Esempio n. 1
def bootstrap_local_module(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of an existing app into this one
    :param service_uri: the path to the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None

        'Attempting bootstrap_local_module [{0}]'.format(service_uri))

    module = import_module(service_uri)
    local_app = module.create_app()

    # Add the target app's config to the parent app's config.
    # Do not overwrite any config already present in the parent app
    for k, v in local_app.config.iteritems():
        if k not in app.config:
            app.config[k] = v

    for rule in local_app.url_map.iter_rules():
        view = local_app.view_functions[rule.endpoint]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, rule.rule[1:])

        # view_class is attached to a function view in the case of
        # class-based views, and that view.view_class is the element
        # that has the scopes and docstring attributes
        if hasattr(view, 'view_class'):
            attr_base = view.view_class
            attr_base = view

        # ensure the current_app matches local_app and not API app
        view = local_app_context(local_app)(view)

        # Decorate the view with ratelimit
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'rate_limit'):
            d = attr_base.rate_limit[0]
            view = ratelimit.shared_limit_and_check(
                lambda counts=d, per_second=attr_base.rate_limit[1]:
                limit_func(counts, per_second),

        # Decorate the view with require_oauth
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'scopes'):
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*attr_base.scopes)(view)

        # Add cache-control headers
        if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
            view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

        # Let flask handle OPTIONS, which it will not do if we explicitly
        # add it to the url_map
        if 'OPTIONS' in rule.methods:
        app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=rule.methods)
Esempio n. 2
def bootstrap_local_module(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of an existing app into this one
    :param service_uri: the path to the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None
        'Attempting bootstrap_local_module [{0}]'.format(service_uri)

    module = import_module(service_uri)
    local_app = module.create_app()

    # Add the target app's config to the parent app's config.
    # Do not overwrite any config already present in the parent app
    for k, v in local_app.config.iteritems():
        if k not in app.config:
            app.config[k] = v

    for rule in local_app.url_map.iter_rules():
        view = local_app.view_functions[rule.endpoint]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, rule.rule[1:])

        # view_class is attached to a function view in the case of
        # class-based views, and that view.view_class is the element
        # that has the scopes and docstring attributes
        if hasattr(view, 'view_class'):
            attr_base = view.view_class
            attr_base = view

        # Decorate the view with ratelimit
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'rate_limit'):
            d = attr_base.rate_limit[0]
            view = ratelimit(
                limit=lambda default=d, **kwargs: limit_func(default),
                scope_func=lambda: scope_func(),
                key_func=lambda: request.endpoint

        # Decorate the view with require_oauth
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'scopes'):
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*attr_base.scopes)(view)

        # Add cache-control headers
        if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
            view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

        # Let flask handle OPTIONS, which it will not do if we explicitly
        # add it to the url_map
        if 'OPTIONS' in rule.methods:
        app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=rule.methods)
Esempio n. 3
def bootstrap_remote_service(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of a remote app into this one by registering
    views that forward traffic to those remote endpoints
    :param service_uri: the http url of the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None

        'Attempting bootstrap_remote_service [{0}]'.format(service_uri)

    if service_uri.startswith('consul://'):
        cs = ConsulService(
            nameservers=[app.config.get("CONSUL_DNS", "")]
        url = urljoin(
            app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/')
        print "base url", cs.base_url
        url = urljoin(
            app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/')

        r = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
    except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout):'Could not discover {0}'.format(service_uri))

    # validate(r.json()) # TODO validate the incoming json

    # Start constructing the ProxyViews based on what we got when querying
    # the /resources route.
    # If any part of this procedure fails, log that we couldn't produce this
    # ProxyView, but otherwise continue.
    for resource, properties in r.json().iteritems():
        if resource.startswith('/'):
            resource = resource[1:]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, resource)
        remote_route = urljoin(service_uri, resource)

        # Make an instance of the ProxyView. We need to instantiate the class
        # to save instance attributes, which will be necessary to re-construct
        # the location to the third party resource (ProxyView.endpoint)
        with app.app_context():
            # app_context to allow config lookup via current_app in __init__
            proxyview = ProxyView(remote_route, service_uri, deploy_path)

        for method in properties['methods']:
            if method not in proxyview.methods:
                app.logger.warning("Could not create a ProxyView for "
                                   "method {meth} for {ep}"
                                   .format(meth=method, ep=service_uri))

            view = proxyview.dispatcher
            properties.setdefault('rate_limit', [1000, 86400])
            properties.setdefault('scopes', [])

