Esempio n. 1
def svncommit(body, ctype, **params):
    '''Commit a file. Can optionally populate the file contents from a given URL.

    The form parameters are:
      fpath - the name of the file to commit to SVN
      msg - the commit message
      q (optional) - fetch the given URL and save it to the specified file before commmiting
    The form must be POSTed as multipart/form-data. If the request includes
    the 'q' parameter then the new fetch will contain authentication 
    Sample request:
      curl -F "msg=fixed a typo" -F fpath="/path/to/file" -F "q=" http://localhost:8880/akara.svncommit

    body = StringIO(body)
    form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=body, environ=WSGI_ENVIRON)
    #for k in form:
    #    print >> sys.stderr, (k, form.getvalue(k)[:100])
    q = form.getvalue('q')
    fpath = form.getvalue('fpath')
    msg = form.getvalue('msg')
    #assert_not_equal(q, None, msg=Q_REQUIRED)

    if q:
        handler = copy_auth(WSGI_ENVIRON, q)
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) if handler else urllib2.build_opener()
        req = urllib2.Request(q)
        with closing( as resp:
            result =
            ctype = dict('Content-Type')

        with closing(open(fpath, 'w')) as f:

    cmdline = SVN_COMMIT_CMD%{'msg': msg, 'fpath': fpath}
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Executing subprocess in shell: ', cmdline
    process = Popen(cmdline, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
    output, perr = process.communicate()

    return 'SVN commit OK\n'
Esempio n. 2
def execute(top=None):
    Sample request:
    curl -F "pattern=wiki/path" -F "wiki=http://localhost:8880/moin/foo/" "http://*****:*****@class="navigation"]//@href'):
        link = navchild.xml_value
        #print >> sys.stderr, 'LINK:', link
        #uri = split_fragment(item.resource)[0]
        #relative = uri[wikibase_len:]
        #print >> sys.stderr, uri, relative
        #if rewrite:
        #    uri = uri.replace(rewrite, wikibase)
        rest_uri = wrapped_uri(original_wiki_base, link)
        #print >> sys.stderr, 'rest uri:', rest_uri
        items.append(freemix(rest_uri, opener).render())
    return json.dumps({'items': items}, indent=4)
Esempio n. 3
def execute(top=None):
    Sample request:
    curl -F "pattern=wiki/path" -F "wiki=http://localhost:8880/moin/foo/" "http://*****:*****@class="navigation"]//@href'):
        link = navchild.xml_value
        #print >> sys.stderr, 'LINK:', link
        #uri = split_fragment(item.resource)[0]
        #relative = uri[wikibase_len:]
        #print >> sys.stderr, uri, relative
        #if rewrite:
        #    uri = uri.replace(rewrite, wikibase)
        rest_uri = wrapped_uri(original_wiki_base, link)
        #print >> sys.stderr, 'rest uri:', rest_uri
        items.append(freemix(rest_uri, opener).render())
    return json.dumps({'items': items}, indent=4)