def run(i): msg = " OK." % i print("python: " + msg) #sys.stdout.flush() model_nt3 = tf.keras.models.load_model('/gpfs/alpine/med106/scratch/jain/Scratch/explainers/nt3.autosave.model') with open('/gpfs/alpine/med106/scratch/jain/Scratch/explainers/', 'rb') as pickle_file: X_train,Y_train,X_test,Y_test = pickle.load(pickle_file) print ("opened files") shape_cf = (1,) + X_train.shape[1:] print(shape_cf) target_proba = 0.9 tol = 0.1 # want counterfactuals with p(class)>0.90 target_class = 'other' # any class other than will do max_iter = 1000 lam_init = 1e-1 max_lam_steps = 20 learning_rate_init = 0.1 feature_range = (0,1) cf = CounterFactual(model_nt3, shape=shape_cf, target_proba=target_proba, tol=tol, target_class=target_class, max_iter=max_iter, lam_init=lam_init, max_lam_steps=max_lam_steps, learning_rate_init=learning_rate_init, feature_range=feature_range) bunch = 10 results=[] for j in range(bunch*(i), bunch*(i+1)): shape = X_train[0].shape[0] X = np.concatenate([X_train,X_test]) x_sample=X[j+1:j+2] print(x_sample.shape) start = time() explanation = cf.explain(x_sample) #print('Counterfactual prediction: {}, {}'.format(['class'],['proba'])) #print("Actual prediction: {}".format(model_nt3.predict(x_sample))) results.append([['X'],['class'],['proba']]) print("DONE sample=", j) filename = "save.p" + str(i) pickle.dump(results, open(filename, "wb")) results=[] return msg
def setup_cf(args): (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist_data() model = load_model(args.model) X = x_test[0].reshape((1, ) + x_test[0].shape) shape = X.shape target_proba = 1.0 tol = 0.01 # want counterfactuals with p(class)>0.99 target_class = 'other' # any class other than 7 will do max_iter = 1000 lam_init = 1e-1 max_lam_steps = 10 learning_rate_init = 0.1 feature_range = (x_train.min(), x_train.max()) cf = CounterFactual(model, shape=shape, target_proba=target_proba, tol=tol, target_class=target_class, max_iter=max_iter, lam_init=lam_init, max_lam_steps=max_lam_steps, learning_rate_init=learning_rate_init, feature_range=feature_range) return cf, X
def keras_mnist_cf_explainer(request, models): cf_explainer = CounterFactual(predict_fn=models[0], shape=(1, 28, 28, 1), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) yield models[0], cf_explainer keras.backend.clear_session() tf.keras.backend.clear_session()
def keras_mnist_cf_explainer(request, keras_logistic_mnist): X, y, model = keras_logistic_mnist cf_explainer = CounterFactual(predict_fn=model, shape=(1, 784), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) return X, y, model, cf_explainer
def cf_iris_explainer(request, logistic_iris): X, y, lr = logistic_iris predict_fn = lr.predict_proba cf_explainer = CounterFactual(predict_fn=predict_fn, shape=(1, 4), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) yield X, y, lr, cf_explainer keras.backend.clear_session() tf.keras.backend.clear_session()
def cf_iris_explainer(request, logistic_iris): X, y, lr = logistic_iris predict_fn = lr.predict_proba cf_explainer = CounterFactual(predict_fn=predict_fn, shape=(1, 4), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) return X, y, lr, cf_explainer
def keras_mnist_cf_explainer(request, keras_logistic_mnist): X, y, model = keras_logistic_mnist cf_explainer = CounterFactual(predict_fn=model, shape=(1, 784), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) yield X, y, model, cf_explainer keras.backend.clear_session() tf.keras.backend.clear_session()
def tf_keras_mnist_explainer(request, tf_keras_logistic_mnist): X, y, model = tf_keras_logistic_mnist sess = K.get_session() cf_explainer = CounterFactual(sess=sess, predict_fn=model, shape=(1, 784), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) yield X, y, model, cf_explainer
def iris_explainer(request, logistic_iris): X, y, lr = logistic_iris predict_fn = lr.predict_proba sess = tf.Session() cf_explainer = CounterFactual(sess=sess, predict_fn=predict_fn, shape=(1, 4), target_class=request.param, lam_init=1e-1, max_iter=1000, max_lam_steps=10) yield X, y, lr, cf_explainer tf.reset_default_graph() sess.close()
