Esempio n. 1
def test3neuralnet(theta1, theta2, a_1):
    # sizes - layer 1: 400, layer 2: 25, layer 3: 10
    a_1 = ut.create_design(a_1)
    a_2 = alg.sigmoid(a_1 @ theta1.T)
    a_2 = ut.create_design(a_2)
    a_3 = alg.sigmoid(theta2 @ a_2.T)
    p = np.argmax(a_3, axis=0) + 1
    return p
    return a_3
Esempio n. 2
 def compute_utility(self, grid: FastGrid) -> float:
     r = prairie_fire(grid)
     rewards = 0.0
     penalties = 0.0
     top_score_reward = 0
     for tile in r:
         clusters = r[tile]
         num_clusters = len(clusters)
         if num_clusters > 0:
             top_score_reward = self.rewards_for_top_score[tile]
             max_cluster_size = max(c['count'] for c in clusters)
             penalties += 3.0**num_clusters
             rewards += 1.5**max_cluster_size
         # for cluster in clusters:
         #     # {'count': 0, 'minx': 1000, 'maxx': -1, 'miny': 5, 'maxy': -1, 'adjacent_tiles': []}
         #     rewards += (self.rewards_for_cluster_sizes[tile] * cluster['count']) #if cluster['count'] >= 2 else 0
         #     rewards += self.rewards_for_cluster_dimensions_x[cluster['maxx'] - cluster['minx']]
         #     rewards += self.rewards_for_cluster_dimensions_y[cluster['maxy'] - cluster['miny']]
         # special_reward_for_zeros = sum(x['count'] for x in r[0])
         # rewards += 10 * special_reward_for_zeros
         rewards += top_score_reward
     return sigmoid(rewards - penalties)
Esempio n. 3
    def activation(self):
        z = 0
        if self.train:
            z =, self.train_x) + self.bias
            z =, self.valid_x) + self.bias

        a = sigmoid(z)

        return a
Esempio n. 4
    def compute_utility(self, grid: FastGrid) -> float:
        scores = [0.0] * 8

        def fn(x, y):
            return self.weight[(y * 4) + x]

        for r in range(4):
            for c in range(4):
                scores[0] += grid[r, c] * fn(r, c)
                scores[1] += grid[r, c] * fn(3 - c, r)
                scores[2] += grid[r, c] * fn(3 - r, 3 - c)
                scores[3] += grid[r, c] * fn(c, 3 - r)

                scores[4] += grid[r, c] * fn(c, r)
                scores[5] += grid[r, c] * fn(r, 3 - c)
                scores[6] += grid[r, c] * fn(3 - c, 3 - r)
                scores[7] += grid[r, c] * fn(3 - r, c)
        return sigmoid(max(scores))
Esempio n. 5
    def compute_utility(self, grid: FastGrid):
        a = grid.board
        totals = array.array('i', [0, 0, 0, 0])

        # // up/down direction
        for x in range(4):
            current = 0
            neighbour = current + 1
            while neighbour < 4:
                while neighbour < 4 and a[(neighbour * 4) + x] == 0:
                    neighbour += 1
                if neighbour >= 4:
                    neighbour -= 1
                current_value = a[(current * 4) + x]  # get_val(a, x, current)
                next_value = a[(neighbour * 4) + x]  # get_val(a, x, neighbour)
                if current_value < next_value:
                    totals[0] += next_value - current_value
                elif next_value < current_value:
                    totals[1] += current_value - next_value
                current = neighbour
                neighbour += 1
        # // left/right direction
        for y in range(4):
            current = 0
            neighbour = current + 1
            while neighbour < 4:
                while neighbour < 4 and a[(y * 4) + neighbour] == 0:
                    neighbour += 1
                if neighbour >= 4:
                    neighbour -= 1
                current_value = a[(y * 4) + current]  # get_val(a, current, y)
                next_value = a[(y * 4) + neighbour]  # get_val(a, neighbour, y)
                if current_value < next_value:
                    totals[2] += next_value - current_value
                elif next_value < current_value:
                    totals[3] += current_value - next_value
                current = neighbour
                neighbour += 1
        result = max(totals[0], totals[1]) + max(totals[2], totals[3])
        return sigmoid(result)
Esempio n. 6
def test2():
    print("\n\nTest 2 - Logistic Regression & Regularization")
    print("Expected / Actual:")

    print("\nCost & Gradient:")
    X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex2data1.csv')
    X = ut.create_design(X)
    theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], ))
    cost = alg.cross_ent(theta, X, y)
    grad = alg.cross_ent_gradient(theta, X, y)
    print("0.693147 / ", cost)
    print("-0.1000 / ", grad[0])
    print("-12.0092 / ", grad[1])
    print("-11.2628 / ", grad[2])
    res = opt.minimize(alg.cross_ent,
                       theta, (X, y),
                       options={'maxiter': 400})
    print("0.203498 / ",
    theta = res.x
    print("-25.1613 / ", theta[0])
    print("0.2062 / ", theta[1])
    print("0.2015 / ", theta[2])
    p = alg.sigmoid(ut.predict(np.array([[45, 85]]), theta)[0])
    print("0.776291 /", p)
    p = np.mean(np.round(alg.sigmoid(X @ theta)) == y) * 100
    print(">= 89.000000 /", p)

    X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex2data2.csv')
    X = ut.add_features(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 6)
    print("118 / ", X.shape[0])
    print("28 /", X.shape[1])
    print("8.2291e-10 / ", X[117, 27])
    print("0.2914 / ", X[99, 9])
    theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], ))
    l = 1
    print("0.693147 / ", alg.cross_ent(theta, X, y, l))
    grad = alg.cross_ent_gradient(theta, X, y, l)
    print("(28,) / ", grad.shape)
    print("0.0085 / ", grad[0])
    print("0.0129 / ", grad[12])
    print("0.0388 / ", grad[27])
    l = 0
    res = opt.minimize(alg.cross_ent,
                       theta, (X, y, l),
                       options={'maxiter': 1000})
    theta = res.x
    p = np.mean(np.round(alg.sigmoid(X @ theta)) == y) * 100
    print(">= 88.983051 / ", p)

    theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], ))
    l = 1
    res = opt.minimize(alg.cross_ent,
                       theta, (X, y, l),
                       options={'maxiter': 1000})
    theta = res.x
    p = np.mean(np.round(alg.sigmoid(X @ theta)) == y) * 100
    print(">= 83.050847 / ", p)

    theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], ))
    l = 10
    res = opt.minimize(alg.cross_ent,
                       theta, (X, y, l),
                       options={'maxiter': 1000})
    theta = res.x
    p = np.mean(np.round(alg.sigmoid(X @ theta)) == y) * 100
    print(">= 74.576271 / ", p)

    theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], ))
    l = 100
    res = opt.minimize(alg.cross_ent,
                       theta, (X, y, l),
                       options={'maxiter': 1000})
    theta = res.x
    p = np.mean(np.round(alg.sigmoid(X @ theta)) == y) * 100
    print(">= 61.016949 / ", p)
Esempio n. 7
 def compute_utility(self, grid: FastGrid) -> float:
     new_array = self.hole_detector_kernel.compute(grid)
     result = sigmoid(sum(new_array))
     return result
Esempio n. 8
 def compute_utility(self, g: FastGrid) -> float:
     b = g.board[0:4] + array.array('i', reversed(
         g.board[4:8])) + g.board[8:12] + array.array(
             'i', reversed(g.board[12:16]))
     result = sum(x / 10**n for n, x in enumerate(b))
     return sigmoid(result)