Esempio n. 1
    def test_abs_static_already(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        result = abs_static(context, '/media/foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver/media/foo.png')

        result = abs_static(context, '//')
        eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 2
    def test_abs_static_already(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        result = abs_static(context, '/media/foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver/media/foo.png')

        result = abs_static(context, '//')
        eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 3
    def test_abs_static_with_HTTPS_STATIC_URL(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL=''):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_abs_static(self):
        Normally in your templates you do something like this:

            <img src="{{ static('images/logo.png') }}">

        and it'll yield something like this:

            <img src="/static/images/logo.png">

        But if you really want to make it absolute you do this:

            <img src="{{ abs_static('images/logo.png') }}">

        and it should yield something like:

            <img src="">

        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('foo.png', 'data')
        result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver%s' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_abs_static_with_HTTPS_STATIC_URL(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL=''):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 6
    def test_abs_static(self):
        Normally in your templates you do something like this:

            <img src="{{ static('images/logo.png') }}">

        and it'll yield something like this:

            <img src="/static/images/logo.png">

        But if you really want to make it absolute you do this:

            <img src="{{ abs_static('images/logo.png') }}">

        and it should yield something like:

            <img src="">

        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('foo.png', 'data')
        result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver%s' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_abs_static_with_STATIC_URL_with_https(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')
        context['request'].is_secure = lambda: True
        assert context['request'].is_secure()

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL='//'):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 8
    def test_abs_static_with_HTTPS_STATIC_URL(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('hoo.png', 'data')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL=''):
            result = abs_static(context, 'hoo.png')
            eq_(result, '' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_abs_static_with_STATIC_URL_with_https(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')
        context['request']._is_secure = lambda: True
        assert context['request'].is_secure()

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL='//'):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '')
Esempio n. 10
    def test_abs_static_with_HTTPS_STATIC_URL(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('hoo.png', 'data')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL=''):
            result = abs_static(context, 'hoo.png')
            eq_(result, '' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 11
    def test_abs_static_with_STATIC_URL_with_https(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')
        context['request'].is_secure = lambda: True
        assert context['request'].is_secure()

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('foo.png', 'data')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL='//'):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 12
    def test_abs_static_with_STATIC_URL_with_https(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')
        context['request'].is_secure = lambda: True
        assert context['request'].is_secure()

        absolute_relative_path = self._create_static_file('foo.png', 'data')

        with self.settings(STATIC_URL='//'):
            result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
            eq_(result, '' % absolute_relative_path)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_abs_static(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver/static/foo.png')
Esempio n. 14
    def test_abs_static(self):
        context = {}
        context['request'] = RequestFactory().get('/')

        result = abs_static(context, 'foo.png')
        eq_(result, 'http://testserver/static/foo.png')