS(data)
        for line in result:
            print '\t'.join(line)
        print 'You have specified the wrong type of argument to type of file'
Esempio n. 4
def parsePicogreenOutput384(picoGreenOutput):
    'Reads the output of the Picogreen assay in .txt format and removes all the unecessary parts of the file'
    # Read in the input file. First test if it is a csv
    if picoGreenOutput[-4:] != '.txt':
        print 'Your input file is not in tab format. It is probably in .xls and you should convert to .tab first'
    dat = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputFile)
    dat = dat[21:37]
    # Cut out the first and last columns
    plateMap = [row[2:25] for row in dat]
    # Change the commas to points
    noCommas = []
    for row in plateMap:
        noCommas.append([i.replace(",", ".") for i in row])
        print noCommas
    return noCommas
Esempio n. 5
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        """Reads an input file that is a 384 well plate and transposes it
        to yield the column letter.""")
        help='''The file containing elements you want to change.''')
                        help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    plateMap = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    # Remove the header of the file
    plateMap = plateMap[1:]
    # Remove the row name from the file
    plateMap3 = [i[1:] for i in plateMap]

    # Flatten the list of lists data structure using itertools
    plateMap2 = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(plateMap3))

    # Write in the well names
    letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
    letters = letters[0:16]
    number = range(1, 25)

    wells = []
    for letter in letters:
        for num in number:
            x = letter + str(num)

    # Write out to file if one is provided on cammand line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w, delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))

    for well, gene in zip(wells, plateMap2):
        print well + '\t' + gene
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Reads an input file that is a 384 well plate and transposes it 
        to yield the column letter and the name of the gene.""")
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputData', required=True, help='The file containing elements you want to change')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputData', required=False, help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    plateMap = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    # Remove the header of the file
    plateMap = plateMap[1:]
    # Remove the first entry of each row (the row name)
    for row in plateMap:
    # Flatten the list of lists data structure using itertools
    plateMap2 = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(plateMap))
    # Write in the well names
    letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
    letters = letters[0:16]
    number = range(1, 25)
    wells = []
    for letter in letters:
        for num in number:
            x = letter + str(num)
    # Write out to file if one is provided on cammand line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w ,delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))
    for well, gene in zip(wells, plateMap2):
        #writer.writerow(well + '\t' + gene)
        print well + '\t' + gene
Esempio n. 7
def main():
#	Read in files from the command line
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    # Get the filenames from the current directory
    files = os.listdir('.')
    #	Turn into a dictionary of the barcode and new filename
    dic = {}
    for row in data:
        dic[row[0]] = row[1]
    #   Match filenames
    for k in dic.keys():
        for f in files:
            if k in f:
                # Write the new filename using the value of the barcode dictionary
                newName = dic[k] + '_' + f
                print "old file name = {0} \t new file name = {1} \n".format(f, newName)
                # Make a new file by copying the name of the old file + new information from dictionary
                os.system('cp {0} {1}'.format(f, newName))
Esempio n. 8
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        """Reads an input file that is either a gene expression matrix or a list of 
    phenotype labels and returns a file suitable for analysis with GSEA""")
                        help='The file containing the data to be converted')
                        help='The file you get at the end')
        'Either gem for gene expression matrix or phenotype for phenotype list'
    args = parser.parse_args()

    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)

    # The switch that calls either of the helper functions
    if args.typeOfFile == 'gem':
        result = convertGEMtoGCT(data)
        # The tabs mess up formatting so print header separaetly
        header = result[0:2]
        for line in header:
            print line
        for line in result[2:]:
            print '\t'.join(line)

    elif args.typeOfFile == 'phenotype':
        result = convertLabelstoCLS(data)
        for line in result:
            print '\t'.join(line)
        print 'You have specified the wrong type of argument to type of file'
Esempio n. 9
def main():
    #	Read in files from the command line
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)

