Esempio n. 1
def test_mosaic_image_two(data_dir, fname, expects):
    with open(data_dir / fname, 'rb') as fp:
        czi = CziFile(czi_filename=fp)
        sze = czi.read_mosaic_size()
        rgion = (sze[0], sze[1], int(sze[2] / 2), int(sze[3] / 2))
        img = czi.read_mosaic(region=rgion, C=0, M=0)
    assert img.shape == expects
Esempio n. 2
def test_mosaic_image(data_dir, fname, expects):
    with open(data_dir / fname, 'rb') as fp:
        czi = CziFile(czi_filename=fp)
        sze = czi.read_mosaic_size()
        assert sze[2] == 1756
        assert sze[3] == 624
        img = czi.read_mosaic(scale_factor=0.1, C=0)
    assert img.shape[0] == 1
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, slide_path: str):
     self.slide_path = slide_path
     reader = CziFile(slide_path)
     if not reader.is_mosaic():
         raise NotImplementedError(
             'This class has only been defined for mosaic czi files. '
             'You should be able to simply convert the non-mosaic czi-file '
             'into a format that can be opened with openslide.'
     self.bboxes = np.array(reader.mosaic_scene_bounding_boxes())
     self.data_mask = self._get_data_mask(self.bboxes)
     self.shape = reader.read_mosaic_size()
     self.dimensions = self.shape[2:]
     self.region_mask = self._get_region_mask(self.shape)
Esempio n. 4
        print('Using AICSImageIO to read the image.')
        all_scenes_array = img.get_image_dask_data()

if not use_aicsimageio and use_pylibczi is True:

    # read CZI using aicspylibczi
    czi = CziFile(filename)

    # for testing
    # Get the shape of the data
    print('Dimensions   : ', czi.dims)
    print('Size         : ', czi.size)
    print('Shape        : ', czi.dims_shape())
    print('IsMoasic     : ', czi.is_mosaic())
    if czi.is_mosaic():
        print('Mosaic Size  : ', czi.read_mosaic_size())

    # get the required shape for all and single scenes
    shape_all, shape_single, same_shape = czt.get_shape_allscenes(czi, md)
    print('Required_Array Shape for all scenes: ', shape_all)
    for sh in shape_single:
        print('Required Array Shape for single scenes: ', sh)

    #array_type = 'dask'
    array_type = 'zarr'
    #array_type = 'numpy'

    if array_type == 'zarr':

        # define array to store all channels
        print('Using aicspylibCZI to read the image (ZARR array).')
Esempio n. 5
def test_mosaic_size(data_dir, fname, expected):
    czi = CziFile(str(data_dir / fname))
    ans = czi.read_mosaic_size()
    assert ans == expected
Esempio n. 6
def open_image_stack(filepath):
    """ Open a file using AICSImageIO and display it using napari

    :param path: filepath of the image
    :type path: str

    if os.path.isfile(filepath):

        # remove existing layers from napari

        # get the metadata
        metadata, add_metadata = czt.get_metadata_czi(filepath)

        # add the global metadata and adapt the table display

        use_aicsimageio = True
        use_pylibczi = False

        # decide which tool to use to read the image
        if metadata['ImageType'] != 'czi':
            use_aicsimageio = True
        elif metadata['ImageType'] == 'czi' and metadata['isMosaic'] is False:
            use_aicsimageio = True
        elif metadata['ImageType'] == 'czi' and metadata['isMosaic'] is True:
            use_aicsimageio = False
            use_pylibczi = True

        # check if CZI has T or Z dimension
        hasT = False
        hasZ = False

        if 'T' in metadata['dims_aicspylibczi']:
            hasT = True
        if 'Z' in metadata['dims_aicspylibczi']:
            hasZ = True

        if use_aicsimageio:
            # get AICSImageIO object
            img = AICSImage(filepath)

            # check if the Dask Delayed Reader should be used
            if not checkboxes.cbox_dask.isChecked():
                print('Using AICSImageIO normal ImageReader.')
                all_scenes_array = img.get_image_data()
            if checkboxes.cbox_dask.isChecked():
                print('Using AICSImageIO Dask Delayed ImageReader')
                all_scenes_array = img.get_image_dask_data()

        if not use_aicsimageio and use_pylibczi is True:

            # read CZI using aicspylibczi
            czi = CziFile(filepath)

            # Get the shape of the data
            print('Dimensions   : ', czi.dims)
            print('Size         : ', czi.size)
            print('Shape        : ', czi.dims_shape())
            print('IsMoasic     : ', czi.is_mosaic())
            if czi.is_mosaic():
                print('Mosaic Size  : ', czi.read_mosaic_size())

            # get the required shape for all and single scenes
            shape_all, shape_single, same_shape = czt.get_shape_allscenes(czi, metadata)
            print('Required_Array Shape for all scenes: ', shape_all)
            for sh in shape_single:
                print('Required Array Shape for single scenes: ', sh)

            if not same_shape:
                print('No all scenes have the same shape. Exiting ...')

