def cancel_move_base(): print("canceled move base") #cancel action pubCancelAction = rospy.Publisher('/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=0) answerCancel = GoalID() answerCancel.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() = "map" pubCancelAction.publish(answerCancel) #cancel movement pubCancelMove = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) twist = Twist() twist.linear.x = 0.0 twist.linear.y = 0.0 twist.linear.z = 0.0 twist.angular.x = 0.0 twist.angular.y = 0.0 twist.angular.z = 0.0 pubCancelMove.publish(twist)
def callback_main(self, data): if not self.stop: if data.x != -1: self.flag_find = True if self.flag_explore and self.status_explore_goal == 1 and data.y <= 30: rospy.loginfo("Stop Explore and kill Operator") rospy.Publisher("/Explore/cancel", GoalID, queue_size=1).publish(GoalID()) os.system("rosnode kill /Operator") time.sleep(5) self.flag_explore = False if (self.move_base_info.status_list and self.move_base_info.status_list[0].status == 1) and data.y <= 4: rospy.Publisher('/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=1).publish(GoalID()) self.goal_ajustment(data) elif not self.flag_explore: self.move_goal_to_object(data.x, data.z) else: if not self.flag_find and not self.flag_explore and self.status_explore_goal != 1: rospy.loginfo("Wait..") time.sleep(5) self.pub_explore_goal.publish(ExploreActionGoal()) rospy.loginfo("Start Explore") self.flag_explore = True
def cancel_command(): cancelmessage = GoalID() cancelmessage.stamp.secs = 0 cancelmessage.stamp.nsecs = 0 = '' cancel_cmd.publish(cancelmessage) print("TestFunction")
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._startTime = self._failed = False self._reached = False goal_id = GoalID() = 'abcd' goal_id.stamp = action_goal = MoveBaseGoal() action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint action_goal.speed = userdata.speed if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "": action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world" try: self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) resp = self.set_tolerance(goal_id, 0.2, 1.55) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % { 'err': str(e), 'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x, 'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y }) self._failed = True Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')
def publishNextPoint(self): x_next, y_next = self.convert_node_to_point(self.next_node) w_next = self.computeNextOrientation(x_next, y_next) rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Converted next node to point: (%s,%s), orientation: %s" % (self.node_name, x_next, y_next, w_next)) goal_id = GoalID() = str(self.goal_idx) msg = MoveBaseActionGoal() msg.goal_id = goal_id msg.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = self.frame_id msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x_next msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y_next msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = math.sin(w_next / 2) msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = math.cos(w_next / 2) self.pub_goal.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Dispatched goal point: (%s,%s)" % (self.node_name, x_next, y_next)) if self.next_node == self.goal: self.dispatched_end = True
def stop_navigation(self): if self.navigation_goal_id == '-1': # only cancel nav if currently underway return msg = GoalID() # init cancel message = self.navigation_goal_id # specify current goal id self.move_cancel_pub.publish(msg) # publish message self.navigation_goal_id = '-1' # update current nav goal id
def cancel_exploration(self): if self.exploration_id: rospy.logerr("Robot {} Cancelling exploration...".format(self.robot_id)) goal_id = GoalID() = self.exploration_id self.cancel_explore_pub.publish(goal_id) else: rospy.logerr("Exploration ID not set...")
