Esempio n. 1
 def test_check_2Dinput_consistency(self):
     from import check_2Dinput_consistency
     from aiida.orm import DataFactory
     StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
     ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')
     s = StructureData(cell=[[0.5, 0.5, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
     s.append_atom(position=[0, 0, 0], symbols='Fe')
     p = ParameterData(dict={'INTERFACE': True})
     input_check = check_2Dinput_consistency(s, p)
     assert input_check[0]
     assert input_check[1] == '2D consistency check complete'
 def test_check_2Dinput_consistency_1(self):
     # case 1: 3D structure and no 2D params input
     from import check_2Dinput_consistency
     from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
     StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
     Dict = DataFactory('dict')
     s = StructureData(cell=[[0.5, 0.5, 0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1]])
     s.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Fe')
     p = Dict(dict={'INTERFACE':False})
     input_check = check_2Dinput_consistency(s, p)
     assert input_check[0]
     assert input_check[1] == '2D consistency check complete'
 def test_check_2Dinput_consistency_3(self):
     # case 3: 2D structure but incomplete 2D input parameters given
     from import check_2Dinput_consistency
     from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
     StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
     Dict = DataFactory('dict')
     s = StructureData(cell=[[0.5, 0.5, 0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1]])
     s.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Fe')
     s.set_pbc((True, True, False))
     p = Dict(dict={'INTERFACE':True, '<NRBASIS>':1,})
     input_check = check_2Dinput_consistency(s, p)
     assert not input_check[0]
     assert input_check[1] == "2D info given in parameters but structure is 3D\nstructure is 2D? {}\ninput has 2D info? {}\nset keys are: {}".format(True, False, ['INTERFACE', '<NRBASIS>'])
 def test_check_2Dinput_consistency_2(self):
     # case 2: 2D structure and 2D params input
     from import check_2Dinput_consistency
     from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
     StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
     Dict = DataFactory('dict')
     s = StructureData(cell=[[0.5, 0.5, 0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1]])
     s.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Fe')
     s.set_pbc((True, True, False))
     p = Dict(dict={'INTERFACE':True, '<NRBASIS>':1, '<RBLEFT>':[0,0,0], '<RBRIGHT>':[0,0,0], 'ZPERIODL':[0,0,0], 'ZPERIODR':[0,0,0], '<NLBASIS>':1})
     input_check = check_2Dinput_consistency(s, p)
     assert input_check[0]
     assert input_check[1] == "2D consistency check complete"
 def test_check_2Dinput_consistency_5(self):
     # case 5: 3D structure but 2D params given
     from import check_2Dinput_consistency
     from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
     StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
     Dict = DataFactory('dict')
     s = StructureData(cell=[[0.5, 0.5, 0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1]])
     s.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Fe')
     s.set_pbc((True, True, True))
     p = Dict(dict={'INTERFACE':True, '<NRBASIS>':1, '<RBLEFT>':[0,0,0], '<RBRIGHT>':[0,0,0], 'ZPERIODL':[0,0,0], 'ZPERIODR':[0,0,0], '<NLBASIS>':1})
     input_check = check_2Dinput_consistency(s, p)
     assert not input_check[0]
     assert list(input_check[1]).sort() == list("3D info given in parameters but structure is 2D\nstructure is 2D? {}\ninput has 2D info? {}\nset keys are: {}".format(False, True, ['ZPERIODL', '<NRBASIS>', '<RBLEFT>', 'INTERFACE', '<NLBASIS>', 'ZPERIODR', '<RBRIGHT>'])).sort()
Esempio n. 6
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        Create input files.

            :param tempfolder: aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                the plugin should put all its files.
            :param inputdict: dictionary of the input nodes as they would
                be returned by get_inputs_dict

        has_parent = False
        local_copy_list = []
        # Check inputdict
            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No parameters specified for this calculation")
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters not of type ParameterData")

            imp_info = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('impurity_info'))
            found_imp_info = True
        except KeyError:
            imp_info = None
            found_imp_info = False
        if found_imp_info and not isinstance(imp_info, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "impurity_info not of type ParameterData")

            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No code specified for this calculation")

        # get qdos inputs
            kpath = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('kpoints'))
            found_kpath = True
        except KeyError:
            found_kpath = False

            parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "Voronoi or previous KKR files needed for KKR calculation, "
                "you need to provide a Parent Folder/RemoteData node.")

        #TODO deal with data from folder data if calculation is continued on a different machine
        if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
            raise InputValidationError(
                "parent_calc_folder must be of type RemoteData")

        # extract parent calculation
        parent_calcs = parent_calc_folder.get_inputs(node_type=JobCalculation)
        n_parents = len(parent_calcs)
        if n_parents != 1:
            raise UniquenessError(
                "Input RemoteData is child of {} "
                "calculation{}, while it should have a single parent"
                "".format(n_parents, "" if n_parents == 0 else "s"))
            parent_calc = parent_calcs[0]
            has_parent = True
        if n_parents == 1:
            parent_calc = parent_calcs[0]
            has_parent = True

        # check if parent is either Voronoi or previous KKR calculation

        # extract parent input parameter dict for following check
            parent_inp_dict = parent_calc.inp.parameters.get_dict()
                "Failed trying to find input parameter of parent {}".format(
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No parameter node found of parent calculation.")

        # check if no keys are illegally overwritten (i.e. compare with keys in self._do_never_modify)
        for key in parameters.get_dict().keys():
            value = parameters.get_dict()[key]
  "Checking {} {}".format(key, value))
            if not value is None:
                if key in self._do_never_modify:
                    oldvalue = parent_inp_dict[key]
                    if oldvalue is None and key in __kkr_default_params__:
                        oldvalue = __kkr_default_params__.get(key)
                    if value != oldvalue:
                            "You are trying to set keyword {} = {} but this is not allowed since the structure would be modified. Please use a suitable workfunction instead."
                            .format(key, value))
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "You are trying to modify a keyword that is not allowed to be changed! (key={}, oldvalue={}, newvalue={})"
                            .format(key, oldvalue, value))

        #TODO check for remote folder (starting from folder data not implemented yet)
        # if voronoi calc check if folder from db given, or get folder from rep.
        # Parent calc does not has to be on the same computer.
        # so far we copy every thing from local computer ggf if kkr we want to copy remotely

        # get StructureData node from Parent if Voronoi
        structure = None
            "KkrCalculation: Get structure node from voronoi parent")
        if isinstance(parent_calc, VoronoiCalculation):
  "KkrCalculation: Parent is Voronoi calculation")
                structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(
                    'KkrCalculation: Could not get structure from Voronoi parent.'
                raise ValidationError("Cound not find structure node")
        elif isinstance(parent_calc, KkrCalculation):
  "KkrCalculation: Parent is KKR calculation")
                    'KkrCalculation: extract structure from KKR parent')
                structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(
                self.logger.error('Could not get structure from parent.')
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Cound not find structure node starting from parent {}'.
                "KkrCalculation: Parent is neither Voronoi nor KKR calculation!"
            raise ValidationError('Cound not find structure node')

        if inputdict:
                'KkrCalculation: Unknown inputs for structure lookup')
            raise ValidationError("Unknown inputs")

        # for VCA: check if input structure and parameter node define VCA structure
        vca_structure = vca_check(structure, parameters)


        # prepare scoef file if impurity_info was given
        write_scoef = False
        runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT', None)
        kkrflex_opt = False
        if runopt is not None:
            if 'KKRFLEX' in runopt:
                kkrflex_opt = True
        if kkrflex_opt:
            write_scoef = True
        elif found_imp_info:
                'Found impurity_info in inputs of the calculation, automatically add runopt KKRFLEX'
            write_scoef = True
            runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT', [])
            parameters = update_params_wf(
                        'RUNOPT': runopt,
                        'nodename': 'update_KKRFLEX',
                        'nodedesc': 'Update Parameter node with KKRFLEX runopt'
        if found_imp_info and write_scoef:
            scoef_filename = os.path.join(tempfolder.get_abs_path(''),
            imp_info_dict = imp_info.get_dict()
            Rcut = imp_info_dict.get('Rcut', None)
            hcut = imp_info_dict.get('hcut', -1.)
            cylinder_orient = imp_info_dict.get('cylinder_orient',
                                                [0., 0., 1.])
            ilayer_center = imp_info_dict.get('ilayer_center', 0)
            for i in range(len(cylinder_orient)):
                    vec_shape = False
                except TypeError:
                    vec_shape = True
            if ilayer_center > len(structure.sites) - 1:
                raise IndexError(
                    'Index of the reference site is out of range! Possible values: 0 to {}.'
                    .format(len(structure.sites) - 1))
            elif Rcut < 0:
                raise ValueError('Cutoff radius has to be positive!')
            elif vec_shape == False or len(cylinder_orient) != 3:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Input orientation vector ({}) has the wrong shape! It needs to be a 3D-vector!'
                print('Input parameters for make_scoef read in correctly!')
                make_scoef(structure, Rcut, scoef_filename, hcut,
                           cylinder_orient, ilayer_center)
        elif write_scoef:
                'Need to write scoef file but no impurity_info given!')
            raise ValidationError(
                'Found RUNOPT KKRFLEX but no impurity_info in inputs')

        # Check for 2D case
        twoDimcheck, msg = check_2Dinput_consistency(structure, parameters)
        if not twoDimcheck:
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        # set shapes array either from parent voronoi run or read from inputcard in kkrimporter calculation
        if parent_calc.get_parser_name() != 'kkr.kkrimporterparser':
            # get shapes array from voronoi parent
            shapes = voro_parent.res.shapes
            # extract shapes from input parameters node constructed by kkrimporter calculation
            shapes = voro_parent.inp.parameters.get_dict().get('<SHAPE>')

        use_alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get('use_input_alat', False)

