def _init_test_repo(): repo = Repo.default_repo(init=True) # some unittests check sequence tracking in a separate thread # need to make sure task_queue is there os.environ[AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD] = 'ON' Repo.tracking_queue = _get_tracking_queue() del os.environ[AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD]
def select_metrics(search_statement: str, repo_path: Optional[str] = None): if repo_path is not None: repo = Repo.from_path(repo_path) else: repo = Repo.default_repo() if not repo: return None return repo.query_metrics(search_statement)
def select_runs(expression: Optional[str] = None, repo_path: Optional[str] = None): if repo_path is not None: repo = Repo.from_path(repo_path) else: repo = Repo.default_repo() if not repo: return None return repo.query_runs(expression)
def __init__(self, hashname: Optional[str] = None, *, repo: Optional[Union[str, 'Repo']] = None, read_only: bool = False, experiment: Optional[str] = None, system_tracking_interval: int = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_TRACKING_INT): hashname = hashname or generate_run_hash() self._instance_creation_time = time() if repo is None: from aim.sdk.repo import Repo repo = Repo.default_repo() elif isinstance(repo, str): from aim.sdk.repo import Repo repo = Repo.from_path(repo) self.repo = repo self.read_only = read_only if not read_only: logger.debug(f'Opening Run {hashname} in write mode') self.hashname = hashname self._hash = None self._props = None self.contexts: Dict[Context, int] = dict() if experiment: self.props.experiment = experiment self.meta_tree: TreeView = self.repo.request( 'meta', hashname, read_only=read_only, from_union=True).tree().view('meta') self.meta_run_tree: TreeView = self.meta_tree.view('chunks').view( hashname) self.meta_attrs_tree: TreeView = self.meta_tree.view('attrs') self.meta_run_attrs_tree: TreeView = self.meta_run_tree.view('attrs') self.series_run_tree: TreeView = self.repo.request( 'trcs', hashname, read_only=read_only).tree().view('trcs').view( 'chunks').view(hashname) if not read_only: # TODO: [AT] check this once Container db open locking is added self.series_run_tree.preload() self.series_counters: Dict[Tuple[Context, str], int] = Counter() self._creation_time = None self._system_resource_tracker: ResourceTracker = None if not read_only: self.props self.creation_time self._prepare_resource_tracker(system_tracking_interval)
def remove_test_data(): repo = Repo.default_repo() repo.container_pool.clear() repo.container_view_pool.clear() repo.persistent_pool.clear() truncate_structured_db(repo.structured_db) repo_path_base = repo.path shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_path_base, 'meta'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_path_base, 'seqs'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_path_base, 'locks'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_path_base, 'progress'), ignore_errors=True)
def fill_up_test_data(): remove_test_data() # put dummy data into test repo with 10 runs, tracking 2 metrics over 3 contexts repo = Repo.default_repo() run_hashes = [hex(random.getrandbits(64))[-7:] for _ in range(10)] contexts = [{ 'is_training': True, 'subset': 'train' }, { 'is_training': True, 'subset': 'val' }, { 'is_training': False }] metrics = ['loss', 'accuracy'] with repo.structured_db: try: for idx, hash_name in enumerate(run_hashes): run = Run(hashname=hash_name, repo=repo, system_tracking_interval=None) run['hparams'] = create_run_params() run['run_index'] = idx run['start_time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() run['name'] = f'Run # {idx}' = run['name'] metric_contexts = itertools.product(metrics, contexts) for metric_context in metric_contexts: metric = metric_context[0] context = metric_context[1] if metric == 'accuracy' and 'subset' in context: continue else: # track 100 values per run for step in range(100): val = 1.0 - 1.0 / (step + 1) run.track(val, name=metric, step=step, epoch=1, context=context) finally: del run
def __init__(self, repo: Optional[str] = None, experiment: Optional[str] = None, flush_frequency: int = 0, # unused block_termination: bool = True, # unused run: Optional[str] = None, system_tracking_interval: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_TRACKING_INT): self._repo = Repo.from_path(repo) if repo else Repo.default_repo() self._repo_path = self._repo.path self._run = Run(run, repo=self._repo, experiment=experiment, system_tracking_interval=system_tracking_interval) self._run_hash = self._run.hashname = True Session.sessions.setdefault(self._repo_path, []) Session.sessions[self._repo_path].append(self) # Bind signal listeners self._set_exit_handlers()
def setUpClass(cls) -> None: super().setUpClass() cls.repo = Repo.default_repo()
def setUpClass(cls) -> None: fill_up_test_data() cls.repo = Repo.default_repo()
def up(dev, host, port, repo, tf_logs): repo_path = clean_repo_path(repo) if repo_path: repo_inst = Repo.from_path(repo_path) else: repo_inst = Repo.default_repo() repo_inst.structured_db.run_upgrades() os.environ[AIM_UI_MOUNTED_REPO_PATH] = repo_inst.path if dev: os.environ[AIM_WEB_ENV_KEY] = 'dev' else: os.environ[AIM_WEB_ENV_KEY] = 'prod' if tf_logs: os.environ[AIM_TF_LOGS_PATH_KEY] = tf_logs try: db_cmd = build_db_upgrade_command() exec_cmd(db_cmd, stream_output=True) except ShellCommandException: click.echo('Failed to initialize Aim DB. ' + 'Please see the logs above for details.') return if dev or (os.getenv(AIM_UI_TELEMETRY_KEY) is not None and os.getenv(AIM_UI_TELEMETRY_KEY) == '0'): os.environ[AIM_UI_TELEMETRY_KEY] = '0' else: os.environ[AIM_UI_TELEMETRY_KEY] = '1' alert_msg = 'Aim UI collects anonymous usage analytics.' opt_out_msg = 'Read how to opt-out here: ' opt_out_url = '' line_width = max(len(opt_out_msg), len(alert_msg)) + 16 click.echo('┌{}┐'.format('-' * (line_width - 2))) click.echo('{}{}{}'.format(' ' * ((line_width - len(alert_msg)) // 2), alert_msg, ' ' * ((line_width - len(alert_msg)) // 2))) click.echo('{}{}{}'.format( ' ' * ((line_width - len(opt_out_msg)) // 2), opt_out_msg, ' ' * ((line_width - len(opt_out_msg)) // 2))) click.echo('{}{}{}'.format( ' ' * ((line_width - len(opt_out_url)) // 2), opt_out_url, ' ' * ((line_width - len(opt_out_url)) // 2))) click.echo('└{}┘'.format('-' * (line_width - 2))) click.echo('Running Aim UI on repo `{}`'.format(repo_inst), fg='yellow')) click.echo('Open http://{}:{}'.format(host, port)) click.echo('Press Ctrl+C to exit') try: server_cmd = build_uvicorn_command(host, port, 1) exec_cmd(server_cmd, stream_output=True) except ShellCommandException: click.echo('Failed to run Aim UI. ' + 'Please see the logs above for details.') return