def click_cancel_cb(self, msg): if print "clicked cancel" for i in range(3): cancel_msg = GoalID() = self.last_goal_id cancel_msg.stamp = self.mb_cancel_pub.publish(cancel_msg)
def new_goal_id(self): now = rospy.get_rostime() new_id = "%s_%i_%i_%i" % (rospy.get_name(), self.count, now.secs, now.nsecs) self.count += 1 goal_id = GoalID() goal_id.stamp = now = new_id return goal_id
def get_goal_to_publish(): # Get a random goal and go there # We could try to improve this random search, and have some memory global latest_goal_time global latest_goal_id global goal_points_list if latest_goal_id == None: latest_goal_id = 1 latest_goal_time = time.time() else: if time.time() - latest_goal_time > 20.: latest_goal_id += 1 latest_goal_time = time.time() else: # Print should not happen anymore print "Too little time passed since last goal sent" return None goal_to_send = MoveBaseActionGoal() current_goal_id = GoalID() = str(latest_goal_id) goal_to_send.goal_id = current_goal_id pose_stamped = PoseStamped() pose = Pose() idx = random.randrange(len(goal_points_list)) pose.position.x = goal_points_list[idx][0] pose.position.y = goal_points_list[idx][1] roll = 0. pitch = 0. yaw = 0. quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw) pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] pose_stamped.pose = pose goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose = pose_stamped goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' goal_to_send.goal = goal return goal_to_send
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.loginfo('Executing Park') rospy.loginfo('STAYING HERE') goal_id = GoalID() = '' pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=10) pub.publish(goal_id) return 'parkSuccessful'
def prepare_and_publish_actionlib_msg(self): ''' Fill and publish action lib message ''' goal_id_msg = GoalID() now = rospy.get_rostime() goal_id_msg.stamp = now = "ACTIVE"
def prepare_actionlib_msg(self): ''' Fill action lib message ''' goal_id_msg = GoalID() now = rospy.get_rostime() goal_id_msg.stamp = now = "ACTIVE"
def cancel_exploration(self): if self.exploration_id: pu.log_msg(self.robot_id, "Cancelling exploration...", self.debug_mode) goal_id = GoalID() = self.exploration_id self.cancel_explore_pub.publish(goal_id) else: pu.log_msg(self.robot_id, "Exploration ID not set...", self.debug_mode)
def PrepareToStop(self, data): if self.object_x and self.object_y and self.moving and np.sqrt( np.square(self.object_x - data.pose.pose.position.x) + np.square(self.object_y - data.pose.pose.position.y)) < 0.5: cancel_msg = GoalID() = "" cancel_msg.stamp = self.cancel_publisher.publish(cancel_msg) self.moving = False self.object_x = None self.object_y = None
def run(self): pub = rospy.Publisher('/Mock/Dobot_Loader/suctionStatus', GoalID, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('AddDetectedObjectServer') r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.listener() my_message = GoalID() my_message.stamp.nsecs=int(self.current_value) my_message.stamp.secs=int(self.current_value) pub.publish(my_message) r.sleep()
def odom_callback(msg): global OLD_MAP, currentX, currentY, currentAngle, last_refreshed, visited, currentRow, currentCol, thinking # find current (x,y) position of robot based on odometry currentX = msg.pose.pose.position.x currentY = msg.pose.pose.position.y # find current orientation of robot based on odometry (quaternion coordinates) xOr = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x yOr = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y zOr = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z wOr = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w # find orientation of robot (Euler coordinates) (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion([xOr, yOr, zOr, wOr]) # find currentAngle of robot (equivalent to yaw) # now that you have yaw, the robot's pose is completely defined by (currentX, currentY, currentAngle) currentAngle = yaw if OLD_MAP is None: return # cancel the current waypoint and assign a new one if we aren't moving if not thinking and sitting_still(): backup(400) clear_pub.publish(Empty()) cancel_pub.publish(GoalID()) currentRow, currentCol = utils.coord_to_row_col((currentX, currentY), RESOLUTION, MAP) # mark the area around the region we are in as visited visited[currentRow - visit_width:currentRow + visit_width, currentCol - visit_width:currentCol + visit_width] = 1 # check if we are in a region that was unexplored when we # originally chose this waypoint. If so, the current # path might take us through a wall, so it is better to # cancel the waypoint and reroute. refresh_rate = 10 if (OLD_MAP[currentRow-7:currentRow+8, currentCol-7:currentCol+8] == -1).all() \ and time.time() - last_refreshed > refresh_rate: print("Reassessing route...") last_refreshed = time.time() backup(400) clear_pub.publish(Empty()) cancel_pub.publish(GoalID())
