class AWB(wxFrame): overviewText = "Overview" # constants to refer to the wxNotebook pages OVERVIEW = 0 RULE_EDITOR = 1 SOCIETY_EDITOR = 2 AGENT_LAYDOWN = 3 # establish some menu item id constants SAVE_RULE = 0 SAVE_AS_RULE = 1 SAVE_SOCIETY = 2 SAVE_AS_SOCIETY = 3 SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY = 4 UNDO = 5 CHANGE_NAMESERVER = 6 SHOW_SOCIETY = 7 SHOW_HOSTS = 8 SHOW_NODES = 9 SHOW_AGENTS = 10 SHOW_COMPONENTS = 11 COLLAPSE_HOSTS = 12 COLLAPSE_NODES = 13 COLLAPSE_AGENTS = 14 COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS = 15 SORT = 16 FIND = 17 CLOSE_RULEBOOK = 18 DELETE_RULE = 19 FIND_NEXT = 20 RENAME_RULE = 21 def __init__(self, parent, id, title, initHeight=710, initPane=1): wxFrame.__init__( self, parent, -1, title, size=(800, initHeight), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE ) self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.curOverview = "" self.window = None self.initialPane = initPane self.nb = None self.log = None self.society = None # for holding a society in Society Editor and Rule tabs self.agentSociety = None # for holding a society that's just an agent list self.mappedSociety = None # for holding a newly HNA-mapped society self.societyViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying the society in Society Editor self.agentViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying initial agent list in Agent Laydown tab self.laydownViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying host-node-agent laydown self.societyOpen = false # for the Society Editor self.agentSocietyOpen = false # for the Agent List in Agent Laydown tab self.mappedSocietyOpen = false # for the HNA Map in Agent Laydown tab self.societyFile = None # string name of xml file for self.society self.agentSocietyFile = None # string name of xml file for self.agentSociety self.societyHnaFile = None # string name of xml file for self.mappedSociety self.controlFile = None # string name of xml file for self.controlFile self.ruleOpen = false self.ruleApplied = false self.currentPage = AWB.RULE_EDITOR self.currentTree = None self.undoBuffer = [] self.rulebookId = AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK * 10 self.openRulebookCount = 0 self.searchLabel = "" self.caseSearchDesired = False self.objCloset = {} # for storing entity obj's during DnD ops self.dragSource = None # for storing viewer that was source of a drag self.windowHeight = initHeight self.mappedSocietySaveCounter = 0 icon = images.getCSMARTerIcon() self.SetIcon(icon) try: if wxPlatform == "__WXMSW__": # setup a taskbar icon, and catch some events from it self.tbicon = wxTaskBarIcon() self.tbicon.SetIcon(icon, "CS03") EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK(self.tbicon, self.OnTaskBarActivate) EVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP(self.tbicon, self.OnTaskBarMenu) EVT_MENU(self.tbicon, self.TBMENU_RESTORE, self.OnTaskBarActivate) EVT_MENU(self.tbicon, self.TBMENU_CLOSE, self.OnTaskBarClose) wxCallAfter(self.ShowTip) self.otherWin = None EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle) EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnCloseWindow) EVT_ICONIZE(self, self.OnIconfiy) EVT_MAXIMIZE(self, self.OnMaximize) self.Centre(wxBOTH) self.CreateStatusBar(1, wxST_SIZEGRIP) splitterId = wxNewId() self.splitter2 = wxSplitterWindow(self, splitterId, style=wxNO_3D | wxSP_3D) EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSplitterResize) def EmptyHandler(evt): pass EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(self.splitter2, EmptyHandler) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a File menu self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar() fileMenu = wxMenu() fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_RULE, "Save &Rule\tCtrl+R", "Save an existing rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_RULE, self.OnRuleSave) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, "Save R&ule As...\tAlt+R", "Save as a new rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, self.OnRuleSaveAs) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, "&Save Society\tCtrl+S", "Save an existing society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, self.OnSocietySave) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, "Save Society &As...\tAlt+S", "Save as a new society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, self.OnSocietySaveAs) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, "Save HNA &Map As...\tAlt+M", "Save as a new society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, self.OnHnaMapSaveAs) exitID = wxNewId() fileMenu.Append(exitID, "E&xit\tAlt+X", "Get the heck outta here!") EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileExit) if not self.ruleOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_RULE, false) fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, false) if not self.societyOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, false) fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, false) if not self.mappedSocietyOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, false) self.mainmenu.Append(fileMenu, "&File") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make an Edit menu self.editMenu = wxMenu() self.editMenu.Append(AWB.UNDO, "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "Undo last edit") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.UNDO, self.OnUndo) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.UNDO, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.SORT, "&Sort selected item", "Sort entities in selected item") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SORT, self.OnSort) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, "Change &name server", "Specify a new name server") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, self.OnChangeNameServer) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.FIND, "&Find\tCtrl+F", "Find a specific society entity by name") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.FIND, self.OnFind) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, false) self.editMenu.Append( AWB.FIND_NEXT, "Find &Next\tF3", "Find the next occurrence of a specific society entity by name" ) EVT_MENU(self, AWB.FIND_NEXT, self.OnFindNext) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.RENAME_RULE, "&Rename Rule\tCtrl+R", "Rename a society transformation rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.RENAME_RULE, self.OnRenameRule) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.RENAME_RULE, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.DELETE_RULE, "&Delete Rule\tAlt+D", "Delete a society transformation rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.DELETE_RULE, self.OnDeleteRule) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.DELETE_RULE, false) self.mainmenu.Append(self.editMenu, "&Edit") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make an View menu self.viewMenu = wxMenu() self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, "Show &Entire Society\tCtrl+E", "Expand entire Society tree") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, self.OnShowSociety) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_NODES, "Show All &Nodes\tCtrl+N", "Show All Nodes") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_NODES, self.OnShowNodes) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, "Show All &Agents\tCtrl+A", "Show All Agents") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, self.OnShowAgents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, "Show All &Components\tCtrl+C", "Show All Components") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, self.OnShowComponents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, "Collapse To &Hosts\tAlt+O", "Collapse To Hosts") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, self.OnCollapseHosts) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, "Collapse To &Nodes\tAlt+N", "Collapse To Nodes") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, self.OnCollapseNodes) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, "Collapse To &Agents\tAlt+A", "Collapse To Agents") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, self.OnCollapseAgents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, "Collapse To &Components\tAlt+C", "Collapse To Components") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, self.OnCollapseComponents) self.viewMenu.AppendSeparator() helpText = "Removes rules belonging to the chosen rulebook from the Rulebook window" self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, "Close RuleBook\tCtrl+B", helpText) EVT_MENU(self, AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, self.OnCloseRulebook) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_NODES, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, false) self.mainmenu.Append(self.viewMenu, "&View") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a Help menu helpMenu = wxMenu() debugMenu = wxMenu() printSocModelId = wxNewId() debugMenu.Append( printSocModelId, "Print society model (plain text)\tF11", "Print plain text to console window." ) EVT_MENU(self, printSocModelId, self.OnPrintSocietyModelPlain) printSocModelXmlId = wxNewId() debugMenu.Append(printSocModelXmlId, "Print society model (XML)\tF12", "Print XML text to console window.") EVT_MENU(self, printSocModelXmlId, self.OnPrintSocietyModelXML) debugId = wxNewId() helpMenu.AppendMenu(debugId, "Debug", debugMenu) helpId = wxNewId() helpMenu.Append(helpId, "&About\tF1", "wxPython RULES!!!") EVT_MENU(self, helpId, self.OnHelpAbout) self.mainmenu.Append(helpMenu, "&Help") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.SetMenuBar(self.mainmenu) # set the menu accellerator table... aTable = wxAcceleratorTable([(wxACCEL_ALT, ord("X"), exitID), (wxACCEL_CTRL, ord("H"), helpId)]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a Notebook to go in top of wxSplitterWindow self.nb = wxNotebook(self.splitter2, -1, style=wxCLIP_CHILDREN) EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(self, -1, self.OnPageChange) # Set up a log on the View Log Notebook page to go in bottom of wxSplitter Window self.log = wxTextCtrl(self.splitter2, -1, style=wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxHSCROLL) # Set the wxWindows log target to be this textctrl # wxLog_SetActiveTarget(wxLogTextCtrl(self.log)) # But instead of the above we want to show how to use our own wxLog class self.logger = MyLog(self.log) wxLog_SetActiveTarget(self.logger) # ~ wxLogChain(wxLogStderr()) # ~ wxLogChain(self.logger) # ~ wxLog_SetLogLevel(wxLOG_Warning) wxLog_SetLogLevel(wxLOG_Message) # for serious debugging # wxLog_SetActiveTarget(wxLogStderr()) # wxLog_SetTraceMask(wxTraceMessages) # Notebook page 0: AWB Overview if 0: # the old way self.ovr = wxHtmlWindow(self.nb, -1, size=(400, 400)) self.nb.AddPage(self.ovr, self.overviewText) else: # hopefully I can remove this hacky code soon, see bug #216861 panel = wxPanel(self.nb, -1, style=wxCLIP_CHILDREN) self.ovr = wxHtmlWindow(panel, -1, size=(400, 400)) self.nb.AddPage(panel, self.overviewText) def OnOvrSize(evt, ovr=self.ovr): ovr.SetSize(evt.GetSize()) EVT_SIZE(panel, OnOvrSize) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(panel, EmptyHandler) self.SetOverview(self.overviewText, overview) # Notebook page 1: Rule Editor self.ruleEditor = SocietyBuilderPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.ruleEditor, "Rules") # Notebook page 2: Society Editor self.societyEditor = SocietyEditorPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.societyEditor, "Society