Esempio n. 1
 async def test__commit__IllegalStateError(self, *, cthread, _consumer):
     cthread._consumer = _consumer
     cthread.assignment = Mock()
     exc = _consumer.commit.side_effect = IllegalStateError('xx')
     cthread.crash = AsyncMock()
     assert not (await cthread._commit({TP1: 1001}))
Esempio n. 2
    def seek_to_end(self, *partitions):
        """Seek to the most recent available offset for partitions.

            *partitions: Optionally provide specific TopicPartitions, otherwise
                default to all assigned partitions.

            IllegalStateError: If any partition is not currently assigned
            TypeError: If partitions are not instances of TopicPartition

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.0

        if not all([isinstance(p, TopicPartition) for p in partitions]):
            raise TypeError('partitions must be TopicPartition instances')

        yield from self._coordinator.ensure_partitions_assigned()

        if not partitions:
            partitions = self._subscription.assigned_partitions()
            assert partitions, 'No partitions are currently assigned'
            not_assigned = (
                set(partitions) - self._subscription.assigned_partitions()
            if not_assigned:
                raise IllegalStateError(
                    "Partitions {} are not assigned".format(not_assigned))

        for tp in partitions:
            log.debug("Seeking to end of partition %s", tp)
                tp, OffsetResetStrategy.LATEST)
        yield from self._fetcher.update_fetch_positions(partitions)
Esempio n. 3
    def seek_to_committed(self, *partitions):
        """ Seek to the committed offset for partitions.

            *partitions: Optionally provide specific TopicPartitions, otherwise
                default to all assigned partitions.

            IllegalStateError: If any partition is not currently assigned
            IllegalOperation: If used with ``group_id == None``

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0

            Changed ``AssertionError`` to ``IllegalStateError`` in case of
            unassigned partition
        if not all([isinstance(p, TopicPartition) for p in partitions]):
            raise TypeError('partitions must be TopicPartition instances')

        if not partitions:
            partitions = self._subscription.assigned_partitions()
            assert partitions, 'No partitions are currently assigned'
            not_assigned = (set(partitions) -
            if not_assigned:
                raise IllegalStateError(
                    "Partitions {} are not assigned".format(not_assigned))

        for tp in partitions:
            offset = yield from self.committed(tp)
            log.debug("Seeking to committed of partition %s %s", tp, offset)
            if offset and offset > 0:
                self._fetcher.seek_to(tp, offset)
Esempio n. 4
    def seek_to_beginning(self, *partitions):
        """ Seek to the oldest available offset for partitions.

            *partitions: Optionally provide specific TopicPartitions, otherwise
                default to all assigned partitions.

            IllegalStateError: If any partition is not currently assigned
            TypeError: If partitions are not instances of TopicPartition

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.0

        if not all([isinstance(p, TopicPartition) for p in partitions]):
            raise TypeError('partitions must be TopicPartition instances')

        if not partitions:
            partitions = self._subscription.assigned_partitions()
            assert partitions, 'No partitions are currently assigned'
            not_assigned = (set(partitions) -
            if not_assigned:
                raise IllegalStateError(
                    "Partitions {} are not assigned".format(not_assigned))

        for tp in partitions:
            log.debug("Seeking to beginning of partition %s", tp)
        yield from self._fetcher.request_offset_reset(
            partitions, OffsetResetStrategy.EARLIEST)
Esempio n. 5
 def _set_subscription_type(self, subscription_type: SubscriptionType):
     if (self._subscription_type == SubscriptionType.NONE
             or self._subscription_type == subscription_type):
         self._subscription_type = subscription_type
         raise IllegalStateError(
             "Subscription to topics, partitions and pattern are mutually "
Esempio n. 6
 def _assigned_state(self, tp: TopicPartition) -> "TopicPartitionState":
     assert self._subscription is not None
     assert self._subscription.assignment is not None
     tp_state = self._subscription.assignment.state_value(tp)
     if tp_state is None:
         raise IllegalStateError(
             "No current assignment for partition {}".format(tp))
     return tp_state
Esempio n. 7
    def position(self, partition):
        """ Get the offset of the *next record* that will be fetched (if a
        record with that offset exists on broker).

