Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.onto_id2parent_regions = {}

        # only find parents up to these major brain regions
        big_reg_acros = [
            'Isocortex', 'OLF', 'STR', 'PAL', 'TH', 'HY', 'MB', 'PAL', 'MY',
            'CB', 'HPF', 'CTXsp'

        mcc = MouseConnectivityCache()
        onto = mcc.get_ontology()
        df = onto.df
        struct_ids =
        for struct_id in struct_ids:
            structure_path_str = onto[struct_id].structure_id_path.item()
            region_path = structure_path_str.split('/')
            parent_list = []
            for r in reversed(region_path):
                if r:
                    tdf = df[ == int(r)]
                    acronym = tdf.acronym.item()
                    if acronym in big_reg_acros:
            self.onto_id2parent_regions[struct_id] = parent_list
Esempio n. 2
def load_ontologies():
    """Loads all of the ontologies into a nice dictionary data structure"""

    # a massive dictionary containing key : dictionary mappings between HBP ontology id's and .obo ontology terms
    big_onto = {}
    mcc = MouseConnectivityCache()
    aba_onto = mcc.get_ontology()

    file_name_list = [f for f in glob.glob(onto_root + "*.robo")]
    file_name_list.extend([f for f in glob.glob(onto_root + "*.obo")])
    for fn in file_name_list:
        for o in oboparser.parse(fn):
            if 'synonym' in o:
                for s in o['synonym']:
                    if "BROAD ACRONYM" in s:
                        acro ="\w+", s).group()
                        o['acronym'] = acro
            if 'id' in o:
                big_onto[o['id']] = o

    for k in big_onto.keys():
        if 'ABA' in k:
            new_o = big_onto[k]
            aba_id = int(k[11:])
            new_o['acronym'] = aba_onto[aba_id]['acronym'].item()
            big_onto[k] = new_o
    return big_onto
Esempio n. 3
def load_ontologies():
    """Loads all of the ontologies into a nice dictionary data structure"""

    # a massive dictionary containing key : dictionary mappings between HBP ontology id's and .obo ontology terms
    big_onto = {}
    mcc = MouseConnectivityCache()
    aba_onto = mcc.get_ontology()

    file_name_list = [f for f in glob.glob(onto_root + "*.robo")]
    file_name_list.extend([f for f in glob.glob(onto_root + "*.obo")])
    for fn in file_name_list:
        for o in oboparser.parse(fn):
            if 'synonym' in o:
                for s in o['synonym']:
                    if "BROAD ACRONYM" in s:
                        acro ="\w+", s).group()
                        o['acronym'] = acro
            if 'id' in o:
                big_onto[o['id']] = o

    for k in big_onto.keys():
        if 'ABA' in k:
            new_o = big_onto[k]
            aba_id = int(k[11:])
            new_o['acronym'] = aba_onto[aba_id]['acronym'].item()
            big_onto[k] = new_o
    return big_onto
def get_neuron_region(neuron_ob):
    """ Given a neuron object, return a dictionary describing its major brain region from the Allen Mouse Atlas
    :param neuron_ob: A neuroelectro.models Neuron object
    :return: returns a dictionary of region attributes
    regs = neuron_ob.regions.all()
    mcc = MouseConnectivityCache()
    onto = mcc.get_ontology()

    if regs:
        r = regs[0]
        structure_path_str = onto[r.allenid].structure_id_path.item()
        region_dict = get_major_brain_region(structure_path_str, onto)
        return region_dict
        return None
        # if region_dict:
        #     print (, region_dict['region_name'])
        # else:
        #     print 'No region found for %s' %
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.onto_id2parent_regions = {}

        # only find parents up to these major brain regions
        big_reg_acros = ['Isocortex', 'OLF', 'STR', 'PAL', 'TH', 'HY', 'MB', 'PAL', 'MY', 'CB', 'HPF', 'CTXsp']

        mcc = MouseConnectivityCache()
        onto = mcc.get_ontology()
        df = onto.df
        struct_ids =
        for struct_id in struct_ids:
            structure_path_str = onto[struct_id].structure_id_path.item()
            region_path = structure_path_str.split('/')
            parent_list = []
            for r in reversed(region_path):
                if r:
                    tdf = df[ == int(r)]
                    acronym = tdf.acronym.item()
                    if acronym in big_reg_acros:
            self.onto_id2parent_regions[struct_id] = parent_list
    print ""
    print " data/ pms.pickle"
    print ""

