Esempio n. 1
    def test_shared_mutable(self):
        bval = np.arange(5)
        b = shared(bval)
        b_out = b * 2

        # shared vars copy args.
        assert b.get_value(borrow=True) is not bval
        # so we do this to get at the underlying data
        bval = data_of(b)

        # by default, shared are not mutable unless doing an explicit update
        f = pfunc([], [b_out], mode="FAST_RUN")
        assert (f() == np.arange(5) * 2).all()
        assert np.all(b.get_value(borrow=True) == np.arange(5))

        # using updates, b is now a mutable parameter
        f = pfunc([], [b_out], updates=[(b, b_out)], mode="FAST_RUN")
        assert (f() == (np.arange(5) * 2)).all()
        # because of the update
        assert (b.get_value(borrow=True) == (np.arange(5) * 2)).all()
        assert (bval == (np.arange(5) * 2)).all()  # because of mutable=True

        # do not depend on updates being in-place though!
        bval = np.arange(5)
        b.set_value(bval, borrow=True)
        bval = data_of(b)
        f = pfunc([], [b_out], updates=[(b, (b_out + 3))], mode="FAST_RUN")
        assert (f() == (np.arange(5) * 2)).all()
        # because of the update
        assert (b.get_value(borrow=True) == ((np.arange(5) * 2) + 3)).all()
        # bval got modified to something...
        assert not (bval == np.arange(5)).all()
        # ... but not to b.value !
        assert not (bval == b.get_value(borrow=True)).all()
Esempio n. 2
    def test_allow_downcast_floatX(self):
        a = fscalar("a")
        b = fvector("b")

        f = pfunc([a, b], (a + b), allow_input_downcast=True)
        g = pfunc([a, b], (a + b), allow_input_downcast=False)
        h = pfunc([a, b], (a + b), allow_input_downcast=None)

        # If the values can be accurately represented, OK
        assert np.all(f(0, [0]) == 0)
        assert np.all(g(0, [0]) == 0)
        assert np.all(h(0, [0]) == 0)

        # For the vector: OK iff allow_input_downcast is True
        assert np.allclose(f(0, [0.1]), 0.1)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g(0, [0.1])
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            h(0, [0.1])

        # For the scalar: OK if allow_input_downcast is True,
        # or None and floatX==float32
        assert np.allclose(f(0.1, [0]), 0.1)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g(0.1, [0])
        if config.floatX == "float32":
            assert np.allclose(h(0.1, [0]), 0.1)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                h(0.1, [0])
Esempio n. 3
    def test_doc(self):
        # Ensure the code given in pfunc.txt works as expected

        # Example #1.
        a = lscalar()
        b = shared(1)
        f1 = pfunc([a], (a + b))
        f2 = pfunc([In(a, value=44)], a + b, updates={b: b + 1})
        assert b.get_value() == 1
        assert f1(3) == 4
        assert f2(3) == 4
        assert b.get_value() == 2
        assert f1(3) == 5
        assert f1(3) == 3

        # Example #2.
        a = lscalar()
        b = shared(7)
        f1 = pfunc([a], a + b)
        f2 = pfunc([a], a * b)
        assert f1(5) == 12
        assert f1(5) == 13
        assert f2(4) == 32
Esempio n. 4
    def test_default_updates_multiple(self):
        x = shared(0)
        y = shared(1)

        x.default_update = x - 1
        y.default_update = y + 1

        f1 = pfunc([], [x, y])
        assert x.get_value() == -1
        assert y.get_value() == 2

        f2 = pfunc([], [x, y], updates=[(x, (x - 2))], no_default_updates=[y])
        assert x.get_value() == -3
        assert y.get_value() == 2

        f3 = pfunc([], [x, y], updates=[(x, (x - 2))], no_default_updates=True)
        assert x.get_value() == -5
        assert y.get_value() == 2

        f4 = pfunc([], [x, y], updates=[(y, (y - 2))])
        assert x.get_value() == -6
        assert y.get_value() == 0
Esempio n. 5
    def test_allow_input_downcast_int(self):
        a = wvector("a")  # int16
        b = bvector("b")  # int8
        c = bscalar("c")  # int8

        f = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c), allow_input_downcast=True)
        # Value too big for a, b, or c, silently ignored
        assert f([2 ** 20], [1], 0) == 1
        assert f([3], [312], 0) == 59
        assert f([3], [1], 806) == 42

        g = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c), allow_input_downcast=False)
        # All values are in range. Since they're not ndarrays (but lists
        # or scalars), they will be converted, and their value checked.
        assert np.all(g([3], [6], 0) == 9)

