def loginin(self): """ 功能:登录托福网站 参数:None 返回:ok:登陆成功,error:登录失败 """ self.tuoful_session.cookies.clear() response = self.tuoful_session.get("") text = response.content.decode("gb2312") # print(text) # if "登录" not in text: # return "error" cook = response.cookies print(cook) coo = { c.value for c in response.cookies} print(coo) if "yunsuo_session_verify" in coo: return "error" else: temp_list = [] for key,value in coo.items(): srt = "%s=%s"%(key,value) temp_list.append(srt) self.Cookie_str = ";".join(temp_list) header_yz_login = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["header_yz_login"] picUrl = ""+ str(int(time.time()*1000))+str(random.random())[1:]+"VerifyCode3.jpg" content_pic = self.tuoful_session.get(picUrl,headers = header_yz_login) num = only_num() #获取验证码内容 codeContent = self.jpg2str(num, content_pic) headers_login = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_login"] s = str_md5("%s%s"%(self.neea_pwd, self.neea)) x = s+codeContent pwd = str_md5(x) payload = {"username":"******"%self.neea,"__act":"__id.24.TOEFLAPP.appadp.actLogin","password":pwd,"LoginCode":codeContent,"btn_submit.x":"0","btn_submit.y":"0"} v ="",data=payload, headers=headers_login) text = v.content.decode("gb2312") if "0; URL=/cn/MyHome/?" in text: return "ok" elif "验证码错误" in text: now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) print("%slogin验证码错误"%(now)) return "error" elif "密码不正确" in text: now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) print("%s密码不正确或验证码获取有误"%(now)) return "error" else: print("发生未知错误 请查看login_error.txt文件") with open("login_error.txt", "w") as f: f.write(text) return "error"
def admintable(self): headers_admintable = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_admintable"] response_query = self.tuoful_session.get("",headers = headers_admintable) text = response_query.content.decode("gb2312") if "发生错误" in text: return "Access violation" #如果系统忙,休息1min后再次测试 while self.checkBusy(text): print('系统繁忙,35s后再次测试') time.sleep(35) r = self.tuoful_session.get("",headers = headers_admintable) text = str(r.content) #判断是否进入正常考试查询页面 if text.find('省份') == -1: print('进入选择页面失败!') if "please relogin first" in text: print("please relogin first") return "please relogin first" elif "注册并付费" in text: return "ok" else: print("发生未知错误 请查看information.html文件") with open("information.html","w") as f: f.write(text) return "error" #获取验证码地址 pattern1 = '<img src="/cn/' pattern2 = 'VerifyCode2.jpg' pos1 = text.find(pattern1) pos2 = text.find(pattern2) picUrl = ''+text[pos1+11:pos2]+'VerifyCode2.jpg' num = only_num() content_pic = self.tuoful_session.get(picUrl) #获取验证码内容 codeContent = self.jpg2str(num, content_pic) return codeContent
def seatsquery(self, month, address, codeContent): headers_seatsquery = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_seatsquery"] url = ""%(month, address, codeContent) # print(len(url)) response_query = self.tuoful_session.get(url ,headers = headers_seatsquery) text = response_query.content.decode("gb2312") print(text) return text,url
def check_balances(self): # headers_myhome = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_myhome"] response = self.tuoful_session.get("",headers = headers_myhome) text = response.content selector = etree.HTML(text) data = selector.xpath('//*[@id="rightside"]//tr[1]/td[2]/text()') money = data[0].split(" ")[1] if int(money) >= 1761: return "money is enough" else: return "money is not enough"
def checkTest(self, address): """ 功能:进入选择和查询页面得到有考位的信息 参数:address:要查询的省份地址 返回:res:有考位的信息,error:查询失败 """ headers_query = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_query"] response_query = self.tuoful_session.get( "", headers=headers_query) text = response_query.content.decode("gb2312") if "发生错误" in text: return "Access violation" #如果系统忙,休息1min后再次测试 while self.checkBusy(text): print('系统繁忙,35s后再次测试') time.sleep(35) r = self.tuoful_session.get( "", headers=headers_query) text = str(r.content) #判断是否进入正常考试查询页面 if text.find('省份') == -1: print('进入选择页面失败!') if "please relogin first" in text: print("please relogin first") return "please relogin first" else: print("发生未知错误 请查看information.html文件") with open("information.html", "w") as f: f.write(text) return "error" #获取验证码地址 pattern1 = '<img src="/cn/' pattern2 = 'VerifyCode2.jpg' pos1 = text.find(pattern1) pos2 = text.find(pattern2) picUrl = '' + text[ pos1 + 11:pos2] + 'VerifyCode2.jpg' num = only_num() content_pic = self.tuoful_session.get(picUrl) #获取验证码内容 codeContent = self.jpg2str(num, content_pic) headers_result = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_result"] url = "" + "mvfAdminMonths=%s" % self.month + "&mvfSiteProvinces=%s" % address + "&whichFirst=AS" + "&afCalcResult=" + str( codeContent ) + "&__act=__id.22.SeatsQuery.adp.actList" + "&submit.x=" + str( 0) + "&submit.y=" + str(0) r = self.tuoful_session.get(url, headers=headers_result) text = r.content.decode("gb2312") #如果系统忙,休息30后再次测试 while self.checkBusy(text): print('系统繁忙,35s后再次测试') time.sleep(30) url = "" + "mvfAdminMonths=%s" % self.month + "&mvfSiteProvinces=%s" % address + "&whichFirst=AS" + "&afCalcResult=" + str( codeContent ) + "&__act=__id.22.SeatsQuery.adp.actList" + "&submit.x=" + str( 0) + "&submit.y=" + str(0) r = self.tuoful_session.get(url, headers=headers_result) text = r.content.decode("gb2312") #判断是否进入正常考试查询页面 if text.find('考位查询结果') == -1: print('进入查询页面失败!') if "Please login first" in text: print("Please login first") return "Please login first" elif ("请重新输入验证码" in text) or ("请输入验证码" in text): print("查询页面验证码错误") return "error_yz" else: print("发生未知错误 请查看kaowei.txt文件") with open("kaowei.txt", "w") as f: f.write(text) return "error" address = address pattern = '有名额' testList = re.findall(pattern, text, re.S) if len(testList) != 0: res = self.deal_with(text, address) else: res = self.deal_with(text, address) print("%s%s没有考位" % (self.month, address)) return res
def loginin(self): """ 功能:登录托福网站 参数:None 返回:ok:登陆成功,error:登录失败 """ self.tuoful_session.cookies.clear() # self.tuoful_session.proxies = {'http':""} # content = self.tuoful_session.get("") # print(content.text) response = self.tuoful_session.get("") text = response.content.decode("gb2312") if "登录" not in text: return "error" cook = response.cookies coo = { c.value for c in response.cookies} if "yunsuo_session_verify" in coo: return "error" else: temp_list = [] for key, value in coo.items(): srt = "%s=%s" % (key, value) temp_list.append(srt) self.Cookie_str = ";".join(temp_list) header_yz_login = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["header_yz_login"] picUrl = "" + str(int( time.time() * 1000)) + str(random.random())[1:] + "VerifyCode3.jpg" content_pic = self.tuoful_session.get(picUrl, headers=header_yz_login) num = only_num() #获取验证码内容 codeContent = self.jpg2str(num, content_pic) headers_login = headers_all(self.Cookie_str)["headers_login"] s = str_md5("%s%s" % (self.neea_pwd, self.neea)) x = s + codeContent pwd = str_md5(x) payload = { "username": "******" % self.neea, "__act": "__id.24.TOEFLAPP.appadp.actLogin", "password": pwd, "LoginCode": codeContent, "btn_submit.x": "0", "btn_submit.y": "0" } v ="", data=payload, headers=headers_login) text = v.content.decode("gb2312") if "0; URL=/cn/MyHome/?" in text: headers_viewscores = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cookie': self.Cookie_str, 'Host': '', 'Referer': '', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36', } headers_ScoreReport = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cookie': self.Cookie_str, 'Host': '', 'Referer': '', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36', } response = self.tuoful_session.get( "", headers=headers_viewscores) text = response.content selector = etree.HTML(text) data = selector.xpath('//*[@id="maincontent"]//tr[2]/td[2]/text()') if len(data) != 0: if data[0] == self.test_date: score_link = selector.xpath( '//*[@id="maincontent"]//tr[2]/td[4]/a/@href') score_links = "" % score_link[0] response = self.tuoful_session.get( score_links, headers=headers_ScoreReport) text = response.content selector = etree.HTML(text) score_titles = selector.xpath( '//*[@id="maincontent"]//tr[1]/td[@align="center"]/strong/text()' ) score_title = score_titles[0:7] score_res = selector.xpath( '//*[@id="maincontent"]//tr[2]/td[@align="center"]/text()' ) score_res = make_new_list(score_res[0:7]) # collection的名字:scoretasks # 字段:openid,created,isFinished, test_date, neea, neea_pwd, isMatched, updated, result # result是subCollection, reading, writing, listening, speaking now = now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) result = { "openid": "%s" % self.openid, "test_date": "%s" % deal_with_time(self.test_date), "result": { "reading": int(score_res[2]), "listening": int(score_res[3]), "speaking": int(score_res[4]), "writing": int(score_res[5]) } } print(result) self.mysql.update_result(result, self.openid) return result return "没有出分" return "没有出分" elif "验证码错误" in text: now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) print("%slogin验证码错误" % (now)) return "error" elif "密码不正确" in text: now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) print("%s密码不正确或验证码获取有误" % (now)) return "error" else: print("发生未知错误 请查看login_error.txt文件") with open("login_error.txt", "w") as f: f.write(text) return "error"