Esempio n. 1
def ZsiTransfomComplexType(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type, web_service):
  """Transforms a python dictionary into a ZSI object.

    wsdl_types: dict WSDL definitions of all types in the same service as the
                given xsi_type.
    obj: dict Dictionary to be made into a ZSI object.
    xsi_type: str The name of the complex type this dictionary represents.
    web_service: module The generated web service which uses this complex type.

    obj A ZSI object representing this complex type.
  obj_contained_type, contained_type_key = Utils.GetExplicitType(wsdl_types,
                                                                 obj, xsi_type)
  if obj_contained_type:
    xsi_type = obj_contained_type

  new_object = ZsiSanityCheck.GetPyClass(xsi_type, web_service)

  parameters = Utils.GenParamOrder(wsdl_types, xsi_type)
  for key in obj:
    if not obj[key] or key == contained_type_key:
    for parameter, param_type in parameters:
      if parameter == key:
            '_%s' % key, MakeZsiCompatible(obj[key], param_type, wsdl_types,
  return new_object
Esempio n. 2
def _PackDictionaryAsXml(obj, xml_tag_name, wsdl_type_map, wrap_list,
    """Pack a Python dictionary object into an XML string.

    obj: dict Python dictionary to pack.
    xml_tag_name: str The name of the XML tag that will house this dict.
    wsdl_type_map: dict Information on all WSDL-defined types.
    wrap_list: bool If true, wraps lists in an extra layer (e.g.,
               "'ids': ['12345']"  becomes "<ids><ids>12345</ids></ids>"). If
               False, "'ids': ['12345']" becomes "<ids>12345</ids>".
    xsi_type: str The WSDL-defined type of this object, if applicable.

    str An XML element representing the given dictionary.
    buf = ''
    obj_copy = obj.copy()
    # See if this object specifies its xsi_type and, if so, override the xsi_type
    # given. This has to occur before the main packing loop to ensure that
    # elements which exist only in a specified subtype can be handled correctly.
    obj_contained_type, xsi_override_key = Utils.GetExplicitType(
        wsdl_type_map, obj, xsi_type)
    if obj_contained_type:
        xsi_type = obj_contained_type
        del obj_copy[xsi_override_key]

    param_order = []
    if xsi_type in wsdl_type_map:
        param_order = Utils.GenParamOrder(wsdl_type_map, xsi_type)

    # Recursively pack this dictionary's elements. If there is a specified param
    # order, pack things in this order. After going through the parameters with
    # an ordering, pack anything that remains in no particular order.
    for parameter, param_type in param_order:
        if parameter in obj_copy:
            buf += PackVarAsXml(obj[parameter], parameter, wsdl_type_map,
                                wrap_list, param_type)
            del obj_copy[parameter]

    for key in obj_copy:
        buf += PackVarAsXml(obj[key], key, wsdl_type_map, wrap_list)

    if xsi_type:
        if obj_contained_type and len(obj.keys()) == 1:
            return '<%s xsi3:type="%s"/>' % (xml_tag_name, xsi_type)
            return '<%s xsi3:type="%s">%s</%s>' % (xml_tag_name, xsi_type, buf,
        return '<%s>%s</%s>' % (xml_tag_name, buf, xml_tag_name)
Esempio n. 3
def _SanityCheckComplexType(wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type):
    """Validates a dict representing a complex type against its WSDL definition.

    wsdl_types: dict WSDL-defined types in the same service as the given type.
    obj: dict Object that should represent an instance of the given type.
    xsi_type: str The complex type name defined in the WSDL.

    ValidationError: The given object is not an acceptable representation of the
                     given WSDL-defined complex type.
    ValidateTypes(((obj, dict), ))
    obj_contained_type, contained_type_key = Utils.GetExplicitType(
        wsdl_types, obj, xsi_type)

    if obj_contained_type and not obj_contained_type == xsi_type:
        if not IsSuperType(wsdl_types, obj_contained_type, xsi_type):
            raise ValidationError(
                'Expecting type of \'%s\' but given type of class '
                '\'%s\'.' % (xsi_type, obj_contained_type))
        xsi_type = obj_contained_type

    parameters = Utils.GenParamOrder(wsdl_types, xsi_type)
    for key in obj:
        if obj[key] is None or (obj_contained_type
                                and key == contained_type_key):
        found = False
        for parameter, param_type in parameters:
            if parameter == key:
                found = True
                if Utils.IsXsdOrSoapenc(param_type):
                    ValidateTypes(((obj[key], (str, unicode)), ))
                    NewSanityCheck(wsdl_types, obj[key], param_type)
        if not found:
            raise ValidationError('Field \'%s\' is not in type \'%s\'.' %
                                  (key, xsi_type))
Esempio n. 4
def _RestoreListTypesForResponse(response, xsi_type, service_type_map):
    """Restores list types for an individual response object.

    response: obj An individual object returned by the webservice. May be a
              dictionary, list, or string depending on what it represents.
    xsi_type: str The WSDL-defined type of this response.
    service_type_map: dict Information on WSDL-defined types in one service.

    obj The response in its proper format. May be a dictionary, list, or string
    depending on what was input. Not guaranteed to output the same data type
    that was input - may output a list instead.
    if isinstance(response, dict):
        if not response: return response
        for param, param_type in Utils.GenParamOrder(service_type_map,
            if not param in response or Utils.IsXsdOrSoapenc(param_type):
            value = response[param]
            if (service_type_map[param_type]['soap_type'] == 'array'
                    and not isinstance(response[param], list)):
                value = [value]
            response[param] = _RestoreListTypesForResponse(
                value, param_type, service_type_map)
        return response
    elif isinstance(response, list):
        lst = []
        for item in response:
            if item is None: continue
                    item, service_type_map[xsi_type]['base_type'],
        return lst
        return response