Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: maettu/ala
    def paint( self, painter, option, widget=None ):
        if self.visible == True:
            painter.setPen( QColor( self.color ) )
            # see try-catch (pardon me) above
                self.sp = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.startPoint.x, self.startPoint.y )
                self.ep = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.endPoint.x, self.endPoint.y )
                self.sp = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y() )
                self.ep = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y() )
            self.Rect = QRectF( self.sp, self.ep )
            self.line = QLineF( self.sp, self.ep )
            if self.line.length() > self.minLength or self.drawAlways == True:
                painter.drawLine( self.line )
                if self.paintToBorder == True:

                    # paint line to approximately the edge of the ccs.
                    ep2 = self.line.pointAt( self.ccs.width / self.line.length() * 2)
                    sp2 = self.line.pointAt(-self.ccs.width / self.line.length() * 2)
                if self.showIncline == True:
                    incline = ( self.endPoint.y - self.startPoint.y ) / ( self.endPoint.x - self.startPoint.x )
                    # print text limited to 2 decimal digits.
                    painter.setBackground ( QBrush ( QColor( 'lightGrey' ) ) )
                    painter.setBackgroundMode (Qt.BGMode(1))
                    painter.setPen( QColor( 'black' ) )
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: maettu/ala
 def setPosition( self, x = False, y = False ):
     if x == False and y == False:
         self.setPos ( CST.toCcsCoord(
             self.ccs, self.x, self.y )
         self.setPos( CST.toCcsCoord(
             self.ccs, x, y )
Esempio n. 3
    def paint( self, painter, option, widget=None ):
        if self.visible == True:
            painter.setPen( QColor( self.color ) )
            painter.setBrush( QColor( self.fillColor ) )

            self.sp = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.startPoint.x(), self.startPoint.y() )
            self.ep = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.endPoint.x(), self.endPoint.y() )
            self.Rect = QRectF( self.sp, self.ep )
            painter.drawRect( self.Rect )
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: maettu/ala
 def __init__(self, ccs, parent, x, y, size, red=0, green=255, blue=0):
     super(Point, self).__init__(parent)
     self.Rect = QRectF(-size/2, -size/2, size, size)
     self.color = QColor(red, green, blue)
     self.parent = parent
     # x and y are in cartesian coordinate system.
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.ccs  = ccs
     self.size = size
     # coordinates go through conversion when item is placed or painted.
     self.setPos(CST.toCcsCoord(self.ccs, self.x,self.y, self, parent))
     self.leftMouseButtonPressed = None
     # All children of this point. These get updated when point
     # moves
     self.children = []
     # point is draggable by default. If you need a non-draggable
     # point, unset by callin set_draggable( False )
     self.draggable = True
     self.visible        = True
Esempio n. 5
 def setPosition( self ):
     # x needs to be set because it is eval'ed in 
     # the function string
     x = self.x
     self.y = eval( self.function )
     self.setPos ( CST.toCcsCoord(
         self.ccs, self.x, self.y )
Esempio n. 6
    def calculatePosition( self, e ):
        # only needs x_move here as y is calculated dependently on x
        x_move = e.pos().x() - self.xOnWidget

        p = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.x, self.y, self,
                            self.parent )
        x = p.x() + x_move

        p = CST.fromCcsCoord( self.ccs, x, 0, self, self.parent )
        self.x = p.x()
Esempio n. 7
 def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
     self.Rect = QRectF( -self.ccs.width/2, -self.ccs.height/2 , self.ccs.width, self.ccs.height)
     self.setPos(QPointF(self.ccs.xAxis, self.ccs.yAxis))
     color = QPen(QColor(0, 100, 0))
     # x must be set, because function will most probably contain it.
     x = self.ccs.xMin
         sp = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, x, eval( self.function ) )
         # silence errors like "raise negative number to fractional power"
     # ep needs to be set to prevent from
     # "assigned from before instantiated" below
     ep = None
     for xRaw in range ( self.ccs.xMin, self.ccs.xMax+1 ):
         for tiny in range ( 0 , 10 ):
             # don't forget to cast into float!
             x = float(tiny) / 10 + xRaw
             # try to set ep, which might fail due tu "raise to fractional power asf.
                 ep = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, x, eval( self.function ) )
                 if sp.y() != ep.y():
                     painter.drawLine( QLineF(sp, ep ) )
             sp = ep
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: maettu/ala
    def calculatePosition(self, e):
        """Calculates its position after a move. Can easily
        overwritten by subclasses to get different behaviour"""

        # these calculations are in widget coordinates.
        x_move = e.pos().x() - self.xOnWidget
        y_move = e.pos().y() - self.yOnWidget
        p = CST.toCcsCoord( self.ccs, self.x, self.y, self, self.parent )
        x = p.x() + x_move
        y = p.y() + y_move
        self.setPos(QPointF(x, y))
        # self.x and self.y need to be adjusted, too.
        p = CST.fromCcsCoord( self.ccs, x,y, self, self.parent )
        self.x = p.x()
        self.y = p.y()