Esempio n. 1
 def test_iter_morphemes_prefixes(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with prefixes."""
     word = 'pfxone#pfxtwo#stem:POS|stem&FUS=stemgloss'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('pfxone', '', 'pfx'), ('pfxtwo', '', 'pfx'),
                       ('stem&FUS', 'stemgloss', 'stem:POS')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_iter_morphemes_compound_gloss(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with compound and stem gloss."""
     word = 'CMPPOS|+CMPPOSONE|cmpstemone+CMPPOSTWO|cmpstemtwo=cmpgloss'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('=cmpstemone', 'cmpgloss', 'CMPPOSONE'),
                       ('=cmpstemtwo', 'cmpgloss', 'CMPPOSTWO')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_iter_morphemes_suffixes_stemgloss(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with suffixes and stem gloss."""
     word = 'stem:POS|stem&FUS-SFXONE-SFXTWO=stemgloss'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('stem&FUS', 'stemgloss', 'stem:POS'),
                       ('', 'SFXONE', 'sfx'), ('', 'SFXTWO', 'sfx')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_iter_morphemes_suffixes_colon(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with suffix and colon."""
     word = 'stem:POS|stem&FUS-SFXONE:contr-SFXTWO:SFXTWOseg=stemgloss'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('stem&FUS', 'stemgloss', 'stem:POS'),
                       ('', 'SFXONE:contr', 'sfx'),
                       ('SFXTWOseg', 'SFXTWO', 'sfx')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_iter_morphemes_compound_suffixes(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with compound and suffixes."""
     word = ('CMPPOS|+CMPPOSONE|cmpstemone-SFXONE'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('=cmpstemone', 'cmpgloss', 'CMPPOSONE'),
                       ('', 'SFXONE', 'sfx'),
                       ('=cmpstemtwo', 'cmpgloss', 'CMPPOSTWO'),
                       ('', 'SFXTWO', 'sfx')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_parse(self):
        """Test parse()."""
        session_str = ('tom20010724.cha:*MOT:\tdoozo . 4087868_4089193\n'
                       '%xtrn:\tn:prop|Hono-chan co:g|doozo .\n'
        parser = JapaneseMiiProSessionParser(self.dummy_cha_path)
        parser.reader = JapaneseMiiProReader(io.StringIO(session_str))
        session = parser.parse()

        utt = session.utterances[0]

        utterance = [
            utt.source_id == 'dummy_0', utt.addressee is None,
            utt.utterance_raw == 'doozo .', utt.utterance == 'doozo',
            utt.translation == '',
            utt.morpheme_raw == 'n:prop|Hono-chan co:g|doozo .',
            utt.gloss_raw == 'n:prop|Hono-chan co:g|doozo .',
            utt.pos_raw == 'n:prop|Hono-chan co:g|doozo .',
            utt.sentence_type == 'default', utt.start_raw == '4087868',
            utt.end_raw == '4089193', utt.comment == '', utt.warning == ''

        w = utt.words[0]

        words = [
            w.word_language == 'Japanese', w.word == 'doozo',
            w.word_actual == 'doozo', w.word_target == 'doozo', w.warning == ''

        m1 = utt.morphemes[0][0]
        m2 = utt.morphemes[0][1]
        m3 = utt.morphemes[1][0]

        morphemes = [
            m1.gloss_raw == '', m1.morpheme == 'Hono',
            m1.morpheme_language == '', m1.pos_raw == 'n:prop',
            m2.gloss_raw == 'chan', m2.morpheme == 'chan',
            m2.morpheme_language == '', m2.pos_raw == 'sfx',
            m3.gloss_raw == '', m3.morpheme == 'doozo',
            m3.morpheme_language == '', m3.pos_raw == 'co:g'

        assert (False not in utterance and False not in words
                and False not in morphemes)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_iter_morphemes_stem_gloss(self):
     """Test iter_morphemes with stem and gloss."""
     word = 'stem:POS|stem&FUS=stemgloss'
     actual_output = list(JapaneseMiiProReader.iter_morphemes(word))
     desired_output = [('stem&FUS', 'stemgloss', 'stem:POS')]
     self.assertEqual(actual_output, desired_output)
Esempio n. 8
 def get_reader(session_file):
     return JapaneseMiiProReader(session_file)