            # Decorate the view with ratelimit.
            d = properties['rate_limit'][0]
            view = ratelimit(
                limit=lambda default=d, **kwargs: limit_func(default),
                scope_func=lambda: scope_func(),
                key_func=lambda: request.endpoint,

            # Decorate with the advertised oauth2 scopes
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*properties['scopes'])(view)

            # Add cache-control headers
            if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
                view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

            # Either make a new route with this view, or append the new method
            # to an existing route if one exists with the same name
                rule = next(app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint=route))
                if method not in rule.methods:
            except KeyError:
                app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=[method])
Esempio n. 4
def bootstrap_remote_service(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of a remote app into this one by registering
    views that forward traffic to those remote endpoints
    :param service_uri: the http url of the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None

        'Attempting bootstrap_remote_service [{0}]'.format(service_uri))

    if service_uri.startswith('consul://'):
        cs = ConsulService(
            nameservers=[app.config.get("CONSUL_DNS", "")])
        url = urljoin(cs.base_url,
                      app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/'))
        print "base url", cs.base_url
        url = urljoin(service_uri,
                      app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/'))

    cache_key = service_uri.replace('/', '').replace('\\', '').replace('.', '')
    cache_dir = app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_DISCOVERY_CACHE_DIR', '')
    cache_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_key)
    resource_json = {}

    # discover the ratelimits/urls/permissions from the service itself;
    # if not available, use a cached values (if any)
        r = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
        resource_json = r.json()
        if cache_dir:
                with open(cache_path, 'w') as cf:
            except IOError:
                    'Cant write cached resource {0}'.format(cache_path))
    except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
        if cache_dir and os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, 'r') as cf:
                resource_json = json.loads(
  'Could not discover {0}'.format(service_uri))

    # Start constructing the ProxyViews based on what we got when querying
    # the /resources route.
    # If any part of this procedure fails, log that we couldn't produce this
    # ProxyView, but otherwise continue.
    for resource, properties in resource_json.iteritems():

        properties.setdefault('rate_limit', [1000, 86400])
        properties.setdefault('scopes', [])

        if resource.startswith('/'):
            resource = resource[1:]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, resource)
        remote_route = urljoin(service_uri, resource)

        # Make an instance of the ProxyView. We need to instantiate the class
        # to save instance attributes, which will be necessary to re-construct
        # the location to the third party resource (ProxyView.endpoint)
        with app.app_context():
            # app_context to allow config lookup via current_app in __init__
            proxyview = ProxyView(remote_route, service_uri, deploy_path,

        _update_symbolic_ratelimits(app, route, properties)

        for method in properties['methods']:
            if method not in proxyview.methods:
                app.logger.warning("Could not create a ProxyView for "
                                   "method {meth} for {ep}".format(
                                       meth=method, ep=service_uri))

            view = proxyview.dispatcher

            # Decorate the view with ratelimit.
            d = properties['rate_limit'][0]
            view = ratelimit.shared_limit_and_check(
                lambda counts=d, per_second=properties['rate_limit'][
                    1]: limit_func(counts, per_second),

            if deploy_path in app.config.get('AFFINITY_ENHANCED_ENDPOINTS',
                view = affinity_decorator(

            # Decorate with the advertised oauth2 scopes
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*properties['scopes'])(view)

            # Add cache-control headers
            if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
                view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

            # Either make a new route with this view, or append the new method
            # to an existing route if one exists with the same name
                rule = next(app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint=route))
                if method not in rule.methods:
            except KeyError:
                app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=[method])
Esempio n. 5
def bootstrap_remote_service(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of a remote app into this one by registering
    views that forward traffic to those remote endpoints
    :param service_uri: the http url of the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None
        'Attempting bootstrap_remote_service [{0}]'.format(service_uri)

    if service_uri.startswith('consul://'):
        cs = ConsulService(
            nameservers=[app.config.get("CONSUL_DNS", "")]
        url = urljoin(
            app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/')
        print "base url", cs.base_url
        url = urljoin(
            app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT', '/')

    cache_key = service_uri.replace('/', '').replace('\\', '').replace('.', '')
    cache_dir = app.config.get('WEBSERVICES_DISCOVERY_CACHE_DIR', '')
    cache_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_key)
    resource_json = {}