Editor") # Notebook page 3: Agent Laydown self.agentLaydown = AgentLaydownPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.agentLaydown, "Agent Laydown") # Notebook page 4: Society Controller self.societyController = SocietyController(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.societyController, "Society Controller") self.Show(true) # add the windows to the splitter and split it. self.splitter2.SplitHorizontally(self.nb, self.log, 560) self.splitter2.SetMinimumPaneSize(20) # select initial items self.nb.SetSelection(self.initialPane) # wxLogMessage('window handle: %s' % self.GetHandle()) wxLogMessage("CS03 initialized.") except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() # --------------------------------------------- def WriteText(self, text): if text[-1:] == "\n": text = text[:-1] wxLogMessage(text) def write(self, txt): self.WriteText(txt) # --------------------------------------------- def SetOverview(self, name, text): self.curOverview = text lead = text[:6] if lead != "<html>" and lead != "<HTML>": text = "<br>".join(text.split("\n")) self.ovr.SetPage(text) self.nb.SetPageText(0, name) # --------------------------------------------- def OnSplitterResize(self, event): # When window height is resized, we want the notebook (i.e., top panel) resized, # while the log panel remains constant. Calculate how much the window height # changed, then move the splitter sash that much. # Note: this causes a LOT of flicker while the window is being resized. I tried # to delay the redraw until the resizing was complete, but couldn't figure out # how to turn the auto redraw off. size = self.GetSize() heightChange = size.height - self.windowHeight sashPos = self.splitter2.GetSashPosition() self.splitter2.SetSashPosition(sashPos + heightChange) self.windowHeight = size.height event.Skip() # *************************************** # Menu methods # *************************************** # File menu methods def OnRuleSave(self, event): self.ruleEditor.SaveRule() def OnRuleSaveAs(self, event): self.ruleEditor.filename = None self.ruleEditor.SaveRule() def OnSocietySave(self, event): self.saveSociety("society") def OnSocietySaveAs(self, event): self.societyFile = None self.saveSociety("society") def OnHnaMapSaveAs(self, event): if self.agentLaydown.tempMappedSociety is not None: self.mappedSociety.close() self.mappedSociety = self.agentLaydown.tempMappedSociety self.mappedSocietySaveCounter = 0 # forces a 'Save As' rather than a 'Save' self.saveSociety("mappedSociety") def OnFileExit(self, event): self.Close() # --------------------------------------------- # Edit menu methods def OnUndo(self, event): # The undoBuffer contains one object: a List named 'lastState' that contains # a reference to the panel in which the last edit was done and some number # of other Lists, each containing two elements: [0]: a reference to the control # last updated; [1]: a reference to the state of that control before the last change. lastState = self.undoBuffer.pop() # Now dispatch the undo to the panel in which it was invoked if lastState[0] == self.agentLaydown: self.agentLaydown.undo(lastState) elif lastState[0] == self.ruleEditor: pass elif lastState[0] == self.societyEditor: pass self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.UNDO, false) def OnSort(self, event): if self.currentPage == AWB.AGENT_LAYDOWN: self.currentTree = self.agentLaydown.currentViewer if self.currentTree is not None: selectedItems = self.currentTree.GetSelections() for selectedItem in selectedItems: selectedObj = self.currentTree.GetPyData(selectedItem) if isinstance(selectedObj, Node): self.currentTree.sortAgents(selectedItem) else: self.currentTree.SortChildren(selectedItem) def OnChangeNameServer(self, event): = wxDialog( self, -1, "Change name server", size=wxSize(350, 200), style=wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxTHICK_FRAME ) sizer = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) label = wxStaticText(, -1, "Select a new name server") sizer.Add(label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) ### ------------------------------------ textBox = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL) hostLabel = wxStaticText(, -1, "Host:") textBox.Add(hostLabel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE) hostList = [] for host in self.society.each_host(): hostList.append( value = self.society.nameserver_host if len(hostList) == 0: hostList.append(value) self.cb = wxComboBox(, 500, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(65, -1), hostList, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY ) EVT_COMBOBOX(self, 500, self.EvtComboBox) EVT_TEXT_ENTER(self, 500, self.EvtTextEnter) textBox.Add(self.cb, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) portLabel = wxStaticText(, -1, "Ports:") textBox.Add(portLabel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxLEFT, 5) portValue = self.society.nameserver_suffix self.portText = wxTextCtrl(, 505, portValue, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75, -1)) textBox.Add(self.portText, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) sizer.AddSizer(textBox, 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) ### ------------------------------------ box = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL) btn = wxButton(, wxID_OK, " OK ") btn.SetDefault() box.Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) btn = wxButton(, wxID_CANCEL, " Cancel ") box.Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) sizer.AddSizer(box, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5) sizer.Fit( val = if val == wxID_OK: self.society.set_nameserver(self.cb.GetValue() + self.portText.GetValue()) # Now change the nameserver parameter in each node in the society: for node in self.society.each_node(): node.updateNameServerParam(self.society.get_nameserver()) def OnFind(self, event): showViewerRadio = self.currentPage == AWB.AGENT_LAYDOWN FindItemDialog(self, showViewerRadio) if len(self.searchLabel) > 0: self.currentTree.findItem(self.searchLabel, self.caseSearchDesired) # ~ self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, true) def OnFindNext(self, event): if len(self.searchLabel) > 0: self.currentTree.findItem(self.searchLabel, self.caseSearchDesired, False) def OnRenameRule(self, event): self.ruleEditor.OnRenameRule(event) def OnDeleteRule(self, event): self.ruleEditor.OnDeleteRule(event) # --------------------------------------------- def EvtComboBox(self, evt): pass def EvtTextEnter(self, evt): self.log.WriteText("EvtTextEnter: %s\n" % evt.GetString()) # --------------------------------------------- # View menu methods def OnShowSociety(self, event): self.currentTree.expandEntireSociety() def OnShowNodes(self, event): self.currentTree.expandHosts() def OnShowAgents(self, event): self.currentTree.expandNodes() def OnShowComponents(self, event): self.currentTree.expandAgents() def OnCollapseHosts(self, event): self.currentTree.collapseHosts() def OnCollapseNodes(self, event): self.currentTree.collapseNodes() def OnCollapseAgents(self, event): self.currentTree.collapseAgents() def OnCollapseComponents(self, event): self.currentTree.collapseComponents() def OnCloseRulebook(self, event): closeRulesDialog = wxDialog( self, -1, "Close Rulebook", size=wxSize(350, 200), style=wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxTHICK_FRAME ) sizer = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) label = wxStaticText(closeRulesDialog, -1, "Select one or more Rulebooks to close") sizer.Add(label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) # wxListBox to allow user to select rulebook to close rulebooks = self.ruleEditor.getRulebookNames() listBox = wxListBox( closeRulesDialog, 550, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(85, -1), rulebooks, wxLB_EXTENDED | wxLB_NEEDED_SB | wxLB_HSCROLL | wxLB_SORT, ) sizer.Add(listBox, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) box = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL) btn = wxButton(closeRulesDialog, wxID_OK, " OK ") btn.SetDefault() box.Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) btn = wxButton(closeRulesDialog, wxID_CANCEL, " Cancel ") box.Add(btn, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE | wxALL, 5) sizer.AddSizer(box, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5) closeRulesDialog.SetSizer(sizer) closeRulesDialog.SetAutoLayout(true) sizer.Fit(closeRulesDialog) val = closeRulesDialog.ShowModal() if val == wxID_OK: rulebookIdsToKill = listBox.GetSelections() # returns a tuple of ints for rulebookId in rulebookIdsToKill: self.ruleEditor.removeRulebook(listBox.GetString(rulebookId)) # --------------------------------------------- # Help menu methods def OnPrintSocietyModelPlain(self, event): print self.currentTree.society.prettyPrintNamesOnly() def OnPrintSocietyModelXML(self, event): print self.currentTree.society.to_xml() def OnHelpAbout(self, event): from About import MyAboutBox about = MyAboutBox(self) about.ShowModal() about.Destroy() # --------------------------------------------- def OnPageChange(self, event): self.currentPage = event.GetSelection() if self.currentPage == AWB.OVERVIEW: self.currentTree = None self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, False) self.enableRuleMenuItems(False) if self.currentPage == AWB.RULE_EDITOR: self.currentTree = None self.enableTreeViews(false) if self.societyOpen and self.ruleEditor.aRuleIsChecked: self.ruleEditor.applyRulesButton.Enable(true) else: self.ruleEditor.applyRulesButton.Enable(false) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, false) if self.openRulebookCount > 0: self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, True) else: self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, False) if >= 0: self.enableRuleMenuItems(True) elif self.currentPage == AWB.SOCIETY_EDITOR: self.currentTree = self.societyViewer if self.societyOpen: self.enableTreeViews(true) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, true) if len(self.currentTree.GetSelections()) > 0: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, True) else: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, False) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, true) if len(self.searchLabel) > 0: self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, true) else: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, False) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, False) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, False) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, False) self.enableRuleMenuItems(False) elif self.currentPage == AWB.AGENT_LAYDOWN: if self.agentLaydown.currentViewer is None: self.currentTree = self.laydownViewer else: self.currentTree = self.agentLaydown.currentViewer if self.currentTree is not None and len(self.currentTree.GetSelections()) > 0: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, True) else: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, False) if self.mappedSocietyOpen or self.agentSocietyOpen: self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, true) if len(self.searchLabel) > 0: self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, true) else: self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, false) if self.mappedSocietyOpen: self.enableTreeViews(true) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, false) if self.agentSocietyOpen: self.agentLaydown.setSpinnerValue() self.agentLaydown.distroAgentsButton.Enable(true) else: self.enableTreeViews(false) if