import os


from allensdk.core.mouse_connectivity_cache import MouseConnectivityCache
from allensdk.api.queries.ontologies_api import OntologiesApi

mcc = MouseConnectivityCache(manifest_file="mcc_manifest.json")
all_experiments = mcc.get_experiments(dataframe=True)

ontology = mcc.get_ontology()

summary_structures = OntologiesApi().get_structures(structure_set_names="Mouse Connectivity - Summary")
summary_structure_ids = [s["id"] for s in summary_structures]

print "build dict of injection structure id to experiment list"
ist2e = {}
for eid in all_experiments.index:
    for ist in all_experiments.ix[eid]["injection-structures"]:
        isti = ist["id"]
        if isti not in ist2e:
            ist2e[isti] = []

# this may hours to days to run depending on bandwidth
print "obtain projection maps per injection site"
Esempio n. 7
    def launch(self, resolution, weighting, inf_vox_thresh, vol_thresh):
        resolution = int(resolution)
        weighting = int(weighting)
        inf_vox_thresh = float(inf_vox_thresh)
        vol_thresh = float(vol_thresh)

        project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
        manifest_file = self.file_handler.get_allen_mouse_cache_folder(
        manifest_file = os.path.join(manifest_file,
        cache = MouseConnectivityCache(resolution=resolution,

        # the method creates a dictionary with information about which experiments need to be downloaded
        ist2e = DictionaireBuilder(cache, False)

        # the method downloads experiments necessary to build the connectivity
        projmaps = DownloadAndConstructMatrix(cache, weighting, ist2e, False)

        # the method cleans the file projmaps in 4 steps
        projmaps = pmsCleaner(projmaps)

        #download from the AllenSDK the annotation volume, the ontology, the template volume
        Vol, annot_info = cache.get_annotation_volume()
        ontology = cache.get_ontology()
        template, template_info = cache.get_template_volume()

        #rotate template in the TVB 3D reference:
        template = RotateReference(template)

        # the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions whose volume is greater than vol_thresh
        projmaps = AreasVolumeTreshold(cache, projmaps, vol_thresh, resolution,
                                       Vol, ontology)

        # the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions where at least one injection experiment had infected more than N voxel (where N is inf_vox_thresh)
        projmaps = AreasVoxelTreshold(cache, projmaps, inf_vox_thresh, Vol,

        # the method creates file order and keyord that will be the link between the SC order and the id key in the Allen database
        [order, key_ord] = CreateFileOrder(projmaps, ontology)

        # the method builds the Structural Connectivity (SC) matrix
        SC = ConstructingSC(projmaps, order, key_ord)

        # the method returns the coordinate of the centres and the name of the brain areas in the selected parcellation
        [centres, names] = Construct_centres(cache, ontology, order, key_ord)

        # the method returns the tract lengths between the brain areas in the selected parcellation
        tract_lengths = ConstructTractLengths(centres)

        # the method associated the parent and the grandparents to the child in the selected parcellation with the biggest volume
        [unique_parents, unique_grandparents
         ] = ParentsAndGrandParentsFinder(cache, order, key_ord, ontology)

        # the method returns a volume indexed between 0 and N-1, with N=tot brain areas in the parcellation. -1=background and areas that are not in the parcellation
        Vol_parcel = MouseBrainVisualizer(Vol, order, key_ord, unique_parents,
                                          unique_grandparents, ontology,

        # results: Connectivity, Volume & RegionVolumeMapping
        # Connectivity
        result_connectivity = Connectivity(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_connectivity.centres = centres
        result_connectivity.region_labels = names
        result_connectivity.weights = SC
        result_connectivity.tract_lengths = tract_lengths
        # Volume
        result_volume = Volume(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_volume.origin = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
        result_volume.voxel_size = [resolution, resolution, resolution]
        # result_volume.voxel_unit= micron
        # Region Volume Mapping
        result_rvm = RegionVolumeMapping(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_rvm.volume = result_volume
        result_rvm.array_data = Vol_parcel
        result_rvm.connectivity = result_connectivity
        result_rvm.title = "Volume mouse brain "
        result_rvm.dimensions_labels = ["X", "Y", "Z"]
        # Volume template
        result_template = StructuralMRI(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_template.array_data = template
        result_template.weighting = 'T1'
        result_template.volume = result_volume
        return [
            result_connectivity, result_volume, result_rvm, result_template
Esempio n. 8
import os
#import nrrd
from voxnet.matrices import generate_voxel_matrices
from voxnet.utilities import *
from import savemat

