Esempio n. 1
    def docvar(varname):
        from import get_abinit_variables

        if varname == "inputvariable":
            return "inputvariable is a very complicated input variable. Better to ask for help immediately"
        #            return ("When we said that you should pass `inputvariable` to docvar we meant that"
        #                    "you should pass a string with the name of a valid ABINT variable e.g. `ecut`"
        #                    "not `inputvariable` :)")
        return get_abinit_variables()[varname]
Esempio n. 2
    def docvar(varname):
        from import get_abinit_variables
        if varname == "inputvariable":
            return (
                "inputvariable is a very complicated input variable. Better to ask for help immediately"

#            return ("When we said that you should pass `inputvariable` to docvar we meant that"
#                    "you should pass a string with the name of a valid ABINT variable e.g. `ecut`"
#                    "not `inputvariable` :)")
        return get_abinit_variables()[varname]
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    def str_examples():
        examples = """\
Usage example: man ecut      --> Show documentation for ecut input variable. apropos ecut  --> To search in the database for the variables related to ecut. find paw      --> To search in the database for the variables whose name contains paw list          --> Print full list of variables 
        return examples

    def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1):
        """Display the usage of the script."""
        if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")

    # Build the main parser.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=str_examples(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)

    base_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

    base_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', # -vv --> verbose=2
                        help='verbose, can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity')

    var_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
    var_parser.add_argument('varname', help="ABINIT variable")

    # Create the parsers for the sub-commands
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help', description="Valid subcommands")

    # Subparser for man.
    p_man = subparsers.add_parser('man', parents=[base_parser, var_parser], help="Show documentation for varname.")

    # Subparser for apropos.
    p_apropos = subparsers.add_parser('apropos', parents=[base_parser, var_parser], help="Find variables related to varname.")

    # Subparser for find.
    p_find = subparsers.add_parser('find', parents=[base_parser, var_parser], help="Find all variables whose name contains varname.")

    # Subparser for require.
    #p_require = subparsers.add_parser('require', parents=[base_parser], help="Find all variables required by varname.")

    # Subparser for list.
    p_list = subparsers.add_parser('list', parents=[base_parser], help="List all variables.")
    p_list.add_argument('--mode', default="a", help="Sorte mode, `a` for alphabethical, `s` for sections, `c` for characteristics.")

        options = parser.parse_args()
    except Exception as exc: 

    database = get_abinit_variables()

    if options.command == "man":

    elif options.command == "apropos":
        vlist = database.apropos(options.varname)
        print("apropos results:\n")
        print_vlist(vlist, options)

    elif options.command == "find":
        vlist = [v for v in database.values() if options.varname in v.varname]
        print("find results:\n")
        print_vlist(vlist, options)

    elif options.command == "list":

        if options.mode == "a":
            # Alphabetical
            for i, var in enumerate(database.values()):
                print(i, repr(var))

        elif options.mode == "s":
            # Grouped by sections.
            for section in database.sections:
                header = 30*"#" +  " Section: " + section + " " + 30*"#"
                print_vlist(database.vars_with_section(section), options)

        elif options.mode == "c":
            # Grouped by characteristics.
            for char in database.characteristics:
                header = 30*"#" +  " Characteristic: " + char + 30*"#"
                print_vlist(database.vars_with_char(char), options)

            raise ValueError("Wrong mode %s" % options.mode)

        raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle command %s" % options.command)
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to generate the json files with the list of Abinit variables.
The names are taken from the YAML file extracted from the official documentation.
from import get_abinit_variables

# Get string.
s = get_abinit_variables().json_dumps_varnames()

# Write JSON file.
with open("abinit_vars.json", "w") as fh: