def test_score(): afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score('bad') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score('') assert score == 0.0
def sentiment_analysis(self, sentences, freqs=True): ''' Determines sentiment score PER MESSAGE, NOT per sentence Scores are frequencies ''' afinn = Afinn() sentiment_summary = defaultdict(int) for sentence in sentences: sentiment = afinn.score(sentence) if sentiment == 0.0: sentiment_summary['neutral'] += 1 elif sentiment > 0.0: sentiment_summary['positive'] += 1 else: sentiment_summary['negative'] += 1 if freqs: sentiment_summary[ 'neutral'] = sentiment_summary['neutral'] / len(sentences) sentiment_summary['positive'] = sentiment_summary[ 'positive'] / len(sentences) sentiment_summary['negative'] = sentiment_summary[ 'negative'] / len(sentences) return sentiment_summary
def insert_tweets(connection, tweets): """ Inserts tweets into a database connection :param connection: database connection :param tweets: list of tweets :return: None """ cursor = connection.cursor() analysis = Afinn() for _, tweet in tweets.iterrows(): sql = ("INSERT INTO Handle(HandleId, Username)\n" "VALUES(?, ?);") values = (tweet['user_id'], tweet['screen_name']) try: cursor.execute(sql, values) except: pass # repeat entry sentiment = analysis.score(tweet['text']) stamp = tweet['timestamp'].to_pydatetime() sql = ( "INSERT INTO Tweet(TweetId, Post, Sentiment, Stamp, NumLikes, NumRetweets, HandleId)\n" "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") values = (tweet['tweet_id'], tweet['text'], sentiment, stamp, tweet['likes'], tweet['retweets'], tweet['user_id']) try: cursor.execute(sql, values) except: pass # repeat entry
def sentiment_analysis(self, spider): print("in sent-anal") print(self.base_dir) afinn = Afinn() with open("../SCORES.txt", 'w') as outFile: outFile.write("SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF THE ROOT URLs (Folders)\n" "--------------------------------------------- ") # in each root dir (root URL) for d in os.listdir(self.base_dir): d = self.base_dir + '/' + d if os.path.isdir(d): output = "" dept_score = 0 num_words = 0 # with each file, read in and add/avg score for f in os.listdir(d): f = d + '/' + f if os.path.isfile(f): with open(f, 'r') as inFile: file_contents ='\n', '') dept_score += afinn.score(file_contents) num_words += len(file_contents.split()) with open("../SCORES.txt", 'a') as outFile: dept = d.split('/')[-1] output += "\n\nDepartment : " + dept + \ "\nScore : " + str(dept_score) + \ "\n - Total words : " + str(num_words) + \ "\n - Score per word: " + str(round(dept_score/num_words, 7)) outFile.write(output) print("Analyzing " + dept + " and saving to...") print(str(outFile))
def test_score_with_wordlist(): afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score('Rather good.') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('Rather GOOD.') assert score > 0
def main(): conf = SparkConf().setAppName(APP_NAME).setMaster(SPARK_MASTER) sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) sc.setLogLevel('ERROR') ssc = StreamingContext(sc, BATCH_SIZE) ssc.checkpoint(CHECKPOINT_DIR) afinn = Afinn() topic = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream( ssc, KAFKA_TOPIC, {"": KAFKA_BROKERS}) parsed = v: json.loads(v[1])) \ .filter(lambda tweet: 'text' in tweet and len(tweet['text']) > 0) \ .filter(lambda tweet: 'timestamp_ms' in tweet and len(tweet['timestamp_ms']) > 0) \ .filter(lambda tweet: 'entities' in tweet and len(tweet['entities']['hashtags']) > 0 ) \ .map(lambda t: (t['entities']['hashtags'][0]['text'].lower(), afinn.score(t['text']))) addFun = lambda a, b: (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2], a[3] + b[3]) invFun = lambda a, b: (a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2], a[3] - b[3]) tags = t: (t[0], scoreToList(t[1]))) \ .reduceByKeyAndWindow(addFun, invFun, WINDOW_SIZE, FREQUENCY) \ .transform(lambda rdd: rdd.sortBy(lambda a: -a[1][0])) saveTag = parsed.saveAsTextFiles(BATCH_LAYER) tags.pprint() tags.foreachRDD( lambda rdd: rdd.foreachPartition(lambda p: storeToRedis(p))) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination()
