def test_donor_minicard_job_place_a(self, query, test_data_set_number): main_page = DonorsModuleRegistryPage() full_query = sql_query(query) donorid = str(full_query[0][0]) expected_result = str(full_query[0][1]) change_donor_settings(ShowJobInfo='true') main_page.clear_localstorage() aistium.fill(donorid, elements=main_page.quick_search_field) main_page.quick_search('click') main_page.loading_is_completed() ind = sql_query("select Main.Nmb from (select row_number() over (order by PerC.BirthDate desc) Nmb, PerC.UniqueId from PersonCards PerC left join IdentityDocs IDoc on PerC.IdentityDocId = IDoc.UniqueId where PerC.IsDeleted != 1 and (PerC.UniqueId = '"+donorid+"' or IDoc.Number = '"+donorid+"')) Main where Main.UniqueId = '"+donorid+"'")[0][0] main_page.get_grid_values('UniqueId', ind, main_page.main_grid, 'click') main_page.loading_is_completed() if expected_result == '': assert aistium.element_is_on_the_page(locators_list='minicard_job_place_label',element_name='minicard_job_place_label') == False else: assert main_page.minicard_get_job_place() == expected_result
def test_step_backward_donation_process_d(self): main_page = DonorsModuleRegistryPage() main_page.clear_localstorage() full_query = sql_query( '''select top(1) PerC.UniqueId Ent, 'Донору введены результаты осмотра/анализов. Продолжить возврат?' OR1 from ref.SystemSettings SysSet, PersonCards PerC join DonationProcessRegistry PrReg on PerC.UniqueId = PrReg.DonorId where PerC.IsDeleted != 1 and PrReg.OrgId = SysSet.CurrentOrganizationId and PrReg.RegDate = cast(getdate() as date) and PrReg.CurrentState = 1 and PrReg.MobileTeamSessionId is null and PerC.UniqueId not in (select Ex.DonorId from Examinations Ex where cast(Ex.ExamDate as date) = cast(getdate() as date))''' ) donorid = str(full_query[0][0]) aistium.fill(donorid, elements=main_page.quick_search_field) main_page.quick_search('click') main_page.loading_is_completed() ind = sql_query( "select Main.Nmb from (select row_number() over (order by PerC.BirthDate desc) Nmb, PerC.UniqueId from PersonCards PerC left join IdentityDocs IDoc on PerC.IdentityDocId = IDoc.UniqueId where PerC.IsDeleted != 1 and (PerC.UniqueId = '" + donorid + "' or IDoc.Number = '" + donorid + "')) Main where Main.UniqueId = '" + donorid + "'")[0][0] main_page.get_grid_values('UniqueId', ind, main_page.main_grid, mode='click') main_page.loading_is_completed() aistium.click_on(elements=main_page.process_state_button) main_page.loading_is_completed() aistium.click_on(locators_list=locators, element_name='confirm_popup_yes_btn') main_page.loading_is_completed() aistium.fill('автотест', elements=main_page.reason_back_donation_input) assert aistium.get_text(main_page.process_state_button) == 'Вернуть' assert len( sql_query( "select PrReg.Id from DonationProcessRegistry PrReg, ref.SystemSettings SysSet where PrReg.DonorId = '" + donorid + "' and PrReg.OrgId = SysSet.CurrentOrganizationId and PrReg.RegDate = cast(getdate() as date) and PrReg.CurrentState = 1 and PrReg.MobileTeamSessionId is null" )) > 0 assert aistium.element_is_on_the_page( locators_list=locators, element_name='confirm_popup') == False assert aistium.get_text(main_page.process_state_button) == 'Вернуть'
