Esempio n. 1
def summarize():

    summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')
    examples = [('Hello World', 'Hello World'),
                # a real world example
                ('<p>Hello World, you have to click this link because</p>',
                 '<p>Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to click this link because</p>',
                # now with HTML entities
                 '<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('Hello<br />', 'Hello<br />'),
                ('<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <br /> click<br /> this<br /> link...</p>',
                 '<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('Hello World, you have to click this link because',
                 'Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \

    for text, result in examples:
        assert summarize.transform(text, Entry(), '5') == result

    conf['summarize_mode'] = 0
    summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')

    assert summarize.transform((
        '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod '
        'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>'
        '<p>Here it breaks ...</p>'),
        Entry(), '20') == (
        '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod '
        'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut '
        '<span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span></p>')
Esempio n. 2
def summarize():

    summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')
    examples = [('Hello World', 'Hello World'),
                # a real world example
                ('<p>Hello World, you have to click this link because</p>',
                 '<p>Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to click this link because</p>',
                # now with HTML entities
                 '<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('Hello<br />', 'Hello<br />'),
                ('<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <br /> click<br /> this<br /> link...</p>',
                 '<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                ('Hello World, you have to click this link because',
                 'Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \

    for text, result in examples:
        assert summarize.transform(text, Entry(), '5') == result

    conf['summarize_mode'] = 0
    summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')

    assert summarize.transform((
        '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod '
        'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam</p>'
        '<p>Here it breaks ...</p>'),
        Entry(), '20') == (
        '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod '
        'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut '
        '<span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span></p>')
Esempio n. 3
def headoffset():

    h1 = get_filters()['h1'](conf, env, 'h1')
    examples = [
        ('<h1>Hello</h1>', '<h2>Hello</h2>'), ('<h2>World</h2>', '<h3>World</h3>'),
        ('<h1 class="foo bar">spam</h1>', '<h2 class="foo bar">spam</h2>'),
        ('<h1 class="foo" id="baz">spam</h1>', '<h2 class="foo" id="baz">spam</h2>'),

    for test, result in examples:
        assert h1.transform(test, None) == result

    h5 = get_filters()['h5'](conf, env, 'h5')
    assert h5.transform('<h3>eggs</h3>', '<h6>eggs</h6>')
Esempio n. 4
def headoffset():

    h1 = get_filters()['h1'](conf, env, 'h1')
    examples = [
        ('<h1>Hello</h1>', '<h2>Hello</h2>'), ('<h2>World</h2>', '<h3>World</h3>'),
        ('<h1 class="foo bar">spam</h1>', '<h2 class="foo bar">spam</h2>'),
        ('<h1 class="foo" id="baz">spam</h1>', '<h2 class="foo" id="baz">spam</h2>'),

    for test, result in examples:
        assert h1.transform(test, None) == result

    h5 = get_filters()['h5'](conf, env, 'h5')
    assert h5.transform('<h3>eggs</h3>', '<h6>eggs</h6>')
Esempio n. 5
    def test_hyphenate(self):

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate'](conf, env, 'Hyphenate')

        hyph.transform('Airplane', Entry('en')) == 'Airplane'
        hyph.transform('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', Entry('en')) == \
                         '&shy;'.join(['su', 'per', 'cal', 'ifrag', 'ilis', 'tic', 'ex',
                                       'pi', 'ali', 'do', 'cious'])

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate'](conf, env, 'Hyphenate')

        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '8') == 'Flugzeug'
        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '7') == 'Flug&shy;zeug'

        # test unsupported
        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('foo'), '8') == 'Flugzeug'
    def test_hyphenate(self):

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate'](conf, env, 'Hyphenate')

        hyph.transform('Airplane', Entry('en')) == 'Airplane'
        hyph.transform('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', Entry('en')) == \
                         '&shy;'.join(['su', 'per', 'cal', 'ifrag', 'ilis', 'tic', 'ex',
                                       'pi', 'ali', 'do', 'cious'])

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate'](conf, env, 'Hyphenate')

        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '8') == 'Flugzeug'
        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '7') == 'Flug&shy;zeug'

        # test unsupported
        assert hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('foo'), '8') == 'Flugzeug'
Esempio n. 7
    def test_hyphenation(self):

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate']('Hyphenate')

        self.assertEqual(hyph.transform('Airplane', Entry('en')), 'Airplane')
        self.assertEqual(hyph.transform('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', Entry('en')),
                         '&shy;'.join(['su', 'per', 'cal', 'ifrag', 'ilis', 'tic', 'ex',
                                       'pi', 'ali', 'do', 'cious']))

        hyph = get_filters()['Hyphenate']('Hyphenate')

        self.assertEqual(hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '8'), 'Flugzeug')
        self.assertEqual(hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('de'), '7'), 'Flug&shy;zeug')

