Esempio n. 1
def process_joint_tours(joint_tour_frequency, joint_tour_frequency_alts,
    This method processes the joint_tour_frequency column that comes out of
    the model of the same name and turns into a DataFrame that represents the
    joint tours that were generated

    joint_tour_frequency : pandas.Series
        household joint_tour_frequency (which came out of the joint tour frequency model)
        indexed by household_id
    joint_tour_frequency_alts: DataFrame
        A DataFrame which has as a unique index with joint_tour_frequency values
        and frequency counts for the tours to be generated for that choice
    point_persons : pandas DataFrame
        table with columns for (at least) person_ids and home_zone_id indexed by household_id

    tours : DataFrame
        An example of a tours DataFrame is supplied as a comment in the
        source code - it has an index which is a tour identifier, a household_id
        column, a tour_type column and tour_type_num and tour_num columns
        which is set to 1 or 2 depending whether it is the first or second joint tour
        made by the household.

    assert not joint_tour_frequency.isnull().any()

    tours = process_tours(joint_tour_frequency.dropna(),

    assert not tours.index.duplicated().any()
    assert == 'household_id'

    # - assign a temp point person to tour so we can create stable index
    tours['person_id'] = reindex(point_persons.person_id, tours.household_id)
    tours['origin'] = reindex(point_persons.home_zone_id, tours.household_id)

    # assign stable (predictable) tour_id
    set_tour_index(tours, is_joint=True)
                   household_id tour_type  tour_type_count  tour_type_num  tour_num  tour_count
    3209530              320953      disc                1              1         1           2
    3209531              320953      disc                2              2         2           2
    23267026            2326702      shop                1              1         1           1
    17978574            1797857      main                1              1         1           1

                   tour_category  tour_category_id  person_id
    3209530                joint                 4     577234
    3209531                joint                 4     577234
    23267026               joint                 4    1742708
    17978574               joint                 4    5143198
    return tours
Esempio n. 2
def process_non_mandatory_tours(persons, tour_counts):
    This method processes the non_mandatory_tour_frequency column that comes
    out of the model of the same name and turns into a DataFrame that
    represents the non mandatory tours that were generated

    persons: pandas.DataFrame
        persons table containing a non_mandatory_tour_frequency column
        which has the index of the chosen alternative as the value
    non_mandatory_tour_frequency_alts: DataFrame
        A DataFrame which has as a unique index which relates to the values
        in the series above typically includes columns which are named for trip
        purposes with values which are counts for that trip purpose.  Example
        trip purposes include escort, shopping, othmaint, othdiscr, eatout,
        social, etc.  A row would be an alternative which might be to take
        one shopping trip and zero trips of other purposes, etc.

    tours : DataFrame
        An example of a tours DataFrame is supplied as a comment in the
        source code - it has an index which is a unique tour identifier,
        a person_id column, and a tour type column which comes from the
        column names of the alternatives DataFrame supplied above.

    tours = create_tours(tour_counts, tour_category='non_mandatory')

    tours['household_id'] = reindex(persons.household_id, tours.person_id)
    tours['origin'] = reindex(persons.home_zone_id, tours.person_id)

    # assign stable (predictable) tour_id
               person_id tour_type  tour_type_count  tour_type_num  tour_num   tour_count
    17008286     1133885  shopping                1              1         1            3
    17008283     1133885  othmaint                1              1         2            3
    17008282     1133885  othdiscr                1              1         3            3


    return tours
Esempio n. 3
    def set_tour_index(tours, parent_tour_num_col, is_joint):

        group_cols = ['person_id', 'tour_category', 'tour_type']

        if 'parent_tour_num' in tours:
            group_cols += ['parent_tour_num']

        tours['tour_type_num'] = \
            tours.sort_values(by=group_cols).groupby(group_cols).cumcount() + 1

        return cid.set_tour_index(tours,
Esempio n. 4
def process_atwork_subtours(work_tours, atwork_subtour_frequency_alts):
    This method processes the atwork_subtour_frequency column that comes
    out of the model of the same name and turns into a DataFrame that
    represents the subtours tours that were generated

    work_tours: DataFrame
        A series which has parent work tour tour_id as the index and
        columns with person_id and atwork_subtour_frequency.
    atwork_subtour_frequency_alts: DataFrame
        A DataFrame which has as a unique index with atwork_subtour_frequency values
        and frequency counts for the subtours to be generated for that choice

    tours : DataFrame
        An example of a tours DataFrame is supplied as a comment in the
        source code - it has an index which is a unique tour identifier,
        a person_id column, and a tour type column which comes from the
        column names of the alternatives DataFrame supplied above.

