Esempio n. 1
def _set_vol_space_cmd(fn, config):
    param = ''
    del_cmd = ''

    p, n, o, e = utils.afni_fileparts(fn)

    space = config.get('outvol_space', None)
    if space is not None:
        param += ' -space %s' % space

    view = config.get('outvol_view')
    if view is not None:
        param += ' -view %s' % view

        if len(o) and o[0] == '+' and o[1:].lower() != view.lower():
            trgfn = '%s/%s+%s' % (p, n, view.lower())
            del_cmd = 'rm %s*; ' % trgfn

    if param:
        p, n, o, e = utils.afni_fileparts(fn)
        cmd = 'cd %s; %s 3drefit -overwrite %s %s' % (p, del_cmd, param, n + o + e)
        cmd = 'echo "Not changing view or space for %s"' % fn
    return cmd
def _ext(config, for1D=False):
    '''Returns the extension for a file name'''
    if _is_surf(config):
        return '.1D.dset' if for1D else '.niml.dset'
        fn = config['data_files'][0]
        return ''.join(utils.afni_fileparts(fn)[2:])
Esempio n. 3
def _convert_vol_space_to_orig_cmd(fn):
    p, n, o, e = utils.afni_fileparts(fn)
    if o == '+orig':
        return "echo '%s' is already in orig space - no conversion" % fn

    t = '__tmp_foo_'
    while os.path.exists(p + '/' + t + o + e):
        t += 'x'

    cmds = ['cd %s' % p,
          '3drename -overwrite %s%s %s%s' % (n, o, t, o),
          '3drefit -view orig %s%s' % (t, o),
          '3drename -overwrite %s+orig %s+orig' % (t, n)]

    return ';'.join(cmds)
def _remove_files(config, list_of_files):
    # removes a list of files, if config allows for it
    # in the case of AFNI volume files, it removes HEAD and BRIK files
    if not config['keep_files']:
        for fn in list_of_files:
            fp = utils.afni_fileparts(fn)

            if fp[2]:
                # AFNI HEAD/BRIK combination
                # ensure we delete all of them
                exts = ['.HEAD', '.BRIK', '.BRIK.gz']
                fn = ''.join(fp[1:3])
                exts = ['']

            for ext in exts:
                full_fn = os.path.join(config['output_dir'], fn + ext)
                if os.path.exists(full_fn):
Esempio n. 5
def run_makesurfmasks(config, env):
    refdir = config['refdir']
    overwrite = config['overwrite']

    if config['sid'] is None:
        raise ValueError('Need sid')

    sumfn = '%s_qa_surf_mask' % config['sid'] # output file

    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']
    volor = config['outvol_ext']

    sumfn_path = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, sumfn, fullext)
    qafn_path = '%s/%s.png' % (refdir, sumfn)
    checkfn_paths = (sumfn_path, qafn_path)
    if all(map(os.path.exists, checkfn_paths)) and not overwrite:
        print "Already exist: %s" % (", ".join(checkfn_paths))

    icolds, hemis = _get_hemis_icolds(config)

    volexts = ['%s%s' % (volor, e) for e in '.HEAD', '.BRIK*']

    sssuffix = config['sssuffix'] if config['expvol_ss'] else ''
    expvol_fn = '%s%s%s' % (utils.afni_fileparts(config['expvol'])[1],

    #if overwrite or not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, sv_al_nii_fn)):
    #    cmd = 'cd %s; 3dcopy -overwrite %s %s' % (refdir, sv_al_orig_fn, sv_al_nii_fn)
    #    utils.run_cmds(cmd, env)

    if hemis != ['l', 'r']:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run without left and right hemisphere")

    icold = max(icolds)

    oneDfn = '__t.1D'
    oneDtfn = '__tt.1D' # transposed
    cmds = ['cd %s' % refdir,
             '1deval -1D: -num %d -expr 1 > %s' % (icold ** 2 * 10 + 1, oneDfn),
             '1dtranspose %s > %s' % (oneDfn, oneDtfn)]

    utils.run_cmds(';'.join(cmds), env)

    tmpfns = [oneDfn, oneDtfn]