# setup the run
with open(param_fn) as f:
    code = compile(, param_fn, 'exec')

mcc = MouseConnectivityCache(manifest_file=manifest_file,
ontology = mcc.get_ontology()
sources = ontology[source_acronyms]
targets = ontology[target_acronyms]

if experiments_fn is not None:

    if max_injection_volume:
except NameError:

    def launch(self, resolution, weighting, inf_vox_thresh, vol_thresh):
        resolution = int(resolution)
        weighting = int(weighting)
        inf_vox_thresh = float(inf_vox_thresh)
        vol_thresh = float(vol_thresh)

        project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
        manifest_file = self.file_handler.get_allen_mouse_cache_folder(
        manifest_file = os.path.join(manifest_file, "mouse_connectivity_manifest.json")
        cache = MouseConnectivityCache(resolution=resolution, manifest_file=manifest_file)

        # the method creates a dictionary with information about which experiments need to be downloaded
        ist2e = DictionaireBuilder(cache, False)

        # the method downloads experiments necessary to build the connectivity
        projmaps = DownloadAndConstructMatrix(cache, weighting, ist2e, False)

        # the method cleans the file projmaps in 4 steps
        projmaps = pmsCleaner(projmaps)

        Vol, annot_info = cache.get_annotation_volume()
        ontology = cache.get_ontology()

        # the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions whose volume is greater than vol_thresh
        projmaps = AreasVolumeTreshold(projmaps, vol_thresh, resolution, Vol, ontology)

        # the method includes in the parcellation only brain regions where at least one injection experiment had infected more than N voxel (where N is inf_vox_thresh)
        projmaps = AreasVoxelTreshold(cache, projmaps, inf_vox_thresh, Vol, ontology)

        # the method creates file order and keyord that will be the link between the SC order and the id key in the Allen database
        [order, key_ord] = CreateFileOrder(projmaps, ontology)

        # the method builds the Structural Connectivity (SC) matrix
        SC = ConstructingSC(projmaps, order, key_ord)

        # the method returns the coordinate of the centres and the name of the brain areas in the selected parcellation
        [centres, names] = Construct_centres(ontology, order, key_ord, Vol)

        # the method returns the tract lengths between the brain areas in the selected parcellation
        tract_lengths = ConstructTractLengths(centres)

        # the method associated the parent and the grandparents to the child in the selected parcellation with the biggest volume
        [unique_parents, unique_grandparents] = ParentsAndGrandParentsFinder(order, key_ord, Vol, ontology)

        # the method returns a volume indexed between 0 and N-1, with N=tot brain areas in the parcellation. -1=background and areas that are not in the parcellation
        Vol_parcel = MouseBrainVisualizer(Vol, order, key_ord, unique_parents, unique_grandparents, ontology, projmaps)

        # results: Connectivity, Volume & RegionVolumeMapping
        # Connectivity
        result_connectivity = Connectivity(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_connectivity.centres = centres
        result_connectivity.region_labels = names
        result_connectivity.weights = SC
        result_connectivity.tract_lengths = tract_lengths
        # Volume
        result_volume = Volume(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_volume.origin = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
        result_volume.voxel_size = [resolution, resolution, resolution]
        # result_volume.voxel_unit= micron
        # Region Volume Mapping
        result_rvm = RegionVolumeMapping(storage_path=self.storage_path)
        result_rvm.volume = result_volume
        result_rvm.array_data = Vol_parcel
        result_rvm.connectivity = result_connectivity
        result_rvm.title = "Volume mouse brain "
        result_rvm.dimensions_labels = ["X", "Y", "Z"]
        return [result_connectivity, result_rvm, result_volume]
Esempio n. 10
from allensdk.core.mouse_connectivity_cache import MouseConnectivityCache

# tell the cache class what resolution (in microns) of data you want to download
mcc = MouseConnectivityCache(resolution=25)

# use the ontology class to get the id of the isocortex structure
ontology = mcc.get_ontology('ontology.csv')
isocortex = ontology['Isocortex']

# a list of dictionaries containing metadata for non-Cre experiments
experiments = mcc.get_experiments(file_name='non_cre.json',

# download the projection density volume for one of the experiments
pd = mcc.get_projection_density(experiments[0]['id'])