def __init__( self, model, shape, distance_fn='l1', target_proba=1.0, target_class='other', max_iter=1000, early_stop=50, lam_init=1e-1, max_lam_steps=10, tol=0.05, learning_rate_init=0.1, feature_range=(-1e10, 1e10), eps=0.01, # feature-wise epsilons init='identity', decay=True, write_dir=None, debug=False, sess=None ): """Constructor. References: Counterfactual explanation implementation, parameter docstrings and defaults adapted from: # noqa The major difference in the constructor signature is that model and ae_model shoud be instances of depictions BaseModel instead of type Union[Callable, tf.keras.Model, 'keras.Model'] Args: model (BaseModel): Instance implementing predict method returning class probabilities that is passed to the explainer implementation. shape (tuple): Shape of input data starting with batch size. distance_fn (str, optional): Distance function to use in the loss term. Defaults to 'l1'. target_proba (float, optional): Target probability for the counterfactual to reach. Defaults to 1.0. target_class (Union[str, int], optional): Target class for the counterfactual to reach, one of 'other', 'same' or an integer denoting desired class membership for the counterfactual instance. Defaults to 'other'. max_iter (int, optional): Maximum number of interations to run the gradient descent for (inner loop). Defaults to 1000. early_stop (int, optional): Number of steps after which to terminate gradient descent if all or none of found instances are solutions. Defaults to 50. lam_init (float, optional): Initial regularization constant for the prediction part of the Wachter loss. Defaults to 1e-1. max_lam_steps (int, optional): Maximum number of times to adjust the regularization constant (outer loop) before terminating the search. Defaults to 10. tol (float, optional): Tolerance for the counterfactual target probability. Defaults to 0.05. learning_rate_init (float, optional): Initial learning rate for each outer loop of lambda. Defaults to 0.1. feature_range (Union[Tuple, str], optional): Tuple with min and max ranges to allow for perturbed instances. Min and max ranges can be floats or numpy arrays with dimension (1 x nb of features) for feature-wise ranges. Defaults to (-1e10, 1e10). eps (Union[float, np.ndarray], optional): Gradient step sizes used in calculating numerical gradients, defaults to a single value for all features, but can be passed an array for feature-wise step sizes. Defaults to 0.01. init (str): Initialization method for the search of counterfactuals, currently must be 'identity'. decay (bool, optional): Flag to decay learning rate to zero for each outer loop over lambda. Defaults to True. write_dir (str, optional): Directory to write Tensorboard files to. Defaults to None. debug (bool, optional): Flag to write Tensorboard summaries for debugging. Defaults to False. sess (tf.compat.v1.Session, optional): Optional Tensorflow session that will be used if passed instead of creating or inferring one internally. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(model) self.explainer = CounterFactual( model.predict, shape, distance_fn, target_proba, target_class, max_iter, early_stop, lam_init, max_lam_steps, tol, learning_rate_init, feature_range, eps, init, decay, write_dir, debug, sess )
shape_cf = (1, ) + X_train.shape[1:] print(shape_cf) target_proba = 0.9 tol = 0.1 # want counterfactuals with p(class)>0.90 target_class = 'other' # any class other than will do max_iter = 1000 lam_init = 1e-1 max_lam_steps = 20 learning_rate_init = 0.1 feature_range = (0, 1) cf = CounterFactual(model_nt3, shape=shape_cf, target_proba=target_proba, tol=tol, target_class=target_class, max_iter=max_iter, lam_init=lam_init, max_lam_steps=max_lam_steps, learning_rate_init=learning_rate_init, feature_range=feature_range) shape = X_train[0].shape[0] results = [] X = np.concatenate([X_train, X_test]) print(X_train.shape[0], X_test.shape[0], X.shape[0], "-x shape 0") for i in np.arange(0, X.shape[0]): x_sample = X[i:i + 1] print(x_sample.shape) start = time() explanation = cf.explain(x_sample)