def on_joy(self, data): # Set speed ratio using d-pad twist = Twist() if data.axes[7] == 1: # moving forward twist.linear.x = 1 elif data.axes[7] == -1: twist.linear.x = -1 if data.axes[6] == 1: # rotating left twist.angular.z = 1 elif data.axes[6] == -1: twist.angular.z = -1 # Stop if data.buttons[1]: # B button twist.linear.x = 0 twist.angular.z = 0 # Publish Twist self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist) # Cancel move base goal if data.buttons[2]: # X button rospy.loginfo('Cancelling move_base goal') cancel_msg = GoalID() self.goal_cancel_pub.publish(cancel_msg)
def callback(self, data): if data.x != -1: if not self.move_base_info.status_list and self.flag_orientation: self.orientation_to_obj(data) elif self.flag_move_to_goal: self.publisher_move_to_goal(data) self.flag_move_to_goal = False self.flag_ajustment = True self.flag_find = True elif (self.move_base_info.status_list and self.move_base_info.status_list[0].status != 1 ) and self.flag_ajustment: self.goal_ajustment(data) if (self.move_base_info.status_list and self.move_base_info.status_list[0].status == 1) and data.y <= 4: rospy.Publisher('/move_base/cancel', GoalID, queue_size=1).publish(GoalID()) else: if self.flag_find and ( self.move_base_info.status_list and self.move_base_info.status_list[0].status != 1): self.msg_twist.angular.z = 0.5 self.pub_cmd_vel.publish(self.msg_twist.angular.z)
def goalCallback(self, msg): self.goal_pose = msg.pose while True: # print("robot pose: {}, {}".format(self.robot_pose.position.x, self.robot_pose.position.y)) # print("goal pose: {}, {}".format(self.goal_pose.position.x, self.goal_pose.position.y)) self.distance = sqrt( pow(self.goal_pose.position.x - self.robot_pose.position.x, 2) + pow(self.goal_pose.position.y - self.robot_pose.position.y, 2)) print(self.distance) if self.first_time == False: self.end_time = time.time() if self.distance < self.offset: if self.first_time == True: self.start_time = time.time() self.first_time = False if self.first_time != None and self.end_time != None: self.interval_time = abs(self.end_time - self.start_time) print("TIME START: {}".format(self.start_time)) print("END TIME: {}".format(self.end_time)) print("INTERVAL TIME: {}".format(self.interval_time)) if self.interval_time >= self.stuck_time: cancel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/move_base/cancel", GoalID, queue_size=1) cancel_msg = GoalID() cancel_pub.publish(cancel_msg) rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("goal has been canceled") break
def getGoal(data): #print("get goal!") goal.x = data.pose.position.x goal.y = data.pose.position.y msg = GoalID() pubStopMovebase.publish(msg) receiveGoal = True
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("INIT CONTROL VISION") rospy.init_node("robot_vision", anonymous=True) self.control_pid_x = ControlPid(5, -5, 0.01, 0, 0) self.control_pid_yaw = ControlPid(3, -3, 0.001, 0, 0) self.flag_find = False self.flag_explore = False self.stop = False self.time_start = time.time() rospy.Subscriber("/diff/camera_top/camera_info", CameraInfo, self.callback_camera_info) rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/status", GoalStatusArray, self.callback_move_base_info) rospy.Subscriber("/Explore/status", GoalStatusArray, self.callback_explore_status) self.pub_cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_move_to_goal = rospy.Publisher("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_first_map_goal = rospy.Publisher("/GetFirstMap/goal", GetFirstMapActionGoal, queue_size=1) self.pub_explore_goal = rospy.Publisher("/Explore/goal", ExploreActionGoal, queue_size=1) cancel_first_map = rospy.Publisher("/GetFirstMap/cancel", GoalID, queue_size=1) time.sleep(1) self.pub_first_map_goal.publish() time.sleep(1) cancel_first_map.publish(GoalID())