        # test unsupported
        self.assertEqual(hyph.transform('Flugzeug', Entry('foo'), '8'), 'Flugzeug')
Esempio n. 8
def mako():

    mako = get_filters()['Mako'](conf, env, 'Mako')

    e = Entry('de')
    e.filename = '1'

    assert mako.transform('${entry.lang}', Entry('de')) == 'de'
    assert mako.transform("${ 'which which' | system }", e) == '/usr/bin/which'
Esempio n. 9
def intro():

    intro = get_filters()['intro'](conf, env, 'intro')
    examples = [('Hello World', ''),
                ('<p>First</p>', '<p>First</p><span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span>'),
                ('<p>First</p><p>Second</p>', '<p>First</p><span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span>')]

    for text, result in examples:
        assert intro.transform(text, Entry(), '1') == result
Esempio n. 10
def mako():

    mako = get_filters()['Mako'](conf, env, 'Mako')

    e = Entry('de')
    e.filename = '1'

    assert mako.transform('${entry.lang}', Entry('de')) == 'de'
    assert mako.transform("${ 'which which' | system }", e) == '/usr/bin/which'
Esempio n. 11
def intro():

    intro = get_filters()['intro'](conf, env, 'intro')
    examples = [('Hello World', ''),
                ('<p>First</p>', '<p>First</p><span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span>'),
                ('<p>First</p><p>Second</p>', '<p>First</p><span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" class="continue">continue</a>.</span>')]

    for text, result in examples:
        assert intro.transform(text, Entry(), '1') == result
Esempio n. 12
def strip():

    strip = get_filters()['strip'](conf, env, 'strip')
    examples = [('<em>Foo</em>', 'Foo'), ('<a href="#">Bar</a>', 'Bar'),
                ('<video src="#" />', '')]

    for text, result in examples:
        assert strip.transform(text, Entry()) == result

    assert strip.transform('<pre>...</pre>', Entry(), 'pre') == ''
    assert strip.transform('<pre>&lt;</pre>', Entry(), 'pre') == ''
Esempio n. 13
def strip():

    strip = get_filters()['strip'](conf, env, 'strip')
    examples = [
        ('<em>Foo</em>', 'Foo'), ('<a href="#">Bar</a>', 'Bar'),
        ('<video src="#" />', '')]

    for text, result in examples:
        assert strip.transform(text, Entry()) == result

    assert strip.transform('<pre>...</pre>', Entry(), 'pre') == ''
    assert strip.transform('<pre>&lt;</pre>', Entry(), 'pre') == ''
Esempio n. 14
def acronyms():

    acronyms = get_filters()['Acronyms'](conf, env, 'Acronyms')
    abbr = lambda abbr, expl: '<abbr title="%s">%s</abbr>' % (expl, abbr)

    examples = [('CGI', abbr('CGI', 'Common Gateway Interface')),
                ('IMDB', abbr('IMDB', 'Internet Movie Database')),
                ('IMDb', abbr('IMDb', 'Internet Movie Database')),
                ('PHP5', abbr('PHP5', 'Programmers Hate PHP ;-)')),
                ('TEST', 'TEST')]

    for test, result in examples:
        assert acronyms.transform(test, None) == result
Esempio n. 15
def acronyms():

    acronyms = get_filters()['Acronyms'](conf, env, 'Acronyms')
    abbr = lambda abbr, expl: '<abbr title="%s">%s</abbr>' % (expl, abbr)

    examples = [
        ('CGI', abbr('CGI', 'Common Gateway Interface')),
        ('IMDB', abbr('IMDB', 'Internet Movie Database')),
        ('IMDb', abbr('IMDb', 'Internet Movie Database')),
        ('PHP5', abbr('PHP5', 'Programmers Hate PHP ;-)')),
        ('TEST', 'TEST')

    for test, result in examples:
        assert acronyms.transform(test, None) == result
Esempio n. 16
def liquid():

    liquid = get_filters()['liquid'](conf, env, 'liquid')

    # liquid block recognition
    text = '\n'.join([
        "{% tag %}", "", "Foo Bar.", "", "{% endtag %}"

    rv = liquid.block("tag").match(text)
    assert == ""
    assert == "\nFoo Bar.\n"

    # multiple, not nested blocks
    text = '\n'.join([
        "{% block %}", "", "Foo Bar.", "", "{% endblock %}",
        "{% block %}", "", "Baz.", "", "{% endblock %}"

    rv = tuple(liquid.block("block").finditer(text))
    assert len(rv) == 2

    x, y = rv
    assert == "Foo Bar."
    assert == "Baz."