self.editMenu.IsEnabled(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER): self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, False) self.enableRuleMenuItems(False) # --------------------------------------------- def OnCloseWindow(self, event): self.window = None self.mainmenu = None if hasattr(self, "tbicon"): del self.tbicon self.logger.Close() self.Destroy() # --------------------------------------------- def OnIdle(self, event): if self.otherWin: self.otherWin.Raise() self.window = self.otherWin self.otherWin = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def openSocietyFile(self, parent, societyId): wildcard = "Society XML files (*.xml;*.XML)|*.xml;*.XML|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Choose a society", "", "", wildcard, wxOPEN | wxMULTIPLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: fileToOpen = dlg.GetPath() self.server = SocietyFactoryServer(fileToOpen, parent, self.log) self.server.Start() parent.StartAnimation() # store a reference to the filename to use when saving the file later if societyId == "mappedSociety": self.societyHnaFile = fileToOpen self.mappedSocietySaveCounter = 0 elif societyId == "agentSociety": self.agentSocietyFile = fileToOpen elif societyId == "society": self.societyFile = fileToOpen elif societyId == "controller": self.controlFile = fileToOpen finally: dlg.Destroy() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def saveSociety(self, societyId): societyToSave = None destinationFile = None hnaSaveFlag = False if societyId == "mappedSociety": if self.agentLaydown.tempMappedSociety is not None: # There's a temp society in the undo buffer, so make it the new # mappedSociety and empty out the undo buffer. self.mappedSociety.close() self.mappedSociety = self.agentLaydown.tempMappedSociety self.agentLaydown.tempMappedSociety = None if len(self.undoBuffer) > 0: self.undoBuffer.pop() # empty it out self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.UNDO, false) societyToSave = self.mappedSociety # If this is the first time this society is being saved, prompt user for a file name; # i.e., this is a "save as". For all subsequent saves, just save to same file. if self.mappedSocietySaveCounter > 0: destinationFile = self.societyHnaFile self.mappedSocietySaveCounter += 1 hnaSaveFlag = True elif societyId == "agentSociety": # This society should never be saved societyToSave = self.agentSociety elif societyId == "society": societyToSave = self.society destinationFile = self.societyFile elif societyId == "controller": societyToSave = self.controlFile if societyToSave is not None: # Check for duplicate hosts, nodes, and agents dupeFound = self.checkForDuplicates(societyToSave) if dupeFound: return xml = "" if societyToSave == self.mappedSociety: # ~ xml = self.laydownViewer.to_xml("agents") xml = self.laydownViewer.to_xml("argument") print "laydownViewer.to_xml", xml elif societyToSave == self.society: xml = societyToSave.to_xml(hnaSaveFlag) if xml.startswith("xxx"): # indicates an error building the xml text return if destinationFile is None: wildcard = "Society XML files (*.xml;*.XML)|*.xml;*.XML|All Files (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Choose a file to save", "", "", wildcard, wxOPEN | wxMULTIPLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK: destinationFile = dlg.GetPath() finally: dlg.Destroy() if societyToSave == self.mappedSociety: self.societyHnaFile = destinationFile elif societyToSave == self.society: self.societyFile = destinationFile societyToSave.isDirty = False if destinationFile is not None: self.save_society(xml, destinationFile) else: self.log.WriteText("Unable to save empty or unknown society.") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_society(self, xml, destinationFile): saveFile = open(destinationFile, "w") saveFile.write(xml) saveFile.close() self.log.WriteText("Society saved in file %s\n" % destinationFile) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def checkForDuplicates(self, society): entityTypes = ["host", "node", "agent"] for type in entityTypes: dupeCheckDict = {} for entity in society.each_entity(type): if dupeCheckDict.has_key( self.displayDupeMessage(type, return True dupeCheckDict[] = 1 return False # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def displayDupeMessage(self, entityType, dupeName): msg = "Duplicate " + entityType + " found: " + dupeName dlg = CougaarMessageDialog(self, "error", msg) dlg.display() # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def closeSociety(self, societyId): societyToClose = None currentViewer = None saveAgents = True if societyId != "agentSociety": if societyId == "mappedSociety": societyToClose = self.mappedSociety currentViewer = self.laydownViewer elif societyId == "society": societyToClose = self.society currentViewer = self.societyViewer saveAgents = False if societyToClose.isDirty: # First give user a chance to save the society dlg = CougaarMessageDialog(self, "confirm") disposition = dlg.getUserInput() if disposition == wxID_CANCEL: return if disposition == wxID_YES: self.saveSociety(societyId) # Now delete the tree display currentViewer.DeleteAllItems() # Finally, delete the society object in memory if societyToClose is not None: # shouldn't ever be None...but it sometimes is! societyToClose.close(saveAgents) societyToClose = None if societyId == "mappedSociety": self.mappedSociety = None self.mappedSocietyOpen = 0 self.societyHnaFile = None self.enableHnaSaveMenuItems(false) if not self.agentSocietyOpen: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) elif societyId == "society": self.society = None self.societyOpen = 0 self.societyFile = None self.ruleEditor.societyName.SetValue("") self.nameServer = None self.enableSocietySaveMenuItems(false) if not self.mappedSocietyOpen: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) elif societyId == "controller": print "Controller File" else: # societyId == "agentSociety" if self.agentViewer is not None: self.agentViewer.DeleteAllItems() # delete the tree if self.agentSociety is not None: # shouldn't ever be None...but it sometimes is! # Delete the society object in memory self.agentSociety.close() self.agentSociety = None self.agentSocietyOpen = 0 self.agentSocietyFile = None if len(self.undoBuffer) > 0: self.undoBuffer.pop() # empty it out self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.UNDO, false) self.enableAgentSocietySaveMenuItems(false) if not self.mappedSocietyOpen: self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def enableRuleSaveMenuItems(self, enable=true): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_RULE, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, enable) self.ruleEditor.saveRuleButton.Enable(enable) # --------------------------------------------- def enableRuleSaveAs(self, enable=true): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, enable) # --------------------------------------------- def enableSocietySaveMenuItems(self, enable=true): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, enable) # ~ if enable and len(self.searchLabel) > 0: self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, False) self.ruleEditor.saveSocietyButton.Enable(enable) self.ruleEditor.openSocietyButton.Enable(not enable) self.societyEditor.saveSocietyButton.Enable(enable) self.societyEditor.openSocietyButton.Enable(not enable) self.societyEditor.closeSocietyButton.Enable(enable) if self.currentPage == AWB.SOCIETY_EDITOR: self.enableTreeViews(enable) # --------------------------------------------- def enableAgentSocietySaveMenuItems(self, enable=true): self.agentLaydown.openAgentListButton.Enable(not enable) self.agentLaydown.closeAgentSocietyButton.Enable(enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, False) # --------------------------------------------- def enableHnaSaveMenuItems(self, enable=true): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, enable) self.agentLaydown.saveHnaButton.Enable(enable) self.agentLaydown.openHnaButton.Enable(not enable) self.agentLaydown.closeHnaButton.Enable(enable) self.societyEditor.getHnaMapButton.Enable(enable) self.enableTreeViews(enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, false) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, False) # --------------------------------------------- def enableTreeViews(self, enable=true): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_NODES, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, enable) self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, enable) # --------------------------------------------- ## # Enables or disables the 'Close Rulebook' View menu item depending on # whether or not there are any open rulebooks. # isRulebookAdded:: [boolean] If True, a rulebook has been added; # If False, a rulebook has been removed # def updateCloseRulebookMenuItem(self, isRulebookAdded): if isRulebookAdded: self.openRulebookCount += 1 else: self.openRulebookCount -= 1 actionFlag = False if self.openRulebookCount > 0: actionFlag = True self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, actionFlag) # --------------------------------------------- def enableRuleMenuItems(self, enable=True): self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.DELETE_RULE, enable) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.RENAME_RULE, enable) # --------------------------------------------- def enableFindNextMenuItem(self, enable=True): self.mainmenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, enable) # --------------------------------------------- def setDragSource(self, viewer): self.dragSource = viewer # --------------------------------------------- def getDragSource(self): return self.dragSource # --------------------------------------------- def ShowTip(self): try: showTipText = open(opj("data/showTips")).read() showTip, index = eval(showTipText) except IOError: showTip, index = (1, 0) if showTip: tp = wxCreateFileTipProvider(opj("data/tips.txt"), index) ##tp = MyTP(0) showTip = wxShowTip(self, tp) index = tp.GetCurrentTip() open(opj("data/showTips"), "w").write(str((showTip, index))) # --------------------------------------------- def OnTaskBarActivate(self, evt): if self.IsIconized(): self.Iconize(false) if not self.IsShown(): self.Show(true) self.Raise() # --------------------------------------------- TBMENU_RESTORE = 1000 TBMENU_CLOSE = 1001 def OnTaskBarMenu(self, evt): menu = wxMenu() menu.Append(self.TBMENU_RESTORE, "Restore CS03") menu.Append(self.TBMENU_CLOSE, "Close") self.tbicon.PopupMenu(menu) menu.Destroy() # --------------------------------------------- def OnTaskBarClose(self, evt): self.Close() # because of the way wxTaskBarIcon.PopupMenu is implemented we have to # prod the main idle handler a bit to get the window to actually close wxGetApp().ProcessIdle() # --------------------------------------------- def OnIconfiy(self, evt): wxLogMessage("OnIconfiy") evt.Skip() # --------------------------------------------- def OnMaximize(self, evt): wxLogMessage("OnMaximize") evt.Skip()
