Esempio n. 1
def test_nio_sto3g_afm():
    path = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "input_files", 'nio_sto3g_afm.crystal.d12')
    with open(path) as f:
        input_str =

    output_dict, basis_sets, atom_props = extract_data(input_str)

    assert len(basis_sets) == 2

    assert atom_props == {'spin_alpha': [1], 'spin_beta': [2]}

    assert output_dict == {
        'scf': {
            'single': 'UHF',
            'numerical': {
                'FMIXING': 30
            'post_scf': ['PPAN'],
            'spinlock': {
                'SPINLOCK': [0, 15]
            'k_points': (8, 8)
        'title': 'NiO Bulk with AFM spin'
Esempio n. 2
def test_mgo_sto3g_scf():
    path = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "input_files", 'mgo_sto3g_scf.crystal.d12')
    with open(path) as f:
        input_str =

    output_dict, basis_sets, atom_props = extract_data(input_str)

    assert len(basis_sets) == 2

    assert atom_props == {}

    assert output_dict == {'scf': {'k_points': (8, 8)}, 'title': 'MgO bulk'}
Esempio n. 3
def create_inputs(inpath, outpath):
    """ create ``crystal17.main`` input nodes from an existing run

    NB: none of the nodes are stored, also
    existing basis will be retrieved if availiable

    :param inpath: path to .d12 file
    :param outpath: path to .out file
    :return: dictionary of inputs, with keys 'structure', 'parameters', 'settings', 'structure', 'basis'
    from aiida.orm import DataFactory, CalculationFactory
    calc_cls = CalculationFactory('crystal17.main')
    basis_cls = DataFactory('crystal17.basisset')
    struct_cls = DataFactory('structure')
    structsettings_cls = DataFactory('crystal17.structsettings')

    inputs = {}

    with open(inpath) as f:
        d12content =

    output_dict, basis_sets, atom_props = extract_data(d12content)

    cryparse = CrystalOutputPlugin()
    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
        raise OutputParsingError(
            "The raw data file does not exist: {}".format(outpath))
    with open(outpath) as f:
            data = cryparse.read_file(f, log_warnings=False)
        except IOError as err:
            raise OutputParsingError(
                "Error in CRYSTAL 17 run output: {}".format(err))

    # we retrieve the initial primitive geometry and symmetry
    atoms = _create_atoms(data)

    # convert fragment (i.e. unfixed) to fixed
    if "fragment" in atom_props:
        frag = atom_props.pop("fragment")
        atom_props["fixed"] = [
            i + 1 for i in range(atoms.get_number_of_atoms())
            if i + 1 not in frag

    atoms.set_tags(_create_tags(atom_props, atoms))

    structure = struct_cls(ase=atoms)
    inputs['structure'] = structure

    settings_dict = {"kinds": {}}
    for key, vals in atom_props.items():
        settings_dict["kinds"][key] = [
            structure.sites[i - 1].kind_name for i in vals

    settings_dict["operations"] = data["initial"]["primitive_symmops"]
    # TODO retrieve centering code, crystal system and spacegroup
    settings_dict["space_group"] = 1
    settings_dict["crystal_type"] = 1
    settings_dict["centring_code"] = 1
    settings = structsettings_cls(data=settings_dict)

    parameters = calc_cls.prepare_and_validate(output_dict, structure,
    inputs['parameters'] = parameters
    inputs['settings'] = settings

    inputs["basis"] = {}
    for bset in basis_sets:

        bfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
            with open(, "w") as f:
            bdata, _ = basis_cls.get_or_create(
      , use_first=False, store_basis=False)
            # TODO report if bases created or retrieved

        inputs["basis"][bdata.element] = bdata

    return inputs
Esempio n. 4
def test_full_read(input_str):
    output_dict, basis_sets, atom_props = extract_data(input_str)

    assert len(basis_sets) == 2

    assert atom_props == {
        'fragment': [1, 3],
        'ghosts': [5, 6],
        'spin_alpha': [1, 3],
        'spin_beta': [2, 4]

    expected = {
        "title": "a title",
        "geometry": {
            "info_print": ["ATOMSYMM", "SYMMOPS"],
            "info_external": ["STRUCPRT"],
            "optimise": {
                "type": "FULLOPTG",
                "hessian": "HESSIDEN",
                "gradient": "NUMGRATO",
                "info_print": ["PRINTOPT", "PRINTFORCES"],
                "convergence": {
                    "TOLDEG": 0.0003,
                    "TOLDEX": 0.0012,
                    "TOLDEE": 7,
                    "MAXCYCLE": 50,
                    "FINALRUN": 4
        "basis_set": {
            "CHARGED": True,
        "scf": {
            "dft": {
                "xc": ["LDA", "PZ"],
                # or
                # "xc": "HSE06",
                # or
                # "xc": {
                #     "LSRSH-PBE": [0.11, 0.25, 0.00001]
                # },
                "SPIN": True,
                "grid": "XLGRID",
                "grid_weights": "BECKE",
                "numerical": {
                    "TOLLDENS": 6,
                    "TOLLGRID": 14,
                    "LIMBEK": 400
            # or
            # "single": "UHF",
            "k_points": [8, 8],
            "numerical": {
                "BIPOLAR": [18, 14],
                "BIPOSIZE": 4000000,
                "EXCHSIZE": 4000000,
                "EXCHPERM": True,
                "ILASIZE": 6000,
                "INTGPACK": 0,
                "MADELIND": 50,
                "POLEORDR": 4,
                "TOLINTEG": [6, 6, 6, 6, 12],
                "TOLPSEUD": 6,
                "FMIXING": 0,
                "MAXCYCLE": 50,
                "TOLDEE": 6,
                "LEVSHIFT": [2, 1],
                "SMEAR": 0.1
            "fock_mixing": "DIIS",
            # or
            # "fock_mixing": ["BROYDEN", 0.0001, 50, 2],
            "spinlock": {
                "SPINLOCK": [1, 10]
            "post_scf": ["GRADCAL", "PPAN"]

    assert edict.diff(output_dict, expected) == {}
Esempio n. 5
def test_read_fail(input_str):
    input_str = input_str.replace("PPAN", "WRONG")
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):