Esempio n. 1
def run():

    from os import path
    from acoular import __file__ as bpath, MicGeom, WNoiseGenerator, PointSource,\
     Mixer, WriteH5, TimeSamples, PowerSpectra, RectGrid, SteeringVector,\
     BeamformerBase, L_p
    from pylab import figure, plot, axis, imshow, colorbar, show

    # set up the parameters
    sfreq = 51200
    duration = 1
    nsamples = duration * sfreq
    micgeofile = path.join(path.split(bpath)[0], 'xml', 'array_64.xml')
    h5savefile = 'three_sources.h5'

    # generate test data, in real life this would come from an array measurement
    mg = MicGeom(from_file=micgeofile)
    n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, seed=1)
    n2 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq,
    n3 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq,
    p1 = PointSource(signal=n1, mics=mg, loc=(-0.1, -0.1, 0.3))
    p2 = PointSource(signal=n2, mics=mg, loc=(0.15, 0, 0.3))
    p3 = PointSource(signal=n3, mics=mg, loc=(0, 0.1, 0.3))
    pa = Mixer(source=p1, sources=[p2, p3])
    wh5 = WriteH5(source=pa, name=h5savefile)

    # analyze the data and generate map

    ts = TimeSamples(name=h5savefile)
    ps = PowerSpectra(time_data=ts, block_size=128, window='Hanning')

    rg = RectGrid( x_min=-0.2, x_max=0.2, y_min=-0.2, y_max=0.2, z=0.3, \
    increment=0.01 )
    st = SteeringVector(grid=rg, mics=mg)

    bb = BeamformerBase(freq_data=ps, steer=st)
    pm = bb.synthetic(8000, 3)
    Lm = L_p(pm)

    # show map
    imshow( Lm.T, origin='lower', vmin=Lm.max()-10, extent=rg.extend(), \

    # plot microphone geometry
    plot(mg.mpos[0], mg.mpos[1], 'o')

Esempio n. 2
def fbeampreparation():
    # Gradangaben von Theta im Intervall [0,180] statt wie bei DCASE [90,-90]
    M1 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(45),deg2rad(55),0.042)
    M2 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(315),deg2rad(125),0.042)
    M3 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(135),deg2rad(125),0.042)
    M4 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(225),deg2rad(55),0.042)
    mg = MicGeom()
    mg.mpos_tot = array([M1,M2,M3,M4]).T # add microphone positions to MicGeom object
    # define evaluation grid
    rg = SphericalGrid_Equiangular(NPOINTS_AZI, NPOINTS_ELE)
    st = SteeringVector(grid=rg, mics=mg)
    if DEBUG:
        firstframe = STARTFRAME
        lastframe = ENDFRAME
        firstframe = 0
        lastframe = 600
    return mg, rg, st, firstframe, lastframe
Esempio n. 3
    def get_acoular_essentials(self):

        #Set the mic array geometry
        mg = MicGeom(from_file=self.array_arrngmnt)

        #Set rectangular plane and grid parameters for Acoular
        rg = RectGrid(x_min=self.x_min_grid, x_max=self.x_max_grid, y_min=self.y_min_grid, y_max=self.y_max_grid, z=self.distance, \

        st = SteeringVector(grid=rg, mics=mg)

        return mg, rg, st
Esempio n. 4
    def test_timeconvolve(self):
        """compare results of timeconvolve with numpy convolve"""
        # Parameters
        NSAMPLES = 25
        N1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=1000, numsamples=NSAMPLES, seed=1)
        MGEOM = MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1], [1], [1]])
        P1 = PointSource(signal=N1, mics=MGEOM)
        KERNEL = np.random.rand(20)
        CONV = TimeConvolve(kernel=KERNEL, source=P1)

        SIG = tools.return_result(P1, num=NSAMPLES)
        RES = tools.return_result(CONV, num=100)

        for i in range(P1.numchannels):
            REF = np.convolve(np.squeeze(KERNEL), np.squeeze(SIG[:, i]))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(np.squeeze(RES[:, i]),
Esempio n. 5
Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Acoular Development Team.
All rights reserved.