        # qdos option, ensure low T, E-contour, qdos run option and write qvec.dat file
        if found_kpath:
            # check qdos settings
            change_values = []
            runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT')
            if runopt is None: runopt = []
            runopt = [i.strip() for i in runopt]
            if 'qdos' not in runopt:
                change_values.append(['RUNOPT', runopt])
            tempr = parameters.get_dict().get('TEMPR')
            if tempr is None or tempr > 100.:
                change_values.append(['TEMPR', 50.])
            N1 = parameters.get_dict().get('TEMPR')
            if N1 is None or N1 > 0:
                change_values.append(['NPT1', 0])
            N2 = parameters.get_dict().get('NPT2')
            if N2 is None:
                change_values.append(['NPT2', 100])
            N3 = parameters.get_dict().get('NPT3')
            if N3 is None or N3 > 0.:
                change_values.append(['NPT3', 0])
            NPOL = parameters.get_dict().get('NPOL')
            if NPOL is None or NPOL > 0.:
                change_values.append(['NPOL', 0])
            if change_values != []:
                new_params = {
                    'Changed parameters to mathc qdos mode. Changed values: {}'
                for key, val in change_values:
                    new_params[key] = val
                new_params_node = ParameterData(dict=new_params)
                parameters = update_params_wf(parameters, new_params_node)
            # write qvec.dat file
            kpath_array = kpath.get_kpoints()
            # convert automatically to internal units
            if use_alat_input:
                alat = parameters.get_dict().get('ALATBASIS')
                alat = get_alat_from_bravais(
                    is3D=structure.pbc[2]) * get_Ang2aBohr()
            kpath_array = kpath_array * (alat / 2. / pi)
            qvec = ['%i\n' % len(kpath_array)]
            qvec += [
                '%e %e %e\n' % (kpt[0], kpt[1], kpt[2]) for kpt in kpath_array
            qvecpath = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._QVEC)
            with open(qvecpath, 'w') as file:

        # Prepare inputcard from Structure and input parameter data
        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
        natom, nspin, newsosol = generate_inputcard_from_structure(

        # Decide what files to copy based on settings to the code (e.g. KKRFLEX option needs scoef)
        if has_parent:
            # copy the right files #TODO check first if file, exists and throw
            # warning, now this will throw an error
            outfolderpath = parent_calc.out.retrieved.folder.abspath
            outfolderpath = os.path.join(outfolderpath, 'path')
  "out folder path {}".format(outfolderpath))

            copylist = []
            if isinstance(parent_calc, KkrCalculation):
                copylist = self._copy_filelist_kkr
                # TODO ggf copy remotely...

            if isinstance(parent_calc, VoronoiCalculation):
                copylist = [parent_calc._SHAPEFUN]
                # copy either overwrite potential or voronoi output potential
                # (voronoi caclualtion retreives only one of the two)
                if parent_calc._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE in os.listdir(

            #change copylist in case the calculation starts from an imported calculation
            if parent_calc.get_parser_name() == 'kkr.kkrimporterparser':
                copylist = []
                if not os.path.exists(
                        os.path.join(outfolderpath, self._OUT_POTENTIAL)):
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(outfolderpath, self._SHAPEFUN)):

            # create local_copy_list from copylist and change some names automatically
            for file1 in copylist:
                filename = file1
                if (file1 == 'output.pot' or file1 == self._OUT_POTENTIAL
                        or (isinstance(parent_calc, VoronoiCalculation)
                            and file1 == parent_calc._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE)):
                    filename = self._POTENTIAL
                                  file1), os.path.join(filename)))

            # for set-ef option:
            ef_set = parameters.get_dict().get('ef_set', None)
            if ef_set is not None:
                print('local copy list before change: {}'.format(
                    "found 'ef_set' in parameters: change EF of potential to this value"
                potcopy_info = [
                    i for i in local_copy_list if i[1] == self._POTENTIAL
                with open(potcopy_info[0]) as file:
                    # change potential and copy list
                    pot_new_name = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._POTENTIAL +
                    local_copy_list.append((pot_new_name, self._POTENTIAL))

                    # change potential
                    txt = file.readlines()
                    potstart = []
                    for iline in range(len(txt)):
                        line = txt[iline]
                        if 'exc:' in line:
                    for ipotstart in potstart:
                        tmpline = txt[ipotstart + 3]
                        tmpline = tmpline.split()
                        newline = '%10.5f%20.14f%20.14f\n' % (float(
                            tmpline[0]), ef_set, float(tmpline[-1]))
                        txt[ipotstart + 3] = newline
                    # write new file
                    pot_new_ef = open(pot_new_name, 'w')

            # TODO different copy lists, depending on the keywors input
            print('local copy list: {}'.format(local_copy_list))
  'local copy list: {}'.format(local_copy_list))

        # Prepare CalcInfo to be returned to aiida
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []

        # TODO retrieve list needs some logic, retrieve certain files,
        # only if certain input keys are specified....
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [
            self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, self._INPUT_FILE_NAME, self._POTENTIAL,
            self._SHAPEFUN, self._SCOEF, self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT,
            self._OUT_POTENTIAL, self._OUTPUT_0_INIT, self._OUTPUT_000,
            self._OUTPUT_2, self._OUT_TIMING_000