        # Values are in range, but a dtype too large has explicitly been given
        # For performance reasons, no check of the data is explicitly performed
        # (It might be OK to change this in the future.)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 0)

        # Value too big for b, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            g([3], [312], 0)

        h = pfunc([a, b, c], (a + b + c))  # Default: allow_input_downcast=None
        # Everything here should behave like with False
        assert np.all(h([3], [6], 0) == 9)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            h([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 0)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            h([3], [312], 0)
Esempio n. 6
    def test_shared(self):

        # CHECK: two functions (f1 and f2) can share w
        w = shared(np.random.rand(2, 2), "w")
        wval = w.get_value(borrow=False)

        x = dmatrix()
        out1 = w + x
        out2 = w * x
        f1 = pfunc([x], [out1])
        f2 = pfunc([x], [out2])
        xval = np.random.rand(2, 2)
        assert np.all(f1(xval) == xval + wval)
        assert np.all(f2(xval) == xval * wval)

        # CHECK: updating a shared value
        f3 = pfunc([x], out1, updates=[(w, (w - 1))])
        # f3 changes the value of w
        assert np.all(f3(xval) == xval + wval)
        # this same value is read by f1
        assert np.all(f1(xval) == xval + (wval - 1))

        w.set_value(w.get_value(borrow=True) * 10, borrow=True)
        # this same value is read by f1
        assert np.all(f1(xval) == xval + w.get_value(borrow=True))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_no_shared_as_input(self):
     # Test that shared variables cannot be used as function inputs.
     w_init = np.random.rand(2, 2)
     w = shared(w_init.copy(), "w")
     with pytest.raises(
         TypeError, match=r"^Cannot use a shared variable \(w\) as explicit input"
         pfunc([w], aet_sum(w * w))
Esempio n. 8
    def test_default_updates(self):
        x = shared(0)
        x.default_update = x + 1

        f = pfunc([], [x])
        assert x.get_value() == 1

        del x.default_update
        assert x.get_value() == 2

        g = pfunc([], [x])
        assert x.get_value() == 2
Esempio n. 9
    def test_givens(self):
        x = shared(0)
        assign = pfunc([], x, givens={x: 3})
        assert assign() == 3
        assert x.get_value(borrow=True) == 0

        y = ivector()
        f = pfunc([y], (y * x), givens={x: 6})
        assert np.all(f([1, 1, 1]) == [6, 6, 6])
        assert x.get_value() == 0

        z = ivector()
        c = z * y
        f = pfunc([y], (c + 7), givens={z: _asarray([4, 4, 4], dtype="int32")})
        assert np.all(f([1, 1, 1]) == [11, 11, 11])
        assert x.get_value() == 0
Esempio n. 10
    def test_param_allow_downcast_int(self):
        a = wvector("a")  # int16
        b = bvector("b")  # int8
        c = bscalar("c")  # int8
        f = pfunc(
                In(a, allow_downcast=True),
                In(b, allow_downcast=False),
                In(c, allow_downcast=None),
            (a + b + c),

        # Both values are in range. Since they're not ndarrays (but lists),
        # they will be converted, and their value checked.
        assert np.all(f([3], [6], 1) == 10)

        # Values are in range, but a dtype too large has explicitly been given
        # For performance reasons, no check of the data is explicitly performed
        # (It might be OK to change this in the future.)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], np.array([6], dtype="int16"), 1)

        # Value too big for a, silently ignored
        assert np.all(f([2 ** 20], np.ones(1, dtype="int8"), 1) == 2)

        # Value too big for b, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], [312], 1)

        # Value too big for c, raises TypeError
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f([3], [6], 806)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_param_allow_downcast_floatX(self):
        a = fscalar("a")
        b = fscalar("b")
        c = fscalar("c")

        f = pfunc(
                In(a, allow_downcast=True),
                In(b, allow_downcast=False),
                In(c, allow_downcast=None),
            (a + b + c),

