def setUp(self):
        self.iberia = Digraph(V=cities)
        ikm = {}
        for i in cities:
            for j in iberia.succs(i):
                c1 = coords[i]
                c2 = coords[j]
                if c1[0] < c2[0]:
                    self.iberia.E.add((i, j))
                    ikm[i, j] = km(i, j) = WeightingFunction(ikm, symmetrical=False)
        self.unconnected = Digraph(E={
            0: [1, 2],
            1: [2, 3],
            2: [5, 6],
            3: [5],
            4: [2],
            5: [6]
        self.unconnected_weight = WeightingFunction(
            (((u, v), 1) for (u, v) in self.unconnected.E))

        self.iterative = DagShortestPathsFinder()
        self.memoized = MemoizedDagShortestPathsFinder()
        self.dijkstra = DijkstraWithPriorityDictShortestPathsFinder()
Esempio n. 2
 def test_topsort(self):
     G = Digraph(E=[(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5)])
     topsorter = Topsorter()
     self.assertEqual(tuple(topsorter.topsorted(G)), tuple(range(6)))
     int_topsorter = Topsorter(createDepthFirstTraverser=
                               lambda G: DepthFirstTraverser(createSet=lambda V: IntSet(capacity=max(V)+1)))
     self.assertEqual(tuple(int_topsorter.topsorted(G)), tuple(range(6)))
     G = Digraph(E={'C': ['C++', 'Objective C', 'Java', 'C#'],
                    'C++': ['C#', 'Java'],
                    'Java': ['C#']})
     ts = tuple(topsorter.topsorted(G))
     for (u,v) in G.E:
         self.assertTrue(ts.index(u) < ts.index(v))
Esempio n. 3
def squared_graph(G):
    Gsquared = Digraph(V=G.V)
    for u in G.V:
        for v in G.succs(u):
            for w in G.succs(v):
                Gsquared.E.add((u, w))
    return Gsquared
Esempio n. 4
def datos_fichero(filename):
    datos = []
    aristas = []
    aristas_pesos = {}
        f = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8")
        k = int(f.readline())
        v_ini = int(f.readline())
        nr_aristas = int(f.readline())

        for line in f:
            v_origen, v_destino, arista_peso = line.split(" ")
            arista = (int(v_origen), int(v_destino))
            # añadir aristas a la lista para crear el grafo
            aristas_pesos[arista] = int(arista_peso)

        # datos.append([arista, int(arista_peso)])

        g = Digraph(E=aristas)
        d = WeightingFunction(aristas_pesos)

    except IOError:
        print("File cannot be open!")

    return k, v_ini, nr_aristas, g, d
 def setUp(self):
     self.iberia = UndirectedGraph(V=cities, E=roads)
     self.unconnected = Digraph(E={
         0: [1, 2],
         1: [2, 3],
         2: [5, 6],
         3: [5],
         4: [2],
         5: [6]
     self.unconnected_weight = WeightingFunction(
         (((u, v), 1) for (u, v) in self.unconnected.E))
 def setUp(self):
     self.unconnected = Digraph(E={
         0: [1, 2],
         1: [2, 3],
         2: [5, 6],
         3: [5],
         4: [2],
         5: [6]
     self.unconnected_weight = WeightingFunction(
         (((u, v), 1) for (u, v) in self.unconnected.E))
     self.f = lambda a, b: 1
Esempio n. 7
 def setUp(self):
     self.edges = [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,0), (0,3), (3,0), (0,2), (0,4), (0,7)]
     self.g1 = Digraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges)
     self.g1bis = Digraph(E=self.edges)
     self.g2 = AdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1), 
                              createSet=lambda V: IntSet(capacity=max(V)+1))
     self.g3 = LinkedListSetAdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1))
     self.g4 = ListSetAdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1))
     self.g5 = SetAdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1))
     self.g6 = AdjacencyMatrixDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True)
     self.g7 = InvAdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=self.edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1), 
                              createSet=lambda V: IntSet(capacity=max(V)+1))
     edges = self.edges + [(1,1)]
     self.g8 = InvAdjacencyDigraph(V=range(8), E=edges, directed=True, 
                              createMap=lambda V: IntKeyMap(capacity=max(V)+1), 
                              createSet=lambda V: IntSet(capacity=max(V)+1))
Esempio n. 8
def recorre_aristas_anchura(grafo: Digraph, v_inical: Vertex) -> List[Edge]:
    aristas = []
    seen = set()
    queue = Fifo()
    queue.push((v_inical, v_inical))
    while len(queue) > 0:
        u, v = queue.pop()
        aristas.append((u, v))
        for suc in grafo.succs():
            if suc not in seen:
                queue.push((u, v))
    return aristas
Esempio n. 9
 def test_strong_components(self):
     sccf = StrongConnectedComponentsFinder()
     self.G = Digraph(
             0: [1],
             1: [2, 3],
             2: [0, 3],
             3: [6, 4],
             4: [5, 6],
             5: [4, 8],
             6: [7],
             7: [6, 8],
             8: []
     ccs = []
     for cc in sccf.strong_connected_components(self.G):
     self.assertEqual(tuple(ccs), ((0, 1, 2), (3, ), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, )))
Esempio n. 10
def dijkstra(g: Digraph, d: WeightingFunction, v_inicial, v_final):
    D = {}
    added = set()
    recorrido = []
    for v in g.V:
        D[v] = float("infinity")
    D[v_inicial] = 0
    frontera = {v_inicial: v_inicial}
    while len(frontera) > 0:
        v_destino = argmin(frontera.keys(), lambda v: D[v])
        v_origen = frontera[
            v_destino]  # Como en el recorrido de backpointers, aquí el origen del v_destino es el valor de los vertices frontera
        recorrido.append((v_origen, v_destino))
        del frontera[v_destino]
        if v_destino == v_final:
        for i in g.succs(v_destino):
            if i not in added and D[v_destino] + d(v_destino, i) < D[i]:
                frontera[i] = v_destino
                D[i] = D[v_destino] + d(v_destino, i)
    return recorrido
Esempio n. 11
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph
g = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)])
Esempio n. 12
        if v not in mem:
            mem[v] = min([(p(d) + w(d, v), d) for d in preds])
        return mem[v][0]

    mem = {}
    score = p(vf)
    v = vf
    decisions = [v]
    while (v != vi):
        if v not in mem: break
        (_, v_prev) = mem[v]
        v = v_prev
    return score, decisions