    s2v_cmd = ('3dSurf2Vol -map_func mask2 -data_expr "a*%%d" -spec %%s %%s -sv %s'
             ' -grid_parent %s. -prefix %%s -sdata %s -overwrite') % \
                                (expvol_fn, expvol_fn, oneDtfn)

    infix2val = {'-surf_A pial':1,
               '-surf_A smoothwm':2,
               '-surf_A smoothwm -surf_B pial -f_steps 20': 4}

    volfns = []
    for hemi in hemis:
        specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemi,

        for infix, val in infix2val.iteritems():
            fnprefix = '__m%d_%sh' % (val, hemi)
            cmd = s2v_cmd % (val, specfn, infix, fnprefix)
            utils.run_cmds('cd %s;%s' % (refdir, cmd))
            tmpfns.extend(['%s%s' % (fnprefix, e) for e in volexts])
            volfns.append(fnprefix + volor)

    cmds = ['cd %s' % refdir]
    catfn = '__cat'
    cmds.extend(['3dTcat -overwrite -prefix %s %s' % (catfn, ' '.join(volfns)),
                 '3dTstat -overwrite -sum -prefix %s %s%s' % (sumfn, catfn, volor)])
    tmpfns.extend(['%s%s' % (catfn, e) for e in volexts])

    cmds.extend('rm %s' % fn for fn in tmpfns)
    cmds.append('echo "Surface mask in %s"' % sumfn)

    utils.run_cmds(';'.join(cmds), env)

    # make plot
    if overwrite or not os.path.exists(qafn_path):
        expvol_path = '%s/%s' % (refdir, expvol_fn)
Esempio n. 6
def run_alignment(config, env):
    '''Aligns anat (which is assumed to be aligned with EPI data) to FreeSurfer SurfVol

    This function strips the anatomicals (by default), then uses
    to estimate the alignment, then applies this transformation to the non-skull-stripped
    SurfVol and also to the surfaces. Some alignment headers will be nuked'''
    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    alignsuffix = config['al2expsuffix']
    refdir = config['refdir']

    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']
    ext = config['outvol_ext']

    if config['sid'] is None:
        raise ValueError('Need sid')

    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(config['refdir']):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    # two volumes may have to be stripped: the inpput anatomical, and the surfvol.
    # put them in a list here and process them similarly
    surfvol = '%(refdir)s/%(sid)s_SurfVol%(outvol_fullext)s' % config
    surfvol_ss = '%(refdir)s/%(sid)s_SurfVol%(sssuffix)s%(outvol_fullext)s' % config

    e_p, e_n, _, _ = utils.afni_fileparts(config['expvol'])
    if config['expvol_ss']:
        e_n = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'])
    expvol = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, e_n, fullext)

    volsin = [surfvol_ss, expvol]
    for volin in volsin:
        if not os.path.exists(volin):
            raise ValueError('File %s does not exist' % volin)

    a_n = utils.afni_fileparts(volsin[0])[1] # surfvol input root name
    ssalprefix = '%s%s' % (a_n, alignsuffix)

    unity = "1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0" # we all like unity, don't we?

    fullmatrixfn = '%s_mat.aff12.1D' % ssalprefix
    aloutfns = ['%s%s' % (ssalprefix, fullext), fullmatrixfn] # expected output files if alignment worked
    if config['overwrite'] or not all([os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, f)) for f in aloutfns]):
        alignedfn = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, ssalprefix, fullext)

        if config['identity']:
            fullmatrix_content = '"MATRIX(%s)"' % unity.replace(" ", ",")

            cmd = 'cd "%s"; cat_matvec %s > %s; 3dcopy -overwrite %s%s %s%s%s' % (refdir, fullmatrix_content, fullmatrixfn, a_n, ext, a_n, alignsuffix, ext)
            # use different inputs depending on whether expvol is EPI or ANAT
            twovolpat = ('-anat %s -epi %s -anat2epi -epi_base 0 -anat_has_skull no -epi_strip None' if config['isepi']
                       else '-dset1 %s -dset2 %s -dset1to2 -dset1_strip None -dset2_strip None')
            # use this pattern to generate a suffix
            twovolsuffix = twovolpat % (volsin[0], volsin[1])

            aea_opts = config['aea_opts']
            if config['template']:
                aea_opts += " -Allineate_opts '-maxrot 10 -maxshf 10 -maxscl 1.5'"
            cmd = 'cd "%s"; -overwrite -suffix %s %s %s' % (refdir, alignsuffix, twovolsuffix, aea_opts)


        cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd(alignedfn, config))

        utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)

        print "Alignment already done - skipping"

