Esempio n. 1
def test_parse_kpoints(vasp_kpoints):
    Parse a reference KPOINTS file.

    Using the KpointsParser and compare the result to a reference


    kpoints, _ = vasp_kpoints

        _ = kpoints.get_attribute('mesh')
        file_path = data_path('kpoints', 'KPOINTS_mesh')
        method = 'get_kpoints_mesh'
        param = 'mesh'
    except AttributeError:

        _ = kpoints.get_attribute('array|kpoints')
        file_path = data_path('kpoints', 'KPOINTS_list')
        method = 'get_kpoints'
        param = 'list'
    except AttributeError:

    parser = KpointsParser(file_path=file_path)
    result = parser.kpoints
    if param == 'list':
        assert getattr(result, method)().all() == getattr(kpoints,
    if param == 'mesh':
        assert getattr(result, method)() == getattr(kpoints, method)()
Esempio n. 2
def test_parse_doscar(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Parse a reference DOSCAR file with the DosParser and compare the result to a reference."""
    file_name = 'DOSCAR'
    path = data_path('doscar', file_name)
    parser = DosParser(file_path=path)
    dos = numpy.array([(-3.44, -1.10400000e-43, -2.09900000e-43),
                       (-1.539, 1.40000000e-01, 2.66100000e-01),
                       (0.362, -3.62400000e-73, 2.00000000e+00),
                       (2.264, -1.33800000e-05, 2.00000000e+00),
                       (4.165, 3.15600000e+00, 8.00000000e+00),
                       (6.066, -2.41200000e-15, 8.00000000e+00),
                       (7.967, 3.15600000e+00, 1.40000000e+01),
                       (9.868, -1.38100000e-27, 1.40000000e+01),
                       (11.769, 2.90100000e+00, 1.95200000e+01),
                       (13.67, 0.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e+01)],
                      dtype=[('energy', '<f8'), ('total', '<f8'), ('integrated', '<f8')])  # yapf: disable
    result = parser.dos
    # The 'tdos' array is a nested array for some reason.
    result_dos = result.get_array('tdos')
    for i in range(0, dos.size):
        assert result_dos[i] == dos[i]

    file_name = 'DOSCAR.nopdos'
    path = data_path('doscar', file_name)
    parser = DosParser(file_path=path)
    result = parser.dos
    # The 'tdos' array is a nested array for some reason.
    result_dos = result.get_array('tdos')
    assert 'pdos' not in result.get_arraynames()
    for i in range(0, dos.size):
        assert result_dos[i] == dos[i]
Esempio n. 3
def test_parse_kpoints(vasp_kpoints):
    Parse a reference KPOINTS file.

    Using the KpParser and compare the result to a reference


    kpoints, _ = vasp_kpoints

    if kpoints.get_attrs().get('mesh'):
        file_path = data_path('kpoints', 'KPOINTS_mesh')
        method = 'get_kpoints_mesh'
        param = 'mesh'
    elif kpoints.get_attrs().get('array|kpoints'):
        file_path = data_path('kpoints', 'KPOINTS_list')
        method = 'get_kpoints'
        param = 'list'

    parser = KpParser(file_path=file_path)
    result = parser.get_quantity('kpoints-kpoints', {})
    if param == 'list':
        assert getattr(result['kpoints-kpoints'],
                       method)().all() == getattr(kpoints, method)().all()
    if param == 'mesh':
        assert getattr(result['kpoints-kpoints'],
                       method)() == getattr(kpoints, method)()
Esempio n. 4
def test_potcar_from_file(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Test creating a node pair from a file, creating the data node first."""
    potcar_cls = get_data_node('vasp.potcar')
    _, created = potcar_cls.get_or_create_from_file(data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR'))
    assert created
    _, created = potcar_cls.get_or_create_from_file(data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR'))
    assert not created
Esempio n. 5
def temp_pot_folder(tmpdir):
    """A temporary copy of the potcar test data folder, to avoid extracting tar files inside the repo."""
    potcar_ga = py_path.local(data_path('potcar')).join('Ga')
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()
    pot_archive = py_path.local(data_path('potcar'))
    target = tmpdir.join('potentials')
    return target
Esempio n. 6
def temp_pot_folder(tmp_path):
    """A temporary copy of the potcar test data folder, to avoid extracting tar files inside the repo."""
    potcar_ga = Path(data_path('potcar')) / 'Ga'
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()
    pot_archive = Path(data_path('potcar'))
    target = tmp_path / 'potentials'
    # Ensure that the target path exists
    copytree(pot_archive, target)
    return target
Esempio n. 7
def test_relax_wc(fresh_aiida_env, vasp_params, potentials, mock_vasp):
    # def test_relax_wc(fresh_aiida_env, vasp_params, potentials, mock_vasp, mock_relax_wc):
    """Test submitting only, not correctness, with mocked vasp code."""
    from aiida.orm import Code
    from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory
    from aiida.engine import run

