Esempio n. 1
    def test_with_subclasses(self, computer):

        extra_name = self.__class__.__name__ + "/test_with_subclasses"
        calc_params = {
            'computer': computer,
            'resources': {
                'num_machines': 1,
                'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1

        TemplateReplacerCalc = CalculationFactory(
        ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')

        a1 = JobCalculation(**calc_params).store()
        # To query only these nodes later
        a1.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a2 = TemplateReplacerCalc(**calc_params).store()
        # To query only these nodes later
        a2.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a3 = Data().store()
        a3.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a4 = ParameterData(dict={'a': 'b'}).store()
        a4.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        a5 = Node().store()
        a5.set_extra(extra_name, True)
        # I don't set the extras, just to be sure that the filtering works
        # The filtering is needed because other tests will put stuff int he DB
        a6 = JobCalculation(**calc_params)
        a7 = Node()

        # Query by calculation
        results = list(JobCalculation.query(dbextras__key=extra_name))
        # a3, a4, a5 should not be found because they are not JobCalculations.
        # a6, a7 should not be found because they have not the attribute set.
        self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([,]))

        # Same query, but by the generic Node class
        results = list(Node.query(dbextras__key=extra_name))
        self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]),

        # Same query, but by the Data class
        results = list(Data.query(dbextras__key=extra_name))
        self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([,]))

        # Same query, but by the ParameterData subclass
        results = list(ParameterData.query(dbextras__key=extra_name))
        self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([]))

        # Same query, but by the TemplateReplacerCalc subclass
        results = list(TemplateReplacerCalc.query(dbextras__key=extra_name))
        self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([]))
Esempio n. 2
    def run_listislands(self, *args):
        List all AiiDA nodes, that have no parents and children.
        from django.db.models import Q
        from aiida.orm.node import Node
        from aiida.backends.utils import get_automatic_user

        q_object = Q(user=get_automatic_user())
        q_object.add(Q(parents__isnull=True), Q.AND)
        q_object.add(Q(children__isnull=True), Q.AND)

        node_list = Node.query(q_object).distinct().order_by('ctime')
        print "ID\tclass"
        for node in node_list:
            print "{}\t{}".format(, node.__class__.__name__)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_links_and_queries(self):
        from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode, DbLink

        a = Node()
        a._set_attr('myvalue', 123)

        a2 = Node().store()

        a3 = Node()
        a3._set_attr('myvalue', 145)

        a4 = Node().store()


        b = Node.query(pk=a2)
        self.assertEquals(len(b), 1)
        # It is a aiida.orm.Node instance
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(b[0], Node))
        self.assertEquals(b[0].uuid, a2.uuid)

        going_out_from_a2 = Node.query(inputs__in=b)
        # Two nodes going out from a2
        self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2[0], Node))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2[1], Node))
        uuid_set = set([going_out_from_a2[0].uuid, going_out_from_a2[1].uuid])

        # I check that I can query also directly the django DbNode
        # class passing a aiida.orm.Node entity

        going_out_from_a2_db = DbNode.objects.filter(inputs__in=b)
        self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2_db), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_db[0], DbNode))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_db[1], DbNode))
        uuid_set_db = set(
            [going_out_from_a2_db[0].uuid, going_out_from_a2_db[1].uuid])

        # I check that doing the query with a Node or DbNode instance,
        # I get the same nodes
        self.assertEquals(uuid_set, uuid_set_db)

        # This time I don't use the __in filter, but I still pass a Node instance
        going_out_from_a2_bis = Node.query(inputs=b[0])
        self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2_bis), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_bis[0], Node))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_bis[1], Node))

        # Query for links starting from b[0]==a2 using again the Node class
        output_links_b = DbLink.objects.filter(input=b[0])
        self.assertEquals(len(output_links_b), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(output_links_b[0], DbLink))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(output_links_b[1], DbLink))
        uuid_set_db_link = set(
            [output_links_b[0].output.uuid, output_links_b[1].output.uuid])
        self.assertEquals(uuid_set, uuid_set_db_link)

        # Query for related fields using django syntax
        # Note that being myvalue an attribute, it is internally stored starting
        # with an underscore
        nodes_with_given_attribute = Node.query(dbattributes__key='myvalue',
        # should be entry a3
        self.assertEquals(len(nodes_with_given_attribute), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(nodes_with_given_attribute[0], Node))
        self.assertEquals(nodes_with_given_attribute[0].uuid, a3.uuid)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_links_and_queries(self):
        a = Node()
        a._set_attr('myvalue', 123)

        a2 = Node().store()

        a3 = Node()
        a3._set_attr('myvalue', 145)

        a4 = Node().store()


        b = Node.query(
        self.assertEquals(len(b), 1)
        # It is a aiida.orm.Node instance
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(b[0], Node))
        self.assertEquals(b[0].uuid, a2.uuid)

        going_out_from_a2 = Node.query(inputs__id__in=[ for _ in b]).all()
        # Two nodes going out from a2
        self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2[0], Node))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2[1], Node))
        uuid_set = set([going_out_from_a2[0].uuid, going_out_from_a2[1].uuid])

        # I check that I can query also directly the django DbNode
        # class passing a aiida.orm.Node entity

        # # XXX SP: we can't do this using SqlAlchemy => pass a Node instance and
        # # expect a filter on the DbNode id
        # going_out_from_a2_db = DbNode.query.filter(DbNode.inputs.in_(b)).all()
        # self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2_db), 2)
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_db[0], DbNode))
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_db[1], DbNode))
        # uuid_set_db = set([going_out_from_a2_db[0].uuid,
        #                    going_out_from_a2_db[1].uuid])
        # # I check that doing the query with a Node or DbNode instance,
        # # I get the same nodes
        # self.assertEquals(uuid_set, uuid_set_db)
        # # This time I don't use the __in filter, but I still pass a Node instance
        # going_out_from_a2_bis = Node.query(inputs=b[0]).all()
        # self.assertEquals(len(going_out_from_a2_bis), 2)
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_bis[0], Node))
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(going_out_from_a2_bis[1], Node))
        # # Query for links starting from b[0]==a2 using again the Node class
        # output_links_b = DbLink.query.filter_by(input=b[0])
        # self.assertEquals(len(output_links_b), 2)
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(output_links_b[0], DbLink))
        # self.assertTrue(isinstance(output_links_b[1], DbLink))
        # uuid_set_db_link = set([output_links_b[0].output.uuid,
        #                         output_links_b[1].output.uuid])
        # self.assertEquals(uuid_set, uuid_set_db_link)

        # Query for related fields using django syntax
        # Note that being myvalue an attribute, it is internally stored starting
        # with an underscore
        nodes_with_given_attribute = Node.query(dbattributes__key='myvalue',
        # should be entry a3
        self.assertEquals(len(nodes_with_given_attribute), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(nodes_with_given_attribute[0], Node))
        self.assertEquals(nodes_with_given_attribute[0].uuid, a3.uuid)