        # run these commands first, then check if everything worked properly

    cmds = []

    # see if the expected transformation file was found
    if not config['identity'] and not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, fullmatrixfn)):
        raise Exception("Could not find %s in %s" % (fullmatrixfn, refdir))

    # now make a 3x4 matrix
    matrixfn = '%s%s.A2E.1D' % (a_n, alignsuffix)
    if overwrite or not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, matrixfn)):
        cmds.append('cd "%s"; cat_matvec %s > %s || exit 1' % (refdir, fullmatrixfn, matrixfn))

    # make an aligned, non-skullstripped version of SurfVol in refdir
    alprefix = '%s_SurfVol%s' % (config['sid'], alignsuffix)
    svalignedfn = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, alprefix, fullext)

    newgrid = 1 # size of anatomical grid in mm. We'll have to resample, otherwise 3dWarp does
              # not respect the corners of the volume (as of April 2012)

    if overwrite or not os.path.exists(svalignedfn):
        #if not config['fs_sid']:
        #    raise ValueError("Don't have a freesurfer subject id - cannot continue")

        #surfvolfn = '%s/%s_SurfVol+orig' % (config['sumadir'], config['fs_sid'])
        surfvolfn = '%s/T1.nii' % config['sumadir']
        cmds.append('cd "%s";3dWarp -overwrite -newgrid %f -matvec_out2in `cat_matvec -MATRIX %s` -prefix ./%s %s' %
                    (refdir, newgrid, matrixfn, alprefix, surfvolfn))
        cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd('%s/%s+orig' % (refdir, alprefix), config))

        print '%s already exists - skipping Warp' % svalignedfn

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
    cmds = []

    # nuke afni headers
    headernukefns = ['%s%s' % (f, fullext) for f in [ssalprefix, alprefix]]
    headernukefields = ['ALLINEATE_MATVEC_B2S_000000',

    for fn in headernukefns:
        for field in headernukefields:
            # nuke transformation - otherwise AFNI does this unwanted transformation for us
            fullfn = '%s/%s' % (refdir, fn)

            if not (os.path.exists(fullfn) or config['identity']):
                raise ValueError("File %r does not exist" % fullfn)

            refitcmd = "3drefit -atrfloat %s '%s' %s" % (field, unity, fn)

            # only refit if not already in AFNI history (which is stored in HEADfile)
            cmd = 'cd "%s"; m=`grep "%s" %s | wc -w`; if [ $m -eq 0 ]; then %s; else echo "File %s seems already 3drefitted"; fi' % (refdir, refitcmd, fn, refitcmd, fn)
    utils.run_cmds('; '.join(cmds), env)
    cmds = []

    # run AddEdge so that volumes can be inspected visually for alignment
    if config['AddEdge']:
        use_ss = config['expvol_ss']

        # ae_{e,s}_n are AddEdge names for expvol and surfvol
        ae_e_n = utils.afni_fileparts(config['expvol'])[1]
        if use_ss:
            ae_e_n += config['sssuffix']
        ae_s_n = ssalprefix #if use_ss else alprefix

        # *_ne have the output extension as well
        ae_e_ne = ae_e_n + ext
        ae_s_ne = ae_s_n + ext

        addedge_fns = ['%s/_ae.ExamineList.log' % refdir]

        exts = ['HEAD', 'BRIK']
        orig_ext = '+orig'
        addedge_rootfns = ['%s_%s%%s' % (ae_e_n, postfix)
                            for postfix in ['e3', 'ec', ae_s_n + '_ec']]
        addedge_rootfns.extend(['%s_%s%%s' % (ae_s_n, postfix)
                            for postfix in ['e3', 'ec']])

        addedge_fns_pat = ['%s.%s' % (fn, e) for fn in addedge_rootfns for e in exts]