    # Get the filenames from the current directory
    files = os.listdir('.')

    #	Turn into a dictionary of the barcode and new filename
    dic = {}
    for row in data:
        dic[row[0]] = row[1]

    #   Match filenames
    for k in dic.keys():
        for f in files:
            if k in f:
                # Write the new filename using the value of the barcode dictionary
                newName = dic[k] + '_' + f
                print "old file name = {0} \t new file name = {1} \n".format(
                    f, newName)
                # Make a new file by copying the name of the old file + new information from dictionary
                os.system('cp {0} {1}'.format(f, newName))
Esempio n. 10
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        """Reads an input file that is a linear representation of a 96 well plate and extracts the
    replicate level and binds them in columns""")
        help='''The file that is the linear data from a 96 well experiment''')
        '''The level of replication of the experiment ie 2 or 3 replicates. CURRENTLY WORKS FOR TRIPLICATE'''
        help='''Whether this is a fluoro plate reader file (no headers)
        or a invasion assay data. Options = fluoro or invasion''')
                        help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Input data. Take out the header if the data is an invasion assay
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        header = data[0]
        data = data[1:]
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        print 'This file type is not a valid invasion assay or data from a plate reader'

    # Extract the well names for replicate 1. PUT THIS AS A command line argument in the future and collate the 2 replicates into 1
    letters1 = ['B', 'C', 'D']
    # Convert to lower case if the data is invasion assay
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters1 = ['b', 'c', 'd']
    rep1 = []
    x = 1
    while x < 13:
        y = [letter + str(x) for letter in letters1]
        x += 1

    # Extract replicate names for replicate 2
    letters2 = ['E', 'F', 'G']
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters2 = ['e', 'f', 'g']
    rep2 = []
    x = 1
    while x < 13:
        # Using list comprehensions builds the nested list structure that is so useful. Don't use for loops
        y = [letter + str(x) for letter in letters2]
        x += 1

    # Make a header
    header = ['well1', 'well2', 'well3', 'rep1', 'rep2', 'rep3']
    print '\t'.join(header)

    ######################################## This is the part of the script that does some work #################################################
    # If the data is in triplicate
    if args.replication == '3':
        for row in data:
            wellName = row[0]
            # Strip the file extension from the invasion well names
            if wellName.endswith('.tif'):
                wellName = wellName[:-4]

            # Search the well name of the data against the list of lists containing the replicate structure
            for group in rep1:
                if wellName in group:
                    # Append to the replicate structure list
            # Repeat for the second group of replicates although one day I will combine this step
            for group in rep2:
                if wellName in group:
###################################################### ######################################################
# Some error messages
    elif args.replication == '2':
        print "Duplicates ain't implemented yet"

        print "Invalid level of replication"

    # Write out to file if one is provided on command line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w, delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))

# Print the output to file
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        rep1 = rep1[0:4]

    for line in rep1:
        print '\t'.join(line)
    if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        for line in rep2:
            print '\t'.join(line)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Reads an input file that is a linear representation of a 96 well plate and extracts the
    replicate level and binds them in columns""")
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputData', required=True, help='''The file that is the linear data from a 96 well experiment.
    This file is the output of''')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--replication', required=True, help='''The level of replication of the experiment ie 2 or 3 replicates. CURRENTLY WORKS FOR TRIPLICATE''')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--fileType', required=True, help='''Whether this is a fluoro plate reader file (no headers)
        or a invasion assay data. Options = fluoro or invasion''')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputData', required=False, help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Input data. Take out the header if the data is an invasion assay
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        header = data[0]
        data = data[1:]
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        print 'This file type is not a valid invasion assay or data from a plate reader'
    # Obtain in the well names
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
        print 'You have entered an invalid filetype'
    letters = letters[0:8]
    number = range(1, 13)
    # Paste the well letters and numbers
    wells = []
    for letter in letters:
        for num in number:
            x = letter + str(num)
    # Make a header
    header = ['well1', 'well2', 'well3' ,'rep1', 'rep2', 'rep3']
    print '\t'.join(header)
######################################## Build the list that will define replicates ################################################# 
    replicateLookup = [
                       ['a1','a2','a3'], ['a4','a5','a6'],['a7','a8','a9'],['a10','a11','a12'],
                       ['b1','b2','b3'], ['b4','b5','b6'],['b7','b8','b9'],['b10','b11','b12'],
                       ['c1','c2','c3'], ['c4','c5','c6'],['c7','c8','c9'],['c10','c11','c12'],
                       ['d1','d2','d3'], ['d4','d5','d6'],['d7','d8','d9'],['d10','d11','d12'],
                       ['e1','e2','e3'], ['e4','e5','e6'],['e7','e8','e9'],['e10','e11','e12'],
                       ['f1','f2','f3'], ['f4','f5','f6'],['f7','f8','f9'],['f10','f11','f12'],
                       ['g1','g2','g3'], ['g4','g5','g6'],['g7','g8','g9'],['g10','g11','g12'],
                       ['h1','h2','h3'], ['h4','h5','h6'],['h7','h8','h9'],['h10','h11','h12'],