def __init__(self, with_translation_support=False): self.sp_classifier = SentimentClassifier() self.af_classifier = Afinn(language='es') self.vader_classifier = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() self._download_polyglot_languages() if with_translation_support: self.translator = translate.Client()
def test_split(): afinn = Afinn() words = afinn.split('Hello, World') assert words == ['Hello', 'World'] words = afinn.split(u('Hell\xf8, \xc5rld')) assert words == [u('Hell\xf8'), u('\xc5rld')]
def compare_years(): limit = 16493 years = [year for year in range(1997, 2020) if year not in [2005, 2008]] entropies = [] dict_size = [] sentiment = [] afinn = Afinn() for year in tqdm(years): words = get_words_by_year(soup, year, exclude_names) fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words) shannon_entropy = get_shannon_entropy(fdist) entropies.append(shannon_entropy) dict_size.append(len(set(words))) sentiment.append(afinn.score(' '.join(words))) # plt.figure() # plt.xlabel('Year') # plt.ylabel('Shannon Entropy') # plt.plot(years, entropies, 'o') # plt.figure() plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Sentiment') plt.plot(years, sentiment, 'o')
def scatter_selfishness_sentiment(coach_names, player_names, lexicon): names = coach_names + player_names afinn = Afinn() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.ylabel('Sentiment') plt.xlabel('Selfishness') # plt.title('') hist_color = 'lightgreen' plot_form = '--g' histlabel = 'Coaches' plotlabel = 'Coaches Normal Approx. \n' # results = len(names)*[None] selfishness, sentiments = len(names) * [0], len(names) * [0] for i, name in enumerate(tqdm(names)): words = get_interviews_from(soup, name, all_together=True) his_selfishness = sum([lexicon[word] for word in words]) / len(words) his_sentiment = afinn.score(' '.join(words)) / len(words) # results[i] = (name, selfishness, sentiment) selfishness[i] = his_selfishness sentiments[i] = his_sentiment ax.scatter(selfishness, sentiments) for name, x, y in zip(names, selfishness, sentiments): ax.annotate(name, (x, y), xytext=(0, 10), textcoords='offset points', ha='center') # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # plt.legend(reversed(handles), reversed(labels), loc='upper right') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('figures/selfishness_histogram2.png')
def process_sentiment(tweet): total = 0 _min = 0 _max = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 neut = 0 afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) sc = afinn.score(tweet['text']) total += sc if sc < _min: _min = sc if sc > _max: _max = sc if sc < 0: neg += 1 elif sc > 0: pos += 1 elif sc == 0: neut += 1 return (total, _min, _max, neg, neut, pos)
def index(tokens): afinn = Afinn() #print(len(tokens)) dictionary = {} postingCount = 0 dictionaryCount = 0 for token in tokens: if token[0] not in dictionary: postings_list = [] # postings_list = {} | USED WITH addToFreqList dictionary[token[0]] = [] dictionary[token[0]].append(postings_list) dictionary[token[0]].append(1) dictionary[token[0]].append(afinn.score(token[0])) dictionaryCount = dictionaryCount + 1 else: postings_list = dictionary[token[0]][0] if (token[1] not in postings_list): dictionary[token[0]][1] = dictionary[token[0]][1] + 1 # length = len(postings_list) Indexer.addToList(postings_list, token[1]) # if(length != len(postings_list)): # postingCount = postingCount + 1 return dictionary
def calculate_department_scores(): os.chdir("../output_500_itemcount") afinn = Afinn() afinn.setup_from_file(os.path.join(afinn.data_dir(), 'AFINN-111.txt'), word_boundary=False) # dictionary where the keys are departments, values are lists of tuples containing a url, doc score and doc length # for each document in the department department_scores = {} # loop through documents and accumulate scores for each department for f in glob.glob("*.jsonl"): with as reader: for obj in reader: dep = format(obj['field']) url = format(obj['url']) title = format(obj['title']) text = format(obj['text']) doc_score = get_score(title, text, afinn) doc_length = len(title + " " + text) doc_tuple = (url, doc_score, doc_length) if dep not in department_scores: # checking if the department is present in the d department_scores[dep] = [doc_tuple] else: department_scores[dep].append(doc_tuple) return department_scores