        # for special cases add files to retireve list:

        # 1. dos calculation, add *dos* files if NPOL==0
        retrieve_dos_files = False
        print('NPOL in parameter input:', parameters.get_dict()['NPOL'])
        if 'NPOL' in parameters.get_dict().keys():
            if parameters.get_dict()['NPOL'] == 0:
                retrieve_dos_files = True
        if 'TESTOPT' in parameters.get_dict().keys():
            testopts = parameters.get_dict()['TESTOPT']
            if testopts is not None:
                stripped_test_opts = [i.strip() for i in testopts]
                if 'DOS' in stripped_test_opts:
                    retrieve_dos_files = True
        if retrieve_dos_files:
            print('adding files for dos output', self._COMPLEXDOS,
                  self._DOS_ATOM, self._LMDOS)
            add_files = [self._COMPLEXDOS]
            for iatom in range(natom):
                add_files.append(self._DOS_ATOM % (iatom + 1))
                for ispin in range(nspin):
                        (self._LMDOS % (iatom + 1, ispin + 1)).replace(
                            ' ', '0'))
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        # 2. KKRFLEX calculation
        retrieve_kkrflex_files = False
        if 'RUNOPT' in parameters.get_dict().keys():
            runopts = parameters.get_dict()['RUNOPT']
            if runopts is not None:
                stripped_run_opts = [i.strip() for i in runopts]
                if 'KKRFLEX' in stripped_run_opts:
                    retrieve_kkrflex_files = True
        if retrieve_kkrflex_files:
            add_files = self._ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES
            print('adding files for KKRFLEX output', add_files)
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        # 3. qdos claculation
        retrieve_qdos_files = False
        if 'RUNOPT' in parameters.get_dict().keys():
            runopts = parameters.get_dict()['RUNOPT']
            if runopts is not None:
                stripped_run_opts = [i.strip() for i in runopts]
                if 'qdos' in stripped_run_opts:
                    retrieve_qdos_files = True
        if retrieve_qdos_files:
            print('adding files for qdos output', self._QDOS_ATOM, self._QVEC)
            add_files = [self._QVEC]
            for iatom in range(natom):
                for ispin in range(nspin):
                        (self._QDOS_ATOM % (iatom + 1, ispin + 1)).replace(
                            ' ', '0'))
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = []
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        return calcinfo
Esempio n. 7
    def _prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder, inputdict):
        Create input files.

            :param tempfolder: aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                the plugin should put all its files.
            :param inputdict: dictionary of the input nodes as they would
                be returned by get_inputs_dict
        # Check inputdict
            parameters = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parameters'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No parameters specified for this "
        if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterData):
            raise InputValidationError("parameters not of type "

            structure = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('structure'))
            found_structure = True
        except KeyError:
            found_structure = False

        vca_structure = False
        if found_structure:
            if not isinstance(structure, StructureData):
                raise InputValidationError("structure not of type "
            # for VCA: check if input structure and parameter node define VCA structure
            vca_structure = vca_check(structure, parameters)
            code = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('code'))
        except KeyError:
            raise InputValidationError("No code specified for this "

        # check if a parent folder containing a potential file (out_potential) is given
            parent_calc_folder = inputdict.pop(self.get_linkname('parent_KKR'))
            found_parent = True
        except KeyError:
            found_parent = False

        if found_parent:
            if not isinstance(parent_calc_folder, RemoteData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "parent_KKR must be of type RemoteData")

            # check if parent is either Voronoi or previous KKR calculation
            overwrite_potential, parent_calc = self._check_valid_parent(

            #cross check if no structure was given and extract structure from parent
            if found_structure and not vca_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "parent_KKR and structure found in input. "
                    "Can only use either parent_KKR or structure in input.")
                structure_remote_KKR, voro_parent = self.find_parent_structure(
                if not vca_structure:
                    structure = structure_remote_KKR
                    # check consistency of input vca structure and structure  from remote KKR folder
                    # TODO check consistency
            overwrite_potential = False
            if not found_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Neither structure nor parent_KKR specified for this "

        # check if overwrite potential is given explicitly
            potfile_overwrite = inputdict.pop(
            has_potfile_overwrite = True
        except KeyError:
            has_potfile_overwrite = False

        if has_potfile_overwrite:
            overwrite_potential = True
            if not isinstance(potfile_overwrite, SingleFileData):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "potfile_overwrite must be of type SingleFileData")
            if not found_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Input structure needed for this calculation "
                    "(using 'potential_overwrite' input node)")

        # finally check if something else was given as input (should not be the case)
        if inputdict:
            raise ValidationError("Unknown inputs: {}".format(inputdict))

        # Check for 2D case
        twoDimcheck, msg = check_2Dinput_consistency(structure, parameters)
        if not twoDimcheck:
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        # Prepare inputcard from Structure and input parameter data
        input_filename = tempfolder.get_abs_path(self._INPUT_FILE_NAME)
            use_alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get('use_input_alat', False)
            natom, nspin, newsosol = generate_inputcard_from_structure(
        except ValueError as e:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "Input ParameterData not consistent: {}".format(e))

        # Decide what files to copy
        local_copy_list = []
        if overwrite_potential:
            # copy the right files #TODO check first if file, exists and throw
            # warning, now this will throw an error
            if found_parent and self._is_KkrCalc(parent_calc):
                outfolderpath = parent_calc.out.retrieved.folder.abspath
      "out folder path {}".format(outfolderpath))
                filename = os.path.join(outfolderpath, 'path',
                copylist = [filename]
            elif has_potfile_overwrite:
                copylist = [potfile_overwrite.get_file_abs_path()]
                copylist = []

            for file1 in copylist:
                filename = file1
                if (found_parent
                        or has_potfile_overwrite) and file1 == copylist[0]:
                    filename = self._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE
                local_copy_list.append((file1, filename))