        # If the values can be accurately represented, everything is OK
        assert np.all(f(0, 0, 0) == 0)

        # If allow_downcast is True, idem
        assert np.allclose(f(0.1, 0, 0), 0.1)

        # If allow_downcast is False, nope
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f(0, 0.1, 0)

        # If allow_downcast is None, it should work iff floatX=float32
        if config.floatX == "float32":
            assert np.allclose(f(0, 0, 0.1), 0.1)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                f(0, 0, 0.1)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_param_allow_downcast_vector_floatX(self):
        a = fvector("a")
        b = fvector("b")
        c = fvector("c")

        f = pfunc(
                In(a, allow_downcast=True),
                In(b, allow_downcast=False),
                In(c, allow_downcast=None),
            (a + b + c),

        # If the values can be accurately represented, everything is OK
        z = [0]
        assert np.all(f(z, z, z) == 0)

        # If allow_downcast is True, idem
        assert np.allclose(f([0.1], z, z), 0.1)

        # If allow_downcast is False, nope
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f(z, [0.1], z)

        # If allow_downcast is None, like False
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            f(z, z, [0.1])
Esempio n. 13
    def test_givens_replaces_shared_variable2(self):
        a = shared(1.0, "a")
        a.default_update = a + 3
        c = a + 10
        f = pfunc([], c, givens={a: (a + 10)})

        assert f() == 21
        assert f() == 34
Esempio n. 14
 def test_default_scalar_container(self):
     # Similar in spirit to test_default_container, but updating a scalar
     # variable. This is a sanity check for non mutable types.
     x = shared(0.0, "x")
     f = pfunc([], x)
     assert f() == 0
     x.set_value(x.get_value(borrow=True) + 1, borrow=True)
     assert f() == 1
Esempio n. 15
 def test_no_aliasing_0(self):
     # B is a shared variable, A is updated with B's contents
     # we need A to be copied to avoid aliasing
     A = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)) + 0.5)
     B = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)) - 0.5)
     f = pfunc([], [], updates=[(A, B)])
     assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
Esempio n. 16
    def test_param_mutable(self):
        a = dvector()
        a_out = a * 2  # assuming the op which makes this "in place" triggers

        # using mutable=True will let fip change the value in aval
        fip = pfunc([In(a, mutable=True)], [a_out], mode="FAST_RUN")
        aval = np.random.rand(10)
        aval2 = aval.copy()
        assert np.all(fip(aval) == (aval2 * 2))
        assert not np.all(aval == aval2)

        # using mutable=False should leave the input untouched
        f = pfunc([In(a, mutable=False)], [a_out], mode="FAST_RUN")
        aval = np.random.rand(10)
        aval2 = aval.copy()
        assert np.all(f(aval) == (aval2 * 2))
        assert np.all(aval == aval2)
Esempio n. 17
 def test_default_updates_partial_graph(self):
     a = shared(0)
     a.default_update = a + 1  # Increment a each time it is used
     b = 2 * a
     # Use only the tip of the graph, a is not used
     f = pfunc([b], b)
     assert a.get_value() == 0
     assert a.get_value() == 0
Esempio n. 18
    def test_param_strict(self):

        a = dvector()
        b = shared(7)
        out = a + b

        f = pfunc([In(a, strict=False)], [out])
        # works, rand generates float64 by default
        # works, casting is allowed
        f(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="int32"))

        f = pfunc([In(a, strict=True)], [out])
            # fails, f expects float64
            f(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="int32"))
        except TypeError:
Esempio n. 19
    def test_givens_replaces_shared_variable(self):
        a = shared(1.0, "a")
        a.default_update = a + 3.0
        b = dscalar("b")
        c = a + 10
        f = pfunc([b], c, givens={a: b})

        assert len(f.maker.fgraph.inputs) == 1
        assert len(f.maker.fgraph.outputs) == 1
Esempio n. 20
    def test_default_updates_expressions(self):
        x = shared(0)
        y = shared(1)
        a = lscalar("a")

        z = a * x
        x.default_update = x + y

        f1 = pfunc([a], z)
        assert x.get_value() == 1

        f2 = pfunc([a], z, no_default_updates=True)
        assert f2(7) == 7
        assert x.get_value() == 1

        f3 = pfunc([a], z, no_default_updates=[x])
        assert f3(9) == 9
        assert x.get_value() == 1
Esempio n. 21
    def test_update(self):
        # Test update mechanism in different settings.

