Esempio n. 1
    def newFrames(self):
        """Return a list of all frames acquired since the last call to newFrames."""
        now = ptime.time()

        dt = now - self.lastFrameTime
        exp = self.getParam('exposure')
        bin = self.getParam('binning')
        fps = 1.0 / (exp + (40e-3 / (bin[0] * bin[1])))
        nf = int(dt * fps)
        if nf == 0:
            return []

        region = self.getParam('region')
        bg = self.getBackground()[region[0]:region[0] + region[2],
                                  region[1]:region[1] + region[3]]

        ## update cells
        spikes = np.random.poisson(min(dt, 0.4) * self.cells['rate'])
        self.cells['value'] *= np.exp(-dt / self.cells['decayTau'])
        self.cells['value'] = np.clip(self.cells['value'] + spikes * 0.2, 0, 1)
        shape = region[2:]
        self.lastFrameTime = now + exp
        data = self.getNoise(shape)
        data[data < 0] = 0

        data += bg * (exp * 1000)

        ## draw cells
        px = (self.pixelVectors()[0]**2).sum()**0.5

        ## Generate transform that maps grom global coordinates to image coordinates
        cameraTr = pg.SRTTransform3D(self.inverseGlobalTransform())
        # note we use binning=(1,1) here because the image is downsampled later.
        frameTr = self.makeFrameTransform(region, [1, 1]).inverted()[0]
        tr = pg.SRTTransform(frameTr * cameraTr)

        for cell in self.cells:
            w = cell['size'] / px
            pos = pg.Point(cell['x'], cell['y'])
            imgPos =
            start = (int(imgPos.x()), int(imgPos.y()))
            stop = (int(start[0] + w), int(start[1] + w))
            val = cell['intensity'] * cell['value'] * self.getParam('exposure')
            data[max(0, start[0]):max(0, stop[0]),
                 max(0, start[1]):max(0, stop[1])] += val

        data = fn.downsample(data, bin[0], axis=0)
        data = fn.downsample(data, bin[1], axis=1)
        data = data.astype(np.uint16)

        self.frameId += 1
        frames = []
        for i in range(nf):
                'data': data,
                'time': now + (i / fps),
                'id': self.frameId
        return frames
Esempio n. 2
 def newFrames(self):
     """Return a list of all frames acquired since the last call to newFrames."""
     now = ptime.time()
     dt = now - self.lastFrameTime
     exp = self.getParam('exposure')
     region = self.getParam('region') 
     bg = self.getBackground()[region[0]:region[0]+region[2], region[1]:region[1]+region[3]]
     ## update cells
     spikes = np.random.poisson(max(dt, 0.4) * self.cells['rate'])
     self.cells['value'] *= np.exp(-dt / self.cells['decayTau'])
     self.cells['value'] = np.clip(self.cells['value'] + spikes * 0.2, 0, 1)
     shape = region[2:]
     bin = self.getParam('binning')
     nf = int(dt / (exp+(40e-3/(bin[0]*bin[1]))))
     if nf > 0:
         self.lastFrameTime = now
         #data = np.random.normal(size=(shape[0], shape[1]), loc=100, scale=50)
         data = self.getNoise(shape)
         data[data<0] = 0
         #sig = self.signal[region[0]:region[0]+region[2], region[1]:region[1]+region[3]]
         data += bg * (exp*1000)
         ## draw cells
         px = (self.pixelVectors()[0]**2).sum() ** 0.5
         ## Generate transform that maps grom global coordinates to image coordinates
         cameraTr = pg.SRTTransform3D(self.inverseGlobalTransform())
         frameTr = self.makeFrameTransform(region, [1, 1]).inverted()[0] # note we use binning=(1,1) here because the image is downsampled later.
         tr = pg.SRTTransform(frameTr * cameraTr)
         for cell in self.cells:
             w = cell['size'] / px
             pos = pg.Point(cell['x'], cell['y'])
             imgPos =
             start = (int(imgPos.x()), int(imgPos.y()))
             stop = (start[0]+w, start[1]+w)
             val = cell['intensity'] * cell['value'] * self.getParam('exposure')
             data[max(0,start[0]):max(0,stop[0]), max(0,start[1]):max(0,stop[1])] += val
         data = fn.downsample(data, bin[0], axis=0)
         data = fn.downsample(data, bin[1], axis=1)
         data = data.astype(np.uint16)
         self.frameId += 1
         frames = []
         for i in range(nf):
             frames.append({'data': data, 'time': now, 'id': self.frameId})
         return frames
         return []
Esempio n. 3
def mkData(v, power=1, noise=5e-12, length=5e-3, rate=400e3, downsample=40):
    ## Make a single event in noise
    ## Note: noise is the desired stdev of noise _after_ downsampling
    (amp, xoff, rise, fall) = v

    numPts = length * rate
    data = np.random.normal(scale=noise * downsample**0.5, loc=0, size=numPts)

    x = np.linspace(0, length, numPts)
    signal = pspFunc([amp, xoff, rise, fall], x, power)
    data += signal

