Esempio n. 1
def to_cnf(s):
    """Convert a propositional logical sentence to conjunctive normal form.
    That is, to the form ((A | ~B | ...) & (B | C | ...) & ...) [p. 253]
    >>> to_cnf('~(B | C)')
    (~B & ~C)
    s = expr(s)
    if isinstance(s, str):
        s = expr(s)
    s = eliminate_implications(s)  # Steps 1, 2 from p. 253
    s = move_not_inwards(s)  # Step 3
    return distribute_and_over_or(s)  # Step 4
Esempio n. 2
def KB_tell_corner_edge(KB, size, pnt):
    adj = pnt.adj()
    pnt = point_to_room(pnt, size).to_string()
    count_in = sum([1 if in_map(size, d) else 0 for d in adj])
    if count_in == 2:
        fact = utils.expr("CORNER({})".format(pnt))
        if fact not in KB.clauses:
    elif count_in == 3:
        fact = utils.expr("EDGE({})".format(pnt))
        if fact not in KB.clauses:
Esempio n. 3
def distribute_and_over_or(s):
    """Given a sentence s consisting of conjunctions and disjunctions
    of literals, return an equivalent sentence in CNF.
    >>> distribute_and_over_or((A & B) | C)
    ((A | C) & (B | C))
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '|':
        s = associate('|', s.args)
        if s.op != '|':
            return distribute_and_over_or(s)
        if len(s.args) == 0:
            return False
        if len(s.args) == 1:
            return distribute_and_over_or(s.args[0])
        conj = first(arg for arg in s.args if arg.op == '&')
        if not conj:
            return s
        others = [a for a in s.args if a is not conj]
        rest = associate('|', others)
        return associate('&',
                         [distribute_and_over_or(c | rest) for c in conj.args])
    elif s.op == '&':
        return associate('&', list(map(distribute_and_over_or, s.args)))
        return s
Esempio n. 4
def tt_true(s):
    """Is a propositional sentence a tautology?
    >>> tt_true('P | ~P')
    s = expr(s)
    return tt_entails(True, s)
Esempio n. 5
def find_safe(world, KB):
    safe_list = []
    s_list = []
    for i in range(world.map_size):
        for j in range(world.map_size):
            p = Point(i, j)
            room = point_to_room(size=world.map_size, pnt=p).to_string()
            cl1 = utils.expr("SAFE({})".format(room))
            cl2 = utils.expr("EXP({})".format(room))
            safe = KB.ask(cl1)
            expanded = cl2 in KB.clauses

            if safe and not expanded:

            cl3 = utils.expr("S({})".format(room))
            s = cl3 in KB.clauses
            if s:

    return safe_list, s_list
Esempio n. 6
def KB_tell_WUM_PIT_ADJ_SAFE(KB, size, pnt, cur_room):
    if in_map(size, pnt):
        # Check corner or edge
        KB_tell_corner_edge(KB, size, pnt)
        # Add Adjacent fact
        room = point_to_room(pnt, size).to_string()
        adj = utils.expr("ADJ({}, {})".format(cur_room, room))
        if adj not in KB.clauses:
        wum, pit, safe = KB_asking(KB, room)
        #print(room, "Safe", not not safe)
        if wum:
            cl = utils.expr("WUM({})".format(room))
            if cl not in KB.clauses:
        if pit:
            cl = utils.expr("PIT({})".format(room))
            if cl not in KB.clauses:
        if safe:
            cl = utils.expr("SAFE({})".format(room))
            if cl not in KB.clauses:
Esempio n. 7
def init_KB():
    # Init
    # ADJ kề
    sen = [
        "(ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & ADJ(x, t) & ADJ(x, v) & B(y) & B(z) & B(t) & B(v)) ==> PIT(x)",
        "(ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & ADJ(x, t) & ADJ(x, v) & S(y) & S(z) & S(t) & S(v)) ==> WUM(x)",
        "(EDGE(x) & ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & ADJ(x, t) & S(y) & S(z) & S(t)) ==> WUM(x)",
        "(EDGE(x) & ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & ADJ(x, t) & B(y) & B(z) & B(t)) ==> PIT(x)",
        "(CORNER(x) & ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & S(y) & S(z)) ==> WUM(x)",
        "(CORNER(x) & ADJ(x, y) & ADJ(x, z) & B(y) & B(z)) ==> PIT(x)",
        "(ADJ(x, y) & NULL(x)) ==> SAFE(y)", "B(x) ==> SAFE(x)",
        "S(x) ==> SAFE(x)", "NULL(x) ==> SAFE(x)"
    # Create an array to hold clauses
    clauses = [utils.expr(s) for s in sen]
    # Create a first-order logic knowledge base (KB) with clauses
    return logic.FolKB(clauses)
Esempio n. 8
def eliminate_implications(s):
    """Change implications into equivalent form with only &, |, and ~ as logical operators."""
    s = expr(s)
    if not s.args or is_symbol(s.op):
        return s  # Atoms are unchanged.
    args = list(map(eliminate_implications, s.args))
    a, b = args[0], args[-1]
    if s.op == '==>':
        return b | ~a
    elif s.op == '<==':
        return a | ~b
    elif s.op == '<=>':
        return (a | ~b) & (b | ~a)
    elif s.op == '^':
        assert len(args) == 2  # TODO: relax this restriction
        return (a & ~b) | (~a & b)
        assert s.op in ('&', '|', '~')
        return Expr(s.op, *args)
Esempio n. 9
def move_not_inwards(s):
    """Rewrite sentence s by moving negation sign inward.
    >>> move_not_inwards(~(A | B))
    (~A & ~B)"""
    s = expr(s)
    if s.op == '~':

        def NOT(b):
            return move_not_inwards(~b)

        a = s.args[0]
        if a.op == '~':
            return move_not_inwards(a.args[0])  # ~~A ==> A
        if a.op == '&':
            return associate('|', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        if a.op == '|':
            return associate('&', list(map(NOT, a.args)))
        return s
    elif is_symbol(s.op) or not s.args:
        return s
        return Expr(s.op, *list(map(move_not_inwards, s.args)))
Esempio n. 10
def KB_asking(KB, room):
    wum = KB.ask(utils.expr("WUM{}".format(room)))
    pit = KB.ask(utils.expr("PIT{}".format(room)))
    safe = KB.ask(utils.expr("SAFE({})".format(room)))

    return wum, pit, safe
Esempio n. 11
 def make_action_sentence(action, t):
     return Expr("Did")(action[expr('action')], t)
Esempio n. 12
 def make_action_query(t):
     return expr("ShouldDo(action, {})".format(t))
Esempio n. 13
        p = agenda.pop()
        if p == q:
            return True
        if not inferred[p]:
            inferred[p] = True
            for c in KB.clauses_with_premise(p):
                count[c] -= 1
                if count[c] == 0:
    return False

""" [Figure 7.13]
Simple inference in a wumpus world example
wumpus_world_inference = expr("(B11 <=> (P12 | P21))  &  ~B11")
""" [Figure 7.16]
Propositional Logic Forward Chaining example
horn_clauses_KB = PropDefiniteKB()
for s in "P==>Q; (L&M)==>P; (B&L)==>M; (A&P)==>L; (A&B)==>L; A;B".split(';'):

# ______________________________________________________________________________
# DPLL-Satisfiable [Figure 7.17]

def dpll_satisfiable(s):
    """Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence.
    This differs from the book code in two ways: (1) it returns a model
    rather than True when it succeeds; this is more useful. (2) The