    # self-closing block
    text = '{% block a few args %}'
    rv = liquid.block("block").match(text)

    assert rv is not None
    assert == 'a few args'
    assert is None

    # blockquote
    examples = [
        ('{% blockquote Author, Source Title %}\nFoo Bar\n{% endblockquote %}',
         '<blockquote><p>Foo Bar</p><footer><strong>Author, Source</strong> <cite><a href="">Title</a></cite></footer></blockquote>'),

    for text, result in examples:
        assert liquid.transform(text, Entry()) == result
Esempio n. 17
    def test_works(self):

        summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')
        examples = [('Hello World', 'Hello World'),
                    # a real world example
                    ('<p>Hello World, you have to click this link because</p>',
                     '<p>Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                    ('<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to click this link because</p>',
                    # now with HTML entities
                     '<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                    ('Hello<br />', 'Hello<br />'),
                    ('<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <br /> click<br /> this<br /> link...</p>',
                     '<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \

        for text, result in examples:
            assert summarize.transform(text, Entry(), '5') == result
Esempio n. 18
def liquid():

    liquid = get_filters()['liquid'](conf, env, 'liquid')

    # liquid block recognition
    text = '\n'.join([
        "{% tag %}", "", "Foo Bar.", "", "{% endtag %}"

    rv = liquid.block("tag").match(text)
    assert == ""
    assert == "\nFoo Bar.\n"

    # multiple, not nested blocks
    text = '\n'.join([
        "{% block %}", "", "Foo Bar.", "", "{% endblock %}",
        "{% block %}", "", "Baz.", "", "{% endblock %}"

    rv = tuple(liquid.block("block").finditer(text))
    assert len(rv) == 2

    x, y = rv
    assert == "Foo Bar."
    assert == "Baz."

    # self-closing block
    text = '{% block a few args %}'
    rv = liquid.block("block").match(text)

    assert rv is not None
    assert == 'a few args'
    assert is None

    # blockquote
    examples = [
        ('{% blockquote Author, Source Title %}\nFoo Bar\n{% endblockquote %}',
         '<blockquote><p>Foo Bar</p><footer><strong>Author, Source</strong> <cite><a href="">Title</a></cite></footer></blockquote>'),

    for text, result in examples:
        assert liquid.transform(text, Entry()) == result
Esempio n. 19
    def test_works(self):

        summarize = get_filters()['summarize'](conf, env, 'summarize')
        examples = [('Hello World', 'Hello World'),
                    # a real world example
                    ('<p>Hello World, you have to click this link because</p>',
                     '<p>Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                    ('<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to click this link because</p>',
                    # now with HTML entities
                     '<p>Hel&shy;lo Wor&shy;ld, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                    ('Hello<br />', 'Hello<br />'),
                    ('<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <br /> click<br /> this<br /> link...</p>',
                     '<p>Hello World, you have<br /> to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \
                    ('Hello World, you have to click this link because',
                     'Hello World, you have to <span>&#8230;<a href="/foo/" '+ \

        for text, result in examples:
            assert summarize.transform(text, Entry(), '5') == result
Esempio n. 20
def compile(conf, env, force=False, **options):
    """The compilation process.

    Current API:

        #. when we require context
        #. when we called an event

    New API:

        #. before we start with view Initialization
        #. after we initialized views
        #. before we require context
        #. after we required context
        #. before we template
        #. before we write a file
        #. when we called an event
        #. when we finish

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    request = initialize(conf, env)

    # load pages/entries and store them in env
    entrylist, pages = readers.load(conf)
    env.globals['entrylist'] = entrylist
    env.globals['pages'] = pages

    # XXX translations should be moved out of core
    env.globals['translations'] = translations = []

    if force:
        # acrylamid compile -f

    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and
    found = sum((x.filters for x in entrylist+pages+_views), []) + request['conf']['filters']

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in entrylist + pages:
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + request['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in ns.iteritems() if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority,,

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags or so
    # XXX this API component needs a review
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(env, {'entrylist': entrylist, 'pages': pages,
                              'translations': translations})

