Esempio n. 1
#print >> sys.stderr, 'Writing to ', POST_TO

SELF = AKARA.module_config.get('self', 'http://*****:*****@simple_service('POST', SERVICE_ID, 'moincms.execute')
def execute(top=None):
    Sample request:
    curl -F "pattern=wiki/path" -F "wiki=http://localhost:8880/moin/foo/" "http://localhost:8880/moincms.execute"
    #wikibase_len = len(rewrite)
    body = StringIO(body)
Esempio n. 2
import sys, time
import urllib, urllib2, urlparse
from subprocess import *
import cgi
from cStringIO import StringIO
from itertools import *
from contextlib import closing

from amara import _
from amara.lib.util import *

import akara
from akara.util import copy_auth
from import simple_service

Q_REQUIRED = _("The 'q' POST parameter is mandatory.")
SVN_COMMIT_CMD = akara.module_config().get('svn_commit', 'svn commit -m "%(msg)s" %(fpath)s')
SVN_ADD_CMD = akara.module_config().get('svn_add', 'svn add %(fpath)s')

@simple_service('POST', SERVICE_ID, 'akara.svncommit', 'text/plain')
def svncommit(body, ctype, **params):
    '''Commit a file. Can optionally populate the file contents from a given URL.

    The form parameters are:
      fpath - the name of the file to commit to SVN
      msg - the commit message
      q (optional) - fetch the given URL and save it to the specified file before commmiting
    The form must be POSTed as multipart/form-data. If the request includes
    the 'q' parameter then the new fetch will contain authentication 
Esempio n. 3
SELF = AKARA.module_config.get('self', 'http://*****:*****@simple_service('POST', SERVICE_ID, 'moincms.execute')
def execute(top=None):
    Sample request:
    curl -F "pattern=wiki/path" -F "wiki=http://localhost:8880/moin/foo/" "http://localhost:8880/moincms.execute"