        # Prepare CalcInfo to be returned to aiida
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [
            self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, self._ATOMINFO, self._RADII,
            self._SHAPEFUN, self._VERTICES, self._INPUT_FILE_NAME

        # pass on overwrite potential if this was given in input
        # (KkrCalculation checks if this file is there and takes this file instead of _OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi
        #  if given)
        if overwrite_potential:
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += [self._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE]
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += [self._OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi]

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = []
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        return calcinfo
Esempio n. 8
    def prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder):
        Create input files.

            :param tempfolder: aiida.common.folders.Folder subclass where
                the plugin should put all its files.
            :param inputdict: dictionary of the input nodes as they would
                be returned by get_inputs_dict

        has_parent = False
        local_copy_list = []

        # get mandatory input nodes
        parameters = self.inputs.parameters
        code = self.inputs.code
        parent_calc_folder = self.inputs.parent_folder

        # now check for optional nodes

        # for GF writeout
        if 'impurity_info' in self.inputs:
            imp_info = self.inputs.impurity_info
            found_imp_info = True
            imp_info = None
            found_imp_info = False

        # for qdos funcitonality
        if 'kpoints' in self.inputs:
            kpath = self.inputs.kpoints
            found_kpath = True
            found_kpath = False

        # extract parent calculation
        parent_calcs = parent_calc_folder.get_incoming(node_class=CalcJobNode)
        n_parents = len(parent_calcs.all_link_labels())
        if n_parents != 1:
            raise UniquenessError(
                "Input RemoteData is child of {} "
                "calculation{}, while it should have a single parent"
                "".format(n_parents, "" if n_parents == 0 else "s"))
            # TODO change to exit code
        if n_parents == 1:
            parent_calc = parent_calcs.first().node
            has_parent = True

        # check if parent is either Voronoi or previous KKR calculation

        # extract parent input parameter dict for following check
            parent_inp_dict = parent_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()
                "Failed trying to find input parameter of parent {}".format(
            raise InputValidationError(
                "No parameter node found of parent calculation.")

        # check if no keys are illegally overwritten (i.e. compare with keys in self._do_never_modify)
        for key in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            value = parameters.get_dict()[key]
  "Checking {} {}".format(key, value))
            if not value is None:
                if key in self._do_never_modify:
                    oldvalue = parent_inp_dict[key]
                    if oldvalue is None and key in __kkr_default_params__:
                        oldvalue = __kkr_default_params__.get(key)
                    if value == oldvalue:
                        values_eqivalent = True
                        values_eqivalent = False
                        # check if values match up to certain numerical accuracy
                        if type(value) == float:
                            if abs(value - oldvalue) < self._eps:
                                values_eqivalent = True
                        elif type(value) == list or type(value) == ndarray:
                            tmp_value, tmp_oldvalue = array(value).reshape(
                                -1), array(oldvalue).reshape(-1)
                            values_eqivalent_tmp = []
                            for ival in range(len(tmp_value)):
                                if abs(tmp_value[ival] -
                                       tmp_oldvalue[ival]) < self._eps:
                            if all(values_eqivalent_tmp) and len(value) == len(
                                values_eqivalent = True
                    if not values_eqivalent:
                            "You are trying to set keyword {} = {} but this is not allowed since the structure would be modified. Please use a suitable workfunction instead."
                            .format(key, value))
                        raise InputValidationError(
                            "You are trying to modify a keyword that is not allowed to be changed! (key={}, oldvalue={}, newvalue={})"
                            .format(key, oldvalue, value))

        #TODO check for remote folder (starting from folder data not implemented yet)
        # if voronoi calc check if folder from db given, or get folder from rep.
        # Parent calc does not has to be on the same computer.
        # so far we copy every thing from local computer ggf if kkr we want to copy remotely

        # get StructureData node from Parent if Voronoi
        structure = None
            "KkrCalculation: Get structure node from voronoi parent")
            structure, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(
                'KkrCalculation: Could not get structure from Voronoi parent ({}).'
            raise ValidationError(
                "Cound not find structure node from parent {}".format(

        # for VCA: check if input structure and parameter node define VCA structure
        vca_structure = vca_check(structure, parameters)


        # check whether or not the alat from the input parameters are used (this enters as a scaling factor for some parameters)
        use_alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get('use_input_alat', False)