        # Simple value assignment.
        x = shared(0)
        assign = pfunc([], [], updates={x: 3})
        assert x.get_value() == 3

        # Basic increment function.
        inc = pfunc([], [], updates={x: x + 1})
        assert x.get_value() == 1

        # Increment by a constant value.
        y = shared(2)
        inc_by_y = pfunc([], [], updates={x: x + y})
        assert x.get_value() == 1
Esempio n. 22
    def test_clone0(self):
        x = shared(np.asarray([4, 4, 4]))
        y = shared(np.asarray([4, 4, 4]))
        z = shared(np.asarray([2, 2, 2]))
        up = pfunc(
            [], [], updates={x: (x * 5), y: ((x * 5) + y), z: (((x * 5) + y) ** z)}

        assert np.all(x.get_value() == 20)
        assert np.all(y.get_value() == 24)
        assert np.all(z.get_value() == (24 ** 2))
Esempio n. 23
    def test_default_updates_chained(self):
        x = shared(2)
        y = shared(1)
        z = shared(-1)

        x.default_update = x - y
        y.default_update = z
        z.default_update = z - 1

        f1 = pfunc([], [x])
        assert x.get_value() == 1
        assert y.get_value() == -1
        assert z.get_value() == -2

        f2 = pfunc([], [x, y])
        assert x.get_value() == 2
        assert y.get_value() == -2
        assert z.get_value() == -3

        f3 = pfunc([], [y])
        assert x.get_value() == 2
        assert y.get_value() == -3
        assert z.get_value() == -4

        f4 = pfunc([], [x, y], no_default_updates=[x])
        assert x.get_value() == 2
        assert y.get_value() == -4
        assert z.get_value() == -5

        f5 = pfunc([], [x, y, z], no_default_updates=[z])
        assert x.get_value() == 6
        assert y.get_value() == -5
        assert z.get_value() == -5
Esempio n. 24
    def test_potential_output_aliasing_induced_by_updates(self):

        A = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)))
        B = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)))
        C = np.zeros((2, 2))
        D = dmatrix()
        DD = D + 5

        f = pfunc([D], [], updates=[(A, D), (B, D)])

        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        f = pfunc([D], [], updates=[(A, D[:]), (B, D)])
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        f = pfunc([D], [], updates=[(A, (D + 5)), (B, D[:])])
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))

        f = pfunc([D], [], updates=[(A, (D + 5)), (B, D)])
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))

        f = pfunc([D], DD, updates=[(A, DD[:1]), (B, DD)])
        R = f(C)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(A))

        f = pfunc([D], DD, updates=[(A, DD[:1]), (B, (DD[:1] * 2))])
        R = f(C)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(A))

        f = pfunc([D], (DD * 4),
                  updates=[(A, (DD[:1] * 3)), (B, (DD[:1] * 2))])
        R = f(C)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(A))

        f = pfunc([D], (DD * 4),
                  updates=[(A, (DD[:1] * 3)), (B, (DD[:1] * 3))])
        R = f(C)
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(B))
        assert not np.may_share_memory(R, data_of(A))
Esempio n. 25
    def test_default_container(self):
        # Ensure it is possible to (implicitly) use a shared variable in a
        # function, as a 'state' that can be updated at will.

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1827)
        w_init = rng.rand(5)
        w = shared(w_init.copy(), "w")
        reg = aet_sum(w * w)
        f = pfunc([], reg)

        assert f() == np.sum(w_init * w_init)
        # Change the value of w and ensure the output changes accordingly.
        w.set_value(w.get_value(borrow=True) + 1.0, borrow=True)
        assert f() == np.sum((w_init + 1) ** 2)
Esempio n. 26
 def test_no_aliasing_1(self):
     # B is a shared variable, A is updated with B's contents
     # since B is being updated as well, we don't need to copy anything
     # to avoid aliasing shared variables.
     A = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)) + 0.5)
     B = self.shared(np.zeros((2, 2)) - 0.5)
     C = dmatrix()
     f = pfunc([C], [], updates=[(A, B), (B, C)])
     z = np.zeros((2, 2))
     assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))
     # Aesara tries to maintain its own memory space.
     assert not np.may_share_memory(z, data_of(B))
     assert np.all(data_of(B) == z)
Esempio n. 27
    def test_no_aliasing_2b(self):
        # B and A take one another's values
        # no copying is necessary since each one is updated.
        # The twist one `test_no_aliasing_2` is that each shared var is updated
        # with a view of the other one.