    # discover the ratelimits/urls/permissions from the service itself;
    # if not available, use a cached values (if any)
        r = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
        resource_json = r.json()
        if cache_dir:
                with open(cache_path, 'w') as cf:
            except IOError:
                app.logger.error('Cant write cached resource {0}'.format(cache_path))
    except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
        if cache_dir and os.path.exists(cache_path):
            with open(cache_path, 'r') as cf:
                resource_json = json.loads(
  'Could not discover {0}'.format(service_uri))

    # Start constructing the ProxyViews based on what we got when querying
    # the /resources route.
    # If any part of this procedure fails, log that we couldn't produce this
    # ProxyView, but otherwise continue.
    for resource, properties in resource_json.iteritems():
        if resource.startswith('/'):
            resource = resource[1:]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, resource)
        remote_route = urljoin(service_uri, resource)

        # Make an instance of the ProxyView. We need to instantiate the class
        # to save instance attributes, which will be necessary to re-construct
        # the location to the third party resource (ProxyView.endpoint)
        with app.app_context():
            # app_context to allow config lookup via current_app in __init__
            proxyview = ProxyView(remote_route, service_uri, deploy_path, route)

        for method in properties['methods']:
            if method not in proxyview.methods:
                app.logger.warning("Could not create a ProxyView for "
                                   "method {meth} for {ep}"
                                   .format(meth=method, ep=service_uri))

            view = proxyview.dispatcher
            properties.setdefault('rate_limit', [1000, 86400])
            properties.setdefault('scopes', [])

            if deploy_path in app.config.get('AFFINITY_ENHANCED_ENDPOINTS', []):
                view = affinity_decorator(, name=app.config['AFFINITY_ENHANCED_ENDPOINTS'].get(deploy_path))(view)

            # Decorate the view with ratelimit.
            d = properties['rate_limit'][0]
            view = ratelimit.shared_limit_and_check(
                lambda counts=d, per_second=properties['rate_limit'][1]: limit_func(counts, per_second),

            # Decorate with the advertised oauth2 scopes
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*properties['scopes'])(view)

            # Add cache-control headers
            if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
                view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

            # Either make a new route with this view, or append the new method
            # to an existing route if one exists with the same name
                rule = next(app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint=route))
                if method not in rule.methods:
            except KeyError:
                app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=[method])
Esempio n. 6
def bootstrap_local_module(service_uri, deploy_path, app):
    Incorporates the routes of an existing app into this one
    :param service_uri: the path to the target application
    :param deploy_path: the path on which to make the target app discoverable
    :param app: flask.Flask application instance
    :return: None

        'Attempting bootstrap_local_module [{0}]'.format(service_uri)

    module = import_module(service_uri)
    local_app = module.create_app()

    # Add the target app's config to the parent app's config.
    # Do not overwrite any config already present in the parent app
    for k, v in local_app.config.iteritems():
        if k not in app.config:
            app.config[k] = v

    for rule in local_app.url_map.iter_rules():
        view = local_app.view_functions[rule.endpoint]
        route = os.path.join(deploy_path, rule.rule[1:])

        # view_class is attached to a function view in the case of
        # class-based views, and that view.view_class is the element
        # that has the scopes and docstring attributes
        if hasattr(view, 'view_class'):
            attr_base = view.view_class
            attr_base = view

        # ensure the current_app matches local_app and not API app
        view = local_app_context(local_app)(view)

        if deploy_path in local_app.config.get('AFFINITY_ENHANCED_ENDPOINTS', []):
            view = affinity_decorator(, name=local_app.config['AFFINITY_ENHANCED_ENDPOINTS'].get(deploy_path))(view)

        # Decorate the view with ratelimit
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'rate_limit'):
            d = attr_base.rate_limit[0]
            view = ratelimit.shared_limit_and_check(
                lambda counts=d, per_second=attr_base.rate_limit[1]: limit_func(counts, per_second),

        # Decorate the view with require_oauth
        if hasattr(attr_base, 'scopes'):
            view = oauth2.require_oauth(*attr_base.scopes)(view)

        # Add cache-control headers
        if app.config.get('API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'):
            view = headers(app.config['API_PROXYVIEW_HEADERS'])(view)

        # Let flask handle OPTIONS, which it will not do if we explicitly
        # add it to the url_map
        if 'OPTIONS' in rule.methods:
        app.add_url_rule(route, route, view, methods=rule.methods)