from acoular import WNoiseGenerator, PointSource, PowerSpectra, MicGeom, L_p
from import barspectrum
from numpy import array
from pylab import figure,plot,show,xlim,ylim,xscale,xticks,xlabel,ylabel,\
    grid,real, title, legend

# constants
sfreq = 12800  # sample frequency
band = 3  # octave: 1 ;   1/3-octave: 3 (for plotting)

# set up microphone at (0,0,0)
m = MicGeom()
m.mpos_tot = array([[0, 0, 0]])

# create noise source
n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=10 * sfreq, seed=1)

t = PointSource(signal=n1, mics=m, loc=(1, 0, 1))

# create power spectrum
f = PowerSpectra(time_data=t, window='Hanning', overlap='50%', block_size=4096)

# get spectrum data
spectrum_data = real(f.csm[:, 0,
                           0])  # get power spectrum from cross-spectral matrix
freqs = f.fftfreq()  # FFT frequencies
Esempio n. 6

def cart2spherical_dcase(x, y, z):
    phi = arctan2(y, x) * 180 / pi
    theta = arccos(z / (sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2))) * 180 / pi
    return array([phi, 90 - theta])

# Gradangaben von Theta im Intervall [0,180] statt wie bei DCASE [90,-90]
M1 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(45), deg2rad(55), 0.042)
M2 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(315), deg2rad(125), 0.042)
M3 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(135), deg2rad(125), 0.042)
M4 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(225), deg2rad(55), 0.042)

mg = MicGeom()
mg.mpos_tot = array([M1, M2, M3,
                     M4]).T  # add microphone positions to MicGeom object

# define evaluation grid
# Hier könntest du vielleicht eine neue Spherical Grid Klasse schreiben oder
# eine ArbitraryGrid Klasse, damit wir ein sinnvolles Gitter zur Lokalisierung
# verwenden können.
# Als Anregung siehe:
rg = SphericalGrid_Equiangular(NPOINTS_AZI, NPOINTS_ELE)
st = SteeringVector(grid=rg, mics=mg)

# analyze the data and generate map
ts = WavSamples(name=name, start=STARTFRAME * NUM, stop=ENDFRAME * NUM)
Esempio n. 7
tr = Trajectory()
tr1 = Trajectory()
tmax = U / rps
delta_t = 1. / rps / 16.0  # 16 steps per revolution
for t in arange(0, tmax * 1.001, delta_t):
    i = t * rps * 2 * pi  #angle
    # define points for trajectory spline
    tr.points[t] = (R * cos(i), R * sin(i), Z)  # anti-clockwise rotation
    tr1.points[t] = (R * cos(i), R * sin(i), Z)  # anti-clockwise rotation

# define circular microphone array

m = MicGeom()
# set 28 microphone positions
m.mpos_tot = array([(r*sin(2*pi*i+pi/4), r*cos(2*pi*i+pi/4), 0) \
    for i in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 28, False)]).T

# define the different source signals
if sys.version_info > (3, ):
    long = int
nsamples = long(sfreq * tmax)
n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples)
s1 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq)
s2 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq, \
Esempio n. 8
dataFile = 'example_data.h5'
calibFile = 'example_calib.xml'
micGeoFile = path.join(path.split(acoular.__file__)[0], 'xml', 'array_56.xml')

freqInt = 4000

t1 = MaskedTimeSamples(name = dataFile)
t1.start = 0
t1.stop = 16000
invalid = [1, 7]
t1.invalid_channels = invalid

t1.calib = Calib(from_file = calibFile)

m = MicGeom(from_file = micGeoFile)
m.invalid_channels = invalid

g = RectGrid(x_min = -0.6, x_max = -0.0, y_min = -0.3, y_max = 0.3,
        z = 0.68, increment = 0.05)

f = EigSpectra(time_data = t1,
        window = 'Hanning', overlap = '50%', block_size = 128,
        ind_low = 7, ind_high = 15)

bb = BeamformerBase(freq_data = f, grid = g, mpos = m, r_diag = True, c = 346.04)
bc = BeamformerCapon(freq_data = f, grid = g, mpos = m, c = 346.04, cached = False)
be = BeamformerEig(freq_data = f, grid = g, mpos = m, r_diag = True, c = 346.04, n = 54)
bm = BeamformerMusic(freq_data = f, grid = g, mpos = m, c = 346.04, n = 6)

bd = BeamformerDamas(beamformer = bb, n_iter = 100)
Esempio n. 9
import numpy as np
#acoular imports
import acoular
acoular.config.global_caching = 'none'  # to make sure that nothing is cached

from acoular import MicGeom, RectGrid3D, \
    SlotJet, OpenJet, RotatingFlow, \
    Environment, UniformFlowEnvironment, GeneralFlowEnvironment