    ## downsample
    data = fn.downsample(data, downsample)

    return x[::downsample], data
Esempio n. 4
def mkData(v, power=1, noise=5e-12, length=5e-3, rate=400e3, downsample=40):
    ## Make a single event in noise
    ## Note: noise is the desired stdev of noise _after_ downsampling
    (amp, xoff, rise, fall) = v
    numPts = length * rate
    data = np.random.normal(scale=noise * downsample**0.5, loc=0, size=numPts)
    x = np.linspace(0,length,numPts)
    signal = pspFunc([amp, xoff, rise, fall], x, power)
    data += signal
    ## downsample
    data = fn.downsample(data, downsample)
    return x[::downsample], data
Esempio n. 5
    def newFrame(self, frame):
        Called when task is finished (truly completes, no errors/abort)
        frame contains all of the data returned from all devices
        imageDownSample = self.ui.downSampling.value() # this is the "image" downsample,
        # get the downsample for the daq. This is far more complicated than it should be...
        finfo = frame['result'][self.detectorDevice()]["Channel":'Input']
        info = finfo.infoCopy()
        #if 'downsampling' in info[1]['DAQ']['Input'].keys():
            #daqDownSample = info[1]['DAQ']['Input']['downsampling']
            #daqDownSample = 1
        daqDownSample = info[1]['DAQ']['Input'].get('downsampling', 1)
        if daqDownSample != 1:
            raise HelpfulException("Set downsampling in DAQ to 1!")
        # get the data and the command used on the scanner
        pmtdata = frame['result'][self.detectorDevice()]["Channel":'Input'].asarray()
        t = frame['result'][self.detectorDevice()].xvals('Time')
        dt = t[1]-t[0]
        progs = frame['cmd'][self.scannerDevice()]['program']
        if len(progs) == 0:
        prog = progs[0]
        nscans = prog['nScans']
        limits = prog['points']
        dist = (pg.Point(limits[0])-pg.Point(limits[1])).length()
        startT = prog['startTime']
        endT = prog['endTime']
        if prog['type'] == 'lineScan':
            totSamps = prog['samplesPerScan']+prog['samplesPerPause']
            imageData = pmtdata[prog['startStopIndices'][0]:prog['startStopIndices'][0]+nscans*totSamps]
            imageData=imageData.reshape(nscans, totSamps)
            imageData = imageData[:,0:prog['samplesPerScan']] # trim off the pause data
            if imageDownSample > 1:
                imageData = fn.downsample(imageData, imageDownSample, axis=1)
            self.ui.plotWidget.imageItem.setRect(QtCore.QRectF(startT, 0.0, endT-startT, dist ))
            storeFlag = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storeData'] # get flag 
            print "before StoreFlag and storeflag is:", storeFlag
            if storeFlag:
                dirhandle = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storageDir'] # grab directory
      {'detector': self.detectorDevice(), 'scanner': self.scannerDevice(), 'indices': prog['startStopIndices'], 
                           'samplesPerScan': prog['samplesPerScan'], 'nscans': prog['nScans'], 
                           'scanPointList': prog['scanPointList'],
                           'positions': prog['points'],
                           'downSample': imageDownSample, 'daqDownSample': daqDownSample}

                info = [dict(name='Time', units='s', values=t[prog['startStopIndices'][0]:prog['startStopIndices'][1]-prog['samplesPerScan']:prog['samplesPerScan']]),
                print 'imageData.shape: ', imageData.shape
                print 'prog: ', prog
                print 'startstop[0]: ', prog['startStopIndices'][0]
                print 'startstop[1]: ', prog['startStopIndices'][1]
                print 'samplesperscan: ', prog['samplesPerScan']
                print 'info: ', info
                # there is an error here that I haven't fixed. Use multilinescan until I do. 
                ma = metaarray.MetaArray(imageData, info=info)
                print 'I am writing for a simple line scan'
                dirhandle.writeFile(ma, '')

        if prog['type'] == 'multipleLineScan': 
            totSamps = int(np.sum(prog['scanPointList'])) # samples per scan, before downsampling
            imageData = pmtdata[prog['startStopIndices'][0]:prog['startStopIndices'][0]+int((nscans*totSamps))].copy()           
            #print imageData.shape
            #print nscans
            #print totSamps
            #print prog['samplesPerPause']
            imageData = imageData.reshape(nscans, totSamps)
            csum = np.cumsum(prog['scanPointList'])
            for i in xrange(0, len(csum), 2):
                    imageData[:,csum[i]:csum[i+1]] = 0