    if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        replicateLookupN = []
        for group in replicateLookup:
            group = [string.upper(well[0]) + well[1:] for well in group]

######################################## This is the part of the script that does some work ################################################# 
    # If the data is in triplicate
    if args.replication == '3':
        for row in data:
            wellName = row[0]
            # Strip the file extension from the invasion well names
            if wellName.endswith('.tif'):
                wellName = wellName[:-4]
            # Search the well name of the data against the list of lists containing the replicate structure
            if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
                replicateLookup = replicateLookupN
            for group in replicateLookup:
                if wellName in group:
                    # Append to the replicate structure list

    # Some error messages
    elif args.replication == '2':
        print "Duplicates ain't implemented yet"
        print "Invalid level of replication"
    # Write out to file if one is provided on command line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w ,delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))

    for line in replicateLookup:
        print '\t'.join(line)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        """Reads an input file that is a linear representation of a 96 well plate and extracts the
    replicate level and binds them in columns""")
        help='''The file that is the linear data from a 96 well experiment.
    This file is the output of''')
        '''The level of replication of the experiment ie 2 or 3 replicates. CURRENTLY WORKS FOR TRIPLICATE'''
        help='''Whether this is a fluoro plate reader file (no headers)
        or a invasion assay data. Options = fluoro or invasion''')
                        help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Input data. Take out the header if the data is an invasion assay
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        header = data[0]
        data = data[1:]
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        print 'This file type is not a valid invasion assay or data from a plate reader'

    # Obtain in the well names
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        letters = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
        print 'You have entered an invalid filetype'

    letters = letters[0:8]
    number = range(1, 13)
    # Paste the well letters and numbers
    wells = []
    for letter in letters:
        for num in number:
            x = letter + str(num)

    # Make a header
    header = ['well1', 'well2', 'well3', 'rep1', 'rep2', 'rep3']
    print '\t'.join(header)

    ######################################## Build the list that will define replicates #################################################
    replicateLookup = [
        ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'],
        ['a4', 'a5', 'a6'],
        ['a7', 'a8', 'a9'],
        ['a10', 'a11', 'a12'],
        ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'],
        ['b4', 'b5', 'b6'],
        ['b7', 'b8', 'b9'],
        ['b10', 'b11', 'b12'],
        ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
        ['c4', 'c5', 'c6'],
        ['c7', 'c8', 'c9'],
        ['c10', 'c11', 'c12'],
        ['d1', 'd2', 'd3'],
        ['d4', 'd5', 'd6'],
        ['d7', 'd8', 'd9'],
        ['d10', 'd11', 'd12'],
        ['e1', 'e2', 'e3'],
        ['e4', 'e5', 'e6'],
        ['e7', 'e8', 'e9'],
        ['e10', 'e11', 'e12'],
        ['f1', 'f2', 'f3'],
        ['f4', 'f5', 'f6'],
        ['f7', 'f8', 'f9'],
        ['f10', 'f11', 'f12'],
        ['g1', 'g2', 'g3'],
        ['g4', 'g5', 'g6'],
        ['g7', 'g8', 'g9'],
        ['g10', 'g11', 'g12'],
        ['h1', 'h2', 'h3'],
        ['h4', 'h5', 'h6'],
        ['h7', 'h8', 'h9'],
        ['h10', 'h11', 'h12'],

    if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        replicateLookupN = []
        for group in replicateLookup:
            group = [string.upper(well[0]) + well[1:] for well in group]