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        # XXX the entry should automatically determine its caller (using
        # some sys magic to recursively check wether the calling class is
        # derieved from `View`.)
        for entry in entrylist + pages + translations:
            entry.context = v.__class__.__name__

        request['pages'], request['translations'] = pages, translations
        request['entrylist'] = filter(v.condition, entrylist)
        tt = time.time()

        for html, path in v.generate(request):
            helpers.mkfile(html, path, time.time()-tt, **options)
            tt = time.time()

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary'%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]', event.count('create'),
             event.count('update'), event.count('identical') + event.count('skip'),
             time.time() - ctime)
Esempio n. 21
    def test_jinja2(self):

        jinja2 = get_filters()['Jinja2']('Jinja2')

        self.assertEqual(jinja2.transform('{{ entry.lang }}', Entry('de')), 'de')
        self.assertEqual(jinja2.transform("{{ 'which which' | system }}", None), '/usr/bin/which')
Esempio n. 22
def compile(conf, env):
    """The compilation process."""

    hooks.initialize(conf, env), env, 'pre')

    if env.options.force:

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    data = initialize(conf, env)

    # load pages/entries and store them in env
    rv = dict(
        zip(['entrylist', 'pages', 'translations', 'drafts'],
            map(HashableList, readers.load(conf))))

    entrylist, pages = rv['entrylist'], rv['pages']
    translations, drafts = rv['translations'], rv['drafts']

    # load references
    refs.load(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts)


    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and (skip translations, has no items)
    found = sum((x.filters
                 for x in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts, _views, [conf])), [])

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    # include actual used filters to trigger modified state
    env.filters = HashableList(iterkeys(ns))

    for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts):
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + data['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in iteritems(ns) if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k:

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags and such
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(conf, env, data)

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts):
            entry.context = v

        for var in 'entrylist', 'pages', 'translations', 'drafts':
            data[var] = HashableList(filter(v.condition, locals()[var])) \
                if v.condition else locals()[var]

        tt = time.time()
        for buf, path in v.generate(conf, env, data):
                               time.time() - tt,
            except UnicodeError:
            tt = time.time()

    # copy modified/missing assets to output
    assets.compile(conf, env)

    # wait for unfinished hooks

    # run post hooks (blocks), env, 'post')

    # save conf/environment hash and new/changed/unchanged references
    helpers.memoize('Configuration', hash(conf))
    helpers.memoize('Environment', hash(env))

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary'%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]', event.count('create'),
             event.count('identical') + event.count('skip'),
             time.time() - ctime)
Esempio n. 23
def compile(conf, env):
    """The compilation process."""

    if env.options.force:

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    data = initialize(conf, env)

    # load pages/entries and store them in env
    rv = dict(zip(["entrylist", "pages", "translations", "drafts"], map(HashableList, readers.load(conf))))

    entrylist, pages = rv["entrylist"], rv["pages"]
    translations, drafts = rv["translations"], rv["drafts"]

    # load references
    refs.load(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts)


    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and (skip translations, has no items)
    found = sum((x.filters for x in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts, _views, [conf])), [])

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith("no") else val
        fname, fargs = f.split("+")[:1][0], f.split("+")[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith("no"):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split("+")[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException("no such filter: %s" % val)


    # include actual used filters to trigger modified state
    env.filters = HashableList(ns.keys())

    for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts):
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + data["conf"]["filters"]

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in ns.iteritems() if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority,, context=v)

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags and such
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(conf, env, data)

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts):
            entry.context = v

        for var in "entrylist", "pages", "translations", "drafts":
            data[var] = HashableList(filter(v.condition, locals()[var])) if v.condition else locals()[var]

        tt = time.time()
        for buf, path in v.generate(conf, env, data):
                    buf, path, time.time() - tt,, force=env.options.force, dryrun=env.options.dryrun
            except UnicodeError:
            tt = time.time()

    # copy modified/missing assets to output
    assets.compile(conf, env)

    # wait for unfinished hooks

    # save conf/environment hash and new/changed/unchanged references
    helpers.memoize("Configuration", hash(conf))
    helpers.memoize("Environment", hash(env))

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary
        "%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]",
        event.count("identical") + event.count("skip"),
        time.time() - ctime,
Esempio n. 24
    def test_works(self):

        jinja2 = get_filters()['Jinja2'](conf, env, 'Jinja2')

        assert jinja2.transform('{{ entry.lang }}', Entry('de')) == 'de'
        assert jinja2.transform("{{ 'which which' | system }}", None) == '/usr/bin/which'
Esempio n. 25
def compile(conf, env, force=False, **options):