        addegde_pathfns_orig = map(lambda x:os.path.join(refdir, x % '+orig'), addedge_fns_pat) + addedge_fns
        addegde_pathfns_ext = map(lambda x:os.path.join(refdir, x % ext), addedge_fns_pat)
        addegde_exists = map(os.path.exists, addegde_pathfns_ext)
        if overwrite or not all(addegde_exists):
            ae_ns = (ae_e_n, ae_s_n)

            cmds.extend(map(lambda fn : 'if [ -e "%s" ]; then rm "%s"; fi' % (fn, fn), addegde_pathfns_orig + addegde_pathfns_ext))
            cmds.append(';'.join(['cd %s' % refdir] +
                                 [_convert_vol_space_to_orig_cmd('%s/%s%s' % (refdir, n, ext))
                                            for n in ae_ns] +
                                 ['\@AddEdge %s+orig %s+orig' % ae_ns]))

            set_space_fns = addegde_pathfns_orig + ['%s/%s%s.%s' % (refdir, fn, orig_ext, exts[0]) for fn in ae_ns]

            for fn in set_space_fns: #['%s/%s' % (refdir, fn % orig_ext) for fn in addedge_fns_pat]:
                if fn.endswith('.log'):
                cmds.append('if [ -e %s ]; then %s; fi' % (fn, _set_vol_space_cmd(fn, config)))

            utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
            cmds = []

            print "AddEdge seems to have been run already"

        sid = config['sid']
        plot_slice_fns = [(ae_e_n + '_e3', ae_s_n + '_e3', '%s_qa_e3.png' % sid),
                          (None, ae_e_n + '_' + ae_s_n + '_ec', '%s_qa_ec.png' % sid)]

        plot_slice_imgfns = ['%s/%s' % (refdir, fn) for fn in plot_slice_fns]
        if overwrite or not all(map(os.path.exists, plot_slice_imgfns)):
            slice_dims = [0, 1, 2]
            slice_pos = [.35, .45, .55, .65]
            for fns in plot_slice_fns:
                input_fns = []
                for i, fn in enumerate(fns):
                    if fn is not None:
                        fn = '%s/%s' % (refdir, fn)
                        if i <= 1:
                            fn += ext

                fn1, fn2, fnout = input_fns
                if not os.path.exists(fnout):
                    _make_slice_plot(fn1, fn2, fnout)
                    print "QA Image saved to %s" % fnout
                    print "Already exists: %s" % fnout
            print "QA images already exist"

    # because AFNI uses RAI orientation but FreeSurfer LPI, make a new
    # affine transformation matrix in which the signs of
    # x and y coordinates are negated before and after the transformation
    matrixfn_LPI2RAI = '%s.A2E_LPI.1D' % ssalprefix
    if overwrite or not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, matrixfn_LPI2RAI)):
        lpirai = '"MATRIX(-1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0)"'
        cmd = ('cd %s; cat_matvec -ONELINE %s `cat_matvec -MATRIX %s` %s > %s' %
             (refdir, lpirai, matrixfn, lpirai, matrixfn_LPI2RAI))

    # apply transformation to surfaces
    [icolds, hemis] = _get_hemis_icolds(config)
    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sumafiles = os.listdir(sumadir)

    origext = '.asc'
    ext = format2extension(config)
    tp = format2type(config)
    # process all hemispheres and ld values
    for icold in icolds:
        for hemi in hemis:
            pat = '%s%sh.?*%s' % (config['mi_icopat'] % icold, hemi, origext)
            for sumafile in sumafiles:
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(sumafile, pat):
                    if not sumafile.endswith(origext):
                        raise ValueError("%s does not end with %s" % (sumafile, origext))
                    #s = sumafile.split(".")
                    #s[len(s) - 2] += config['alsuffix'] # insert '_al' just before last dot
                    #alsumafile = ".".join(s)
                    extsumafile = sumafile[:-len(origext)]
                    alsumafile = extsumafile + config['alsuffix'] + ext

                    if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, alsumafile)):
                        # now apply transformation
                        cmd = 'cd "%s";ConvertSurface -overwrite -i_fs %s/%s -o_%s ./%s -ixmat_1D %s' % \
                              (refdir, sumadir, sumafile, tp, alsumafile, matrixfn_LPI2RAI)

