class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, title, db, defaultPrefs, capabilities): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) self.db = db self.capabilities = capabilities = [] self.options = None self.about = None self.prefs = Prefs(self.db, defaultPrefs) # Don't allow the user to shrink the window below these dimensions self.minYSize = 30 self.minXSize = 50 # This is the main graph self.panel = wx.Panel(self, style=wx.BORDER_SIMPLE) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnPanelMove) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnPanelDown) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnPanelUp) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPanelPaint) # This is the label below the graph showing numeric values self.label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "-", style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.BORDER_SIMPLE | wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.label.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLabelDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnLabelMove) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLabelUp) self.label.SetCursor(wx.Cursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE)) self.label.SetFont( wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL)) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) box.Add(self.panel, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND) box.Add((10, 1), 0) box.Add(self.label, 0, flag=wx.EXPAND) # Restore the position of the graph from last time self.SetPosition(self.prefs.GetObj('position')) # If you remove a monitor or replace with a lower resolution one, it is possible # that the preferences specify an x,y position that is off screen # This rough code will reset the position assuming that # - the monitors are placed left to right (not on top of each other) # - the rightmost monitor has the least resolution # - bitmeter-desktop client is on the rightmost screen normally displays = (wx.Display(i) for i in range(wx.Display.GetCount())) maxX = 0 maxY = 10000 for v in displays: maxX += v.GetGeometry().GetSize().width if maxY > v.GetGeometry().GetSize().height: maxY = v.GetGeometry().GetSize().height PROPORTION = 4 # Is allowed to be a little off screen resetPosition = False farRight = self.GetPosition().x + self.GetSize().width / PROPORTION if farRight > maxX: resetPosition = True print('Reset position due to out of bounds x position') farDown = self.GetPosition().y + self.GetSize().height / PROPORTION if farDown > maxY: resetPosition = True print('Reset position due to out of bounds y position') if resetPosition: self.SetPosition((100, 100)) self.OnPrefsUpdated() self.SetSizer(box) self.Fit() self.SetSize(self.prefs.GetObj('size')) # We update the graph each second with new data self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.timer.Start(1000) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer) self.InitBuffer() self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) # Find the file-system location where we are running from encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if hasattr(sys, "frozen"): self.modulePath = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: self.modulePath = os.path.dirname(__file__) iconPath = os.path.join(self.modulePath, "resources", "bitmeter.ico") icon = wx.Icon(iconPath, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) # The menu can be accessed from the main graph, and from the tray icon self.popupmenu = wx.Menu() self.trayIcon = TrayIcon(self, self.popupmenu, icon) # Hide Graph option removed - no tray icon shown on Ubuntu 18.04, not relevant # self.showHideMain = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Hide Graph")) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleGraph) # self.trayIcon.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ToggleGraph) # Menu item to open the Options dialog options = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Options")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuOptions, options) self.trayIcon.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuOptions, options) # Menu item to open the Web Interface webInterface = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Web Interface")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuWebInterface, webInterface) self.trayIcon.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuWebInterface, webInterface) # Need this to build the web interface url self.webPort = self.db.GetConfigValue('web.port', 2605) # Menu item to open the About dialog about = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, _("About")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuAbout, about) self.trayIcon.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuAbout, about) self.popupmenu.AppendSeparator() # Menu item to quit he application exit = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, _("Exit")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuExit, exit) self.trayIcon.