Esempio n. 1
def select_by_testcase(items):
    file_path = os.environ.get("AS_TESTPLAN_PATH")
    ids = []
    if file_path:
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            plan = json.load(file)
            ids = set([str(item.get("id")) for item in plan])
    return filter(lambda item: ids & set(allure_label(item, LabelType.ID)) if ids else True, items)
Esempio n. 2
 def is_planed(item):
     allure_ids = allure_label(item, LabelType.ID)
     allure_string_ids = list(map(str, allure_ids))
     for planed_item in planned_tests:
         planed_item_string_id = str(planed_item.get("id"))
         planed_item_selector = planed_item.get("selector")
         if (planed_item_string_id in allure_string_ids
                 or planed_item_selector == allure_full_name(item)):
             return True if not is_inversion else False
     return False if not is_inversion else True
Esempio n. 3
def select_by_testcase(items):
    plan = []
    file_path = os.environ.get("AS_TESTPLAN_PATH")

    if file_path:
        with open(file_path, 'r') as plan_file:
            plan = json.load(plan_file)

    return filter(
        lambda item: any([
            str(planed_item.get("id")) in
             for allure_id in allure_label(item, LabelType.ID)] or
            (planed_item.get("selector") == allure_full_name(item))
            for planed_item in plan
        ]), items) if plan else items