            #imageData = imageData[:,0:prog['samplesPerScan']] # trim off the pause data
            imageData = fn.downsample(imageData, imageDownSample, axis=1)
            self.ui.plotWidget.imageItem.setRect(QtCore.QRectF(startT, 0.0, totSamps*dt*nscans, dist ))
            storeFlag = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storeData'] # get flag 
           # print "before StoreFlag and storeflag is:", storeFlag
           # print frame['cmd']
           # print prog['points']
            if storeFlag:
                dirhandle = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storageDir'] # grab directory
      {'detector': self.detectorDevice(), 'scanner': self.scannerDevice(), 'indices': prog['startStopIndices'], 
                           'scanPointList': prog['scanPointList'], 'nscans': prog['nScans'], 
                           'positions': prog['points'],
                           'downSample': imageDownSample, 'daqDownSample': daqDownSample}
                #print 'totSamps: ', totSamps
                #print 'prog[startstop..]: ', prog['startStopIndices']
                info = [dict(name='Time', units='s', 
            #    print info
                ma = metaarray.MetaArray(imageData, info=info)
                print 'I am writing for a multiple line scan'
                dirhandle.writeFile(ma, '')
                #raise Exception()

        if prog['type'] == 'rectScan':
            #samplesPerScan = int((prog['startStopIndices'][1]-prog['startStopIndices'][0])/prog['nScans'])
            samplesPerScan = prog['imageSize'][0]*prog['imageSize'][1]
            getManager().data = prog, pmtdata
            imageData = pmtdata[prog['startStopIndices'][0]:prog['startStopIndices'][0] + nscans*samplesPerScan]
#            imageData=imageData.reshape(samplesPerScan, nscans)
            imageData=imageData.reshape(nscans, prog['imageSize'][1], prog['imageSize'][0])
            imageData = imageData.transpose(0,2,1)
            # imageData = fn.downsample(imageData, imageDownSample, axis=0)
            pts = prog['points']
            floatpoints =[ (float(x[0]), float(x[1])) for x in pts]
            width  = (pts[1] -pts[0]).length() # width is x in M
            height = (pts[2]- pts[0]).length() # heigh in M
            self.ui.plotWidget.imageItem.setRect(QtCore.QRectF(0., 0., width, height))
           # self.ui.histogram.imageChanged(autoLevel=True)
            #print 'rectscan - nscans, samplesperscan: ', prog['nScans'], samplesPerScan
            sd =
            camMod = sd.cameraModule().window()
            if self.img is not None:
                self.img = None
            self.img = pg.ImageItem(imageData.mean(axis=0))
            w = imageData.shape[1]
            h = imageData.shape[2]
            localPts = map(pg.Vector, [[0,0], [w,0], [0,h], [0,0,1]]) # w and h of data of image in pixels.
            globalPts = prog['points'] # sort of. - 
            m = pg.solve3DTransform(localPts, map(pg.Vector, globalPts+[[0,0,1]]))
            m[:,2] = m[:,3]
            m[2] = m[3]
            m[2,2] = 1
            tr = QtGui.QTransform(*m[:3,:3].transpose().reshape(9))
            storeFlag = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storeData'] # get flag 
           # print 'srttransform: ', pg.SRTTransform3D(tr)
            if storeFlag:
                dirhandle = frame['cmd']['protocol']['storageDir'] # grab directory
      {'detector': self.detectorDevice(), 'scanner': self.scannerDevice(), 'indices': prog['startStopIndices'], 
                           'samplesPerScan': samplesPerScan, 'nscans': prog['nScans'], 
                           'positions': floatpoints, # prog['points'],
                           'downSample': imageDownSample,
                           'transform': pg.SRTTransform3D(tr),
                # to line below, add x, y for the camera (look at camera video output)
                info = [dict(name='Time', units='s', 
                print info
                ma = metaarray.MetaArray(imageData, info=info)
                dirhandle.writeFile(ma, '')