    # print atwork_subtour_frequency_alts
                  eat  business  maint
    no_subtours     0         0      0
    eat             1         0      0
    business1       0         1      0
    maint           0         0      1
    business2       0         2      0
    eat_business    1         1      0

    parent_col = 'parent_tour_id'
    tours = process_tours(work_tours.atwork_subtour_frequency.dropna(),

    # print tours
               parent_tour_id tour_type  tour_type_count  tour_type_num  tour_num  tour_count
    77147972         77147984       eat                1              1         1           2
    77401056         77147984     maint                1              1         2           2
    80893007         80893019       eat                1              1         1           1


    # merge fields from parent work_tours (note parent tour destination becomes subtour origin)
    work_tours = work_tours[[
        'person_id', 'household_id', 'tour_num', 'destination'
        'tour_num': 'parent_tour_num',
        'destination': 'origin'
    tours = pd.merge(tours, work_tours, left_on=parent_col, right_index=True)

    # assign stable (predictable) tour_id
    set_tour_index(tours, parent_tour_num_col='parent_tour_num')
               person_id tour_type  tour_type_count  tour_type_num  tour_num  tour_count
    77147972     5143198       eat                1              1         1           2
    77401056     5143198     maint                1              1         2           2
    80893007     5392867       eat                1              1         1           1

              tour_category   parent_tour_id  household_id
                     atwork         77147984       1625435
                     atwork         77147984       1625435
                     atwork         80893019       2135503

    # don't need this once we have computed index
    del tours['parent_tour_num']

    return tours
Esempio n. 5
def process_mandatory_tours(persons, mandatory_tour_frequency_alts):
    This method processes the mandatory_tour_frequency column that comes out of
    the model of the same name and turns into a DataFrame that represents the
    mandatory tours that were generated

    persons : DataFrame
        Persons is a DataFrame which has a column call
        mandatory_tour_frequency (which came out of the mandatory tour
        frequency model) and a column is_worker which indicates the person's
        worker status.  The only valid values of the mandatory_tour_frequency
        column to take are "work1", "work2", "school1", "school2" and

    tours : DataFrame
        An example of a tours DataFrame is supplied as a comment in the
        source code - it has an index which is a tour identifier, a person_id
        column, a tour_type column which is "work" or "school" and a tour_num
        column which is set to 1 or 2 depending whether it is the first or
        second mandatory tour made by the person.  The logic for whether the
        work or school tour comes first given a "work_and_school" choice
        depends on the is_worker column: work tours first for workers, second for non-workers

    person_columns = [
        'mandatory_tour_frequency', 'is_worker', 'school_zone_id',
        'workplace_zone_id', 'home_zone_id', 'household_id'
    assert not persons.mandatory_tour_frequency.isnull().any()

    tours = process_tours(persons.mandatory_tour_frequency.dropna(),

    tours_merged = pd.merge(tours[['person_id', 'tour_type']],

    # by default work tours are first for work_and_school tours
    # swap tour_nums for non-workers so school tour is 1 and work is 2
    work_and_school_and_student = \
        (tours_merged.mandatory_tour_frequency == 'work_and_school') & ~tours_merged.is_worker

    tours.tour_num = tours.tour_num.where(~work_and_school_and_student,
                                          3 - tours.tour_num)

    # work tours destination is workplace_zone_id, school tours destination is school_zone_id
    tours['destination'] = \
        tours_merged.workplace_zone_id.where((tours_merged.tour_type == 'work'), tours_merged.school_zone_id)

    tours['origin'] = tours_merged.home_zone_id

    tours['household_id'] = tours_merged.household_id

    # assign stable (predictable) tour_id
               person_id tour_type  tour_type_count  tour_type_num  tour_num  tour_count
    12413245      827549    school                2              1         1           2
    12413244      827549    school                2              2         2           2
    12413264      827550      work                1              1         1           2
    12413266      827550    school                1              1         2           2
               tour_category  destination   household_id
                   mandatory          102         103992
                   mandatory          102         103992
                   mandatory            9         103992
                   mandatory          102         103992
    return tours