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, initHeight=710, initPane=1): wxFrame.__init__( self, parent, -1, title, size=(800, initHeight), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE ) self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.curOverview = "" self.window = None self.initialPane = initPane self.nb = None self.log = None self.society = None # for holding a society in Society Editor and Rule tabs self.agentSociety = None # for holding a society that's just an agent list self.mappedSociety = None # for holding a newly HNA-mapped society self.societyViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying the society in Society Editor self.agentViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying initial agent list in Agent Laydown tab self.laydownViewer = None # wxTreeCtrl for displaying host-node-agent laydown self.societyOpen = false # for the Society Editor self.agentSocietyOpen = false # for the Agent List in Agent Laydown tab self.mappedSocietyOpen = false # for the HNA Map in Agent Laydown tab self.societyFile = None # string name of xml file for self.society self.agentSocietyFile = None # string name of xml file for self.agentSociety self.societyHnaFile = None # string name of xml file for self.mappedSociety self.controlFile = None # string name of xml file for self.controlFile self.ruleOpen = false self.ruleApplied = false self.currentPage = AWB.RULE_EDITOR self.currentTree = None self.undoBuffer = [] self.rulebookId = AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK * 10 self.openRulebookCount = 0 self.searchLabel = "" self.caseSearchDesired = False self.objCloset = {} # for storing entity obj's during DnD ops self.dragSource = None # for storing viewer that was source of a drag self.windowHeight = initHeight self.mappedSocietySaveCounter = 0 icon = images.getCSMARTerIcon() self.SetIcon(icon) try: if wxPlatform == "__WXMSW__": # setup a taskbar icon, and catch some events from it self.tbicon = wxTaskBarIcon() self.tbicon.SetIcon(icon, "CS03") EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK(self.tbicon, self.OnTaskBarActivate) EVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP(self.tbicon, self.OnTaskBarMenu) EVT_MENU(self.tbicon, self.TBMENU_RESTORE, self.OnTaskBarActivate) EVT_MENU(self.tbicon, self.TBMENU_CLOSE, self.OnTaskBarClose) wxCallAfter(self.ShowTip) self.otherWin = None EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle) EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnCloseWindow) EVT_ICONIZE(self, self.OnIconfiy) EVT_MAXIMIZE(self, self.OnMaximize) self.Centre(wxBOTH) self.CreateStatusBar(1, wxST_SIZEGRIP) splitterId = wxNewId() self.splitter2 = wxSplitterWindow(self, splitterId, style=wxNO_3D | wxSP_3D) EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSplitterResize) def EmptyHandler(evt): pass EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(self.splitter2, EmptyHandler) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a File menu self.mainmenu = wxMenuBar() fileMenu = wxMenu() fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_RULE, "Save &Rule\tCtrl+R", "Save an existing rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_RULE, self.OnRuleSave) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, "Save R&ule As...\tAlt+R", "Save as a new rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, self.OnRuleSaveAs) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, "&Save Society\tCtrl+S", "Save an existing society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, self.OnSocietySave) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, "Save Society &As...\tAlt+S", "Save as a new society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, self.OnSocietySaveAs) fileMenu.Append(AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, "Save HNA &Map As...\tAlt+M", "Save as a new society") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, self.OnHnaMapSaveAs) exitID = wxNewId() fileMenu.Append(exitID, "E&xit\tAlt+X", "Get the heck outta here!") EVT_MENU(self, exitID, self.OnFileExit) if not self.ruleOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_RULE, false) fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_RULE, false) if not self.societyOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_SOCIETY, false) fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_SOCIETY, false) if not self.mappedSocietyOpen: fileMenu.Enable(AWB.SAVE_AS_HNA_SOCIETY, false) self.mainmenu.Append(fileMenu, "&File") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make an Edit menu self.editMenu = wxMenu() self.editMenu.Append(AWB.UNDO, "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "Undo last edit") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.UNDO, self.OnUndo) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.UNDO, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.SORT, "&Sort selected item", "Sort entities in selected item") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SORT, self.OnSort) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.SORT, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, "Change &name server", "Specify a new name server") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, self.OnChangeNameServer) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.CHANGE_NAMESERVER, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.FIND, "&Find\tCtrl+F", "Find a specific society entity by name") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.FIND, self.OnFind) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.FIND, false) self.editMenu.Append( AWB.FIND_NEXT, "Find &Next\tF3", "Find the next occurrence of a specific society entity by name" ) EVT_MENU(self, AWB.FIND_NEXT, self.OnFindNext) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.FIND_NEXT, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.RENAME_RULE, "&Rename Rule\tCtrl+R", "Rename a society transformation rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.RENAME_RULE, self.OnRenameRule) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.RENAME_RULE, false) self.editMenu.Append(AWB.DELETE_RULE, "&Delete Rule\tAlt+D", "Delete a society transformation rule") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.DELETE_RULE, self.OnDeleteRule) self.editMenu.Enable(AWB.DELETE_RULE, false) self.mainmenu.Append(self.editMenu, "&Edit") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make an View menu self.viewMenu = wxMenu() self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, "Show &Entire Society\tCtrl+E", "Expand entire Society tree") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, self.OnShowSociety) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_NODES, "Show All &Nodes\tCtrl+N", "Show All Nodes") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_NODES, self.OnShowNodes) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, "Show All &Agents\tCtrl+A", "Show All Agents") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, self.OnShowAgents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, "Show All &Components\tCtrl+C", "Show All Components") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, self.OnShowComponents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, "Collapse To &Hosts\tAlt+O", "Collapse To Hosts") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, self.OnCollapseHosts) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, "Collapse To &Nodes\tAlt+N", "Collapse To Nodes") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, self.OnCollapseNodes) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, "Collapse To &Agents\tAlt+A", "Collapse To Agents") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, self.OnCollapseAgents) self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, "Collapse To &Components\tAlt+C", "Collapse To Components") EVT_MENU(self, AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, self.OnCollapseComponents) self.viewMenu.AppendSeparator() helpText = "Removes rules belonging to the chosen rulebook from the Rulebook window" self.viewMenu.Append(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, "Close RuleBook\tCtrl+B", helpText) EVT_MENU(self, AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, self.OnCloseRulebook) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_SOCIETY, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_NODES, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_AGENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.SHOW_COMPONENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_HOSTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_NODES, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_AGENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.COLLAPSE_COMPONENTS, false) self.viewMenu.Enable(AWB.CLOSE_RULEBOOK, false) self.mainmenu.Append(self.viewMenu, "&View") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a Help menu helpMenu = wxMenu() debugMenu = wxMenu() printSocModelId = wxNewId() debugMenu.Append( printSocModelId, "Print society model (plain text)\tF11", "Print plain text to console window." ) EVT_MENU(self, printSocModelId, self.OnPrintSocietyModelPlain) printSocModelXmlId = wxNewId() debugMenu.Append(printSocModelXmlId, "Print society model (XML)\tF12", "Print XML text to console window.") EVT_MENU(self, printSocModelXmlId, self.OnPrintSocietyModelXML) debugId = wxNewId() helpMenu.AppendMenu(debugId, "Debug", debugMenu) helpId = wxNewId() helpMenu.Append(helpId, "&About\tF1", "wxPython RULES!!!") EVT_MENU(self, helpId, self.OnHelpAbout) self.mainmenu.Append(helpMenu, "&Help") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.SetMenuBar(self.mainmenu) # set the menu accellerator table... aTable = wxAcceleratorTable([(wxACCEL_ALT, ord("X"), exitID), (wxACCEL_CTRL, ord("H"), helpId)]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(aTable) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a Notebook to go in top of wxSplitterWindow self.nb = wxNotebook(self.splitter2, -1, style=wxCLIP_CHILDREN) EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(self, -1, self.OnPageChange) # Set up a log on the View Log Notebook page to go in bottom of wxSplitter Window self.log = wxTextCtrl(self.splitter2, -1, style=wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxHSCROLL) # Set the wxWindows log target to be this textctrl # wxLog_SetActiveTarget(wxLogTextCtrl(self.log)) # But instead of the above we want to show how to use our own wxLog class self.logger = MyLog(self.log) wxLog_SetActiveTarget(self.logger) # ~ wxLogChain(wxLogStderr()) # ~ wxLogChain(self.logger) # ~ wxLog_SetLogLevel(wxLOG_Warning) wxLog_SetLogLevel(wxLOG_Message) # for serious debugging # wxLog_SetActiveTarget(wxLogStderr()) # wxLog_SetTraceMask(wxTraceMessages) # Notebook page 0: AWB Overview if 0: # the old way self.ovr = wxHtmlWindow(self.nb, -1, size=(400, 400)) self.nb.AddPage(self.ovr, self.overviewText) else: # hopefully I can remove this hacky code soon, see bug #216861 panel = wxPanel(self.nb, -1, style=wxCLIP_CHILDREN) self.ovr = wxHtmlWindow(panel, -1, size=(400, 400)) self.nb.AddPage(panel, self.overviewText) def OnOvrSize(evt, ovr=self.ovr): ovr.SetSize(evt.GetSize()) EVT_SIZE(panel, OnOvrSize) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(panel, EmptyHandler) self.SetOverview(self.overviewText, overview) # Notebook page 1: Rule Editor self.ruleEditor = SocietyBuilderPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.ruleEditor, "Rules") # Notebook page 2: Society Editor self.societyEditor = SocietyEditorPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.societyEditor, "Society Editor") # Notebook page 3: Agent Laydown self.agentLaydown = AgentLaydownPanel(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.agentLaydown, "Agent Laydown") # Notebook page 4: Society Controller self.societyController = SocietyController(self.nb, self, self.log) self.nb.AddPage(self.societyController, "Society Controller") self.Show(true) # add the windows to the splitter and split it. self.splitter2.SplitHorizontally(self.nb, self.log, 560) self.splitter2.SetMinimumPaneSize(20) # select initial items self.nb.SetSelection(self.initialPane) # wxLogMessage('window handle: %s' % self.GetHandle()) wxLogMessage("CS03 initialized.") except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc()