def saveSpatialCellSet(psfCellSet, fileName="foo.fits", frame=None): """Write the contents of a SpatialCellSet to a many-MEF fits file""" mode = "w" for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) dx = afwImage.positionToIndex(cand.getXCenter(), True)[1] dy = afwImage.positionToIndex(cand.getYCenter(), True)[1] im = afwMath.offsetImage(cand.getMaskedImage(), -dx, -dy, "lanczos5") md = dafBase.PropertySet() md.set("CELL", cell.getLabel()) md.set("ID", cand.getId()) md.set("XCENTER", cand.getXCenter()) md.set("YCENTER", cand.getYCenter()) md.set("BAD", cand.isBad()) md.set("AMPL", cand.getAmplitude()) md.set("FLUX", cand.getSource().getPsfFlux()) md.set("CHI2", cand.getSource().getChi2()) im.writeFits(fileName, md, mode) mode = "a" if frame is not None: ds9.mtv(im, frame=frame)
def showPsfSpatialCells(exposure, psfCellSet, nMaxPerCell=-1, showChi2=False, showMoments=False, symb=None, ctype=None, ctypeUnused=None, ctypeBad=None, size=2, frame=None): """Show the SpatialCells. If symb is something that understands (e.g. "o"), the top nMaxPerCell candidates will be indicated with that symbol, using ctype and size""" with ds9.Buffering(): origin = [-exposure.getMaskedImage().getX0(), -exposure.getMaskedImage().getY0()] for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): displayUtils.drawBBox(cell.getBBox(), origin=origin, frame=frame) if nMaxPerCell < 0: nMaxPerCell = 0 i = 0 goodies = ctypeBad is None for cand in cell.begin(goodies): if nMaxPerCell > 0: i += 1 cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) xc, yc = cand.getXCenter() + origin[0], cand.getYCenter() + origin[1] if i > nMaxPerCell: if not ctypeUnused: continue color = ctypeBad if cand.isBad() else ctype if symb: if i > nMaxPerCell: ct = ctypeUnused else: ct = ctype, xc, yc, frame=frame, ctype=ct, size=size) source = cand.getSource() if showChi2: rchi2 = cand.getChi2() if rchi2 > 1e100: rchi2 = numpy.nan"%d %.1f" % (splitId(source.getId(), True)["objId"], rchi2), xc - size, yc - size - 4, frame=frame, ctype=color, size=2) if showMoments:"%.2f %.2f %.2f" % (source.getIxx(), source.getIxy(), source.getIyy()), xc-size, yc + size + 4, frame=frame, ctype=color, size=size)
def plotPsfSpatialModel(exposure, psf, psfCellSet, showBadCandidates=True, numSample=128, matchKernelAmplitudes=False, keepPlots=True): """Plot the PSF spatial model.""" if plt is None: print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to import matplotlib" return noSpatialKernel = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel(psf.getKernel()) candPos = list() candFits = list() badPos = list() badFits = list() candAmps = list() badAmps = list() for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) if not showBadCandidates and cand.isBad(): continue candCenter = afwGeom.PointD(cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter()) try: im = cand.getMaskedImage() except Exception, e: continue fit = algorithmsLib.fitKernelParamsToImage(noSpatialKernel, im, candCenter) params = fit[0] kernels = fit[1] amp = 0.0 for p, k in zip(params, kernels): amp += p * afwMath.cast_FixedKernel(k).getSum() targetFits = badFits if cand.isBad() else candFits targetPos = badPos if cand.isBad() else candPos targetAmps = badAmps if cand.isBad() else candAmps targetFits.append([x / amp for x in params]) targetPos.append(candCenter) targetAmps.append(amp)
def showPsfCandidates(exposure, psfCellSet, psf=None, frame=None, normalize=True, showBadCandidates=True, fitBasisComponents=False, variance=None, chi=None): """Display the PSF candidates. If psf is provided include PSF model and residuals; if normalize is true normalize the PSFs (and residuals) If chi is True, generate a plot of residuals/sqrt(variance), i.e. chi If fitBasisComponents is true, also find the best linear combination of the PSF's components (if they exist) """ if chi is None: if variance is not None: # old name for chi chi = variance # # Show us the ccandidates # mos = displayUtils.Mosaic() # candidateCenters = [] candidateCentersBad = [] candidateIndex = 0 for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) rchi2 = cand.getChi2() if rchi2 > 1e100: rchi2 = numpy.nan if not showBadCandidates and cand.isBad(): continue if psf: im_resid = displayUtils.Mosaic(gutter=0, background=-5, mode="x") try: im = cand.getMaskedImage() # copy of this object's image xc, yc = cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter() margin = 0 if True else 5 w, h = im.getDimensions() bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(margin, margin), im.getDimensions()) if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) stdev = numpy.sqrt(afwMath.makeStatistics(im.getVariance(), afwMath.MEAN).getValue()) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim *= stdev var = bim.getVariance(); var.set(stdev**2); del var sbim = im.Factory(bim, bbox) sbim <<= im del sbim im = bim xc += margin; yc += margin im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) except: continue if not variance: im_resid.append(im.Factory(im, True)) if True: # tweak up centroids mi = im psfIm = mi.getImage() config = measAlg.SourceMeasurementConfig() = "centroid.sdss" config.slots.centroid = schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema() measureSources = config.makeMeasureSources(schema) catalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema) config.slots.setupTable(catalog.table) extra = 10 # enough margin to run the sdss centroider miBig = mi.Factory(im.getWidth() + 2*extra, im.getHeight() + 2*extra) miBig[extra:-extra, extra:-extra] = mi miBig.setXY0(mi.getX0() - extra, mi.getY0() - extra) mi = miBig; del miBig exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi) exp.setPsf(psf) footprintSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(mi, afwDet.Threshold(0.5*numpy.max(psfIm.getArray())), "DETECTED") footprintSet.makeSources(catalog) if len(catalog) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to detect any objects") elif len(catalog) == 1: source = catalog[0] else: # more than one source; find the once closest to (xc, yc) for i, s in enumerate(catalog): d = numpy.hypot(xc - s.getX(), yc - s.getY()) if i == 0 or d < dmin: source, dmin = s, d measureSources.applyWithPeak(source, exp) xc, yc = source.getCentroid() # residuals using spatial model try: chi2 = algorithmsLib.subtractPsf(psf, im, xc, yc) except: chi2 = numpy.nan continue resid = im if variance: resid = resid.getImage() var = im.getVariance() var = var.Factory(var, True) numpy.sqrt(var.getArray(), var.getArray()) # inplace sqrt resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) # Fit the PSF components directly to the data (i.e. ignoring the spatial model) if fitBasisComponents: im = cand.getMaskedImage() im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) noSpatialKernel = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel(psf.getKernel()) candCenter = afwGeom.PointD(cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter()) fit = algorithmsLib.fitKernelParamsToImage(noSpatialKernel, im, candCenter) params = fit[0] kernels = afwMath.KernelList(fit[1]) outputKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(kernels, params) outImage = afwImage.ImageD(outputKernel.getDimensions()) outputKernel.computeImage(outImage, False) im -= outImage.convertF() resid = im if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim *= stdev sbim = im.Factory(bim, bbox) sbim <<= resid del sbim resid = bim if variance: resid = resid.getImage() resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) im = im_resid.makeMosaic() else: im = cand.getMaskedImage() if normalize: im /= afwMath.makeStatistics(im, afwMath.MAX).getValue() objId = splitId(cand.getSource().getId(), True)["objId"] if psf: lab = "%d chi^2 %.1f" % (objId, rchi2) ctype = ds9.RED if cand.isBad() else ds9.GREEN else: lab = "%d flux %8.3g" % (objId, cand.getSource().getPsfFlux()) ctype = ds9.GREEN mos.append(im, lab, ctype) if False and numpy.isnan(rchi2): ds9.mtv(cand.getMaskedImage().getImage(), title="candidate", frame=1) print "amp", cand.getAmplitude() im = cand.getMaskedImage() center = (candidateIndex, xc - im.getX0(), yc - im.getY0()) candidateIndex += 1 if cand.isBad(): candidateCentersBad.append(center) else: candidateCenters.append(center) if variance: title = "chi(Psf fit)" else: title = "Stars & residuals" mosaicImage = mos.makeMosaic(frame=frame, title=title) with ds9.Buffering(): for centers, color in ((candidateCenters, ds9.GREEN), (candidateCentersBad, ds9.RED)): for cen in centers: bbox = mos.getBBox(cen[0])"+", cen[1] + bbox.getMinX(), cen[2] + bbox.getMinY(), frame=frame, ctype=color) return mosaicImage
def plotPsfSpatialModel(exposure, psf, psfCellSet, showBadCandidates=True, numSample=128, matchKernelAmplitudes=False, keepPlots=True): """Plot the PSF spatial model.""" if not plt: print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to import matplotlib" return noSpatialKernel = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel(psf.getKernel()) candPos = list() candFits = list() badPos = list() badFits = list() candAmps = list() badAmps = list() for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) if not showBadCandidates and cand.isBad(): continue candCenter = afwGeom.PointD(cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter()) try: im = cand.getMaskedImage() except Exception: continue fit = algorithmsLib.fitKernelParamsToImage(noSpatialKernel, im, candCenter) params = fit[0] kernels = fit[1] amp = 0.0 for p, k in zip(params, kernels): amp += p * afwMath.cast_FixedKernel(k).getSum() targetFits = badFits if cand.isBad() else candFits targetPos = badPos if cand.isBad() else candPos targetAmps = badAmps if cand.isBad() else candAmps targetFits.append([x / amp for x in params]) targetPos.append(candCenter) targetAmps.append(amp) numCandidates = len(candFits) numBasisFuncs = noSpatialKernel.getNBasisKernels() xGood = numpy.array([pos.getX() for pos in candPos]) - exposure.getX0() yGood = numpy.array([pos.getY() for pos in candPos]) - exposure.getY0() zGood = numpy.array(candFits) ampGood = numpy.array(candAmps) xBad = numpy.array([pos.getX() for pos in badPos]) - exposure.getX0() yBad = numpy.array([pos.getY() for pos in badPos]) - exposure.getY0() zBad = numpy.array(badFits) ampBad = numpy.array(badAmps) numBad = len(badPos) xRange = numpy.linspace(0, exposure.getWidth(), num=numSample) yRange = numpy.linspace(0, exposure.getHeight(), num=numSample) kernel = psf.getKernel() nKernelComponents = kernel.getNKernelParameters() # # Figure out how many panels we'll need # nPanelX = int(math.sqrt(nKernelComponents)) nPanelY = nKernelComponents//nPanelX while nPanelY*nPanelX < nKernelComponents: nPanelX += 1 fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() try: fig.canvas._tkcanvas._root().lift() # == Tk's raise, but raise is a python reserved word except: # protect against API changes pass # # Generator for axes arranged in panels # subplots = makeSubplots(fig, 2, 2, Nx=nPanelX, Ny=nPanelY, xgutter=0.06, ygutter=0.06, pygutter=0.04) for k in range(nKernelComponents): func = kernel.getSpatialFunction(k) dfGood = zGood[:,k] - numpy.array([func(pos.getX(), pos.getY()) for pos in candPos]) yMin = dfGood.min() yMax = dfGood.max() if numBad > 0: dfBad = zBad[:,k] - numpy.array([func(pos.getX(), pos.getY()) for pos in badPos]) yMin = min([yMin, dfBad.min()]) yMax = max([yMax, dfBad.max()]) yMin -= 0.05 * (yMax - yMin) yMax += 0.05 * (yMax - yMin) yMin = -0.01 yMax = 0.01 fRange = numpy.ndarray((len(xRange), len(yRange))) for j, yVal in enumerate(yRange): for i, xVal in enumerate(xRange): fRange[j][i] = func(xVal, yVal) #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ax = ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.set_xbound(lower=0, upper=exposure.getHeight()) ax.set_ybound(lower=yMin, upper=yMax) ax.plot(yGood, dfGood, 'b+') if numBad > 0: ax.plot(yBad, dfBad, 'r+') ax.axhline(0.0) ax.set_title('Residuals(y)') #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ax = if matchKernelAmplitudes and k == 0: vmin = 0.0 vmax = 1.1 else: vmin = fRange.min() vmax = fRange.max() norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) im = ax.imshow(fRange, aspect='auto', origin="lower", norm=norm, extent=[0, exposure.getWidth()-1, 0, exposure.getHeight()-1]) ax.set_title('Spatial poly') plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[vmin, vmax]) #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ax = ax.set_autoscale_on(False) ax.set_xbound(lower=0, upper=exposure.getWidth()) ax.set_ybound(lower=yMin, upper=yMax) ax.plot(xGood, dfGood, 'b+') if numBad > 0: ax.plot(xBad, dfBad, 'r+') ax.axhline(0.0) ax.set_title('K%d Residuals(x)' % k) #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ax = if False: ax.scatter(xGood, yGood, c=dfGood, marker='o') ax.scatter(xBad, yBad, c=dfBad, marker='x') ax.set_xbound(lower=0, upper=exposure.getWidth()) ax.set_ybound(lower=0, upper=exposure.getHeight()) ax.set_title('Spatial residuals') plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal') else: calib = exposure.getCalib() if calib.getFluxMag0()[0] <= 0: calib = type(calib)() calib.setFluxMag0(1.0) with CalibNoThrow(): ax.plot(calib.getMagnitude(candAmps), zGood[:,k], 'b+') if numBad > 0: ax.plot(calib.getMagnitude(badAmps), zBad[:,k], 'r+') ax.set_title('Flux variation') global keptPlots if keepPlots and not keptPlots: # Keep plots open when done def show(): print "%s: Please close plots when done." % __name__ try: except: pass print "Plots closed, exiting..." import atexit atexit.register(show) keptPlots = True
def showPsfCandidates(exposure, psfCellSet, psf=None, frame=None, normalize=True, showBadCandidates=True, fitBasisComponents=False, variance=None, chi=None): """Display the PSF candidates. If psf is provided include PSF model and residuals; if normalize is true normalize the PSFs (and residuals) If chi is True, generate a plot of residuals/sqrt(variance), i.e. chi If fitBasisComponents is true, also find the best linear combination of the PSF's components (if they exist) """ if chi is None: if variance is not None: # old name for chi chi = variance # # Show us the ccandidates # mos = displayUtils.Mosaic() # candidateCenters = [] candidateCentersBad = [] candidateIndex = 0 for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) rchi2 = cand.getChi2() if rchi2 > 1e100: rchi2 = numpy.nan if not showBadCandidates and cand.isBad(): continue if psf: im_resid = displayUtils.Mosaic(gutter=0, background=-5, mode="x") try: im = cand.getMaskedImage() # copy of this object's image xc, yc = cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter() margin = 0 if True else 5 w, h = im.getDimensions() bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(margin, margin), im.getDimensions()) if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) stdev = numpy.sqrt(afwMath.makeStatistics(im.getVariance(), afwMath.MEAN).getValue()) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim.getVariance().set(stdev**2) bim.assign(im, bbox) im = bim xc += margin yc += margin im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) except: continue if not variance: im_resid.append(im.Factory(im, True)) if True: # tweak up centroids mi = im psfIm = mi.getImage() config = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementTask.ConfigClass() config.slots.centroid = "base_SdssCentroid" schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema() measureSources = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementTask(schema, config=config) catalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema) extra = 10 # enough margin to run the sdss centroider miBig = mi.Factory(im.getWidth() + 2*extra, im.getHeight() + 2*extra) miBig[extra:-extra, extra:-extra] = mi miBig.setXY0(mi.getX0() - extra, mi.getY0() - extra) mi = miBig del miBig exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi) exp.setPsf(psf) footprintSet = afwDet.FootprintSet(mi, afwDet.Threshold(0.5*numpy.max(psfIm.getArray())), "DETECTED") footprintSet.makeSources(catalog) if len(catalog) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to detect any objects"), exp) if len(catalog) == 1: source = catalog[0] else: # more than one source; find the once closest to (xc, yc) dmin = None # an invalid value to catch logic errors for i, s in enumerate(catalog): d = numpy.hypot(xc - s.getX(), yc - s.getY()) if i == 0 or d < dmin: source, dmin = s, d xc, yc = source.getCentroid() # residuals using spatial model try: chi2 = algorithmsLib.subtractPsf(psf, im, xc, yc) except: chi2 = numpy.nan continue resid = im if variance: resid = resid.getImage() var = im.getVariance() var = var.Factory(var, True) numpy.sqrt(var.getArray(), var.getArray()) # inplace sqrt resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) # Fit the PSF components directly to the data (i.e. ignoring the spatial model) if fitBasisComponents: im = cand.getMaskedImage() im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) try: noSpatialKernel = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel(psf.getKernel()) except: noSpatialKernel = None if noSpatialKernel: candCenter = afwGeom.PointD(cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter()) fit = algorithmsLib.fitKernelParamsToImage(noSpatialKernel, im, candCenter) params = fit[0] kernels = afwMath.KernelList(fit[1]) outputKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(kernels, params) outImage = afwImage.ImageD(outputKernel.getDimensions()) outputKernel.computeImage(outImage, False) im -= outImage.convertF() resid = im if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim *= stdev bim.assign(resid, bbox) resid = bim if variance: resid = resid.getImage() resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) im = im_resid.makeMosaic() else: im = cand.getMaskedImage() if normalize: im /= afwMath.makeStatistics(im, afwMath.MAX).getValue() objId = splitId(cand.getSource().getId(), True)["objId"] if psf: lab = "%d chi^2 %.1f" % (objId, rchi2) ctype = ds9.RED if cand.isBad() else ds9.GREEN else: lab = "%d flux %8.3g" % (objId, cand.getSource().getPsfFlux()) ctype = ds9.GREEN mos.append(im, lab, ctype) if False and numpy.isnan(rchi2): ds9.mtv(cand.getMaskedImage().getImage(), title="candidate", frame=1) print "amp", cand.getAmplitude() im = cand.getMaskedImage() center = (candidateIndex, xc - im.getX0(), yc - im.getY0()) candidateIndex += 1 if cand.isBad(): candidateCentersBad.append(center) else: candidateCenters.append(center) if variance: title = "chi(Psf fit)" else: title = "Stars & residuals" mosaicImage = mos.makeMosaic(frame=frame, title=title) with ds9.Buffering(): for centers, color in ((candidateCenters, ds9.GREEN), (candidateCentersBad, ds9.RED)): for cen in centers: bbox = mos.getBBox(cen[0])"+", cen[1] + bbox.getMinX(), cen[2] + bbox.getMinY(), frame=frame, ctype=color) return mosaicImage
def showPsfCandidates(exposure, psfCellSet, psf=None, frame=None, normalize=True, showBadCandidates=True, variance=None, chi=None): """Display the PSF candidates. If psf is provided include PSF model and residuals; if normalize is true normalize the PSFs (and residuals) If chi is True, generate a plot of residuals/sqrt(variance), i.e. chi """ if chi is None: if variance is not None: # old name for chi chi = variance # # Show us the ccandidates # mos = displayUtils.Mosaic() # candidateCenters = [] candidateCentersBad = [] candidateIndex = 0 for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand) rchi2 = cand.getChi2() if rchi2 > 1e100: rchi2 = numpy.nan if not showBadCandidates and cand.isBad(): continue if psf: im_resid = displayUtils.Mosaic(gutter=0, background=-5, mode="x") try: im = cand.getMaskedImage() # copy of this object's image xc, yc = cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter() margin = 0 if True else 5 w, h = im.getDimensions() bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(margin, margin), im.getDimensions()) if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) stdev = numpy.sqrt(afwMath.makeStatistics(im.getVariance(), afwMath.MEAN).getValue()) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim *= stdev var = bim.getVariance(); var.set(stdev**2); del var sbim = im.Factory(bim, bbox) sbim <<= im del sbim im = bim xc += margin; yc += margin im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) except: continue if not variance: im_resid.append(im.Factory(im, True)) # residuals using spatial model chi2 = algorithmsLib.subtractPsf(psf, im, xc, yc) resid = im if variance: resid = resid.getImage() var = im.getVariance() var = var.Factory(var, True) numpy.sqrt(var.getArray(), var.getArray()) # inplace sqrt resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) # Fit the PSF components directly to the data (i.e. ignoring the spatial model) im = cand.getMaskedImage() im = im.Factory(im, True) im.setXY0(cand.getMaskedImage().getXY0()) noSpatialKernel = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel(psf.getKernel()) candCenter = afwGeom.PointD(cand.getXCenter(), cand.getYCenter()) fit = algorithmsLib.fitKernelParamsToImage(noSpatialKernel, im, candCenter) params = fit[0] kernels = afwMath.KernelList(fit[1]) outputKernel = afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel(kernels, params) outImage = afwImage.ImageD(outputKernel.getDimensions()) outputKernel.computeImage(outImage, False) im -= outImage.convertF() resid = im if margin > 0: bim = im.Factory(w + 2*margin, h + 2*margin) afwMath.randomGaussianImage(bim.getImage(), afwMath.Random()) bim *= stdev sbim = im.Factory(bim, bbox) sbim <<= resid del sbim resid = bim if variance: resid = resid.getImage() resid /= var im_resid.append(resid) im = im_resid.makeMosaic() else: im = cand.getMaskedImage() if normalize: im /= afwMath.makeStatistics(im, afwMath.MAX).getValue() objId = splitId(cand.getSource().getId(), True)["objId"] if psf: lab = "%d chi^2 %.1f" % (objId, rchi2) ctype = ds9.RED if cand.isBad() else ds9.GREEN else: lab = "%d flux %8.3g" % (objId, cand.getSource().getPsfFlux()) ctype = ds9.GREEN mos.append(im, lab, ctype) if False and numpy.isnan(rchi2): ds9.mtv(cand.getMaskedImage().getImage(), title="candidate", frame=1) print "amp", cand.getAmplitude() im = cand.getMaskedImage() center = (candidateIndex, xc - im.getX0(), yc - im.getY0()) candidateIndex += 1 if cand.isBad(): candidateCentersBad.append(center) else: candidateCenters.append(center) if variance: title = "chi(Psf fit)" else: title = "Stars & residuals" mosaicImage = mos.makeMosaic(frame=frame, title=title) with ds9.Buffering(): for centers, color in ((candidateCenters, ds9.GREEN), (candidateCentersBad, ds9.RED)): for cen in centers: bbox = mos.getBBox(cen[0])"+", cen[1] + bbox.getMinX(), cen[2] + bbox.getMinY(), frame=frame, ctype=color) return mosaicImage