        orig_a = np.zeros((2, 2)) + 0.5
        orig_b = np.zeros((2, 2)) - 0.5
        A = self.shared(orig_a)
        B = self.shared(orig_b)

        data_of_a = data_of(A)
        data_of_b = data_of(B)

        f = pfunc([], [], updates=[(A, B[:, ::-1]), (B, A.T)])
        # aesara.printing.debugprint(f)
        # correctness (doesn't actually test the view...)
        assert np.all(data_of(A) == -0.5)
        assert np.all(data_of(B) == +0.5)

        # shared vars may not be aliased
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))

        # aesara should have been smart enough to not make copies
        if aesara.config.mode not in [
                "DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE", "FAST_COMPILE"
            # We don't ask DebugMode and FAST_COMPILE not to make copy.
            # We have the right to do so.
            assert np.all(data_of(A) < 5)
            data_of_b += 10
            assert np.all(data_of(A) > 5)
            data_of_b -= 10

            assert np.all(data_of(B) < 5)
            data_of_a += 10
            assert np.all(data_of(B) > 5)
            data_of_a -= 10

            # N.B. may_share_memory is what we mean, but does it work?
            assert np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of_b)
            assert np.may_share_memory(data_of(B), data_of_a)
Esempio n. 28
    def test_no_aliasing_2(self):
        # B and A take one another's values
        # no copying is necessary since each one is updated.
        orig_a = np.zeros((2, 2)) + 0.5
        orig_b = np.zeros((2, 2)) - 0.5
        A = self.shared(orig_a)
        B = self.shared(orig_b)

        data_of_a = data_of(A)
        data_of_b = data_of(B)

        f = pfunc([], [], updates=[(A, B), (B, A)])
        # correctness
        assert np.all(data_of(A) == -0.5)
        assert np.all(data_of(B) == +0.5)

        # shared vars may not be aliased
        assert not np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of(B))

        # aesara should have been smart enough to not make copies
        assert np.may_share_memory(data_of(A), data_of_b)
        assert np.may_share_memory(data_of(B), data_of_a)
Esempio n. 29
    def test_default_updates_input(self):
        x = shared(0)
        y = shared(1)
        if PYTHON_INT_BITWIDTH == 32:
            a = iscalar("a")
            a = lscalar("a")

        x.default_update = y
        y.default_update = y + a

        f1 = pfunc([], x, no_default_updates=True)
        assert x.get_value() == 0
        assert y.get_value() == 1

        f2 = pfunc([], x, no_default_updates=[x])
        assert x.get_value() == 0
        assert y.get_value() == 1

        f3 = pfunc([], x, no_default_updates=[y])
        assert x.get_value() == 1
        assert y.get_value() == 1

        f4 = pfunc([a], x)
        assert x.get_value() == 1
        assert y.get_value() == 3

        f5 = pfunc([], x, updates={y: (y - 1)})
        assert x.get_value() == 3
        assert y.get_value() == 2

        # a is needed as input if y.default_update is used
        with pytest.raises(MissingInputError):
            pfunc([], x)
Esempio n. 30
    def test_no_default_updates(self):
        x = shared(0)
        y = shared(1)
        x.default_update = x + 2

        # Test that the default update is taken into account in the right cases
        f1 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=True)
        assert x.get_value() == 0

        f2 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=[x])
        assert x.get_value() == 0

        f3 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=[x, y])
        assert x.get_value() == 0

        f4 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=[y])
        assert x.get_value() == 2

        f5 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=[])
        assert x.get_value() == 4

        f5 = pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=False)
        assert x.get_value() == 6

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=(x))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates=x)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            pfunc([], [x], no_default_updates="canard")

        # Mix explicit updates and no_default_updates
        g1 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=True)
        assert x.get_value() == 5

        g2 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=[x])
        assert x.get_value() == 4

        g3 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=[x, y])
        assert x.get_value() == 3

        g4 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=[y])
        assert x.get_value() == 2

        g5 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=[])
        assert x.get_value() == 1

        g5 = pfunc([], [x], updates=[(x, (x - 1))], no_default_updates=False)
        assert x.get_value() == 0