######################################## This is the part of the script that does some work #################################################
# If the data is in triplicate
    if args.replication == '3':
        for row in data:
            wellName = row[0]
            # Strip the file extension from the invasion well names
            if wellName.endswith('.tif'):
                wellName = wellName[:-4]

            # Search the well name of the data against the list of lists containing the replicate structure
            if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
                replicateLookup = replicateLookupN

            for group in replicateLookup:
                if wellName in group:
                    # Append to the replicate structure list

# Some error messages
    elif args.replication == '2':
        print "Duplicates ain't implemented yet"

        print "Invalid level of replication"

    # Write out to file if one is provided on command line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w, delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))

    for line in replicateLookup:
        print '\t'.join(line)
Esempio n. 13
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Reads an input file that is a linear representation of a 96 well plate and extracts the
    replicate level and binds them in columns""")
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputData', required=True, help='''The file that is the linear data from a 96 well experiment''')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--replication', required=True, help='''The level of replication of the experiment ie 2 or 3 replicates. CURRENTLY WORKS FOR TRIPLICATE''')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--fileType', required=True, help='''Whether this is a fluoro plate reader file (no headers)
        or a invasion assay data. Options = fluoro or invasion''')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outputData', required=False, help='The file you get at the end')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Input data. Take out the header if the data is an invasion assay
    data = aUsefulFunctionsFiltering.readAfile(args.inputData)
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        header = data[0]
        data = data[1:]
    elif args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        print 'This file type is not a valid invasion assay or data from a plate reader'
    # Extract the well names for replicate 1. PUT THIS AS A command line argument in the future and collate the 2 replicates into 1
    letters1 = ['B', 'C', 'D']
    # Convert to lower case if the data is invasion assay
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters1 = ['b', 'c', 'd']          
    rep1 = []
    x = 1
    while x < 13:
        y = [letter + str(x) for letter in letters1]
        x += 1
    # Extract replicate names for replicate 2
    letters2 = ['E', 'F', 'G']
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        letters2 = ['e', 'f', 'g']
    rep2 = []
    x = 1
    while x < 13:
    # Using list comprehensions builds the nested list structure that is so useful. Don't use for loops
        y = [letter + str(x) for letter in letters2]
        x += 1
    # Make a header
    header = ['well1', 'well2', 'well3' ,'rep1', 'rep2', 'rep3']
    print '\t'.join(header)
######################################## This is the part of the script that does some work ################################################# 
    # If the data is in triplicate
    if args.replication == '3':
        for row in data:
            wellName = row[0]
            # Strip the file extension from the invasion well names
            if wellName.endswith('.tif'):
                wellName = wellName[:-4]
            # Search the well name of the data against the list of lists containing the replicate structure
            for group in rep1:
                if wellName in group:
                    # Append to the replicate structure list
            # Repeat for the second group of replicates although one day I will combine this step    
            for group in rep2:
                if wellName in group:
###################################################### ###################################################### 
    # Some error messages
    elif args.replication == '2':
        print "Duplicates ain't implemented yet"
        print "Invalid level of replication"
    # Write out to file if one is provided on command line
    if args.outputData == True:
        w = open(args.outputData, 'w')
        writer = csv.writer(w ,delimiter="\t")
        ###################################### Fix the iteration of this
        writer.writerow(zip(wells, plateMap2))
# Print the output to file
    if args.fileType == 'invasion':
        rep1 = rep1[0:4]

    for line in rep1:
        print '\t'.join(line)
    if args.fileType == 'fluoro':
        for line in rep2:
            print '\t'.join(line)