Esempio n. 1
    def urgency_gating(trial):
        """ Decide using Cisek's (2009) urgency gating algorithm. """
        l = float(len(trial))
        for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
            urgency = ii  ## urgency is elapsed "time",
                          ## i.e. a index of trial length
            pA_ii = _p_response(trial, ii, 'A')
            pB_ii = _p_response(trial, ii, 'B')
            print("pA_ii: {0}".format(pA_ii))
            print("pB_ii: {0}".format(pB_ii))
            score_A = fabs(gain * urgency * (pA_ii - 0.5))
            score_B = fabs(gain * urgency * (pB_ii - 0.5))
            print("score_A: {0}".format(score_A))
            print("score_B: {0}".format(score_B))

            decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, ii+1)
            if decision != None:
                return decision
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 2
    def relcount(trial):
        """ Return a category (A, B, or N (neutral)) for <trial> 
            based on proportion of As to Bs. """
        cA = 0.0
        cB = 0.0
        for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
            # Update scores based on t
            if t == 'A':
                cA += 1
                cB += 1
            if (cA > 0) and (cB > 0):
                score_A = cA / (cA + cB)
                score_B = 1 - score_A

                # And see if a decision can be made
                decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, ii+1)
                if decision != None:
                    return decision
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 3
 def incremental_lba(trial):
     """ Use Brown and Heathcote's (2008) LBA model, modified so A/B updates 
     are exclusive rather than simultanous, to make the decision. """
     # Init
     score_A = k
     score_B = k
     for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
         if t == 'A':
             # An incremental version of LBA.
             # that recognizes the balistic updates 
             # are exclusive.  A and B updates happen
             # at each time step.  In this form
             # updates are exclusive to A or B
             # but still ballistic.
             score_A += d
             score_B += d
         decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, ii+1)
         if decision != None:
             return decision
         # If threshold is never met,
         # we end up here...
         return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)            
Esempio n. 4
    def abscount(trial):
        """ Return a category (A, B, or N (neutral)) for <trial> 
        based on number of As versus Bs. """
        import random
        score_A = 0
        score_B = 0
        l = float(len(trial))
        for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
            # Update scores based on t
            if t == 'A':
                score_A += 1
                score_B += 1

            # Norm them
            score_A_norm = score_A / l
            score_B_norm = score_B / l     
            # print("({0}). {1}, {2}".format(ii, score_A_norm, score_B_norm))
            # And see if a decision can be made
            decision = decider(score_A_norm, score_B_norm, threshold, ii+1)
            if decision != None:
                return decision
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 5
 def snr(trial):
     """ Gardelle et al's mean / SNR model. """
     # Init
     l = len(trial)        
     meanA = 0 
     meanB = 0
     M2A = 0  # Second mean (needed for online)
     M2B = 0
     score_A = 0.0
     score_B = 0.0
     for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
         n = ii + 1  ## reindex needed
                     ## so n is the A/B count
         # Calculate the mean and sd
         # using online algortimns outlined
         # in Donald E. Knuth (1998). The Art of Computer 
         # Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 
         # 3rd edn.
         x = 1.0 / l 
         if t == 'A':
             delta = x - meanA
             meanA += delta/n
             # Can't update if any 
             # of the denom are 0
                 M2A += delta * (x - meanA)
                 sdA = sqrt(M2A / (n - 1))
                 score_A += meanA/sdA
             except ZeroDivisionError:
                 if mean_default:
                     score_A += meanA
             delta = x - meanB
             meanB += delta/n
                 M2B += delta * (x - meanB)
                 sdB = sqrt(M2B / (n - 1))
                 score_B += meanB/sdB
             except ZeroDivisionError:
                 if mean_default:
                     score_B += meanB
         # print("{2} - {3}. score_A: {0}, score_B: {1}".format(
             # score_A, score_B, ii, t))
         # And see if a decision can be made
         decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, n)
         if decision != None:
             return decision
         # If threshold is never met,
         # we end up here...
         return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 6
    def information(trial):
        H_a = 0
        H_b = 0
        l = float(len(trial))
        norm_const = np.log2(l) / l
        for ii,t in enumerate(trial):
            if t == 'A':
                H_a +=  -0.5 * np.log2(0.5)
                    ## For a binary alphabet, b-ary entropy is
                    ## H(A) = sum_i(b*log_2(b))
                    ## where b is the probability a letter
                    ## in the alphabet
                    ## appears at slot i (i.e. = t above).
                    ## In this case b = p(A) = p(b) = 0.5 for all i.
                H_b +=  -0.5 * np.log2(0.5)