def test_donors_direction_warning_messages_b(self): main_page = DonorsModuleRegistryPage() main_page.clear_localstorage() change_donor_settings(CheckDonorInFicWhileDirection='false', CheckFiasAddressForDonor='true', CheckIncompleteAnalysis='true', AlwaysShowEpidAddress='true') full_query = sql_query( '''select top(1) PerC.UniqueId Ent, 'Донор отведён (тип отвода: Абсолютный).' OR1 from PersonCards PerC join AppointedDonationTypes AppD on PerC.UniqueId = AppD.DonorId join (select AppD.DonorId, max(AppD.DonationDate) MaxDate from AppointedDonationTypes AppD group by AppD.DonorId) Main on AppD.DonorId = Main.DonorId and AppD.DonationDate = Main.MaxDate join ref.DonationTypeParams DonTP on AppD.DonationTypeId = DonTP.DonationTypeId join ref.DonationTypes DonT on AppD.DonationTypeId = DonT.UniqueId join Deferrals Def on PerC.UniqueId = Def.DonorId and Def.RevokeDate is null join ref.DeferralTypes DefT on Def.DeferralTypeId = DefT.UniqueId and DefT.BaseType = 1 where PerC.IsDeleted != 1 and PerC.BirthDateIsUndefined = 0 and PerC.DeathDate is null and PerC.UniqueId not in (select PrReg.DonorId from DonationProcessRegistry PrReg where PrReg.RegDate = cast(getdate() as date) and PrReg.CurrentState != 6) and PerC.UniqueId not in (select Don.DonorId from Donations Don where cast(Don.DonationDate as date) = cast(getdate() as date)) and PerC.UniqueId not in (select Def.DonorId from Deferrals Def join ref.DeferralTypes DefT on Def.DeferralTypeId = DefT.UniqueId where ((DefT.BaseType = 2 and Def.RevokeDate is null) or (DefT.BaseType = 3 and (cast(Def.StopDate as date) >= cast(getdate() as date) or Def.StopDate is null)))) and PerC.Gender in (1,2) and PerC.IdentityDocId is not null and ((PerC.RegAddressId is not null and (PerC.RegAddressIsInactive = 0 or PerC.RegAddressIsInactive is null)) or (PerC.FactAddressId is not null and (PerC.FactAddressIsInactive = 0 or PerC.FactAddressIsInactive is null)) or (PerC.TempAddressId is not null and (PerC.TempAddressIsInactive = 0 or PerC.TempAddressIsInactive is null))) and DonTP.IsActive = 1 and DonT.DonationParams not in (4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15) and (cast(AppD.NextDonationDate as date) <= cast(getdate() as date) or AppD.NextDonationDate is null) and DonT.ChargeType = 0 and PerC.UniqueId not in (select Don.DonorId from Donations Don where Don.ResultStatus != 5)''' ) donorid = str(full_query[0][0]) expected_message = str(full_query[0][1]) aistium.fill(donorid, elements=main_page.quick_search_field) main_page.quick_search('click') main_page.loading_is_completed() ind = sql_query( "select Main.Nmb from (select row_number() over (order by PerC.BirthDate desc) Nmb, PerC.UniqueId from PersonCards PerC left join IdentityDocs IDoc on PerC.IdentityDocId = IDoc.UniqueId where PerC.IsDeleted != 1 and (PerC.UniqueId = '" + donorid + "' or IDoc.Number = '" + donorid + "')) Main where Main.UniqueId = '" + donorid + "'")[0][0] main_page.get_grid_values('UniqueId', ind, main_page.main_grid, 'click') main_page.loading_is_completed() aistium.click_on(elements=main_page.process_state_button) main_page.loading_is_completed() aistium.click_on(locators_list=locators, element_name='confirm_popup_no_btn') assert aistium.element_is_on_the_page( locators_list=locators, element_name='confirm_popup') == False assert len( sql_query( "select PrReg.Id from DonationProcessRegistry PrReg, ref.SystemSettings SysSet where PrReg.DonorId = '" + donorid + "' and PrReg.OrgId = SysSet.CurrentOrganizationId and PrReg.RegDate = cast(getdate() as date) and PrReg.CurrentState = 1 and PrReg.MobileTeamSessionId is null" )) == 0