Esempio n. 1
    def setUp(self):
        test_date_1 = datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 31)
        test_date_2 = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 6)
        test_date_3 = datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 4)

        self.ascii_data = [
            [1,     test_date_1, 1.0, "test '  abc"],
            [74321, test_date_2, 3.0, "abc\n this is a really string"*100],
            [4,     test_date_3, 4.0, "asdf \""],

        self.unicode_data = [
            [1,     test_date_1, 1.0, "\u265d"],
            [74321, test_date_2, 3.0, "\u265c"],
            [4,     test_date_3, 4.0, "\u2704"],
            [5,     test_date_1, 5.0, "\u2704"],

        self.unicode_with_none_data = [
            [None,  test_date_1, 1.0,  "\u265d"],
            [74321, None,        3.0,  "\u265c"],
            [4,     test_date_3, None, "\u2704"],
            [5,     test_date_1, 5.0,  None]

        self.ascii_table = table3.ListTable(
            columnTypes=[int, datetime.datetime, float, str],
            colnames=["a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"],

        self.unicode_table = table3.ListTable(
            columnTypes=[int, datetime.datetime, float, str],
            colnames=["a1\u26f1", "a2\u26fd", "a3", "a4"],

        self.unicode_with_none_table = table3.ListTable(
            columnTypes=[int, datetime.datetime, float, str],
            colnames=["a1\u26f1", "a2\u26fd", "a3", "a4"],
Esempio n. 2
    def test_date_hack(self):
        data = [[datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5).isoformat()]]
        table = table3.ListTable(columnTypes=[str], colnames=["date"], data=data)
        file = table2spss.table2sav(table)

        pspp = subprocess.Popen(
            ["pspp", "-b"],
        input = self.get_pspp_command(file)
        stdout, stderr = pspp.communicate(input=input)
        self.assertIn(b"07-SEP-2020 16:53:55", stdout)
Esempio n. 3
    def get_table(self):
        probs = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(dict))
        for (i, q, id, s) in self.get_probs():
            probs[i][q.label][id] = s

        assocTable = table3.ListTable(colnames=["Interval", "From", "To", "Association"])
        for i in sorted(probs):
            for q in probs[i]:
                sumprob1 = float(sum(probs[i][q].values()))
                if sumprob1 == 0: continue
                for q2 in probs[i]:
                    if q == q2: continue
                    sumproduct = 0
                    for id, p1 in probs[i][q].iteritems():
                        p2 = probs[i][q2].get(id)
                        if not p2: continue
                        sumproduct += p1*p2
                    p = sumproduct / sumprob1
                    assocTable.addRow(i, q, q2, p)
        return assocTable
Esempio n. 4
def getTable(table, colnames=None):
    if isinstance(table, (list, tuple)):
        from import table3

        table = table3.ListTable(table, colnames)
    return table
Esempio n. 5
    def run(self):
        es = amcates.ES()
        filters = dict(keywordsearch.filters_from_form(
        queries = list(keywordsearch.queries_from_form(
        qargs = dict(filters=filters, score=True, fields=[])
        probs = {}
        p = lambda f: 1 - (.5 ** f)
        probs = {q.label : { : p(r.score) for r in
                            es.query_all(query=q.query, **qargs)}
                 for q in queries}
        assocTable = table3.ListTable(colnames=["From", "To", "Association"])
        for q in probs:
            sumprob1 = float(sum(probs[q].values()))
            if sumprob1 == 0: continue
            for q2 in probs:
                if q == q2: continue
                sumproduct = 0
                for id, p1 in probs[q].iteritems():
                    p2 = probs[q2].get(id)
                    if not p2: continue
                    sumproduct += p1*p2
                p = sumproduct / sumprob1
                assocTable.addRow(q, q2, p)

        if self.options['network_output'] == 'ool':
            self.output = 'json-html'
            assocTable = table3.WrappedTable(assocTable, cellfunc = lambda a: self.format(a) if isinstance(a, float) else a)
            return self.outputResponse(assocTable, AssociationsScript.output_type)
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oo':
            # convert list to dict and make into dict table
            result = table3.DictTable()
            for x,y,a in assocTable:
            self.output = 'json-html'
            return self.outputResponse(result, AssociationsScript.output_type)
        elif self.options['network_output'] == 'oon':
            g = dot.Graph()
            threshold = self.options.get('graph_threshold')
            if not threshold: threshold = 0
            nodes = {}
            def getnode(x):
                if not x in nodes: 
                    id = "node_%i_%s" % (len(nodes), re.sub("\W","",x))
                    nodes[x] = dot.Node(id, x)
                return nodes[x]
            for x,y,a in assocTable:
                if threshold and a < threshold:

                opts = {}
                if self.options['graph_label']: opts['label'] = self.format(a)
                w = 1 + 10 * a

                g.addEdge(getnode(x),getnode(y), weight=w, **opts)
            html = g.getHTMLObject()
            self.output = 'json-html'
            return self.outputResponse(html, unicode)