Esempio n. 1
    def test_2_2_sym(self):
        refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
        a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1")).set_random()
        b = empty_like(refstate.fock("v1v1")).set_random()
        no, _ = a.shape
        nv, _ = b.shape

        res = direct_sum("ij+ab", a, b)
        assert res.shape == (no, no, nv, nv)
        ref = a.to_ndarray()[:, :, None, None] + b.to_ndarray()[None,
                                                                None, :, :]
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)

        res = direct_sum("-ij+ab->jabi", a, b)
        assert res.shape == (no, nv, nv, no)
        ref = -a.to_ndarray()[:, :, None, None] + b.to_ndarray()[None,
                                                                 None, :, :]
        ref = ref.transpose((1, 2, 3, 0))
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)

        res = direct_sum("-ij-ab->abij", a, b)
        assert res.shape == (nv, nv, no, no)
        ref = -a.to_ndarray()[:, :, None, None] - b.to_ndarray()[None,
                                                                 None, :, :]
        ref = ref.transpose((2, 3, 0, 1))
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_nontrivial_trace(self):
        import libadcc

        refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
        oovv = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1")).set_random()
        ovov = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1")).set_random()
        noovv = oovv.to_ndarray()
        novov = ovov.to_ndarray()

        res = libadcc.trace("iaai", einsum("ijab,kcja->icbk", oovv, ovov))
        ref = np.einsum("ijab,ibja->", noovv, novov)
        assert_allclose(res, ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)
Esempio n. 3
    def template_nontrivial_contraction(self, case):
        refstate = cache.refstate[case]
        f_oo = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1")).set_random()
        f_vv = empty_like(refstate.fock("v1v1")).set_random()
        i1 = empty_like(refstate.fock("v1v1")).set_random()
        i2 = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1")).set_random()
        oovv = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1")).set_random()
        ovov = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1")).set_random()
        t2 = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1")).set_random()
        u1 = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1v1")).set_random()
        nf_oo = f_oo.to_ndarray()
        nf_vv = f_vv.to_ndarray()
        ni1 = i1.to_ndarray()
        ni2 = i2.to_ndarray()
        noovv = oovv.to_ndarray()
        novov = ovov.to_ndarray()
        nt2 = t2.to_ndarray()
        nu1 = u1.to_ndarray()

        # (Slightly) modified ADC(2) singles block equation
        res = (+einsum("ib,ab->ia", u1, f_vv + i1) -
               einsum("ij,ja->ia", f_oo - i2, u1) -
               einsum("jaib,jb->ia", ovov, u1) -
               0.5 * einsum("ijab,jkbc,kc->ia", t2, oovv, u1) -
               0.5 * einsum("ijab,jkbc,kc->ia", oovv, t2, u1))
        ref = (+np.einsum("ib,ab->ia", nu1, nf_vv + ni1) -
               np.einsum("ij,ja->ia", nf_oo - ni2, nu1) -
               np.einsum("jaib,jb->ia", novov, nu1) -
               0.5 * np.einsum("ijab,jkbc,kc->ia", nt2, noovv, nu1) -
               0.5 * np.einsum("ijab,jkbc,kc->ia", noovv, nt2, nu1))

        assert res.needs_evaluation
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)
Esempio n. 4
    def template_nontrivial_addition(self, case):
        refstate = cache.refstate[case]
        mtcs = [
        mnps = [m.to_ndarray() for m in mtcs]

        res = -3 * (2 * mtcs[0] + mtcs[1].T) * mtcs[2]
        ref = -3 * (2 * mnps[0] + mnps[1].T) * mnps[2]

        assert res.needs_evaluation
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_matvec_adc2(self):
        ground_state = adcc.LazyMp(cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"])
        matrix = adcc.AdcMatrix("adc2", ground_state)
        cppmatrix = libadcc.AdcMatrix("adc2", ground_state)

        vectors = [adcc.guess_zero(matrix) for i in range(3)]
        for vec in vectors:
        v, w, x = vectors

        # Compute references:
        refv = adcc.empty_like(v)
        refw = adcc.empty_like(w)
        refx = adcc.empty_like(x)
        cppmatrix.compute_matvec(v.to_cpp(), refv.to_cpp())
        cppmatrix.compute_matvec(w.to_cpp(), refw.to_cpp())
        cppmatrix.compute_matvec(x.to_cpp(), refx.to_cpp())

        # @ operator (1 vector)
        resv = matrix @ v
        diffv = refv - resv
        assert diffv["s"].dot(diffv["s"]) < 1e-12
        assert diffv["d"].dot(diffv["d"]) < 1e-12

        # @ operator (multiple vectors)
        resv, resw, resx = matrix @ [v, w, x]
        diffs = [refv - resv, refw - resw, refx - resx]
        for i in range(3):
            assert diffs[i]["s"].dot(diffs[i]["s"]) < 1e-12
            assert diffs[i]["d"].dot(diffs[i]["d"]) < 1e-12