def __init__(self): """ JARVIS User Interface Node """ rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) rospy.wait_for_service('return_grips') self.msg = GoalID() self.newGrips = jarvis_perception.msg.GraspArray() self.legalUtterances = [ 'upper', 'lower', 'top', 'bottom', 'back', 'front', 'near', 'far', 'rear', 'left', 'right', 'anywhere', 'center' ] self.lastUtterance = '' self.axisAlignedBox = '' self.person_trans = '' self.person_rot = '' plotting = True self.likelihood = None self.var = None try: grip_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('return_grips', ReturnGrips) self.grips = grip_server() print self.grips pubgrips = rospy.Publisher('return_grips', jarvis_perception.msg.GraspArray, queue_size=10) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def cancel_goal(self): goal_id = GoalID() = self.goal_cancel_publisher.publish(goal_id) self.is_moving = False # print '\nGoal canceled...' if self.tour_started: tts.speak('Tour cancelled') self.tour_started = False else: tts.speak('Goal canceled') time.sleep(5) # print '\nReturning to waiting position...' tts.speak('Returning to waiting position') time.sleep(2) self.publish_goal(self.start_location)
def stop(self): # Cancel all current goals cancel_pub = rospy.Publisher(rospy.get_name() + '/cancel', GoalID) cancel_pub.publish(GoalID( # Wait a bit rospy.sleep(0.5)
def shutdown(self): try: for x in self.leds.pins: wiringpi2.digitalWrite(x, 0) self.cancel_pub.publish(GoalID()) except: pass
def __init__(self, node_name, topic_1 = None, msg_type_1 = None, send_topic_1 = None, topic_2 = None, msg_type_2 = None, send_topic_2 = None): self._motive_topic_1=node_name+'/activate' if not(topic_1 == None) and not(msg_type_1 == None): self._topic_1 = topic_1 self._msg_type_1 = msg_type_1 self._send_topic_1=send_topic_1 self.send_1 = FunctionUnit.create_send(self, self._send_topic_1, self._msg_type_1) else: self._topic_1 = None self._msg_type_1 = None if not(topic_2 == None) and not(msg_type_2 == None): self._topic_2 = topic_2 self._msg_type_2 = msg_type_2 self._send_topic_2=send_topic_2 self.send_2 = FunctionUnit.create_send(self, self._send_topic_2, self._msg_type_2) else: self._topic_2 = None #print 'init' FunctionUnit.__init__(self, node_name) self.motivational_shared_var = False #'True' means the behavior set is activated self._action_mode = False self._last_goal = GoalID()
def _generate_id(self): global g_goal_id id, g_goal_id = g_goal_id, g_goal_id + 1 now = return GoalID(id="%s-%i-%.3f" % (rospy.get_caller_id(), id, now.to_sec()), stamp=now)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): assert all(['_' + key in self.__slots__ for key in kwargs.keys()]), \ "Invalid arguments passed to constructor: %r" % kwargs.keys() from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalID self.goal_id = kwargs.get('goal_id', GoalID()) self.status = kwargs.get('status', int()) self.text = kwargs.get('text', str())
def _getPath(self, path): if self.calculate_path == True: self.pubStopNav.publish(GoalID()) self.path = path print("Path=", path) else: pass
def __init__(self, name, user): self.user = user self.timer, = 0., time.clock() self.poses, self.gids = [], [] self.status = 0 = name self.key = 'moving' # Crear mensaje PoseStamped self.pose = PoseStamped() self.pose.header.stamp = self.pose.header.frame_id = "map" self.pose.pose.position.x = 0 self.pose.pose.position.y = 0 self.pose.pose.position.z = 0 self.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 self.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 self.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 self.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 self.poses.append(self.pose) = rospy.Publisher('/%s/move_base_simple/goal' %, PoseStamped, queue_size=100) self.cancel = GoalID() self.cancel.stamp = = '/%s/HOME' % self.gids.append(self.cancel) self.pub_cancel = rospy.Publisher('/%s/move_base/cancel' %, GoalID, queue_size=100) self.subs = rospy.Subscriber('/%s/move_base/status' %, GoalStatusArray, self.callbackStatus) self.subs_goal = rospy.Subscriber('/%s/move_base/goal' %, MoveBaseActionGoal, self.newGoalID) self.subs_img = rospy.Subscriber( '/%s/camera/rgb/image_raw' %, Image, self.newImage)