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuExit, exit) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnShowPopup) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) def ToggleGraph(self, event): # Show/Hide the graph self.Show(not self.IsShown()) if self.IsShown(): self.showHideMain.SetText(_('Hide Graph')) else: self.showHideMain.SetText(_('Show Graph')) def FormatScale(self, scale): # This value gets displayed to the left of the download and upload amounts return "{:,}".format(int(scale / BYTES_PER_K)).replace(',', ' ') + ' KB' def FormatAmounts(self, dl, ul): # This value gets displayed below the main graph return "D: %.2f U: %.2f" % (float(dl) / 1000, float(ul) / 1000) def OnShowPopup(self, event): pos = event.GetPosition() pos = self.panel.ScreenToClient(pos) self.panel.PopupMenu(self.popupmenu, pos) def OnMenuWebInterface(self, event): # Open the web interface in the default browser"http://localhost:" + str(self.webPort) + "/index.html") def OnMenuAbout(self, event): # Open the About dialog self.about = AboutDialog(VERSION) self.about.ShowModal() self.about.Destroy() self.about = None def OnMenuExit(self, event): # Close all open windows if self.options: self.options.Close() if self.about: self.about.Close() self.Close() def OnClose(self, event): # Store the current size/position of the graph before exiting self.prefs.SetObj('size', self.GetSize()) self.prefs.SetObj('position', self.GetPosition()) self.prefs.Save() self.trayIcon.RemoveIcon() self.trayIcon.Destroy() self.Destroy() def OnPrefsUpdated(self): # Callback invoked from the Options dialog when the user clicks 'OK' if self.capabilities['opacity']: self.SetTransparent(int(self.prefs.GetNum('opacity') * 2.55)) self.SetBackgroundColour(self.prefs.GetCol('bgcolour')) self.dlPen = wx.Pen(self.prefs.GetCol('dlcolour'), 1) self.ulPen = wx.Pen(self.prefs.GetCol('ulcolour'), 1) self.olPen = wx.Pen(self.prefs.GetCol('olcolour'), 1) self.scale = self.prefs.GetNum('scale') if not (self.prefs.GetObj('float') ^ (not self.HasFlag(wx.STAY_ON_TOP))): # Set the 'Stay On Top' flag to the appropriate value self.ToggleWindowStyle(wx.STAY_ON_TOP) if self.capabilities['clickthru']: # Windows only, window passes all mouse clicks to whatever is underneath if not (self.prefs.GetObj('clickthru') ^ (not self.HasFlag(wx.TRANSPARENT_WINDOW))): self.ToggleWindowStyle(wx.TRANSPARENT_WINDOW) def OnMenuOptions(self, event): # Open the Options dialog self.options = OptionsDialog(self, self.prefs, self.capabilities, self.OnPrefsUpdated) self.options.ShowModal() self.options.Destroy() self.options = None def OnPanelDown(self, event): # Mouse down over the graph means we want to drag the window self._panelDownPos = event.GetPosition() if not self.panel.HasCapture(): self.panel.CaptureMouse() def OnPanelMove(self, event): if event.Dragging() and event.LeftIsDown(): # The window is being dragged pos = event.GetPosition() displacement = self._panelDownPos - pos self.SetPosition(self.GetPosition() - displacement) print('pos:', self.GetPosition()) def OnPanelUp(self, event): # Stop dragging the window if self.panel.HasCapture(): self.panel.ReleaseMouse() def GetEventYInWindow(self, event): # Calculate the y-coordinate of a mouse click within the label, relative to the whole window return self.GetSize().height - self.label.GetSize( ).height + event.GetPosition().y def OnLabelDown(self, event): # Mouse down in the label means we want to resize the window self._prevXInWindow = event.GetPosition().x self._prevYInWindow = self.GetEventYInWindow(event) self._origWidth = self.GetSize().width self._origHeight = self.GetSize().height if not self.HasCapture(): self.CaptureMouse() def OnLabelMove(self, event): # Mouse move in the label means we should resize the window if event.Dragging(): pos = event.GetPosition() displacementX = self._prevXInWindow - pos.x displacementY = self._prevYInWindow - pos.y newXSize = self._origWidth - displacementX newYSize = self._origHeight - displacementY if newYSize < self.minYSize: newYSize = self.minYSize if newXSize < self.minXSize: newXSize = self.minXSize self.SetSize(wx.Size(newXSize, newYSize)) self.reInitBuffer = True def OnLabelUp(self, event): # Mouse up in the label means we want to stop resizing if self.HasCapture(): self.ReleaseMouse() def OnPanelPaint(self, event): # Paint the graph with whatever is in our in-memory buffer dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self.panel, self.buffer) def OnIdle(self, event): if self.reInitBuffer: # We have new data to be displayed self.InitBuffer() self.Refresh(False) def InitBuffer(self): # Draw the next graph to be displayed onto the in-memory buffer size = self.panel.GetSize() self.buffer = wx.Bitmap(size.width, size.height) dc = wx.BufferedDC(None, self.buffer) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour())) dc.Clear() self.DrawLines(dc) self.reInitBuffer = False def DrawLines(self, dc): # Draw the graph using the current upload/download values h = self.panel.GetSize().height w = self.panel.GetSize().width now = time.time() ts = 0 self.autoScale = self.scale * BYTES_PER_K for d in if d[1] > self.autoScale: self.autoScale = d[1] if d[2] > self.autoScale: self.autoScale = d[2] for d in ts = d[0] dl = d[1] ul = d[2] # For the graph to move left to right # x = now - ts - 1 # For the graph to move right to left x = ts - now + 1 + w y0 = h yDl = y0 - dl * h / (self.autoScale) yUl = y0 - ul * h / (self.autoScale) if dl < ul: dc.SetPen(self.olPen) dc.DrawLine(x, y0, x, yDl) dc.SetPen(self.ulPen) dc.DrawLine(x, yDl, x, yUl) else: dc.SetPen(self.olPen) dc.DrawLine(x, y0, x, yUl) dc.SetPen(self.dlPen) dc.DrawLine(x, yUl, x, yDl) def OnTimer(self, event): # Query the database to get the latest values now = int(time.time()) results = self.db.GetData(now - self.GetSize().width, now) # Store the results and set the flag indicating that the graph should be re-drawn = results[1] self.reInitBuffer = True self.panel.Refresh() self.label.SetLabel( self.FormatScale(self.autoScale) + ' ' + self.FormatAmounts(results[0][0], results[0][1]))
def on_about(self, event): """Show the about box""" dlg = AboutDialog(self, -1, "About") dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()