        # prepare scoef file if impurity_info was given
        write_scoef = False
        runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT', None)
        kkrflex_opt = False
        if runopt is not None:
            if 'KKRFLEX' in runopt:
                kkrflex_opt = True
        if kkrflex_opt:
            write_scoef = True
        elif found_imp_info:
                'Found impurity_info in inputs of the calculation, automatically add runopt KKRFLEX'
            write_scoef = True
            runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT', [])
            parameters = update_params_wf(
                        'RUNOPT': runopt,
                        'nodename': 'update_KKRFLEX',
                        'nodedesc': 'Update Parameter node with KKRFLEX runopt'
        if found_imp_info and write_scoef:
            imp_info_dict = imp_info.get_dict()
            Rcut = imp_info_dict.get('Rcut', None)
            hcut = imp_info_dict.get('hcut', -1.)
            cylinder_orient = imp_info_dict.get('cylinder_orient',
                                                [0., 0., 1.])
            ilayer_center = imp_info_dict.get('ilayer_center', 0)
            for i in range(len(cylinder_orient)):
                    vec_shape = False
                except TypeError:
                    vec_shape = True
            if ilayer_center > len(structure.sites) - 1:
                raise IndexError(
                    'Index of the reference site is out of range! Possible values: 0 to {}.'
                    .format(len(structure.sites) - 1))
            elif Rcut < 0:
                raise ValueError('Cutoff radius has to be positive!')
            elif vec_shape == False or len(cylinder_orient) != 3:
                raise TypeError(
                    'Input orientation vector ({}) has the wrong shape! It needs to be a 3D-vector!'
                print('Input parameters for make_scoef read in correctly!')
                with, 'w') as scoef_file:
                    if use_alat_input:
                        alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get(
                            'ALATBASIS', None) / get_Ang2aBohr()
              'alat_input is ' + str(alat_input))
              'alat_input is None')
                        alat_input = None
                    make_scoef(structure, Rcut, scoef_file, hcut,
                               cylinder_orient, ilayer_center, alat_input)
        elif write_scoef:
                'Need to write scoef file but no impurity_info given!')
            raise ValidationError(
                'Found RUNOPT KKRFLEX but no impurity_info in inputs')

        # Check for 2D case
        twoDimcheck, msg = check_2Dinput_consistency(structure, parameters)
        if not twoDimcheck:
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        # set shapes array either from parent voronoi run or read from inputcard in kkrimporter calculation
        if parent_calc.process_label == 'VoronoiCalculation' or parent_calc.process_label == 'KkrCalculation':
            # get shapes array from voronoi parent
            shapes = voro_parent.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict().get(
            # extract shapes from input parameters node constructed by kkrimporter calculation
            shapes = voro_parent.inputs.parameters.get_dict().get('<SHAPE>')'Extracted shapes: {}'.format(shapes))

        # qdos option, ensure low T, E-contour, qdos run option and write qvec.dat file
        if found_kpath:
            # check qdos settings
            change_values = []
            runopt = parameters.get_dict().get('RUNOPT')
            if runopt is None: runopt = []
            runopt = [i.strip() for i in runopt]
            if 'qdos' not in runopt:
                change_values.append(['RUNOPT', runopt])
            tempr = parameters.get_dict().get('TEMPR')
            if tempr is None or tempr > 100.:
                change_values.append(['TEMPR', 50.])
            N1 = parameters.get_dict().get('NPT1')
            if N1 is None or N1 > 0:
                change_values.append(['NPT1', 0])
            N2 = parameters.get_dict().get('NPT2')
            if N2 is None:
                change_values.append(['NPT2', 100])
            N3 = parameters.get_dict().get('NPT3')
            if N3 is None or N3 > 0.:
                change_values.append(['NPT3', 0])
            NPOL = parameters.get_dict().get('NPOL')
            if NPOL is None or NPOL > 0.:
                change_values.append(['NPOL', 0])
            if change_values != []:
                new_params = {}
                #{'nodename': 'changed_params_qdos', 'nodedesc': 'Changed parameters to mathc qdos mode. Changed values: {}'.format(change_values)}
                for key, val in parameters.get_dict().items():
                    new_params[key] = val
                for key, val in change_values:
                    new_params[key] = val
                new_params_node = Dict(dict=new_params)
                #parameters = update_params_wf(parameters, new_params_node)
                parameters = new_params_node
            # write qvec.dat file
            kpath_array = kpath.get_kpoints(cartesian=True)
            # convert automatically to internal units
            alat = get_alat_from_bravais(
                    structure.cell), is3D=structure.pbc[2]) * get_Ang2aBohr()
            if use_alat_input:
                alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get('ALATBASIS')
                alat_input = alat
            kpath_array = kpath_array * (
                alat_input / alat) / get_Ang2aBohr() / (2 * pi / alat)
            # now write file
            qvec = ['%i\n' % len(kpath_array)]
            qvec += [
                '%e %e %e\n' % (kpt[0], kpt[1], kpt[2]) for kpt in kpath_array
            with, 'w') as qvecfile:

        # Prepare inputcard from Structure and input parameter data
        with, u'w') as input_file:
            natom, nspin, newsosol, warnings_write_inputcard = generate_inputcard_from_structure(

        # Decide what files to copy based on settings to the code (e.g. KKRFLEX option needs scoef)
        if has_parent:
            # copy the right files #TODO check first if file, exists and throw
            # warning, now this will throw an error
            outfolder = parent_calc.outputs.retrieved

            copylist = []
            if parent_calc.process_class == KkrCalculation:
                copylist = [self._OUT_POTENTIAL]
                # TODO ggf copy remotely from remote node if present ...