def sentiment(self): af = Afinn() self.df['sentiment'] = [ af.score(' '.join(tweet)) for tweet in self.tokens ]
def afinn_model(): # start = time.time() print("Loading Dataset") dataset = pd.read_csv(r'../../data/raw/movie_reviews.csv') # Get reviews and sentiments print("Get reviews and sentiment") reviews = np.array(dataset['review']) sentiments = np.array(dataset['sentiment']) # Get data and normalize test test_reviews = reviews[49900:] test_sentiments = sentiments[49900:] # Normalize print("Normalize") norm_test_reviews = pp.normalize_text(test_reviews) print("Normalize Done") sample_review_ids = [3, 5] # Load Model afn = Afinn(emoticons=True) # Make a prediction with model for review, sentiment in zip(test_reviews[sample_review_ids], test_sentiments[sample_review_ids]): print('REVIEW:', review) print('Actual Sentiment:', sentiment) print('Predicted Sentiment polarity:', afn.score(review)) print('-' * 60) return 0
def Tweets(index_file): afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) if index_file in cache: return cache[index_file] else: index = json.load(open(index_file, 'r')) tweets = {} for tweet_id, tweet in index.items(): raw_tweet = open("dataset/" + tweet['text'], 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() raw_tweet = json.loads(raw_tweet) tweet['id'] = tweet_id tweet['filename'] = tweet['text'] tweet['text'] = raw_tweet['text'].lower() tweet['rt'] = raw_tweet['retweet_count'] tweet['fav'] = raw_tweet['favorite_count'] tweet['user_desc'] = raw_tweet['user']['description'].lower() tweet['followers'] = raw_tweet['user']['followers_count'] tweet['userid'] = raw_tweet['user']['id'] tweets[tweet_id] = tweet tweet['vision'] = getImageVision(tweet['photo']) tweet['afinn'] = afinn.score(tweet['text']) #tweet['emotion'] = getImageEmotion(tweet['photo']) cache[index_file] = tweets return tweets
def calculate_matrix(name_list, sentence_list, align_rate): ''' Function to calculate the co-occurrence matrix and sentiment matrix among all the top characters :param name_list: the list of names of the top characters in the novel. :param sentence_list: the list of sentences in the novel. :param align_rate: the sentiment alignment rate to align the sentiment score between characters due to the writing style of the author. Every co-occurrence will lead to an increase or decrease of one unit of align_rate. :return: the co-occurrence matrix and sentiment matrix. ''' # calculate a sentiment score for each sentence in the novel afinn = Afinn() sentiment_score = [afinn.score(x) for x in sentence_list] # calculate occurrence matrix and sentiment matrix among the top characters name_vect = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=name_list, binary=True) occurrence_each_sentence = name_vect.fit_transform(sentence_list).toarray() cooccurrence_matrix =, occurrence_each_sentence) sentiment_matrix =, (occurrence_each_sentence.T * sentiment_score).T) sentiment_matrix += align_rate * cooccurrence_matrix cooccurrence_matrix = np.tril(cooccurrence_matrix) sentiment_matrix = np.tril(sentiment_matrix) # diagonals of the matrices are set to be 0 (co-occurrence of name itself is meaningless) shape = cooccurrence_matrix.shape[0] cooccurrence_matrix[[range(shape)], [range(shape)]] = 0 sentiment_matrix[[range(shape)], [range(shape)]] = 0 return cooccurrence_matrix, sentiment_matrix
def sentiment(document): afinn = Afinn() sentiment = 0 tokens = Tokenizer.tokenize(document) for token in tokens: sentiment += afinn.score(token) return sentiment
def test_score_with_wordlist(): afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score_with_wordlist('Rather good.') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score_with_wordlist('Rather GOOD.') assert score > 0
def get_sentence_level_sent(text): afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) sents = sent_tokenize(text) scores = [] for s in sents: scores.append(afinn.score(s)) return scores
