Esempio n. 1
async def test_async_state_transit():
    """Test async state transit contextmanager."""
    state = AsyncState()

    with state.transit(initial=1, success=2, fail=3):
        assert state.get() == 1
    assert state.get() == 2


    with suppress(ValueError):
        with state.transit(initial=1, success=2, fail=3):
            assert state.get() == 1
            raise ValueError()

    assert state.get() == 3
Esempio n. 2
class Connection(Component, ABC):
    """Abstract definition of a connection."""

    connection_id = None  # type: PublicId

    def __init__(
        configuration: ConnectionConfig,
        data_dir: str,
        identity: Optional[Identity] = None,
        crypto_store: Optional[CryptoStore] = None,
        restricted_to_protocols: Optional[Set[PublicId]] = None,
        excluded_protocols: Optional[Set[PublicId]] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the connection.

        The configuration must be specified if and only if the following
        parameters are None: connection_id, excluded_protocols or restricted_to_protocols.

        :param configuration: the connection configuration.
        :param data_dir: directory where to put local files.
        :param identity: the identity object held by the agent.
        :param crypto_store: the crypto store for encrypted communication.
        :param restricted_to_protocols: the set of protocols ids of the only supported protocols for this connection.
        :param excluded_protocols: the set of protocols ids that we want to exclude for this connection.
        enforce(configuration is not None, "The configuration must be provided.")
        super().__init__(configuration, **kwargs)
            super().public_id == self.connection_id,
            "Connection ids in configuration and class not matching.",
        self._state = AsyncState(ConnectionStates.disconnected)

        self._identity = identity
        self._crypto_store = crypto_store
        self._data_dir = data_dir

        self._restricted_to_protocols = (
            restricted_to_protocols if restricted_to_protocols is not None else set()
        self._excluded_protocols = (
            excluded_protocols if excluded_protocols is not None else set()

    def loop(self) -> asyncio.AbstractEventLoop:
        """Get the event loop."""
        enforce(asyncio.get_event_loop().is_running(), "Event loop is not running.")
        return asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def _ensure_connected(self) -> None:  # pragma: nocover
        """Raise exception if connection is not connected."""
        if not self.is_connected:
            raise ConnectionError("Connection is not connected! Connect first!")

    def _ensure_valid_envelope_for_external_comms(envelope: "Envelope") -> None:
        Ensure the envelope sender and to are valid addresses for agent-to-agent communication.

        :param envelope: the envelope
            not envelope.is_sender_public_id,
            f"Sender field of envelope is public id, needs to be address. Found={envelope.sender}",
            not envelope.is_to_public_id,
            f"To field of envelope is public id, needs to be address. Found={}",

    def _connect_context(self) -> Generator:
        """Set state connecting, disconnecteing, dicsconnected during connect method."""
        with self._state.transit(

    def address(self) -> "Address":  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the address."""
        if self._identity is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must provide the identity in order to retrieve the address."
        return self._identity.address

    def crypto_store(self) -> CryptoStore:  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the crypto store."""
        if self._crypto_store is None:
            raise ValueError("CryptoStore not available.")
        return self._crypto_store

    def has_crypto_store(self) -> bool:  # pragma: nocover
        """Check if the connection has the crypto store."""
        return self._crypto_store is not None

    def data_dir(self) -> str:  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the data directory."""
        return self._data_dir

    def component_type(self) -> ComponentType:  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the component type."""
        return ComponentType.CONNECTION

    def configuration(self) -> ConnectionConfig:
        """Get the connection configuration."""
        if self._configuration is None:  # pragma: nocover
            raise ValueError("Configuration not set.")
        return cast(ConnectionConfig, super().configuration)

    def restricted_to_protocols(self) -> Set[PublicId]:  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the ids of the protocols this connection is restricted to."""
        if self._configuration is None:
            return self._restricted_to_protocols
        return self.configuration.restricted_to_protocols

    def excluded_protocols(self) -> Set[PublicId]:  # pragma: nocover
        """Get the ids of the excluded protocols for this connection."""
        if self._configuration is None:
            return self._excluded_protocols
        return self.configuration.excluded_protocols

    def state(self) -> ConnectionStates:
        """Get the connection status."""
        return self._state.get()

    def state(self, value: ConnectionStates) -> None:
        """Set the connection status."""
        if not isinstance(value, ConnectionStates):
            raise ValueError(f"Incorrect state: `{value}`")

    async def connect(self) -> None:
        """Set up the connection."""

    async def disconnect(self) -> None:
        """Tear down the connection."""

    async def send(self, envelope: "Envelope") -> None:
        Send an envelope.

        :param envelope: the envelope to send.
        :return: None

    async def receive(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional["Envelope"]:
        Receive an envelope.

        :return: the received envelope, or None if an error occurred.

    def from_dir(
        directory: str,
        identity: Identity,
        crypto_store: CryptoStore,
        data_dir: str,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> "Connection":
        Load the connection from a directory.

        :param directory: the directory to the connection package.
        :param identity: the identity object.
        :param crypto_store: object to access the connection crypto objects.
        :param data_dir: the assets directory.
        :return: the connection object.
        configuration = cast(
            load_component_configuration(ComponentType.CONNECTION, Path(directory)),
        ) = Path(directory)
        return Connection.from_config(
            configuration, identity, crypto_store, data_dir, **kwargs

    def from_config(
        configuration: ConnectionConfig,
        identity: Identity,
        crypto_store: CryptoStore,
        data_dir: str,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> "Connection":
        Load a connection from a configuration.

        :param configuration: the connection configuration.
        :param identity: the identity object.
        :param crypto_store: object to access the connection crypto objects.
        :param data_dir: the directory of the AEA project data.
        :return: an instance of the concrete connection class.
        configuration = cast(ConnectionConfig, configuration)
        directory = cast(Path,
        connection_module_path = directory / ""
        if not (connection_module_path.exists() and connection_module_path.is_file()):
            raise AEAComponentLoadException(
                "Connection module '{}' not found.".format(connection_module_path)
        connection_module = load_module(
            "connection_module", directory / ""
        classes = inspect.getmembers(connection_module, inspect.isclass)
        connection_class_name = cast(str, configuration.class_name)
        connection_classes = list(
            filter(lambda x: re.match(connection_class_name, x[0]), classes)
        name_to_class = dict(connection_classes)
        logger = get_logger(__name__,
        logger.debug("Processing connection {}".format(connection_class_name))
        connection_class = name_to_class.get(connection_class_name, None)
        if connection_class is None:
            raise AEAComponentLoadException(
                "Connection class '{}' not found.".format(connection_class_name)
            connection = connection_class(
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: nocover # pylint: disable=broad-except
            e_str = parse_exception(e)
            raise AEAInstantiationException(
                f"An error occured during instantiation of connection {configuration.public_id}/{configuration.class_name}:\n{e_str}"
        return connection

    def is_connected(self) -> bool:  # pragma: nocover
        """Return is connected state."""
        return self.state == ConnectionStates.connected

    def is_connecting(self) -> bool:  # pragma: nocover
        """Return is connecting state."""
        return self.state == ConnectionStates.connecting

    def is_disconnected(self) -> bool:  # pragma: nocover
        """Return is disconnected state."""
        return self.state == ConnectionStates.disconnected