# if this flag is set to True
# results are generated for comparison during testing.
# Should always be False. Only set to True if it is necessary to
# recalculate the data due to intended changes of the Beamformers.

m = MicGeom()
m.mpos_tot = ((0.5, 0.5, 0), (0, 0, 0), (-0.5, -0.5, 0))
mc = m.mpos
g = RectGrid3D(x_min=-0.2,
gc = g.gpos

flows = [
    SlotJet(v0=70.0, origin=(-0.7, 0, 0.7)),
    OpenJet(v0=70.0, origin=(-0.7, 0, 0.7)),
    RotatingFlow(v0=70.0, rpm=1000.0)
Esempio n. 10
    BeamformerOrth, RectGrid, MaskedTimeSamples, Sector,\
        UncorrelatedNoiseSource, SourceMixer, SamplesGenerator, BeamformerTimeTraj, BeamformerTimeSqTraj,\
            BeamformerCleantTraj, BeamformerCleantSqTraj, IntegratorSectorTime, MaskedTimeInOut, ChannelMixer,\
                SpatialInterpolator, SpatialInterpolatorRotation, SpatialInterpolatorConstantRotation, Mixer,\
                    WriteWAV, MergeGrid, FiltWNoiseGenerator, SphericalHarmonicSource, PointSource
from numpy import array
from unittest import TestCase

# a dictionary containing all classes that should change their digest on
# changes of the following trait types:
#   * List
#   * CArray
    #    "MicGeom.mpos_tot item assignment" : (MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1.,2.,3.]]), "obj.mpos_tot[:] = 0."),
    "MicGeom.mpos_tot new array assignment":
    (MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1., 2., 3.]]), "obj.mpos_tot = array([0.])"),
    #    "MicGeom.invalid_channels item assignment" : (MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1.,2.,3.]],invalid_channels=[1]), "obj.invalid_channels[0] = 0"),
    "MicGeom.invalid_channels new list assignment":
    (MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1., 2., 3.]],
             invalid_channels=[1]), "obj.invalid_channels = [0]"),
    #    "UniformFlowEnvironment.fdv item assignment": (UniformFlowEnvironment(), "obj.fdv[0] = 0."),
    "UniformFlowEnvironment.fdv array assignment":
    (UniformFlowEnvironment(), "obj.fdv = array((0., 0., 0.))"),
    #    "SlotJet.origin item assignment": (SlotJet(), "obj.origin[0] = 1."),
    "SlotJet.origin array assignment":
    (SlotJet(), "obj.origin = array((1., 0., 0.))"),
    #    "SlotJet.flow item assignment": (SlotJet(), "obj.flow[0] = 0."),
    "SlotJet.flow array assignment": (SlotJet(),
                                      "obj.flow = array((0., 0., 0.))"),
    #    "SlotJet.plane item assignment": (SlotJet(), "obj.plane[0] = 1."),
Esempio n. 11
t1.stop = 16000  # last valid sample = 15999
invalid = [1, 7]  # list of invalid channels (unwanted microphones etc.)
t1.invalid_channels = invalid

# calibration is usually needed and can be set directly at the TimeSamples
# object (preferred) or for frequency domain processing at the PowerSpectra
# object (for backwards compatibility)
t1.calib = Calib(from_file=calibfile)

# the microphone geometry must have the same number of valid channels as the
# TimeSamples object has
m = MicGeom(from_file=micgeofile)
m.invalid_channels = invalid

# the grid for the beamforming map; a RectGrid3D class is also available
# (the example grid is very coarse)
g = RectGrid(x_min=-0.6,