def afinn_analysis(news_df): """ initialize afinn sentiment analyzer and do afinn analysis on our data """ af = Afinn() # compute sentiment scores (polarity) and labels sentiment_scores = [af.score(article) for article in news_df['text']] sentiment_category = ['positive' if score > 0 else 'negative' if score < 0 else 'neutral' for score in sentiment_scores] # sentiment statistics per news category df = pd.DataFrame([list(news_df['label']), sentiment_scores, sentiment_category]).T df.columns = ['label', 'sentiment_score', 'sentiment_category'] df['sentiment_score'] = df.sentiment_score.astype('float') print(df.groupby(by=['label']).describe()) f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 4)) sp = sns.stripplot(x='label', y="sentiment_score", hue='label', data=df, ax=ax1) bp = sns.boxplot(x='label', y="sentiment_score", hue='label', data=df, palette="Set2", ax=ax2) fc = sns.catplot(x="label", hue="sentiment_category", data=df, kind="count", palette={"negative": "#FE2020", "positive": "#BADD07", "neutral": "#68BFF5"}) t = f.suptitle('Visualizing News Sentiment', fontsize=14) return df
def test_words_and_emoticons(): afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) score = afinn.score(':-)') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('BAD BAD BAD :-)') assert score < 0
def afinn_sentiment(corpus): af = Afinn() af_scores = [] for tweet in corpus['cleaned_tweets']: af_scores.append(af.score(tweet)) return af_scores
def sentiment(body): """ calculate sentiment using Afinn model :type body: unicode str :rtype: int """ afinn = Afinn() return afinn.score(body)
def sentiment_afinn(self): af = Afinn() afinn_scores = [af.score(article) for article in self.feedbackcomment] afinn_category = [ 'positive' if score > 0 else 'negative' if score < 0 else 'neutral' for score in afinn_scores ] return afinn_scores, afinn_category
def sent_proc(titles): af = Afinn() # Load library # afinn sentiment scores sentiment_scores_af = [af.score(article) for article in titles] return np.array(sentiment_scores_af)
def test_score_language(): afinn = Afinn(language='en') score = afinn.score('bad') assert score < 0 afinn = Afinn('en') score = afinn.score('bad') assert score < 0
def afinnSentiScore(self, doc, emoticons = True): """ The output is a float variable that if larger than zero indicates a positive sentiment and less than zero indicates negative sentiment. """ afinn = Afinn(emoticons=emoticons) result = afinn.score(doc) return result
def get_sentiment_score(words): text = get_clean_words( words) #set text to the string produced by get_clean_words word_list = text.split() #split the string into a list of words num_words = len(word_list) #get the number of words in the list afinn = Afinn() #initiate Afinn score = afinn.score(text) #find the Afinn score for the text string avg = score / num_words #find the average Afinn score per word return avg
def __init__(self, name="Combo Average", a=1, b=1, c=1, d=1): Model.__init__(self, name=name) self.afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) self.vader = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = d
def word_analyze(review): # compute sentiment scores (polarity) and labels import numpy as np from afinn import Afinn af = Afinn() # data = [word_tokenize(w)['newword'] for w in review] # return [print(w) for w in data for i in w] data = word_tokenize(review)['newword'] return [af.score(w) for w in data]
def sent_list(textl): afinn = Afinn(language='en') sent_vec = [] for t in textl: t_vec = [] for s in t: t_vec.append(afinn.score(s)) sent_vec.append(sum(t_vec)) return sent_vec
def analyze_text(input_text, analyzer): af = Afinn() analyser = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() if analyzer == 'VADER': result = analyser.polarity_scores(input_text) elif analyzer == 'TextBlob': result = TextBlob(input_text).sentiment.polarity elif analyzer == 'Afinn': result = af.score(input_text) return result
def test_danish(): afinn = Afinn(language='da') score = afinn.score('bedrageri') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score(u('besv\xe6r')) assert score < 0 score = afinn.score(u('D\xc5RLIG!!!')) assert score < 0