def callback(msg): global stopMessage global goHome global wallFollow global isWallFollow message = (tempStop, tempGoHome, tempWallFollow) = message.split(":") #print(tempStop, tempGoHome, tempWallFollow) if int(tempStop) != int(stopMessage): # Stop wall follow isWallFollow = False cmd_pub.publish("stop") cancel_nav_pub.publish(GoalID()) tempTwist = Twist() tempTwist.linear.x = 0 tempTwist.linear.y = 0 tempTwist.linear.z = 0 tempTwist.angular.x = 0 tempTwist.angular.y = 0 tempTwist.angular.z = 0 cmd_vel_pub.publish(tempTwist) print("Sending stop movement",tempStop, stopMessage) elif (int(tempGoHome) != int(goHome)): # Go home beacon_pub.publish("1") print("Sending navigate home", goHome, tempGoHome) elif (int(tempWallFollow) != int(wallFollow)) and (isWallFollow == False): # Start wall follow isWallFollow = True print("lSending run wall follow", tempWallFollow, wallFollow) cmd_pub.publish("start") wallFollow = tempWallFollow goHome = tempGoHome stopMessage = tempStop
def generate_ID(self): """ * \brief Generates a unique ID * \return A unique GoalID for this action """ id = GoalID(); cur_time =; ss = + "-"; global s_goalcount_lock global s_goalcount with s_goalcount_lock: s_goalcount += 1 ss += str(s_goalcount) + "-"; ss += str(cur_time.secs) + "." + str(cur_time.nsecs); = ss; id.stamp = cur_time; return id;
def publishNextPoint(self): x_next, y_next = self.convert_node_to_point(self.next_node) w_next = self.computeNextOrientation(x_next,y_next) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Converted next node to point: (%s,%s), orientation: %s" %(self.node_name, x_next, y_next, w_next)) goal_id = GoalID() = str(self.goal_idx) msg = MoveBaseActionGoal() msg.goal_id = goal_id msg.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = self.frame_id msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x_next msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y_next msg.goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = math.sin(w_next/2) msg.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = math.cos(w_next/2) self.pub_goal.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Dispatched goal point: (%s,%s)" %(self.node_name,x_next,y_next)) if self.next_node == self.goal: self.dispatched_end = True
def katana_traject_ctrl(): global read_joint_names rospy.loginfo(str(read_joint_names)) pub = rospy.Publisher('/katana_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action/goal', jtag, queue_size=10) h = std_msgs.msg.Header() h.stamp = # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work g = GoalID() g.stamp = = 'SimpleKatana trajectory test - ' + str(h.stamp.secs) + ' . ' + str(h.stamp.nsecs) jtag_msg = jtag() jtag_msg.header = h jtag_msg.goal_id = g # Create points p0 = jtp() p0.positions = joint_pos; joint_pos_original=joint_pos p0.time_from_start = p1 = jtp() p1.positions = [0,2,0,0,0] p1.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(5) p2 = jtp() p2.positions = joint_pos_original p2.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(10) # Create the Trajectory Goal traject = jt() ''' 0: katana_motor1_pan_joint 1: katana_motor2_lift_joint 2: katana_motor3_lift_joint 3: katana_motor4_lift_joint 4: katana_motor5_wrist_roll_joint ''' traject.joint_names = read_joint_names # ['katana_motor1_pan_joint','katana_motor2_lift_joint','katana_motor3_lift_joint','katana_motor4_lift_joint','katana_motor5_wrist_roll_joint'] traject.points = [p0,p1] goal = jtag_goal() goal.trajectory=traject jtag_msg.goal = goal rate = rospy.Rate(0.05) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): p0 = jtp() p0.positions = joint_pos[0:5]; joint_pos_original=joint_pos[0:5] p0.time_from_start = p1 = jtp() p1.positions = [0,2,0,0,0] p1.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(8) p2 = jtp() p2.positions = joint_pos_original p2.time_from_start = + rospy.Duration(16) traject.joint_names = read_joint_names[0:5] traject.points = [p0,p1,p2] h.stamp = # Note you need to call rospy.init_node() before this will work g.stamp = = 'SimpleKatana trajectory test - ' + str(h.stamp.secs) + ' . ' + str(h.stamp.nsecs) rospy.loginfo(jtag_msg) pub.publish(jtag_msg) rate.sleep()
def cancel(self): with self.moving_lock: if self.is_moving==1: goal_id=GoalID()"_"+str(self.current_goal_id) self.pub_traj_cancel.publish(goal_id)