# Programa principal
dic_pesos = {
    (0, 1): 10,
    (0, 2): 100,
    (1, 2): 10,
    (1, 3): 1,
    (3, 2): 1,
    (4, 3): 7
g = Digraph(E=dic_pesos.keys())
w = WeightingFunction(dic_pesos)

print(cmc_col(g, w, 0, 3))
Esempio n. 13
#coding: latin1

#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph
from algoritmia.problems.shortestpaths.length import BreadthFirstShortestPaths

G = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 0), (3,
                                                                1), (4,
                                                                     3), (5,
bfsp = BreadthFirstShortestPaths()
for (s, t) in (0, 3), (0, 4), (2, 0):
    print('Camino mínimo entre {} y {}: {}'.format(
        s, t, bfsp.shortest_path(G, s, t)))
#> full
Esempio n. 14
 def setUp(self):
     self.G = Digraph(E={0: [1, 2], 1: [3], 2: [3], 3: [4], 5: [6]})
     self.bft = BreadthFirstTraverser()
     self.rdft = RecursiveDepthFirstTraverser()
     self.dft = DepthFirstTraverser()
Esempio n. 15
#coding: latin1
#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph
from algoritmia.problems.connectedcomponents import StrongConnectedComponentsFinder

G = Digraph(E=[(0,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,0),(2,3),(3,4),(3,6),\
sccf = StrongConnectedComponentsFinder()
print([list(comp) for comp in sccf.strong_connected_components(G)])
#> full
Esempio n. 16
#coding: latin1

#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph, WeightingFunction
from algoritmia.problems.shortestpaths.acyclic import DagShortestPathsFinder

d = WeightingFunction({(0,1): 3, (0,3): -1, (1,2): 5, (1,4): 2, (1,5): 4, #?(0,1?¶(0,1? 
                       (2,4): 3, (2,5): 1, (3,1): 1, (4,5): 1}) #?(2,4?»(2,4?
G, I, F = Digraph(E=d.keys()), [0], [2, 5]
print('Distancia entre {} y {}: {}'.format(
    I, F, DagShortestPathsFinder().some_to_some_distance(G, d, I, F)))
#> full
#coding: latin1

#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph, WeightingFunction
from algoritmia.problems.shortestpaths.general import BellmanFordShortestPathsFinder

d = WeightingFunction({
    (0, 1): 3,
    (0, 3): 1,
    (1, 0): 1,
    (1, 1): 2,
    (1, 2): 2,
    (1, 4): -2,  #?(0,1?¶(0,1?
    (1, 5): 3,
    (2, 5): 1,
    (3, 1): 1,
    (4, 3): 2,
    (4, 5): 2
})  #?(1,5?»(1,5?
bfsp = BellmanFordShortestPathsFinder()
print('Distancia de 0 a 5:', bfsp.distance(Digraph(E=d.keys()), d, 0, 5))
#> full
Esempio n. 18
#coding: latin1

#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph, WeightingFunction
from algoritmia.problems.shortestpaths.kedges import KEdgesDistance

d = WeightingFunction({
    (0, 1): 3,
    (0, 3): 1,
    (1, 0): -2,
    (1, 1): 2,
    (1, 2): 2,
    (1, 4): -2,
    (1, 5): 3,
    (2, 5): 1,
    (3, 1): 1,
    (4, 3): 2,
    (4, 5): 2
G = Digraph(E=d.keys())
print('Distancia de {0} a {5}')
for i in range(6):
    print('  con {} aristas: {}'.format(
        KEdgesDistance().distance(G, d, [0], [5], i)))
#> full
Esempio n. 19
#coding: latin1
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph  #[full
from algoritmia.problems.topsort import Topsorter

G = Digraph(E=[
    ('C', 'C++'),
    ('C', 'Java'),
    ('C', 'C#'),
    ('C', 'ObjC'),  #?[(?[¶(?
    ('C++', 'Java'),
    ('C++', 'C#'),
    ('Java', 'C#')
])  #?('C++', 'J?»('C++', 'J?
print(list(Topsorter().topsorted(G)))  #]full
Esempio n. 20
#coding: latin1
#< full
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph
from algoritmia.problems.closures import DigraphTransitiveClosureFinder

G = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 0), (3,
                                                                1), (4,
                                                                     3), (5,
G2 = Digraph(E=[
    ('C', 'C++'),
    ('C', 'Java'),
    ('C', 'C#'),
    ('C', 'ObjC'),  #?[(?[¶(?
    ('C++', 'Java'),
    ('C++', 'C#'),
    ('Java', 'C#')
])  #?('C++', 'J?»('C++', 'J?
#> full
Esempio n. 21
from algoritmia.datastructures.digraphs import Digraph

aristas = [(1, 3), (1, 7), (1, 9), (3, 7)]

g = Digraph(E=aristas)

print(g.V)  #Vertices
print(g.E)  #Aristas
Esempio n. 22
 def setUp(self):
     self.chain = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)])
     self.loop = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 0)])
     self.islands = Digraph(E=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (3, 4), (4, 3)])