async def test_context_processors(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        return {'bar': 2}

    app = web.Application(
        loader={'': 'foo: ${foo}, bar: ${bar}, path: ${request.path}'})

    async def processor(request):
        return {'foo': 1, 'bar': 'should be overwriten'}

    app['aiohttp_tal_context_processors'] = (

    app.router.add_get('/', func)

    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert 'foo: 1, bar: 2, path: /' == txt
Esempio n. 2
async def test_render_bare_funcs_deprecated(aiohttp_client):
    def wrapper(func):
        async def wrapped(request):
            with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning,
                              match='Bare functions are deprecated'):
                return await func(request)

        return wrapped

    def func(request):
        return {'text': 'OK'}

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': '${text}'})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)

    client = await aiohttp_client(app)
    resp = await client.get('/')

    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert 'OK' == txt
async def test_context_not_tainted(aiohttp_client):

    global_context = {'version': 1}

    async def func(request):
        return global_context

    async def processor(request):
        return {'foo': 1}

    app = web.Application()
                      loader={'': 'foo: ${ foo }'},

    app.router.add_get('/', func)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert 'foo: 1' == txt

    assert 'foo' not in global_context
Esempio n. 4
def test_get_env():
    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "tmpl"})

    env = aiohttp_tal.get_env(app)
    assert isinstance(env, aiohttp_tal.Environment)
    assert env is aiohttp_tal.get_env(app)
async def test_context_processors_new_setup_style(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        return {'bar': 2}

    async def processor(request):
        return {'foo': 1, 'bar': 'should be overwriten'}

    app = web.Application()
                          'foo: ${foo}, bar: ${bar}, '
                          'path: ${request.path}'

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert 'foo: 1, bar: 2, path: /' == txt
async def test_context_is_response(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        raise web.HTTPForbidden()

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "template"})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 403 == resp.status
Esempio n. 7
async def test_static_var_missing(aiohttp_client, caplog):
    async def index(request):
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='static_root_url'):
            aiohttp_tal.render_template('', request, {})
        return web.Response()

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "${ static('whatever.js') }"})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status  # static_root_url is not set
Esempio n. 8
async def test_skip_render_for_response_from_handler(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        return web.Response(text='OK')

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': '${text}'})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)

    client = await aiohttp_client(app)
    resp = await client.get('/')

    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert 'OK' == txt
Esempio n. 9
async def test_render_default_is_autoescaped(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        return {'text': '<script>alert(1)</script>'}

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': '<html>${text}</html>'})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)

    client = await aiohttp_client(app)
    resp = await client.get('/')

    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '<html>&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;</html>' == txt
Esempio n. 10
async def test_render_not_mapping():
    async def func(request):
        return 123

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': 'tmpl'})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)

    req = make_mocked_request('GET', '/', app=app)
    msg = "context should be mapping, not <class 'int'>"
    with pytest.raises(web.HTTPInternalServerError) as ctx:
        await func(req)

    assert msg == ctx.value.text
Esempio n. 11
async def test_helpers_disabled(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        with pytest.raises(NameError, match="url"):
            aiohttp_tal.render_template('', request, {})
        return web.Response()

    app = web.Application()
                      loader={'': "${url('index')}"})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
Esempio n. 12
async def test_url_with_query(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        return {}

    app = web.Application()
        app, loader={'': "${ url('index', query_={'foo': 'bar'})}"})

    app.router.add_get('/', index, name='index')
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '/?foo=bar' == txt
Esempio n. 13
async def test_static(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        return {}

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "${ static('whatever.js') }"})

    app['static_root_url'] = '/static'
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '/static/whatever.js' == txt
Esempio n. 14
async def test_template_not_found():
    async def func(request):
        return aiohttp_tal.render_template('template', request, {})

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', func)

    req = make_mocked_request('GET', '/', app=app)

    with pytest.raises(web.HTTPInternalServerError) as ctx:
        await func(req)

    t = "Template 'template' not found"
    assert t == ctx.value.text
    assert t == ctx.value.reason
Esempio n. 15
async def create_app():
    app = web.Application(middlewares=[babel_middleware])
    app.update(name='Testing aiohttp TAL')

    tal_loader = PageTemplateLoader(
        str(THIS_DIR / 'templates'),
        auto_reload=True  # debugging
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader=tal_loader)

    app.add_routes([web.static('/static', str(THIS_DIR / 'static'))])
    app['static_root_url'] = '/static'
    app.router.add_get('/', index, name='index')
    app.router.add_get('/translation', translation, name='translation')

    return app
Esempio n. 16
async def create_app():
    app = web.Application()
    app.update(name='Testing aiohttp TAL')

    tal_loader = PageTemplateLoader(
        str(THIS_DIR / 'templates'),
        enable_data_attributes=True,  # data-tal-*
        auto_reload=True  # debugging
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader=tal_loader)

    app.add_routes([web.static('/static', str(THIS_DIR / 'static'))])
    app['static_root_url'] = '/static'
    app.router.add_get('/', index, name='index')
    app.router.add_get('/page', page, name='translation')

    return app
Esempio n. 17
async def test_func(aiohttp_client):
    async def func(request):
        return {'head': 'HEAD', 'text': 'text'}

    template = '<html><body><h1>${head}</h1>${text}</body></html>'
    app = web.Application()
                      loader={'': chameleon.PageTemplate(template)})

    app.router.add_route('*', '/', func)

    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '<html><body><h1>HEAD</h1>text</body></html>' == txt
Esempio n. 18
async def test_url_int_param(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        return {}

    async def other(request):

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "${ url('other', arg=1)}"})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/uid/{arg}', other, name='other')
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '/uid/1' == txt
Esempio n. 19
async def test_filters(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        return {}

    def add_2(value):
        return value + 2

    app = web.Application()
                      loader={'': "${ add_2(5) }"},
                      filters={'add_2': add_2})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status
    txt = await resp.text()
    assert '7' == txt
Esempio n. 20
async def test_url_param_forbidden_type(aiohttp_client):
    async def index(request):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError,
                           match=(r"argument value should be str or int, "
                                  r"got arg -> \[<class 'bool'>\] True")):
            aiohttp_tal.render_template('', request, {})
        return web.Response()

    async def other(request):

    app = web.Application()
    aiohttp_tal.setup(app, loader={'': "${ url('other', arg=True)}"})

    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/uid/{arg}', other, name='other')
    client = await aiohttp_client(app)

    resp = await client.get('/')
    assert 200 == resp.status