def CrossEntropyLoss(self, y_out, y_true): if not isinstance(y_true, Parameter): y_true = Parameter(data=y_true, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size[-1])) neg_one = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) -1.0 ) # just a -1 to make the l.grad look same in all the loss defs (dl/dl = 1) # KL(P || Q): Summation(P*log(P)){result: 0} - Summation(P*log(Q)) l = self.graph.multiply( self.graph.sum(self.graph.multiply(y_true, self.graph.log(y_out))), neg_one) # avg_loss = (1/m)*sigma{i = 1,..,m}(loss[i]) l = self.graph.divide(l, batch_size) l.grad[0, 0] = 1.0 # dl/dl = 1.0 return l
def load(self, file=None): # model.load() - loads the state of net from a file print('loading model...') if file == None: file = self.__class__.__name__ + '.npy' load_dict = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True).item() module_layers_stored = load_dict['module_layers'] module_params_stored = load_dict['module_params'] module_layers_actual = self.get_module_layers() module_params_actual = self.get_module_params() for layer_name, layer_stored in module_layers_stored.items(): if layer_name in module_layers_actual: for param_name, param in layer_stored.items(): layer_actual = module_layers_actual[layer_name] setattr(layer_actual, str(param_name), Parameter(data=param)) for param_name, param in module_params_stored.items(): if param_name in module_params_actual: setattr(self, str(param_name), Parameter(data=param)) print('Successfully loaded model from {}'.format(file))
def forward(self, x): if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) if self.graph.grad_mode: # training # useful: batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size/channel size[self.axis])) # calculate mean and variance mean = self.graph.divide(self.graph.sum(x, axis=self.axis), batch_size) centered = self.graph.subtract(x, mean, axis=self.axis) var = self.graph.divide(self.graph.sum(self.graph.power(centered, 2), axis=self.axis), batch_size) self.m = self.momentum * self.m + (1 - self.momentum) * self.v = self.momentum * self.v + (1 - self.momentum) * # normalize the data to zero mean and unit variance normalized = self.graph.multiply(centered, self.graph.power(var, -0.5), axis=self.axis) else: # testing centered = np.subtract(, self.m) normalized = np.multiply(centered, np.power(self.v + 1e-6, -0.5)) normalized = Parameter(data=normalized, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # scale and shift out = self.graph.multiply(normalized, self.gamma, axis=(-1,)) # scale if self.bias: # shift out = self.graph.add(out, self.beta, axis=(-1,)) return out
def init_params(self): self.W_ih = Parameter((self.hidden_size, self.input_size), graph=self.graph) self.W_hh = Parameter((self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size), graph=self.graph) self.b_ih = Parameter((self.hidden_size, 1), graph=self.graph) # not much use self.b_hh = Parameter((self.hidden_size, 1), graph=self.graph)
def init_params(self): self.W_ih = Parameter( (4 * self.hidden_size, self.input_size), graph=self.graph) # input to hidden weight volume self.W_hh = Parameter( (4 * self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size), graph=self.graph) # hidden to hidden weight volume self.b_ih = Parameter((4 * self.hidden_size, 1), graph=self.graph) # input to hidden bias vector self.b_hh = Parameter((4 * self.hidden_size, 1), graph=self.graph) # hidden to hidden bias vector
def init_params(self): root_k = np.sqrt(1. / self.input_features) self.W = Parameter((self.output_features, self.input_features), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # weight volume self.b = Parameter((self.output_features, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # bias vector
def forward(self, x, hidden): h, c = hidden if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) i_h =, x) if self.bias: i_h = self.graph.add(i_h, self.b_ih, axis=(-1, )) h_h =, h) if self.bias: h_h = self.graph.add(h_h, self.b_hh, axis=(-1, )) gates = self.graph.add(i_h, h_h) # forget, input, gate(also called cell gate - different from cell state), output gates of the lstm cell # useful: f, i, g, o = self.graph.split(gates, sections=4, axis=0) f = self.graph.sigmoid(f) i = self.graph.sigmoid(i) g = self.graph.tanh(g) o = self.graph.sigmoid(o) c = self.graph.add(self.graph.multiply(f, c), self.graph.multiply(i, g)) h = self.graph.multiply(o, self.graph.tanh(c)) return (h, c)
