Esempio n. 1
def body_to_article(headline, byline, text, date, source, meta):
    Create an Article-object based on given parameters. It raises an
    error (Medium.DoesNotExist) when the given source does not have
    an entry in the database.

    @param headline: headline of new Article-object
    @type headline: str

    @param byline: byline for new Article
    @type byline: NoneType, str

    @param text: text for new Article
    @type text: str

    @param date: date(time) for new Article
    @type date:, datetime.datetime

    @param source: medium-label for new Article
    @type source: str

    @param meta: object containing all sorts of meta-information, most of
                 it suitable for metastring. However, some information
                 (author, length) will be extracted.
    @type meta: dictionary

    @return Article-object

    log.debug("Creating article object for {headline!r}".format(**locals()))

    art = Article(headline=headline, byline=byline, text=text, date=date)

    art.medium = Medium.get_or_create(source)

    # Author / Section
    meta = meta.copy() = meta.pop('author', None)
    art.section = meta.pop('section', None)
    if 'length' in meta:
        art.length = int(meta.pop('length').split()[0])
        art.length = art.text.count(" ")
    if 'url' in meta:
        art.url = meta.pop('url')
        art.url = re.sub("\s+", "", art.url)

    art.metastring = str(meta)

    return art
Esempio n. 2
    def body_to_article(self, headline, byline, text, date, source, meta):
        Create an Article-object based on given parameters. It raises an
        error (Medium.DoesNotExist) when the given source does not have
        an entry in the database.

        @param headline: headline of new Article-object
        @type headline: unicode / str

        @param byline: byline for new Article
        @type byline: NoneType, unicode, str

        @param text: text for new Article
        @type text: unicode / str

        @param date: date(time) for new Article
        @type date:, datetime.datetime

        @param source: medium-label for new Article
        @type source: unicode / str

        @param meta: object containing all sorts of meta-information, most of
                     it suitable for metastring. However, some information
                     (author, length) will be extracted.
        @type meta: dictionary

        @return Article-object

            "Creating article object for {headline!r}".format(**locals()))

        art = Article(headline=headline, byline=byline, text=text, date=date)

        art.medium = get_or_create(Medium, name=source)

        # Author / Section
        meta = meta.copy() = meta.pop('author', None)
        art.section = meta.pop('section', None)
        if 'length' in meta:
            art.length = int(meta.pop('length').split()[0])
            art.length = art.text.count(" ")
        art.metastring = str(meta)

        art.project = self.options['project']

        return art