Esempio n. 1
    def test_migration_0040_no_process_state(self):
        """Check old ProcessNodes without a `process_state` can be migrated"""
        # data has one "new" entry, in the form of Node <PK=52>.
        # data also has one "old" entry, in form of Node <PK=42>.
        # It doesn't have a `process_state` attribute (nor a `sealed` or `_sealed`)
        data = {
            'node_attributes': {
                52: {
                    'process_state': 'finished',
                    'sealed': True
                42: {}
            'export_data': {
                'Node': {
                    42: {
                    52: {
                        'node_type': 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.'


        self.assertDictEqual(data['node_attributes'][42], {'sealed': True})
Esempio n. 2
    def test_migration_0040_corrupt_archive(self):
        """Check CorruptArchive is raised for different cases during migration 0040"""
        from import CorruptArchive

        # data has one "valid" entry, in the form of Node <PK=42>.
        # At least it has the needed key `node_type`.
        # data also has one "invalid" entry, in form of Node <PK=25>.
        # It is listed in `node_attributes`, but not in `export_data.Node`
        # Also Node <PK=25> is present in `export_data.Node`, but not in `node_attributes`.
        # This is not fine, but will not (and should not) be caught by this particular migration function
        data = {
            'node_attributes': {
                25: {},
                42: {}
            'export_data': {
                'Node': {
                    42: {
                        'node_type': ''
                    52: {
                        'node_type': 'data.dict.Dict.'

        with self.assertRaises(CorruptArchive) as exc:

        self.assertIn('Your export archive is corrupt! Org. exception:',

        # data has one "valid" entry, in the form of Node <PK=52>.
        # data also has one "invalid" entry, in form of Node <PK=42>.
        # It is in an active process state ('waiting')
        data = {
            'node_attributes': {
                52: {
                    'process_state': 'finished',
                    '_sealed': True
                42: {
                    'process_state': 'waiting'
            'export_data': {
                'Node': {
                    42: {
                        'node_type': 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.'
                    52: {
                        'node_type': 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.'

        with self.assertRaises(CorruptArchive) as exc:

            'Your export archive is corrupt! Please see the log-file',