def run(self): asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) self.afinn = Afinn(emoticons=True) self.twintConfig = twint.Config() self.configTwint() self.createLog() self.totalTweets = self.calculateTotalTweets() self.sentimentScore = self.calculateSentimentScore()
def extract(self): """ Extracts location and sentiment from an article. """ afinn = Afinn() target = self.title + " " + self.summary target = target.encode("ascii", "ignore") self.sentiment = afinn.score(target) self.countries = extract_countries(target)
def afinn_sentiment(filename): from afinn import Afinn afinn = Afinn() with open (my_file, "r") as myfile: text ='\n', ' ') sentences = tokenize.sent_tokenize(text) sentiments = [] for sentence in sentences: sentsent = afinn.score(sentence) sentiments.append(sentsent) return sentiments
def test_data(): """Test data files for format.""" afinn = Afinn() filenames = listdir(afinn.data_dir()) for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith('.txt'): continue full_filename = join(afinn.data_dir(), filename) with, encoding='UTF-8') as fid: for line in fid: # There should be the phrase and the score # and nothing more assert len(line.split('\t')) == 2 # The score should be interpretable as an int phrase, score = line.split('\t') assert type(int(score)) == int
class SentimentBolt(storm.BasicBolt): def __init__(self): self.afinn = Afinn(language='da', emoticons=True) def process(self, tup): #storm.logInfo(tup.values[0]) score = self.afinn.score(tup.values[0]) #storm.logInfo(str(score)) storm.emit([str(score)])
def test_emoticon(): afinn = Afinn() afinn.setup_from_file(join(afinn.data_dir(), 'AFINN-emoticon-8.txt'), with_word_boundary=False) score = afinn.score(':-)') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('This is a :-) smiley') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('Just so XOXO.') assert score > 0
def test_emoticon_upper_case(): afinn = Afinn() afinn.setup_from_file(join(afinn.data_dir(), 'AFINN-emoticon-8.txt'), word_boundary=False) score = afinn.score(':d') assert score == 0 # TODO score = afinn.score(':D') # assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('It is so: :D')
def test_score_with_pattern(): afinn = Afinn(language='da') score = afinn.score('ikke god') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score('ikke god.') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score('IKKE GOD-') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score('ikke god') assert score < 0 score = afinn.score('En tv-succes sidste gang.') assert score > 0 score = afinn.score('') assert score == 0.0
# extract data for model evaluation test_reviews = reviews[35000:] test_sentiments = sentiments[35000:] sample_review_ids = [7626, 3533, 13010] # normalize dataset norm_test_reviews = tn.normalize_corpus(test_reviews) # # Sentiment Analysis with AFINN # In[3]: from afinn import Afinn afn = Afinn(emoticons=True) # ## Predict sentiment for sample reviews # In[4]: for review, sentiment in zip(test_reviews[sample_review_ids], test_sentiments[sample_review_ids]): print('REVIEW:', review) print('Actual Sentiment:', sentiment) print('Predicted Sentiment polarity:', afn.score(review)) print('-'*60) # ## Predict sentiment for test dataset
# test AFINN from afinn import Afinn af = Afinn() af_emoticon = Afinn(emoticons=True) text1 = 'This is utterly excellent!' text2 = ':/' text3 = 'This is hardly excellent' print text1, ":", af.score(text1) #score = 3.0 print "find_all:", af.find_all(text1) #['excellent'] print text2, ":", af_emoticon.score(text2) #score = -2.0 print text3, ":", af.score(text3) print "find_all:", af.find_all(text3) #['excellent'] print "the", af.score("the")
def __init__(self): self.afinn = Afinn(language='da', emoticons=True)
def scoreUpdate(tweet): sentimentScore = Afinn() return sentimentScore.score(tweet)