                    # as of June 2012 copy the original sphere.reg (not aligned) as well
                    if sumafile == ('%s.sphere.reg%s' % (pat, ext)):
                        sumaout = '%s/%s' % (refdir, extsumafile + ext)
                        if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists(sumaout):
                            s ='%s/%s' % (sumadir, sumafile))
                            surf.write(s, sumaout)
                            #cmds.append('cp %s/%s %s/%s' % (sumadir, sumafile, refdir, sumafile))

        mapfn = (config['mi_icopat'] % icold) + config['hemimappingsuffix']
        srcpathfn = os.path.join(sumadir, mapfn)

        if os.path.exists(srcpathfn):
            trgpathfn = os.path.join(refdir, mapfn)
            if not os.path.exists(trgpathfn) or config['overwrite']:
                cmds.append('cp %s %s' % (srcpathfn, trgpathfn))

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
Esempio n. 7
def run_skullstrip(config, env):
    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']

    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    refdir = config['refdir']
    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(refdir):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sid = config['sid']
    fs_sid = config['fs_sid']

    if not sid:
        raise ValueError("Subject id is not set, cannot continue")

    # process the surfvol anatomical.
    # because it's already skull stripped by freesurfer
    # simply copy it over; rename brain.nii to surfvol_ss
    surfvol_srcs = ['%s/%s' % (sumadir, fn)
                  for fn in ['brain.nii',

    surfvol_trgs = ['%s/%s' % (refdir, fn)
                  for fn in ['%s_SurfVol_ss%s' % (sid, fullext),
                             '%s_SurfVol%s' % (sid, fullext)]]

    for src, trg in zip(surfvol_srcs, surfvol_trgs):
        if os.path.exists(trg) and not overwrite:
            print '%s already exists' % trg
            t_p, t_n, t_o, t_e = utils.afni_fileparts(trg)
            trg_short = '%s%s' % (t_n, t_o)
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -inset %s -prefix ./%s' %
                        (refdir, src, trg_short))
            cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd('%s/%s+orig' % (refdir, t_n), config))

    # process experimental volume.
    expvol_src = config['expvol']
    do_ss = config['expvol_ss']
    [e_p, e_n, e_o, e_e] = utils.afni_fileparts(expvol_src)

    expvol_trg_prefix = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'] if do_ss else '')
    expvol_trg_tmp_prefix = '__tmp_%s' % expvol_trg_prefix

    expvol_trg = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, fullext)

    print "Attempt %s -> %s" % (expvol_src, expvol_trg)

    ext = config['outvol_ext']

    if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists(expvol_trg):
        if do_ss:
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dSkullStrip -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s -input %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
        cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -prefix %s -inset %s%s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext))
        cmds.append('rm %s/%s*' % (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix))
        cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd(expvol_trg, config))
        print "No skull strip because already exists: %s%s" % (expvol_trg_prefix, ext)

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
Esempio n. 8
def augmentconfig(c):
    '''add more configuration values that are *derived* from the current configuration,
    and also checks whether some options are set properly'''

    # ensure surfdir is set properly.
    # normally it should end in 'surf'

    # try to be smart and deduce subject id from surfdir (if not set explicitly)
    surfdir = c['surfdir']
    if surfdir:
        surfdir = os.path.abspath(surfdir)
        parent, nm = os.path.split(surfdir)

        if nm != 'surf':
            jn = os.path.join(surfdir, 'surf')
            if os.path.exists(jn):
                surfdir = jn
        elif nm == 'SUMA':
            surfdir = parent

        if not (os.path.exists(surfdir) or os.path.split(surfdir)[1] == 'surf'):
            print('Warning: surface directory %s not does exist or does not end in "surf"' % surfdir)
            surfdir = None

        c['surfdir'] = surfdir

        # set SUMADIR as well
        c['sumadir'] = '%(surfdir)s/SUMA/' % c

    # derive subject id from surfdir

    sid = os.path.split(os.path.split(surfdir)[0])[1] if surfdir else None

    if c.get('sid') is None:
        c['sid'] = sid

    if c['sid'] is None:
        print"Warning: no subject id specified"

    c['prefix_sv2anat'] = 'SurfVol2anat'