            # And see if a decision can be made
            decision = decider(H_a * norm_const, 
                    H_b * norm_const, threshold, ii+1)
            if decision != None:
                return decision
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 7
    def likelihood_ratio(trial):
        """ Use a version of the sequential ratio test to decide (log_10). """
        # Transform threshold to suitable deciban
        # equivilant.
        dthreshold = threshold * 2.0
            ## 2 decibans is 99% confidence,
            ## so use that to map threshold (0-1)
            ## to the deciban threshold (dthreshold).

        cA = 0.0
        cB = 0.0
        logLR = 0.0
        l = float(len(trial))
        for ii,t in enumerate(trial):
            if t == 'A':
                cA += 1
                cB += 1
            if (cA > 0) and (cB > 0):
                logLR += log(cA/cB, 10)
                ## This implementaion can't decide on all
                ## A or B trials.  Live with this edge case for now?
            # A custom decision function
            # was necessary:
            if fabs(logLR) >= dthreshold:
                if logLR > 0:
                    return _create_d_result('A', logLR, 0, ii+1)
                elif logLR < 0:
                    return _create_d_result('B', logLR, 0, ii+1)
                elif logLR == 0:
                    return _create_d_result('N', logLR, 0, ii+1)
                    # It should be impossible to get here, however
                    # just in case something very odd happens....
                    raise ValueError(
                            "Something is very wrong with the scores.")
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 8
    def blcba(trial):
        """ Decide using Usher and McClelland's (2001) ballistic leaky
        competing accumulator model. """

    	score_A = k
        score_B = k
        # impulse = wi * (1.0 / length) 
        for ii, t in enumerate(trial):
            # As score_A + score_B = 1, if one is 1, the
            # other must be zero.
            if t == 'A':
                score_A += wi * 1 - (k * score_A) - beta * score_B
                score_B += wi * 0 - (k * score_B) - beta * score_A
                score_A += wi * 0 - (k * score_A) - beta * score_B
                score_B += wi * 1 - (k * score_B) - beta * score_A
            # print("{2} - {3}. score_A: {0}, score_B: {1}".format(
                # score_A, score_B, ii, t))
            # Scores must be postive, 
            # reset if otherwise
            if score_A < 0:
                # print("Reset A")
                score_A = 0
            elif score_B < 0:
                score_B = 0
                # print("Reset B")
            decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, ii+1)
            if decision != None:
                # print("hit")
                return decision
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)
Esempio n. 9
    def naive_probability(trial):
        """ Calculate the likelihood of the continuous sequence of either
        A or B in <trial>, decide when p_sequence(A) or (B) exceeds 
        <threshold>. """
        ## Init
        score_A = 0
        score_B = 0        
        lastcat = trial[0]
        p = 0.5

        # Loop over trial calculating scores.
        for ii, t in enumerate(trial[1:]):
            if t == lastcat:
                # If t is the same, 
                # decrease the likelihood (p).
                p = p * 0.5
                # Assign p to a score, 
                # also reflect it
                if t == 'A':
                    score_A = 1 - deepcopy(p)
                    score_B = 1 - deepcopy(p)
                # And see if a decision can be made
                decision = decider(score_A, score_B, threshold, ii+1)
                if decision != None:
                    return decision
                # Otherwise reset
                lastcat = deepcopy(t)
                p = 0.5
            # If threshold is never met,
            # we end up here...
            return _create_d_result('N', None, None, None)