        # compute matvec
        matrix.compute_matvec(v, resv)
        diffv = refv - resv
        assert diffv["s"].dot(diffv["s"]) < 1e-12
        assert diffv["d"].dot(diffv["d"]) < 1e-12

        matrix.compute_apply("ss", v["s"], resv["s"])
        cppmatrix.compute_apply("ss", v["s"], refv["s"])
        diffv = resv["s"] - refv["s"]
        assert < 1e-12
Esempio n. 6
    def test_nontrivial_direct_sum(self):
        refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
        oeo = nosym_like(refstate.orbital_energies("o1")).set_random()
        oovv = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1")).set_random()
        oev = nosym_like(refstate.orbital_energies("v1")).set_random()

        interm = np.einsum("ijac,ijcb->ab", oovv.to_ndarray(),
        ref = (interm[:, :, None, None] -
               oeo.to_ndarray()[None, None, :, None] -
               oev.to_ndarray()[None, None, None, :])
        ref = ref.transpose((2, 0, 3, 1))

        res = direct_sum("ab-i-c->iacb", einsum("ijac,ijcb->ab", oovv, oovv),
                         oeo, oev)
        assert_allclose(res.to_ndarray(), ref, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-14)
Esempio n. 7
    def symmetrise(self, new_vectors, existing_subspace):
        Symmetrise a set of new vectors to be added to the subspace.

        new_vectors          Vectors to symmetrise (updated in-place)
        existing_subspace    Existing subspace to take as a template

            The updated new_vectors

        It should be noted:
          - No orthogonalisation is performed
          - Only new_vectors are operated upon, existing_subspace
            is assumed to be properly symmetrised already.
          - Does not add new_vectors to the existing_subspace object
        if not isinstance(existing_subspace[0], AmplitudeVector):
            raise TypeError("existing_subspace has to be an "
                            "iterable of AmplitudeVector")

        for vec in new_vectors:
            if not isinstance(vec, AmplitudeVector):
                raise TypeError("new_vectors has to be an "
                                "iterable of AmplitudeVector")
            for b in vec.blocks:
                if b not in self.sym_for_block:
                index_symm_func = self.sym_for_block[b]

                # Create an empty block from the subspace vectors
                # since this has the appropriate symmetry set up
                symmetrised = empty_like(existing_subspace[0][b])
                # symmetrise what we have (syntax is function(in, out)
                index_symm_func(vec[b], symmetrised)
                # Substitute inside the passed amplitude vector
                vec[b] = symmetrised
        return new_vectors
Esempio n. 8
 def test_einsum_4_4_2(self):  # (3, 4, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1o1v1"))
     self.base_test("iajb,jikb->ka", a, b)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_einsum_4_4_4_pjoi(self):  # (2, 4, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("v1v1v1v1"))
     self.base_test("opvw,vijw->pjoi", a, b)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_einsum_2_4_2(self):  # (2, 2, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     self.base_test("ij,ikjl->kl", a, b)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_einsum_2_2_0(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1v1"))
     self.base_test("ij,ka->kjai", a, b)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_diagonal_7(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.ovov)
     b = empty_like(refstate.fvv)
     self.base_test("iaib,ba->ia", a, b)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_diagonal_5(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.ovov)
     b = empty_like(
     self.base_test("laib,il->aib", a, b)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_contract_4_4_4_pjoi(self):  # (2, 4, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("v1v1v1v1"))
     out = nosym_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     self.base_test("opvw,vijw->pjoi", a, b, out)
Esempio n. 15
 def test_diagonal_2(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     self.base_test("iaia->ai", a)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_diagonal_4(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.ovov)
     self.base_test("iaja->ija", a)
Esempio n. 17
 def test_contract_4_4_2(self):  # (3, 4, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1o1v1"))
     out = nosym_like(refstate.fock("o1v1"))
     self.base_test("iajb,jikb->ka", a, b, out)
Esempio n. 18
 def test_diagonal_6(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fov)
     b = empty_like(refstate.fvo)
     self.base_test("ai,ia->i", a, b)
Esempio n. 19
 def test_contract_2_1_1(self):  # (1,2,1) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.orbital_energies("v1"))
     out = nosym_like(refstate.orbital_energies("o1"))
     self.base_test("ij,j->i", a, b, out)
Esempio n. 20
 def test_partial_trace(self):
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.ovov)
     b = empty_like(refstate.fvv)
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=r"Partial traces.*"):
         einsum("iaib,ba->a", a, b)
Esempio n. 21
 def test_contract_2_4_2(self):  # (2, 2, 4) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1o1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     out = nosym_like(refstate.fock("v1v1"))
     self.base_test("ij,ikjl->kl", a, b, out)
Esempio n. 22
 def test_einsum_2_1_1(self):  # (1,2,1) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["h2o_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.orbital_energies("v1"))
     self.base_test("ij,j->i", a, b)
Esempio n. 23
 def test_contract_4_2_4_perm(self):  # (1, 4, 2) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.fock("v1v1"))
     out = nosym_like(refstate.eri("o1v1o1v1"))
     self.base_test("ijkl,km->imjl", a, b, out)
Esempio n. 24
 def test_einsum_4_2_4_perm(self):  # (1, 4, 2) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.fock("v1v1"))
     self.base_test("ijkl,km->imjl", a, b)
Esempio n. 25
 def test_einsum_4_2_2(self):  # (2, 4, 2) in C++
     refstate = cache.refstate["cn_sto3g"]
     a = empty_like(refstate.eri("o1o1v1v1"))
     b = empty_like(refstate.fock("o1v1"))
     self.base_test("ijkl,jk->li", a, b)