    # update steps
    if c.get('steps', 'all') == 'all':
        c['steps'] = 'toafni+mapico+moresurfs+skullstrip+align+makespec+makespecboth+makesurfmasks'

    hasanatvol = 'anatvol' in c and c['anatvol']
    hasepivol = 'epivol' in c and c['epivol']
    hasexpvol = 'expvol' in c and c['expvol']
    hasisepi = 'isepi' in c

    if hasexpvol:
        if hasanatvol or hasepivol:
            raise Exception("expvol specified, but also anatvol or epivol - illegal!")
        if not hasisepi:
            raise Exception("not specified whether expvol is EPI (yes) or anat (no)")

        if hasanatvol:
            if 'epivol' in c and c['epivol']:
                raise Exception("Cannot have both anatvol and epivol")
                c['expvol'] = c['anatvol']
                c['isepi'] = False
            if hasepivol:
                c['expvol'] = c['epivol']
                c['isepi'] = True
                print("Warning: no anatomical or functional experimental voume defined")

    def yesno2bool(d, k): # dict, key
        '''Assuming d[k] contains the word 'yes' or 'no', makes d[k] a boolean
        (True=='yes',False=='no'); otherwise an exception is thrown. The dict is updated'''
        val = d[k]
        if val is None:
            b = False
        elif type(val) == bool:
            b = val
            v = val.lower()
            if v == 'yes':
                b = True
            elif v == 'no':
                b = False
                raise Exception("Not yes or no: %s" % val)
        d[k] = b

    yesno2bool(c, 'AddEdge')

    if c['identity']:
        c['expvol_ss'] = c['anatval_ss'] = False
        yesno2bool(c, 'expvol_ss')
        yesno2bool(c, 'isepi')

    # see if we can get the fs_sid
    # (only if surfdir is set properly)
    # XXX not sure if this still makes sense
    c['fs_sid'] = None
    surfdir = c.get('surfdir', None)
    if not surfdir is None and os.path.exists(surfdir):
        fs_log_fn = os.path.join(surfdir, '..', 'scripts', 'recon-all.done')
        print "Looking in %s" % fs_log_fn
        if os.path.exists(fs_log_fn):
            with open(fs_log_fn) as f:
                lines ='\n')
                for line in lines:
                    if line.startswith('SUBJECT'):
                        fs_sid = line[8:]
                        c['fs_sid'] = fs_sid
                        print "Found Freesurfer sid %s" % fs_sid

    if c['fs_sid'] is None:
        c['fs_sid'] = sid
        print "Unable to find proper Freesurfer sid"

    pathvars = ['anatvol', 'expvol', 'epivol', 'refdir', 'surfdir']
    for pathvar in pathvars:
        if pathvar in c and c[pathvar]:
            c[pathvar] = os.path.abspath(c[pathvar])
            print "Set absolute path for %s: %s" % (pathvar, c[pathvar])

    if c['template'] and c['notemplate']:
        error('Cannot have both template and notemplate')

    if 'expvol' in c:
        p, n, o, e = utils.afni_fileparts(c['expvol'])

        if c.get('outvol_space', None) is None:
            cmd = '3dAttribute TEMPLATE_SPACE %s' % c['expvol']
            outvol_space = utils.cmd_capture_output(cmd)
            outvol_space = outvol_space.split('~')[0].strip()
            if len(outvol_space) and not c['notemplate'] and outvol_space.lower() != 'orig':
                print "Detected TEMPLATE_SPACE=%s" % outvol_space
                c['outvol_space'] = outvol_space
                if o == '+orig':
                    o = '+tlrc'
                    print "Template space '%s' detected: output has extension %s" % (outvol_space, o)
                c['template'] = True
                c['outvol_space'] = '+orig'

        if len(o): #'+orig' or '+tlrc'
            c['outvol_ext'] = o
            c['outvol_fullext'] = o + e
            c['outvol_view'] = o[1:]
            # For NIFTI - output in orig or tlrc
            c['outvol_view'] = 'tlrc' if c['template'] else 'orig'
            c['outvol_ext'] = '+' + c['outvol_view']
            c['outvol_fullext'] = c['outvol_ext'] + '.HEAD'

    return c