            elif parent_calc.process_class == VoronoiCalculation:
                copylist = [parent_calc.process_class._SHAPEFUN]
                # copy either overwrite potential or voronoi output potential
                # (voronoi caclualtion retreives only one of the two)
                if parent_calc.process_class._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE in outfolder.list_object_names(

            #change copylist in case the calculation starts from an imported calculation
            else:  #if parent_calc.process_class == KkrImporterCalculation:
                if self._OUT_POTENTIAL in outfolder.list_object_names():
                if self._SHAPEFUN in outfolder.list_object_names():

            # create local_copy_list from copylist and change some names automatically
            for file1 in copylist:
                # deal with special case that file is written to another name
                if (file1 == 'output.pot' or file1 == self._OUT_POTENTIAL or
                    (parent_calc.process_class == VoronoiCalculation and file1
                     == parent_calc.process_class._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE)):
                    filename = self._POTENTIAL
                    filename = file1
                # now add to copy list
                local_copy_list.append((outfolder.uuid, file1, filename))

                # add shapefun file from voronoi parent if needed
                if self._SHAPEFUN not in copylist:
                        struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(
                    except ValueError:
                        return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_SHAPEFUN_FOUND
                    # copy shapefun from retrieved of voro calc
                    voro_retrieved = voro_parent.outputs.retrieved
                        (voro_retrieved.uuid, VoronoiCalculation._SHAPEFUN,

            # for set-ef option:
            ef_set = parameters.get_dict().get('ef_set', None)
            if ef_set is not None:
                print('local copy list before change: {}'.format(
                    "found 'ef_set' in parameters: change EF of potential to this value"
                potcopy_info = [
                    i for i in local_copy_list if i[2] == self._POTENTIAL
                with load_node(potcopy_info[0]).open(
                        potcopy_info[1]) as potfile:
                    # remove previous output potential from copy list
                    # create potential here by readin in old potential and overwriting with changed Fermi energy
                    with, 'w') as pot_new_ef:
                        # change potential
                        txt = potfile.readlines()
                        potstart = []
                        for iline in range(len(txt)):
                            line = txt[iline]
                            if 'exc:' in line:
                        for ipotstart in potstart:
                            tmpline = txt[ipotstart + 3]
                            tmpline = tmpline.split()
                            newline = '%10.5f%20.14f%20.14f\n' % (float(
                                tmpline[0]), ef_set, float(tmpline[-1]))
                            txt[ipotstart + 3] = newline
                        # write new file
                    # now this directory contains the updated potential file, thus it is not needed to put it in the local copy list anymore

            # TODO different copy lists, depending on the keywors input
            print('local copy list: {}'.format(local_copy_list))
  'local copy list: {}'.format(local_copy_list))

        # Prepare CalcInfo to be returned to aiida
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []

        # TODO retrieve list needs some logic, retrieve certain files,
        # only if certain input keys are specified....
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [
            self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE, self._INPUT_FILE_NAME, self._SCOEF,
            self._NONCO_ANGLES_OUT, self._OUT_POTENTIAL, self._OUTPUT_0_INIT,
            self._OUTPUT_000, self._OUTPUT_2, self._OUT_TIMING_000

        # for special cases add files to retireve list:

        # 1. dos calculation, add *dos* files if NPOL==0
        retrieve_dos_files = False
        print('NPOL in parameter input:', parameters.get_dict()['NPOL'])
        if 'NPOL' in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            if parameters.get_dict()['NPOL'] == 0:
                retrieve_dos_files = True
        if 'TESTOPT' in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            testopts = parameters.get_dict()['TESTOPT']
            if testopts is not None:
                stripped_test_opts = [i.strip() for i in testopts]
                if 'DOS' in stripped_test_opts:
                    retrieve_dos_files = True
        if retrieve_dos_files:
            print('adding files for dos output', self._COMPLEXDOS,
                  self._DOS_ATOM, self._LMDOS)
            add_files = [self._COMPLEXDOS]
            for iatom in range(natom):
                add_files.append(self._DOS_ATOM % (iatom + 1))
                for ispin in range(nspin):
                        (self._LMDOS % (iatom + 1, ispin + 1)).replace(
                            ' ', '0'))
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        # 2. KKRFLEX calculation
        retrieve_kkrflex_files = False
        if 'RUNOPT' in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            runopts = parameters.get_dict()['RUNOPT']
            if runopts is not None:
                stripped_run_opts = [i.strip() for i in runopts]
                if 'KKRFLEX' in stripped_run_opts:
                    retrieve_kkrflex_files = True
        if retrieve_kkrflex_files:
            add_files = self._ALL_KKRFLEX_FILES
            print('adding files for KKRFLEX output', add_files)
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        # 3. qdos claculation
        retrieve_qdos_files = False
        if 'RUNOPT' in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            runopts = parameters.get_dict()['RUNOPT']
            if runopts is not None:
                stripped_run_opts = [i.strip() for i in runopts]
                if 'qdos' in stripped_run_opts:
                    retrieve_qdos_files = True
        if retrieve_qdos_files:
            print('adding files for qdos output', self._QDOS_ATOM, self._QVEC)
            add_files = [self._QVEC]
            for iatom in range(natom):
                for ispin in range(nspin):
                        (self._QDOS_ATOM % (iatom + 1, ispin + 1)).replace(
                            ' ', '0'))
                # retrieve also qdos_sx,y,z files if written out
                    (self._QDOS_SX % (iatom + 1)).replace(' ', '0'))
                    (self._QDOS_SY % (iatom + 1)).replace(' ', '0'))
                    (self._QDOS_SZ % (iatom + 1)).replace(' ', '0'))
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        # 4. Jij calculation
        retrieve_Jij_files = False
        if 'RUNOPT' in list(parameters.get_dict().keys()):
            runopts = parameters.get_dict()['RUNOPT']
            if runopts is not None:
                stripped_run_opts = [i.strip() for i in runopts]
                if 'XCPL' in stripped_run_opts:
                    retrieve_Jij_files = True
        if retrieve_Jij_files:
            add_files = [self._SHELLS_DAT] + [
                self._Jij_ATOM % iatom for iatom in range(1, natom + 1)
            print('adding files for Jij output', add_files)
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += add_files