def JSDivLoss(self, y_out, y_true): if not isinstance(y_true, Parameter): y_true = Parameter(data=y_true, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size[-1])) two = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # just a 2 :p neg_one = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) -1.0 ) # just a -1 to make the l.grad look same in all the loss defs (dl/dl = 1) # mean probability: (P + Q)/2 y_mean = self.graph.divide(self.graph.add(y_out, y_true), two) # KL(P || (P + Q)/2): Summation(P*log(P)){result: 0} - Summation(P*log((P+Q)/2)) kl_1 = self.graph.multiply( self.graph.sum(self.graph.multiply(y_true, self.graph.log(y_mean))), neg_one) # KL(Q || (P + Q)/2): Summation(Q*log(Q)) - Summation(Q*log((P+Q)/2)) kl_2 = self.graph.add(self.graph.multiply(y_out, self.graph.log(y_out)), self.graph.multiply( self.graph.multiply(y_out, self.graph.log(y_mean)), neg_one)) # !!!!! # JS(P, Q) = 1/2*(KL(P || (P + Q)/2) + KL(Q || (P + Q)/2)) l = self.graph.divide(self.graph.add(kl_1, kl_2), two) # avg_loss = (1/m)*sigma{i = 1,..,m}(loss[i]) l = self.graph.divide(l, batch_size) l.grad[0, 0] = 1.0 # dl/dl = 1.0 return l
def BCELoss(self, y_out, y_true): if not isinstance(y_true, Parameter): y_true = Parameter(data=y_true, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size[-1])) neg_one = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) -1.0 ) # just a -1 to make the l.grad look same in all the loss defs (dl/dl = 1) one = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # class 2 output: 1 - c1 c2 = self.graph.multiply(self.graph.subtract(y_out, one), neg_one) # class 2 target: 1 - t1 t2 = self.graph.multiply(self.graph.subtract(y_true, one), neg_one) # -Summation(t1*log(c1)) l1 = self.graph.multiply( self.graph.sum(self.graph.multiply(y_true, self.graph.log(y_out))), neg_one) # -Summation((1 - t1)*log(1 - c1)) l2 = self.graph.multiply( self.graph.sum(self.graph.multiply(t2, self.graph.log(c2))), neg_one) # loss = -Summation(t1*log(c1)) -Summation((1 - t1)*log(1 - c1)) l = self.graph.add(l1, l2) # avg_loss = (1/m)*sigma{i = 1,..,m}(loss[i]) l = self.graph.divide(l, batch_size) l.grad[0, 0] = 1.0 # dl/dl = 1.0 return l
def forward(self, x): if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) out = self.graph.dropout(x, p=self.p) return out
def forward(self, x): if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) out = self.graph.max_pool2d(x, k=self.kernel_size, s=self.stride, p=self.padding) return out
def MSELoss(self, y_out, y_true): if not isinstance(y_true, Parameter): y_true = Parameter(data=y_true, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size[-1])) # L = (y_out - y_true)^2 l = self.graph.sum( self.graph.multiply(self.graph.subtract(y_out, y_true), self.graph.subtract(y_out, y_true))) # avg_loss = (1/m)*sigma{i = 1,..,m}(loss[i]) l = self.graph.divide(l, batch_size) l.grad[0, 0] = 1.0 # dl/dl = 1.0 return l
def forward(self, x): if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # convolution operation out = self.graph.conv2d_faster(x, self.K, self.stride, self.padding) if self.bias: # adding bias out = self.graph.add(out, self.b, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) return out
def init_params(self): root_k = np.sqrt(1. / self.hidden_size) self.W_ih = Parameter((self.hidden_size, self.input_size), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) self.W_hh = Parameter((self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) self.b_ih = Parameter((self.hidden_size, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # not much use self.b_hh = Parameter((self.hidden_size, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph)
