Esempio n. 1
def find_distance(sequence_dictionary):
    ## Takes dictionary generated by readfasta and calculates distance matrix###
    popped_list = []
    p_distance = 0
    evol_distance = 0
    distance_matrix = {}

    copied_dict = sequence_dictionary.copy(
    )  ###Making a copy of sequence_dictionary##
    for key in copied_dict:

        if key not in popped_list:
            seq1 = copied_dict[key]

        for i in sequence_dictionary:
            seq2 = sequence_dictionary[i]
            s = alignment_util.readScoringMatrix(
            output_key_i = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(
                seq1, seq2, s, 7, 1
            )  ###SmithWatermanAffine for calculating the alignment between pair of sequences###
            output = [it
                      for it in output_key_i]  ## alignment stored in a list##
            count_m = 0  ## count for number of matches in sequences##
            count_mis = 0  ## count for number of mismatches in sequence##

            X = [x for x in output[1:2]]  ## sequence 1 from alignment
            Y = [y for y in output[2:3]]  ## sequence 2 from alignment
            X_string = ''.join(X)
            Y_string = ''.join(Y)
            size = max(len(X_string), len(Y_string))

            for k in range(0, size):
                if X_string[k] == Y_string[k]:
                    count_m += 1
                elif X_string[k] != Y_string[k]:
                    count_mis += 1
                    if X_string[k] == '-' or Y_string[k] == '-':
                        print "IGNORE"

            p_distance = count_mis / float(
                count_m + count_mis)  ## calculating the p distance
            evol_distance = -0.75 * log(
                float(1 - 4 * p_distance /
                      3))  ## calculating distance for evolutionary matrix
            distance_matrix.setdefault(key, {}).setdefault(
                i, evol_distance)  ## creating and filing the distance matrix
            if key == i:
                distance_matrix[key][i] = 0
    return distance_matrix
Esempio n. 2
    def test1(self):
        s1 = "AATTA"
        s2 = "AAA"
        S = self.S3
        o = 4
        c = 1
        correct_score = 24
        s, a1, a2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(s1, s2, S, o, c)
            alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c), s,
            "Returned alignment score does not match actual alignment score")
        self.assertEqual(alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o,
                                                             c), correct_score,
                         "Score of returned alignment is not optimal")

        s, a1, a2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(s2, s1, S, o, c)
            alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c), s,
            "Returned alignment score does not match actual alignment score")
        self.assertEqual(alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o,
                                                             c), correct_score,
                         "Score of returned alignment is not optimal")
Esempio n. 3
    def mcalliTest(self):
        S = {x: {y: 100 * self.S2[x][y] for y in "ACGT"} for x in "ACGT"}
        o = 500
        c = 1
        correct_score = 5462

        s, a1, a2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(s1, s2, S, o, c)
            alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c), s,
            "Returned alignment score does not match actual alignment")
        self.assertEqual(alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o,
                                                             c), correct_score,
                         "Score of returned alignment is not optimal")

        t, b1, b2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(s2, s1, S, o, c)
            alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(b1, b2, S, o, c), t,
            "Returned alignment score does not match actual alignment")
        self.assertEqual(alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(b1, b2, S, o,
                                                             c), correct_score,
                         "Score of returned alignment is not optimal")
Esempio n. 4
 def test7(self):
     S = self.S3
     o = 5
     c = 2
     correct_score = 128
     s, a1, a2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(s1, s2, S, o, c)
         alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c), s,
         "Returned alignment score does not match actual alignment score")
     self.assertEqual(alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o,
                                                          c), correct_score,
                      "Score of returned alignment is not optimal")
def test_SWA(seq1, seq2, S, o, c):
    s, a1, a2 = alignment.SmithWatermanAffine(seq1, seq2, S, o, c)
    s_sol, a1_sol, a2_sol = alignment_sol.SmithWatermanAffine(
        seq1, seq2, S, o, c)
    score = 0

    # First: test that the function has returned has an optimal alignment
    if alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c) == s_sol:
        score += 70

    # Second: test that the function has returned an optimal score
    if s == s_sol:
        score += 20

    # Third: Test that the function has returned the correct score for the alignment
    if alignment_util.scoreAlignmentAffine(a1, a2, S, o, c) == s:
        score += 10

    return score / 100.0