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = []
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        return calcinfo
Esempio n. 9
    def prepare_for_submission(self, tempfolder):
        """Create the input files from the input nodes passed to this instance of the `CalcJob`.

        :param tempfolder: an `aiida.common.folders.Folder` to temporarily write files on disk
        :return: `aiida.common.datastructures.CalcInfo` instance
        # Check inputdict
        parameters = self.inputs.parameters

        if 'structure' in self.inputs:
            structure = self.inputs.structure
            found_structure = True
            found_structure = False

        vca_structure = False
        if found_structure:
            # for VCA: check if input structure and parameter node define VCA structure
            vca_structure = vca_check(structure, parameters)

        code = self.inputs.code

        # check if a parent folder containing a potential file (out_potential) is given
        if 'parent_KKR' in self.inputs:
            parent_calc_folder = self.inputs.parent_KKR
            found_parent = True
            found_parent = False

        if found_parent:
            # check if parent is either Voronoi or previous KKR calculation
            overwrite_potential, parent_calc = self._check_valid_parent(

            #cross check if no structure was given and extract structure from parent
            if found_structure and not vca_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "parent_KKR and structure found in input. "
                    "Can only use either parent_KKR or structure in input.")
                structure_remote_KKR, voro_parent = self.find_parent_structure(
                if not vca_structure:
                    structure = structure_remote_KKR
                    # check consistency of input vca structure and structure  from remote KKR folder
                    # TODO check consistency
            overwrite_potential = False
            if not found_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Neither structure nor parent_KKR specified for this "

        # check if overwrite potential is given explicitly
        if 'potential_overwrite' in self.inputs:
            potfile_overwrite = self.inputs.potential_overwrite
            has_potfile_overwrite = True
            has_potfile_overwrite = False

        if has_potfile_overwrite:
            overwrite_potential = True
            if not found_structure:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Input structure needed for this calculation "
                    "(using 'potential_overwrite' input node)")

        # Check for 2D case
        twoDimcheck, msg = check_2Dinput_consistency(structure, parameters)
        if not twoDimcheck:
            raise InputValidationError(msg)

        # Prepare inputcard from Structure and input parameter data
        input_file =, u'w')
            use_alat_input = parameters.get_dict().get('use_input_alat', False)
            natom, nspin, newsosol, warnings_write_inputcard = generate_inputcard_from_structure(
        except ValueError as e:
            raise InputValidationError(
                "Input Dict not consistent: {}".format(e))

        # Decide what files to copy
        local_copy_list = []
        if overwrite_potential:
            # copy the right files #TODO check first if file, exists and throw
            # warning, now this will throw an error
            if found_parent and self._is_KkrCalc(parent_calc):
                outfolder = parent_calc.outputs.retrieved  # copy from remote folder
                copylist = [parent_calc._OUT_POTENTIAL]
            elif has_potfile_overwrite:
                outfolder = potfile_overwrite  # copy from potential sfd
                copylist = [potfile_overwrite.filename]
                copylist = []

            for file1 in copylist:
                filename = file1
                if (found_parent
                        or has_potfile_overwrite) and file1 == copylist[0]:
                    filename = self._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE
                local_copy_list.append((outfolder.uuid, file1, filename))

        # Prepare CalcInfo to be returned to aiida
        calcinfo = CalcInfo()
        calcinfo.uuid = self.uuid
        calcinfo.local_copy_list = local_copy_list
        calcinfo.remote_copy_list = []
        calcinfo.retrieve_list = [
            self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, self._ATOMINFO, self._RADII,
            self._SHAPEFUN, self._VERTICES, self._INPUT_FILE_NAME

        # pass on overwrite potential if this was given in input
        # (KkrCalculation checks if this file is there and takes this file instead of _OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi
        #  if given)
        if overwrite_potential:
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += [self._POTENTIAL_IN_OVERWRITE]
            calcinfo.retrieve_list += [self._OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi]

        codeinfo = CodeInfo()
        codeinfo.cmdline_params = []
        codeinfo.stdout_name = self._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME
        codeinfo.code_uuid = code.uuid
        calcinfo.codes_info = [codeinfo]

        return calcinfo