    workchain = WorkflowFactory('vasp.relax')
    create_authinfo(, store=True)

    structure = PoscarParser(file_path=data_path('test_relax_wc', 'inp', 'POSCAR')).structure
    kpoints = KpointsParser(file_path=data_path('test_relax_wc', 'inp', 'KPOINTS')).kpoints
    parameters = IncarParser(file_path=data_path('test_relax_wc', 'inp', 'INCAR')).incar
    parameters['system'] = 'test-case:test_relax_wc'
    parameters = {'incar': {k: v for k, v in parameters.items() if k not in ['isif', 'ibrion', 'nsw', 'ediffg']}}
    parameters['relax'] = {}
    parameters['relax']['perform'] = True
    parameters['relax']['algo'] = 'cg'
    parameters['relax']['force_cutoff'] = 0.01

    inputs = AttributeDict()
    inputs.code = Code.get_from_string('mock-vasp@localhost')
    inputs.structure = structure
    inputs.kpoints = kpoints
    inputs.parameters = get_data_node('dict', dict=parameters)
    inputs.potential_family = get_data_node('str', POTCAR_FAMILY_NAME)
    inputs.potential_mapping = get_data_node('dict', dict=POTCAR_MAP)
    inputs.options = get_data_node('dict',
                                       'withmpi': False,
                                       'queue_name': 'None',
                                       'max_wallclock_seconds': 1,
                                       'import_sys_environment': True,
                                       'resources': {
                                           'num_machines': 1,
                                           'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1
    inputs.max_iterations = get_data_node('int', 1)
    inputs.clean_workdir = get_data_node('bool', False)
    inputs.verbose = get_data_node('bool', True)
    results, node = run.get_node(workchain, **inputs)
    assert node.exit_status == 0
    assert 'relax' in results
    relax = results['relax']
    assert 'structure' in relax
    sites = relax['structure'].sites
    assert sites[0].kind_name == 'Si'
    assert sites[1].kind_name == 'Si'
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sites[0].position, [4.8125, 4.8125, 4.8125])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sites[1].position, [0.6875, 0.6875, 0.715])
Esempio n. 8
def test_file_get_or_create(fresh_aiida_env, potcar_node_pair):
    """Test get_or_create of PotcarFileData."""
    potcar_as_path = data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR')
    potcar_file_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar_file')
    file_as = potcar_node_pair['file']
    node_file_as, created_file_as = potcar_file_cls.get_or_create(potcar_as_path)
    assert not created_file_as
    assert ==

    potcar_in_path = data_path('potcar', 'In_d', 'POTCAR')
    node_file_in, created_file_in = potcar_file_cls.get_or_create(potcar_in_path)
    assert created_file_in
    assert potcar_file_cls.exists(sha512=node_file_in.sha512)
Esempio n. 9
def test_store_duplicate(fresh_aiida_env, potcar_node_pair):
    Storing a duplicate POTCAR node must fail.

    Uniqueness constraints to test for:

        * ``sha512`` attribute must be unique
        * the combination of all other attributes must be unique
    potcar_path = data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR')

    file_node = get_data_node('vasp.potcar_file', file=potcar_path)
    file_node.set_attribute('sha512', 'foo')
    with pytest.raises(UniquenessError):

    file_node = get_data_node('vasp.potcar_file', file=potcar_path)
    file_node.set_attribute('symbol', 'Ta')
    with pytest.raises(UniquenessError):

    data_node = get_data_node('vasp.potcar', potcar_file_node=potcar_node_pair['file'])
    data_node.set_attribute('sha512', 'foo')
    with pytest.raises(UniquenessError):

    data_node = get_data_node('vasp.potcar', potcar_file_node=potcar_node_pair['file'])
    data_node.set_attribute('symbol', 'Ta')
    with pytest.raises(UniquenessError):