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    request = initialize(conf, env)

    if force:
        # acrylamid compile -f

    # list of FileEntry-objects reverse sorted by date.
    entrylist = sorted([FileEntry(e, conf) for e in utils.filelist(conf['content_dir'],
                                                             conf.get('entries_ignore', []))],
                       key=lambda k:, reverse=True)

    # here we store all possible filter configurations
    ns = set()

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and
    found = sum((x.filters for x in entrylist+_views), []) + request['conf']['filters']

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx.transform = lambda x, y, *z: x
                fx.__hash__ = lambda : 0
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in entrylist:
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + request['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx = filter(lambda k: fn ==, ns)[0]
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority,,

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags or so
    # XXX this API component needs a review
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(env, {'entrylist': filter(v.condition, entrylist)})

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        # XXX the entry should automatically determine its caller (using
        # some sys magic to recursively check wether the calling class is
        # derieved from `View`.)
        for entry in entrylist:
            entry.context = v.__class__.__name__

        request['entrylist'] = filter(v.condition, entrylist)
        tt = time.time()

        for html, path in v.generate(request):
            helpers.mkfile(html, path, time.time()-tt, **options)
            tt = time.time()

    # remove abandoned cache files
    cache.shutdown()'Blog compiled in %.2fs' % (time.time() - ctime))
Esempio n. 26
    def test_works(self):

        jinja2 = get_filters()['Jinja2'](conf, env, 'Jinja2')

        assert jinja2.transform('{{ entry.lang }}', Entry('de')) == 'de'
        assert jinja2.transform("{{ 'which which' | system }}", None) == '/usr/bin/which'
Esempio n. 27
def compile(conf, env):
    """The compilation process."""

    if env.options.force:

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    data = initialize(conf, env)

    # load pages/entries and store them in env
    rv = dict(zip(['entrylist', 'pages', 'translations', 'drafts'],
        map(HashableList, readers.load(conf))))

    entrylist, pages = rv['entrylist'], rv['pages']
    translations, drafts = rv['translations'], rv['drafts']

    # load references
    refs.load(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts)


    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and (skip translations, has no items)
    found = sum((x.filters for x in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts, _views, [conf])), [])

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, drafts):
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + data['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in ns.iteritems() if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority,,

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags and such
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(conf, env, data)

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        for entry in chain(entrylist, pages, translations, drafts):
            entry.context = v

        for var in 'entrylist', 'pages', 'translations', 'drafts':
            data[var] = HashableList(filter(v.condition, locals()[var])) \
                if v.condition else locals()[var]

        tt = time.time()
        for buf, path in v.generate(conf, env, data):
                helpers.mkfile(buf, path, time.time()-tt, **env.options.__dict__)
            tt = time.time()

    # copy modified/missing assets to output
    assets.compile(conf, env)

    # save conf/environment hash and new/changed/unchanged references
    helpers.memoize('Configuration', hash(conf))
    helpers.memoize('Environment', hash(env))

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary'%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]', event.count('create'),
             event.count('update'), event.count('identical') + event.count('skip'),
             time.time() - ctime)
Esempio n. 28
def compile(conf, env, force=False, **options):
    """The compilation process.

    Current API:

        #. when we require context
        #. when we called an event

    New API:

        #. before we start with view Initialization
        #. after we initialized views
        #. before we require context
        #. after we required context
        #. before we template
        #. before we write a file
        #. when we called an event
        #. when we finish

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    request = initialize(conf, env)

    # load pages/entries and store them in env
    entrylist, pages = readers.load(conf)
    env.globals['entrylist'] = entrylist
    env.globals['pages'] = pages

    # XXX translations should be moved out of core
    env.globals['translations'] = translations = []

    if force:
        # acrylamid compile -f

    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and
    found = sum(
         for x in entrylist + pages + _views), []) + request['conf']['filters']

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in entrylist + pages:
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + request['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in ns.iteritems() if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k:

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags or so
    # XXX this API component needs a review
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(env, {
            'entrylist': entrylist,
            'pages': pages,
            'translations': translations

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        # XXX the entry should automatically determine its caller (using
        # some sys magic to recursively check wether the calling class is
        # derieved from `View`.)
        for entry in entrylist + pages + translations:
            entry.context = v

        request['pages'], request['translations'] = pages, translations
        request['entrylist'] = filter(v.condition, entrylist)
        tt = time.time()

        for html, path in v.generate(request):
            helpers.mkfile(html, path, time.time() - tt, **options)
            tt = time.time()

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary'%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]', event.count('create'),
             event.count('identical') + event.count('skip'),
             time.time() - ctime)