from afinn import Afinn import re eng_stopwords=stopwords.words("english") #eng_stopwords=stopwords.words("english") #domain_spec_stopwords=["press","foundations","trends","vol","editor","workshop","international","journal","research","paper","proceedings","conference","wokshop","acm","icml","sigkdd","ieee","pages","springer"] #eng_stopwords=eng_stopwords+domain_spec_stopwords #normal_stopwords=[a,able,about,across,after,all,almost,also,am,among,an,and,any,are,as,at,be,because,been,but,by,can,cannot,could,dear,did,do,does,either,else,ever,every,for,from,get,got,had,has,have,he,her,hers,him,his,how,however,i,if,in,into,is,it,its,just,least,let,like,likely,may,me,might,most,must,my,neither,no,nor,not,of,off,often,on,only,or,other,our,own,rather,said,say,says,she,should,since,so,some,than,that,the,their,them,then,there,these,they,this,tis,to,too,twas,us,wants,was,we,were,what,when,where,which,while,who,whom,why,will,with,would,yet,you,your] with open(r"full_stopwords.txt","r") as f: comp_st=[] for i in f.readlines(): comp_st.append(i[:-1]) compt_st=[i for i in comp_st if i!=''] eng_stopwords=eng_stopwords+comp_st afinn_model=Afinn() with open(r"most_recent_ultimate_tweets.txt","r") as f: tweets_wo_hashtag=[] for i in f.readlines(): tweets_wo_hashtag.append(i[:-1]) with open(r"best_hashtags_expanded.txt","r") as f: hashtags_alone=[] for i in f.readlines(): hashtags_alone.append(i[:-1]) with open(r"AFINN-emoticon-8.txt","r") as f: ls_of_emoticons=[] for i in f.readlines(): ls_of_emoticons.append(i.split()[0])
for token in spacy_text[1]: if token.ent_type_ != "": print(token, token.ent_type_) # ## Sentiment Analysis # There are also packages available that are more focussed on particular tasks, such as sentiment analysis. # One that is, for example, easy to use is: `AFINN` --> # # In essence it is a word list but you can also install it directly by doing `pip install afinn` # In[29]: from afinn import Afinn afinn = Afinn() # In[30]: afinn.score('This is utterly excellent!') # In[31]: for text in spacy_text: for sentence in text.sents: print(afinn.score(sentence.text), sentence) # ## Search Reddit for threads about Egyptian Airline crash
def test_find_all(): afinn = Afinn() words = afinn.find_all("It is so bad") assert words == ['bad']
temp.append(float(item)) if sum(temp) == 0: out = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: for item in temp: out.append(item / sum(temp)) return out mentionMapper = mapMention('adData/analysis/ranked/mention.json') featureList = ['Length', 'URL', 'Hashtag', 'Username', 'Sentiment', 'Readability', 'ParseDepth', 'HeadCount', 'POS_N', 'POS_V', 'POS_A', '!', '?', 'Verified', 'FollowerCount'] # happy_log_probs, sad_log_probs = utilities.readSentimentList('twitter_sentiment_list.csv') afinn = Afinn() posFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/group0.pos', 'r') negFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/group0.neg', 'r') posParseLengthFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserLength0.pos', 'r') negParseLengthFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserLength0.neg', 'r') posHeadCountFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserHeadCount0.pos', 'r') negHeadCountFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserHeadCount0.neg', 'r') posPOSCountFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserPOSCount0.pos', 'r') negPOSCountFile = open('adData/analysis/groups/totalGroup/parserPOSCount0.neg', 'r') ids = [] contents = [] scores = [] days = [] time = [] labels = []
def test_unicode(): afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score(u('na\xefve')) assert score < 0
from afinn import Afinn from builtins import str afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score('this site is not very good') print(score)
test_reviews = np.array(test_data['review']) test_sentiments = np.array(test_data['sentiment']) sample_docs = [100, 5817, 7626, 7356, 1008, 7155, 3533, 13010] sample_data = [(test_reviews[index], test_sentiments[index]) for index in sample_docs] sample_data from afinn import Afinn afn = Afinn(emoticons=True) print afn.score('I really hated the plot of this movie') print afn.score('I really hated the plot of this movie :(') import nltk from nltk.corpus import sentiwordnet as swn good = swn.senti_synsets('good', 'n')[0] print 'Positive Polarity Score:', good.pos_score() print 'Negative Polarity Score:', good.neg_score() print 'Objective Score:', good.obj_score() from normalization import normalize_accented_characters, html_parser, strip_html
def test_score_with_wordlist_empty(): afinn = Afinn() score = afinn.score('') assert score == 0.0