    assert get_data_class('vasp.potcar').find_one(symbol='As')
    assert get_data_class('vasp.potcar_file').find_one(symbol='As')
Esempio n. 10
def test_find_potcars(potcar_walker_cls, temp_data_folder):
    """Make sure the walker finds the right number fo POTCAR files."""
    potcar_archive = py_path.local(data_path('.')).join('pot_archive')
    walker = potcar_walker_cls(temp_data_folder.strpath)
    assert len(walker.potcars) == 7
    assert not potcar_archive.exists()
Esempio n. 11
def parse_nac(aiida_env):
    """Give the parsing result of a retrieved NAC calculation (emulated)."""
    from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory, DataFactory
    calc = CalculationFactory('vasp.vasp')()
    calc.use_settings(DataFactory('parameter')(dict={'pymatgen_parser': {'parse_potcar_file': False, 'exception_on_bad_xml': False}}))
    parser = PymatgenParser(calc=calc)
    retrieved = DataFactory('folder')()
    retrieved.add_path(data_path('born_effective_charge', 'vasprun.xml'), '')
    retrieved.add_path(data_path('born_effective_charge', 'OUTCAR'), '')

    def parse():
        success, nodes = parser.parse_with_retrieved({'retrieved': retrieved})
        nodes = dict(nodes)
        return success, nodes

    return parse
Esempio n. 12
def test_potcar_from_path(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Create a PotcarIo instance from a file path."""
    potcar_path_as = data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR')
    from_ctor = PotcarIo(path=potcar_path_as)
    from_from = PotcarIo.from_(potcar_path_as)
    assert from_ctor == from_from
Esempio n. 13
def outcar_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of OutcarParser for a reference OUTCAR."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    file_name = 'OUTCAR'
    path = data_path(request.param, file_name)
    parser = OutcarParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    return parser
Esempio n. 14
def vasprun_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of VasprunParser for a reference vasprun.xml."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.parser_settings import ParserSettings
    file_name = 'vasprun.xml'
    path = data_path(request.param, file_name)
    parser = VasprunParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    return parser
Esempio n. 15
def test_find_potcars(potcar_walker_cls, temp_data_folder):
    """Make sure the walker finds the right number fo POTCAR files."""
    potcar_archive = Path(data_path('.')) / 'pot_archive'
    walker = potcar_walker_cls(str(temp_data_folder))
    assert len(walker.potcars) == 7
    assert not potcar_archive.exists()
Esempio n. 16
def stream_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of StreamParser for a reference stream capture."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    file_name = 'vasp_output'
    path = data_path(*request.param, file_name)
    parser = StreamParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    return parser
Esempio n. 17
def test_upload(fresh_aiida_env, temp_pot_folder):
    """Test uploading a family of POTCAR files."""
    family_name = 'test_family'
    family_desc = 'Test Family'
    potcar_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar')
    pot_dir = temp_pot_folder.strpath
    potcar_ga = py_path.local(data_path('potcar')).join('Ga')
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()

    potcar_cls.upload_potcar_family(pot_dir, family_name, family_desc)

    assert potcar_cls.exists(element='In')
    assert potcar_cls.exists(element='As')
    assert potcar_cls.exists(element='Ga')
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()

    # this is supposed to return only one group, however it returns 8 (= number of uploaded files)
    assert [g.label for g in potcar_cls.get_potcar_groups()] == [family_name]

    assert len(potcar_cls.get_potcar_group(family_name).nodes) >= 3

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        potcar_cls.upload_potcar_family(pot_dir, family_name, stop_if_existing=True)
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()

    num_files, num_added, num_uploaded = potcar_cls.upload_potcar_family(pot_dir, family_name + '_new', family_desc, stop_if_existing=False)
    assert num_files >= 3
    assert num_added >= 3
    assert num_uploaded == 0
    assert not potcar_ga.exists()
Esempio n. 18
def vasp_wavecar(fresh_aiida_env):
    """WAVECAR node and reference fixture."""
    from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
    wavecar_path = data_path('wavecar', 'WAVECAR')
    wavecar = DataFactory('vasp.wavefun')(file=wavecar_path)
    with open(wavecar_path, 'r') as ref_wavecar_fo:
        ref_wavecar =
    return wavecar, ref_wavecar
Esempio n. 19
def test_hashing(aiida_env):
    """Ensure the file and content md5 hash equivalently for the same POTCAR."""
    potcar_file_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar_file')
    potcar_path = ['potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR']