            partition (TopicPartition): partition to check

            int: offset

            IllegalStateError: partition is not assigned

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0

            Changed ``AssertionError`` to ``IllegalStateError`` in case of
            unassigned partition
        while True:
            if not self._subscription.is_assigned(partition):
                raise IllegalStateError(
                    'Partition {} is not assigned'.format(partition))
            assignment = self._subscription.subscription.assignment
            tp_state = assignment.state_value(partition)
            if not tp_state.has_valid_position:
                yield from asyncio.wait(
                    [tp_state.wait_for_position(), assignment.unassign_future],
                if not tp_state.has_valid_position:
                    if self._subscription.subscription is None:
                        raise IllegalStateError(
                            'Partition {} is not assigned'.format(partition))
                    if self._subscription.subscription.assignment is None:
                        yield from self._subscription.wait_for_assignment()
            return tp_state.position
Esempio n. 8
    def commit(self, offsets=None):
        """ Commit offsets to Kafka.

        This commits offsets only to Kafka. The offsets committed using this
        API will be used on the first fetch after every rebalance and also on
        startup. As such, if you need to store offsets in anything other than
        Kafka, this API should not be used.

        Currently only supports kafka-topic offset storage (not zookeeper)

        When explicitly passing ``offsets`` use either offset of next record,
        or tuple of offset and metadata::

            tp = TopicPartition(msg.topic, msg.partition)
            metadata = "Some utf-8 metadata"
            # Either
            await consumer.commit({tp: msg.offset + 1})
            # Or position directly
            await consumer.commit({tp: (msg.offset + 1, metadata)})

        .. note:: If you want `fire and forget` commit, like ``commit_async()``
            in *kafka-python*, just run it in a task. Something like::

                fut = loop.create_task(consumer.commit())

            offsets (dict, optional): {TopicPartition: (offset, metadata)} dict
                to commit with the configured ``group_id``. Defaults to current
                consumed offsets for all subscribed partitions.
            IllegalOperation: If used with ``group_id == None``.
            IllegalStateError: If partitions not assigned.
            ValueError: If offsets is of wrong format.
            CommitFailedError: If membership already changed on broker.
            KafkaError: If commit failed on broker side. This could be due to
                invalid offset, too long metadata, authorization failure, etc.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0

            Changed ``AssertionError`` to ``IllegalStateError`` in case of
            unassigned partition.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0

            Will now raise ``CommitFailedError`` in case membership changed,
            as (posibly) this partition is handled by another consumer.
        if self._group_id is None:
            raise IllegalOperation("Requires group_id")

        subscription = self._subscription.subscription
        if subscription is None:
            raise IllegalStateError("Not subscribed to any topics")
        assignment = subscription.assignment
        if assignment is None:
            raise IllegalStateError("No partitions assigned")

        if offsets is None:
            offsets = assignment.all_consumed_offsets()
            # validate `offsets` structure
            if not offsets or not isinstance(offsets, dict):
                raise ValueError(offsets)

            formatted_offsets = {}
            for tp, offset_and_metadata in offsets.items():
                if not isinstance(tp, TopicPartition):
                    raise ValueError("Key should be TopicPartition instance")

                if tp not in assignment.tps:
                    raise IllegalStateError(
                        "Partition {} is not assigned".format(tp))

                if isinstance(offset_and_metadata, int):
                    offset, metadata = offset_and_metadata, ""
                        offset, metadata = offset_and_metadata
                    except Exception:
                        raise ValueError(offsets)

                    if not isinstance(metadata, str):
                        raise ValueError("Metadata should be a string")

                formatted_offsets[tp] = OffsetAndMetadata(offset, metadata)

            offsets = formatted_offsets

        yield from self._coordinator.commit_offsets(assignment, offsets)