# for frequency domain methods, this provides the cross spectral matrix and its
import acoular
from acoular import L_p, TimeSamples, Calib, MicGeom, EigSpectra,\
RectGrid3D, BeamformerBase, BeamformerFunctional, BeamformerEig, BeamformerOrth, \
BeamformerCleansc, BeamformerCapon, BeamformerMusic, BeamformerCMF, PointSpreadFunction, BeamformerClean, BeamformerDamas

# other imports
from os import path
#from mayavi import mlab
from numpy import amax
#from cPickle import dump, load
from pickle import dump, load

# see example3
t = TimeSamples(name='example_data.h5')
cal = Calib(from_file='example_calib.xml')
m = MicGeom(from_file=path.join(\
    path.split(acoular.__file__)[0], 'xml', 'array_56.xml'))
g = RectGrid3D(x_min=-0.6, x_max=-0.0, y_min=-0.3, y_max=0.3, \
    z_min=0.48, z_max=0.88, increment=0.1)
f = EigSpectra(time_data=t,
csm = f.csm[:]
eva = f.eva[:]
eve = f.eve[:]

#""" Creating the beamformers
bb1Rem = BeamformerBase(freq_data=f,
Esempio n. 13
    import pyface.qt
    os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyqt'

# make sure that no OMP multithreading is used if OMP_NUM_THREADS is not defined

#from .fileimport import time_data_import, csv_import, td_import, \
#bk_mat_import, datx_import
    from .nidaqimport import nidaq_import

m = MicGeom(from_file='UCA8.xml')

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import path
import acoular
from acoular import L_p, Calib, MicGeom, TimeSamples, \
RectGrid, BeamformerBase, EigSpectra, BeamformerOrth, BeamformerCleansc, \
MaskedTimeSamples, FiltFiltOctave, BeamformerTimeSq, TimeAverage, \
TimeCache, BeamformerTime, TimePower, BeamformerCMF, \
BeamformerCapon, BeamformerMusic, BeamformerDamas, BeamformerClean, \
Esempio n. 14
# new beamformer results are generated for comparison during testing. Should always be False. Only set to
# true, if it is necessary to recalculate the data, due to wanted changes of the Beamformers (or MovingPointSource).

# Parameters
FNAME = join('reference_data', 'beamformer_traj_time_data.h5')
SFREQ = 6000
SPEED = 10  # km/h
SEED = 1
D = .5
SOURCE_POS = (0.0, 0.0, D)
passby_dist = .5  # distance that the source is passing in front of array

# create linear mic geom
MGEOM = MicGeom()
N = 5
L = .5
MGEOM.mpos_tot = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float64)
win = np.sin(np.arange(N) * np.pi / (N - 1))
b = 0.4
MGEOM.mpos_tot[0] = np.linspace(-L, L, N) * (1 - b) / (win * b + 1 - b)

# Monopole Trajectory
t_passby = passby_dist / SPEED / 3.6
nsamples = int(t_passby * SFREQ)
TRAJ = Trajectory()  # source center
TRAJ.points[0] = (-passby_dist / 2 + SOURCE_POS[0], SOURCE_POS[1],
TRAJ.points[t_passby] = (+passby_dist / 2, SOURCE_POS[1], SOURCE_POS[2])
Esempio n. 15

from os import path
from acoular import __file__ as bpath, MicGeom, WNoiseGenerator, PointSource,\
 Mixer, WriteH5, TimeSamples, PowerSpectra, RectGrid, BeamformerBase, L_p
from pylab import figure, plot, axis, imshow, colorbar, show

# set up the parameters
sfreq = 51200 
duration = 1
nsamples = duration*sfreq
micgeofile = path.join(path.split(bpath)[0],'xml','array_64.xml')
h5savefile = 'three_sources.h5'

# generate test data, in real life this would come from an array measurement
mg = MicGeom( from_file=micgeofile )
n1 = WNoiseGenerator( sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, seed=1 )
n2 = WNoiseGenerator( sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, seed=2, rms=0.7 )
n3 = WNoiseGenerator( sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, seed=3, rms=0.5 )
p1 = PointSource( signal=n1, mpos=mg,  loc=(-0.1,-0.1,0.3) )
p2 = PointSource( signal=n2, mpos=mg,  loc=(0.15,0,0.3) )
p3 = PointSource( signal=n3, mpos=mg,  loc=(0,0.1,0.3) )
pa = Mixer( source=p1, sources=[p2,p3] )
wh5 = WriteH5( source=pa, name=h5savefile )