            #array_type = 'dask'
            array_type = 'zarr'
            #array_type = 'numpy'

            if array_type == 'zarr':

                # define array to store all channels
                print('Using aicspylibCZI to read the image (ZARR array).')

                # option 1
                all_scenes_array = zarr.create(tuple(shape_all),

                # option 2
                # all_scenes_array ='c:\Temp\czi_scene_all.zarr', mode='w',
                #                            shape=shape_all,
                #                            chunks=True,
                #                            dtype=md['NumPy.dtype'])

            if array_type == 'numpy':
                print('Using aicspylibCZI to read the image (Numpy.Array).')
                all_scenes_array = np.empty(shape_all, dtype=metadata['NumPy.dtype'])

            if array_type == 'zarr' or array_type == 'numpy':

                # loop over all scenes
                for s in range(metadata['SizeS']):
                    # get the CZIscene for the current scene
                    single_scene = czt.CZIScene(czi, metadata, sceneindex=s)
                    out = czt.read_czi_scene(czi, single_scene, metadata)
                    all_scenes_array[s, :, :, :, :, :] = np.squeeze(out, axis=0)


            elif array_type == 'dask':

                def dask_load_sceneimage(czi, s, md):

                    # get the CZIscene for the current scene
                    single_scene = czt.CZIScene(czi, md, sceneindex=s)
                    out = czt.read_czi_scene(czi, single_scene, md)
                    return out

                sp = shape_all[1:]

                # create dask stack of lazy image readers
                print('Using aicspylibCZI to read the image (Dask.Array) + Delayed Reading.')
                lazy_process_image = dask.delayed(dask_load_sceneimage)  # lazy reader

                lazy_arrays = [lazy_process_image(czi, s, metadata) for s in range(metadata['SizeS'])]

                dask_arrays = [
                    da.from_delayed(lazy_array, shape=sp, dtype=metadata['NumPy.dtype'])
                    for lazy_array in lazy_arrays
                # Stack into one large dask.array
                all_scenes_array = da.stack(dask_arrays, axis=0)

        do_scaling = checkboxes.cbox_autoscale.isChecked()

        # show the actual image stack
        nap.show_napari(viewer, all_scenes_array, metadata,
Esempio n. 7
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\Well_B2-4_S=4_T=1_Z=1_C=1.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\W96_B2+B4_S=2_T=1=Z=1_C=1_Tile=5x9.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\W96_B2+B4_S=2_T=2=Z=4_C=3_Tile=5x9.czi"
#filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\Castor\Z-Stack_DCV\CellDivision_T=10_Z=15_CH=2_DCV_small.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\Castor\Mouse Kidney_40x0.95_3CD_JK_comp.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Temp\input\DTScan_ID4.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Temp\input\OverViewScan_8Brains.czi"
#filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\Castor\testwell96.czi"
filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\Multiscene_CZI_3Scenes.czi"

# get the metadata from the czi file
md, additional_mdczi = imf.get_metadata(filename)

# read CZI using aicslibczi
cziobject = CziFile(filename)
size = cziobject.read_mosaic_size()

dimsizes = imf.getdims_pylibczi(cziobject)

print('Mosaic Size: ', size)

# define which scene to read
ch = 0
t = 0
z = 0
scalefactor = 1.0
#scenes2plot = 1
scenes2plot = md['SizeS']
rs = strategies.RectangularStrategy()
# filename = r"/datadisk1/tuxedo/testpictures/Testdata_Zeiss/CZI_Testfiles/S=2_3x3_T=1_Z=1_CH=2.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\S=2_3x3_T=1_Z=4_CH=2.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\S=2_3x3_T=3_Z=1_CH=2.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\S=1_3x3_T=3_Z=4_CH=2.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\S=2_3x3_T=3_Z=4_CH=2.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Temp\input\DTScan_ID4_small.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Temp\input\OverViewScan_8Brains.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\Castor\testwell96.czi"
# filename = r"C:\Users\m1srh\OneDrive - Carl Zeiss AG\Testdata_Zeiss\CZI_Testfiles\Multiscene_CZI_3Scenes.czi"

# get the metadata from the czi file
md, additional_mdczi = imf.get_metadata(filename)

# read CZI using aicslibczi
czi = CziFile(filename)
size = czi.read_mosaic_size()

# get all bboxes for all scenes from the CZI file
all_bboxes = czt.getbboxes_allscenes(czi, numscenes=md['SizeS'])

# read data for first scene
for s in all_bboxes:

    scene_array = zarr.create(
        (1, md['SizeT'], md['SizeZ'], md['SizeC'], s.height, s.width),
    # read a complete scene
    for t, z, c in product(range(md['SizeT']), range(md['SizeZ']),
        scene_slice, bbox, md = czt.read_scene_bbox(czi,