    file_md5 = potcar_file_cls.get_file_md5(data_path(*potcar_path))
    content_md5 = potcar_file_cls.get_contents_md5(read_file(*potcar_path))
    assert file_md5 == content_md5
Esempio n. 20
def vasp_chgcar(fresh_aiida_env):
    """CHGCAR node and reference fixture."""
    from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
    chgcar_path = data_path('chgcar', 'CHGCAR')
    chgcar = DataFactory('vasp.chargedensity')(file=chgcar_path)
    with open(chgcar_path, 'r') as ref_chgcar_fo:
        ref_chgcar =
    return chgcar, ref_chgcar
Esempio n. 21
def test_parse_wavecar(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Parse a reference CHGCAR file with the ChargcarParser and compare the result to a reference string."""
    path = data_path('wavecar', 'WAVECAR')
    parser = WavecarParser(file_path=path)
    result = parser.wavecar
    content = result.get_content()
    assert result.filename == 'WAVECAR'
    assert content == 'This is a test WAVECAR file.\n'
Esempio n. 22
def test_hashing(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Ensure the file and content sha512 hash equivalently for the same POTCAR."""
    potcar_file_cls = get_data_class('vasp.potcar_file')
    potcar_path = ['potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR']

    file_sha512 = potcar_file_cls.get_file_sha512(data_path(*potcar_path))
    content_sha512 = potcar_file_cls.get_contents_sha512(read_file(*potcar_path, mode='rb'))
    assert file_sha512 == content_sha512
Esempio n. 23
def test_read_incar():
    """Read an INCAR file and test that some of the keys are read correctly."""
    incar_path = data_path('phonondb', 'INCAR')
    incar_io = IncarIo(file_path=incar_path)
    incar_dict = incar_io.get_dict()
    assert incar_dict['prec'] == 'Accurate'
    assert incar_dict['ibrion'] == -1
    assert incar_dict['encut'] == 359.7399
    assert incar_dict['lreal'] is False
Esempio n. 24
def test_parse_chgcar(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Parse a reference CHGCAR file with the ChargcarParser and compare the result to a reference string."""
    file_name = 'CHGCAR'
    path = data_path('chgcar', file_name)
    parser = ChgcarParser(file_path=path)
    result = parser.chgcar
    content = result.get_content()
    assert result.filename == file_name
    assert content == 'This is a test CHGCAR file.\n'
Esempio n. 25
def vasprun_parser(request):
    """Return an instance of VasprunParser for a reference vasprun.xml."""
    from aiida_vasp.parsers.settings import ParserSettings
    from aiida_vasp.calcs.vasp import VaspCalculation
    file_name = 'vasprun.xml'
    path = data_path(request.param, file_name)
    parser = VasprunParser(file_path=path, settings=ParserSettings({}))
    parser._vasp_parser = VaspCalculation
    return parser
Esempio n. 26
def potcar_node_pair(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Create a POTCAR node pair."""
    potcar_path = data_path('potcar', 'As', 'POTCAR')
    potcar_file_node = get_data_node('vasp.potcar_file', file=potcar_path)
    return {
        'file': potcar_file_node,
        'potcar': get_data_class('vasp.potcar').find_one(symbol='As')
Esempio n. 27
def test_parser_read(fresh_aiida_env):
    """Test to read a INCAR file."""

    path = data_path('phonondb', 'INCAR')
    parser = IncarParser(file_path=path)
    incar = parser.incar
    assert incar['prec'] == 'Accurate'
    assert incar['ibrion'] == -1
    assert incar['encut'] == 359.7399
    assert incar['lreal'] is False
Esempio n. 28
def test_parse_chgcar():
    """Parse a reference CHGCAR file with the ChargcarParser and compare the result to a reference string."""
    file_name = 'CHGCAR'
    path = data_path('chgcar', file_name)
    parser = ChgcarParser(file_path=path)
    result = parser.get_quantity('chgcar', {})
    with open(result['chgcar'].get_file_abs_path(), 'r') as file_obj:
        content = file_obj.readline()
    assert result['chgcar'].filename == file_name
    assert content == 'This is a test CHGCAR file.\n'
Esempio n. 29
def test_parse_eigenval():
    """Parse a reference EIGENVAL file with the EigParser and compare the result to a reference."""
    file_name = 'EIGENVAL'
    path = data_path('eigenval', file_name)
    parser = EigParser(file_path=path)
    bands = numpy.array([[[-1.439825, 2.964373, 2.964373, 2.964373, 7.254542, 7.254542, 7.254542, 11.451811, 11.670398, 11.670398]]])
    inputs = {}

    result = parser.get_quantity('eigenval-eigenvalues', inputs)
    assert result['eigenval-eigenvalues'].all() == bands.all()
Esempio n. 30
def vasprun_path(request, tmpdir):
    """Truncate vasprun.xml at the given line number and parse."""
    original_path = data_path('phonondb', 'vasprun.xml')
    if request.param == -1:
        return original_path
    truncated_path = tmpdir.join('vasprun.xml')
    with open(original_path, 'r') as original_fo:
        truncated_content = '\n'.join(original_fo.readlines()[:request.param])
    return str(truncated_path)