Esempio n. 1
def visualise_triples(triples,
    Visualise a triples representation of Triples such as retrieved from
    @param triple_args_function: a function of Triple to dict that gives
                                 optional arguments for a triple
    g = dot.Graph()
    nodes = {}  # Node -> dot.Node
    # create nodes
    for n in iterate_nodes(triples):
        label = "%s: %s" % (n.position, n.label)
        for k, v in n.__dict__.iteritems():
            if k not in ignore_properties:
                label += "\\n%s: %s" % (k, v)
        node = dot.Node(id="node_%s" % n.position, label=label)
        nodes[n] = node
    # create edges
    for triple in triples:
        kargs = triple_args_function(triple) if triple_args_function else {}
        if 'label' not in kargs: kargs['label'] = triple.predicate
        g.addEdge(nodes[triple.subject], nodes[triple.object], **kargs)
    # some theme options
    g.theme.graphattrs["rankdir"] = "BT"
    g.theme.shape = "rect"
    g.theme.edgesize = 10
    g.theme.fontsize = 10

    return g
Esempio n. 2
 def get_graph(self, r):
     g = dot.Graph()
     self.add_edges(r, g)
     if not self.options['blue']: = True
     elif self.options['bw']:
         g.theme = dot.BWDotTheme()
     return g
Esempio n. 3
    def run(self):
        assocTable = self.get_table()
        intervals = sorted({i for (i,q,q2,p) in assocTable})
        if self.options['network_output'] == 'ool':
            self.output = 'json-html'
            assocTable = table3.WrappedTable(assocTable, cellfunc = lambda a: self.format(a) if isinstance(a, float) else a)
            return self.outputResponse(assocTable, self.output_type)
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oo':
            if self._interval:
                cols = {}
                assocs = {(x,y) for (i,x,y,s) in assocTable}
                cols = {u"{x}\u2192{y}".format(x=x, y=y) : (x,y) for (x,y) in assocs}
                def cn(colname):
                    return colname.replace(u"\u2192", "_")
                colnames = sorted(cols)
                columns = [{"sTitle": "x", "sWidth": "100px", "sType": "objid", "mDataProp": "x"}]
                columns += [{"mData": cn(colname), "sTitle": colname, "sWidth": "70px", "mDataProp": cn(colname)} for colname in colnames]
                data = []
                scores = {(i,x,y) : self.format(s) for (i,x,y,s) in assocTable}
                for i in intervals:
                    row = {"x" : i}
                    for c in colnames:
                        row[cn(c)] = scores.get((i, ) + cols[c], 0)

                form_proxy = dict(
                    outputType={"data" : "table"},
                    dateInterval={"data" : self._interval},
                    xAxis={"data" : "date"},
                    yAxis={"data" : "searchTerm"}

                scriptoutput = render_to_string('api/webscripts/aggregation.html', {
                    'datesDict': json.dumps({}),
                    'graphOnly': 'false',
                    'labels' : '{}',
                    'ownForm': form_proxy,
                    'relative': '1',

                return self.outputJsonHtml(scriptoutput)
                # convert list to dict and make into dict table
                result = table3.DictTable()
                for i,x,y,a in assocTable:
                result.columns = sorted(result.columns)
                result.rows = sorted(result.rows)
                self.output = 'json-html'
                res =  self.outputResponse(result, self.output_type)
                return res
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oon':
            html = ""
            for interval in intervals:
                g = dot.Graph()
                threshold = self.options.get('graph_threshold')
                if not threshold: threshold = 0
                nodes = {}
                def getnode(x):
                    if not x in nodes: 
                        id = "node_%i_%s" % (len(nodes), re.sub("\W","",x))
                        nodes[x] = dot.Node(id, x)
                    return nodes[x]

                for i, x,y,a in assocTable:
                    if i != interval:
                    if threshold and a < threshold:

                    opts = {}
                    if self.options['graph_label']: opts['label'] = self.format(a)
                    w = 1 + 10 * a

                    g.addEdge(getnode(x),getnode(y), weight=w, **opts)
                if interval is not None:
                    html += "<h1>{interval}</h1>".format(**locals())
                html += g.getHTMLObject()
            self.output = 'json-html'
            return self.outputResponse(html, unicode)
Esempio n. 4
    def run(self):
        es = amcates.ES()
        filters = dict(keywordsearch.filters_from_form(
        queries = list(keywordsearch.queries_from_form(
        qargs = dict(filters=filters, score=True, fields=[])
        probs = {}
        p = lambda f: 1 - (.5 ** f)
        probs = {q.label : { : p(r.score) for r in
                            es.query_all(query=q.query, **qargs)}
                 for q in queries}
        assocTable = table3.ListTable(colnames=["From", "To", "Association"])
        for q in probs:
            sumprob1 = float(sum(probs[q].values()))
            if sumprob1 == 0: continue
            for q2 in probs:
                if q == q2: continue
                sumproduct = 0
                for id, p1 in probs[q].iteritems():
                    p2 = probs[q2].get(id)
                    if not p2: continue
                    sumproduct += p1*p2
                p = sumproduct / sumprob1
                assocTable.addRow(q, q2, p)

        if self.options['network_output'] == 'ool':
            self.output = 'json-html'
            assocTable = table3.WrappedTable(assocTable, cellfunc = lambda a: self.format(a) if isinstance(a, float) else a)
            return self.outputResponse(assocTable, AssociationsScript.output_type)
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oo':
            # convert list to dict and make into dict table
            result = table3.DictTable()
            for x,y,a in assocTable:
            self.output = 'json-html'
            return self.outputResponse(result, AssociationsScript.output_type)
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oon':
            g = dot.Graph()
            threshold = self.options.get('graph_threshold')
            if not threshold: threshold = 0
            nodes = {}
            def getnode(x):
                if not x in nodes: 
                    id = "node_%i_%s" % (len(nodes), re.sub("\W","",x))
                    nodes[x] = dot.Node(id, x)
                return nodes[x]
            for x,y,a in assocTable:
                if threshold and a < threshold:

                opts = {}
                if self.options['graph_label']: opts['label'] = self.format(a)
                w = 1 + 10 * a

                g.addEdge(getnode(x),getnode(y), weight=w, **opts)
            html = g.getHTMLObject()
            self.output = 'json-html'
            return self.outputResponse(html, unicode)