# analyze the data and generate map
ts = TimeSamples( name=h5savefile )
ps = PowerSpectra( time_data=ts, block_size=128, window='Hanning' )
rg = RectGrid( x_min=-0.2, x_max=0.2, y_min=-0.2, y_max=0.2, z=0.3, \
increment=0.01 )
Esempio n. 16
MaskedTimeSamples, FiltFiltOctave, Trajectory, BeamformerTimeSq, TimeAverage, \
TimeCache, FiltOctave, BeamformerTime, TimePower, IntegratorSectorTime, \
PointSource, MovingPointSource, SineGenerator, WNoiseGenerator, Mixer, WriteWAV

from pylab import subplot, imshow, show, colorbar, plot, transpose, figure, \
psd, axis, xlim, ylim, title, tight_layout, text

freq = 48000
sfreq = freq / 2  #sampling frequency
duration = 1
nsamples = freq * duration
datafile = 'cry_n0000001.wav'
micgeofile = path.join(path.split(bpath)[0], 'xml', 'array_64_8mic.xml')
h5savefile = 'cry_n0000001.wav'
m = MicGeom(from_file=micgeofile)
n = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, seed=1)  #1pascal
p = PointSource(signal=n, mpos=m, loc=(-0.1, -0.1, 0.3))
p1 = Mixer(source=p)
wh5 = WriteH5(source=p, name=h5savefile)

#definition the different source signal
r = 52.5
nsamples = long(sfreq * 0.3)
n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples)
s1 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq)
s2 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq, \

#define a circular array of 8 microphones
Esempio n. 17
import numpy as np
from acoular import __file__ as bpath, config, WNoiseGenerator, PointSource, MicGeom

config.global_caching = "none"

# if this flag is set to True, new data will be simulated and
# new source results are generated for comparison during testing. Should always be False. Only set to
# true, if it is necessary to recalculate the data, due to wanted changes of the sources.

# Parameters
SFREQ = 1000
SEED = 1
N1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=SFREQ, numsamples=NSAMPLES, seed=SEED)
MGEOM = MicGeom(mpos_tot=[[1], [1], [1]])

def get_source_result(Source, num=32):
    returns the result for a given source

    source : cls
        source class that is tested.
    num : int, optional
        number of samples to return. The default is 32.

Esempio n. 18

# only execute this example when script is not 
# imported as module but started explicitely:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### Defining noise source ###
    from acoular import WNoiseGenerator, PointSource, PowerSpectra, MicGeom
    sfreq= 12800
    n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq = sfreq, 
                         numsamples = 10*sfreq, 
                         seed = 1)
    m = MicGeom()
    m.mpos_tot = array([[0,0,0]])
    t = PointSource(signal = n1, 
                    mpos = m,  
                    loc = (1, 0, 1))
    f = PowerSpectra(time_data = t, 
                     window = 'Hanning', 
                     overlap = '50%', 
                     block_size = 4096)
    ### Plotting ###
    from pylab import figure,plot,show,xlim,ylim,xscale,xticks,xlabel,ylabel,grid,real
    from acoular import L_p              
Esempio n. 19
tr = Trajectory()
tr1 = Trajectory()
tmax = U/rps
delta_t = 1./rps/16.0 # 16 steps per revolution
for t in arange(0, tmax*1.001, delta_t):
    i = t* rps * 2 * pi #angle
    # define points for trajectory spline
    tr.points[t] = (R*cos(i), R*sin(i), Z) # anti-clockwise rotation
    tr1.points[t] = (R*cos(i), R*sin(i), Z) # anti-clockwise rotation

# define circular microphone array

m = MicGeom()
# set 28 microphone positions
m.mpos_tot = array([(r*sin(2*pi*i+pi/4), r*cos(2*pi*i+pi/4), 0) \
    for i in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 28, False)]).T

# define the different source signals
if sys.version_info > (3,):
     long = int
nsamples = long(sfreq*tmax)
n1 = WNoiseGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples)
s1 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq)
s2 = SineGenerator(sample_freq=sfreq, numsamples=nsamples, freq=freq, \