def init_params(self): root_k = np.sqrt(1. / self.hidden_size) self.W_ih = Parameter( (4 * self.hidden_size, self.input_size), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # input to hidden weight volume self.W_hh = Parameter( (4 * self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # hidden to hidden weight volume self.b_ih = Parameter((4 * self.hidden_size, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # input to hidden bias vector self.b_hh = Parameter((4 * self.hidden_size, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) # hidden to hidden bias vector
def TestLoss(self, y_out): batch_size = Parameter((1, 1), init_zeros=True, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # mini-batch size[-1])) # a test loss score function that measures the sum of elements of each output vector as the loss of that sample # helps identify leaks in between samples in a batch l = self.graph.sum(y_out) l = self.graph.divide(l, batch_size) l.grad[0, 0] = 1.0 return l
def forward(self, x): # making the input compatible with graph operations if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) # flatten the input if it came from layers like Conv2d if len(x.shape) > 2: x = self.graph.reshape(x) # y = Wx + b out =, x) # matmul if self.bias: # adding bias out = self.graph.add(out, self.b, axis=(-1, )) return out
def forward(self, x, hidden): h = hidden if not isinstance(x, Parameter): x = Parameter(data=x, eval_grad=False, graph=self.graph) i_h =, x) if self.bias: i_h = self.graph.add(i_h, self.b_ih, axis=(-1, )) h_h =, h) if self.bias: h_h = self.graph.add(h_h, self.b_hh, axis=(-1, )) h = self.graph.add(i_h, h_h) h = self.graph.tanh(h) return h
def init_params(self): root_k = np.sqrt(1. / (self.output_channels * self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1])) self.K = Parameter((self.input_channels, *self.filter_size), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph) self.b = Parameter((self.output_channels, 1, 1, 1), uniform=True, low=-root_k, high=root_k, graph=self.graph)
def init_params(self): shape = (*self.hidden_shape, 1) self.gamma = Parameter(shape, init_ones=True, graph=self.graph) self.beta = Parameter(shape, init_zeros=True, graph=self.graph) self.m = np.sum(np.zeros(shape), axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) / shape[self.axis] # moving mean self.v = np.sum(np.ones(shape), axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) / shape[self.axis] # moving variance
def init_params(self): self.K = Parameter((self.input_channels, *self.filter_size), graph=self.graph) self.b = Parameter((self.output_channels, 1, 1, 1), init_zeros=True, graph=self.graph)
class Environment(gym.Env): params = [ Parameter('param_' + str(x), min_value=-10, max_value=10) for x in range(MAX_RESULTS) ] def __init__(self, agent): super(Environment, self).__init__() self._agent = agent self._epoch_num = 0 self._last_render = None self._state = {} self.last = { 'reward': 0.0, 'observation': None, 'policy': None, 'params': {}, 'state': None, 'state_v': None } self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete( [p.space_size() for p in Environment.params if p.trainable]) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=featurizer.shape, dtype=np.float32) self.reward_range = reward.range @staticmethod def policy_size(): return len(list(p for p in Environment.params if p.trainable)) @staticmethod def policy_to_params(policy): num = len(policy) params = {} assert len(Environment.params) == num for i in range(num): param = Environment.params[i] params[] = param.to_param_value(policy[i]) return params def _apply_policy(self, policy): new_params = Environment.policy_to_params(policy) self.last['policy'] = policy self.last['params'] = new_params self._agent.on_ai_policy(new_params) def set_state(self, state): self._state = state return self._state def get_state(self): return self._state def step(self, policy): self._apply_policy(policy) self._epoch_num += 1 f = reward.RewardFunction() self.last['reward'] = f(self._state) self.last['state'] = self._state self.last['state_v'] = featurizer.featurize(self._state) self._agent.on_ai_step() return self.last['state_v'], self.last[ 'reward'], not self._agent.is_training(), {} def reset(self): self._epoch_num = 0 def render(self, mode='human', close=False, force=False): return