Esempio n. 1
    def _decode_blocks(
        self, chunk: Chunk, chunk_sections: Dict[int, TAG_Compound]
    ) -> AnyNDArray:
        blocks: Dict[int, SubChunkNDArray] = {}
        palette = []
        palette_len = 0
        for cy, section in chunk_sections.items():
            section_blocks = numpy.frombuffer(
                section.pop("Blocks").value, dtype=numpy.uint8
            section_data = numpy.frombuffer(
                section.pop("Data").value, dtype=numpy.uint8
            section_blocks = section_blocks.reshape((16, 16, 16))
            section_blocks = section_blocks.astype(numpy.uint16)

            section_data = world_utils.from_nibble_array(section_data)
            section_data = section_data.reshape((16, 16, 16))

            if "Add" in section:
                add_blocks = numpy.frombuffer(
                    section.pop("Add").value, dtype=numpy.uint8
                add_blocks = world_utils.from_nibble_array(add_blocks)
                add_blocks = add_blocks.reshape((16, 16, 16))

                section_blocks |= add_blocks.astype(numpy.uint16) << 8
                # TODO: fix this

            (section_palette, blocks[cy]) = world_utils.fast_unique(
                    (section_blocks << 4) + section_data, (2, 0, 1)
                )  # YZX -> XYZ
            blocks[cy] += palette_len
            palette_len += len(section_palette)

        if palette:
            final_palette, lut = numpy.unique(
                numpy.concatenate(palette), return_inverse=True
            final_palette: numpy.ndarray = numpy.array(
                [final_palette >> 4, final_palette & 15]
            for cy in blocks:
                blocks[cy] = lut[blocks[cy]]
            final_palette = numpy.array([], dtype=object)
        chunk.blocks = blocks
        return final_palette
Esempio n. 2
    def _decode_blocks(self, chunk: Chunk,
                       chunk_sections: Dict[int, TAG_Compound]) -> AnyNDArray:
        blocks: Dict[int, numpy.ndarray] = {}
        palette = [Block(namespace="minecraft", base_name="air")]

        for cy, section in chunk_sections.items():
            data = self._decode_block_section(section)
            if data is not None:
                arr, section_palette = data
                blocks[cy] = arr + len(palette)
                palette += section_palette

        np_palette, inverse = numpy.unique(palette, return_inverse=True)
        np_palette: numpy.ndarray
        inverse: numpy.ndarray
        inverse = inverse.astype(numpy.uint32)
        for cy in blocks:
            blocks[cy] = inverse[blocks[cy]]
        chunk.blocks = blocks
        return np_palette
Esempio n. 3
    def decode(self, cx: int, cz: int,
               data: Dict[bytes, bytes]) -> Tuple[Chunk, AnyNDArray]:
        # chunk_key_base = struct.pack("<ii", cx, cz)

        chunk = Chunk(cx, cz)
        chunk_palette = numpy.empty(0, dtype=object)

        if self.features["terrain"].startswith(
                "2f"):  # ["2farray", "2f1palette", "2fnpalette"]
            subchunks = [
                data.get(b"\x2F" + bytes([i]), None) for i in range(16)
            chunk.blocks, chunk_palette = self._load_subchunks(subchunks)
        elif self.features["terrain"] == "30array":
            chunk_data = data.get(b"\x30", None)
            if chunk_data is not None:
                block_ids = numpy.frombuffer(chunk_data[:2**15],
                block_data = from_nibble_array(
                    numpy.frombuffer(chunk_data[2**15:2**15 + 2**14],

                # there is other data here but we are going to skip over it
                combined_palette, block_array = fast_unique(
                        ((block_ids << 4) + block_data).reshape(16, 16, 128),
                        (0, 2, 1)))
                chunk.blocks = {
                    i: block_array[:, i * 16:(i + 1) * 16, :]
                    for i in range(8)
                palette: AnyNDArray = numpy.array(
                    [combined_palette >> 4, combined_palette & 15]).T
                chunk_palette = numpy.empty(len(palette), dtype=object)
                for i, b in enumerate(palette):
                    chunk_palette[i] = ((None, tuple(b)), )

            raise Exception

        if self.features["finalised_state"] == "int0-2":
            if b"\x36" in data:
                val = struct.unpack("<i", data[b"\x36"])[0]
                val = 2
            chunk.status = val

        if self.features["data_2d"] in [
            d2d = data.get(b"\x2D", b"\x00" * 768)
            height, biome = d2d[:512], d2d[512:]
            if self.features["data_2d"] == "height512|biome256":
                pass  # TODO: put this data somewhere
            chunk.biomes = numpy.frombuffer(biome,
                                            dtype="uint8").reshape(16, 16)

        # TODO: impliment key support
        # \x2D  heightmap and biomes
        # \x31  block entity
        # \x32  entity
        # \x33  ticks
        # \x34  block extra data
        # \x35  biome state
        # \x39  7 ints and an end (03)? Honestly don't know what this is
        # \x3A  fire tick?

        # \x2E  2d legacy
        # \x30  legacy terrain

        # unpack block entities and entities
        if self.features["block_entities"] == "31list":
            block_entities = self._unpack_nbt_list(data.get(b"\x31", b""))
            chunk.block_entities = self._decode_block_entities(block_entities)

        if self.features["entities"] == "32list" and amulet.entity_support:
            entities = self._unpack_nbt_list(data.get(b"\x32", b""))
            chunk.entities = self._decode_entities(entities)

        return chunk, chunk_palette
Esempio n. 4
    def decode(self, cx: int, cz: int,
               data: amulet_nbt.NBTFile) -> Tuple["Chunk", AnyNDArray]:
        Create an amulet.api.chunk.Chunk object from raw data given by the format.
        :param cx: chunk x coordinate
        :param cz: chunk z coordinate
        :param data: amulet_nbt.NBTFile
        :return: Chunk object in version-specific format, along with the block_palette for that chunk.
        misc = {}
        chunk = Chunk(cx, cz)

        if self.features["last_update"] == "long":
            misc["last_update"] = (data["Level"].get(
                "LastUpdate", amulet_nbt.TAG_Long(0)).value)

        if self.features["status"] in ["j13", "j14"]:
            chunk.status = data["Level"]["Status"].value
            status = "empty"
            if (self.features["terrain_populated"] == "byte"
                    and data["Level"].get("TerrainPopulated",
                status = "decorated"
            if (self.features["light_populated"] == "byte"
                    and data["Level"].get("LightPopulated",
                status = "postprocessed"

            chunk.status = status

        if self.features["V"] == "byte":
            misc["V"] = data["Level"]["V"].value

        if self.features["inhabited_time"] == "long":
            misc["inhabited_time"] = (data["Level"].get(
                "InhabitedTime", amulet_nbt.TAG_Long(0)).value)

        if self.features["biomes"] is not None:
            biomes = data["Level"].get("Biomes",
            if self.features["biomes"] == "256BA":
                biomes = biomes.astype(numpy.uint8)
            elif self.features["biomes"] in ["256IA", "1024IA"]:
                biomes = biomes.astype(numpy.uint32)

            chunk.biomes = biomes

        if self.features["height_map"] == "256IA":
            misc["height_map256IA"] = data["Level"]["HeightMap"].value
        elif self.features["height_map"] in [
            if "Heightmaps" in data["Level"]:
                misc["height_mapC|36LA"] = data["Level"]["Heightmaps"]

        if "Sections" in data["Level"]:
            if self.features["blocks"] in [
                chunk.blocks, palette = self._decode_blocks(
                raise Exception(
                    f'Unsupported block format {self.features["blocks"]}')

            if self.features["block_light"] == "Sections|2048BA":
                misc["block_light"] = {
                    section["Y"].value: section["BlockLight"]
                    for section in data["Level"]["Sections"]
                    if "BlockLight" in section

            if self.features["sky_light"] == "Sections|2048BA":
                misc["sky_light"] = {
                    section["Y"].value: section["SkyLight"]
                    for section in data["Level"]["Sections"]
                    if "SkyLight" in section
            palette = numpy.array(
                [Block(namespace="minecraft", base_name="air")])

        if self.features["entities"] == "list":
            if amulet.entity_support:
                chunk.entities = self._decode_entities(data["Level"].get(
                    "Entities", amulet_nbt.TAG_List()))
                misc["java_entities_temp"] = self._decode_entities(
                    data["Level"].get("Entities", amulet_nbt.TAG_List()))

        if self.features["block_entities"] == "list":
            chunk.block_entities = self._decode_block_entities(
                data["Level"].get("TileEntities", amulet_nbt.TAG_List()))

        if self.features["tile_ticks"] == "list":
            misc["tile_ticks"] = data["Level"].get("TileTicks",

        if self.features["liquid_ticks"] == "list":
            if "LiquidTicks" in data["Level"]:
                misc["liquid_ticks"] = data["Level"]["LiquidTicks"]

        if self.features["liquids_to_be_ticked"] == "16list|list":
            if "LiquidsToBeTicked" in data["Level"]:
                misc["liquids_to_be_ticked"] = data["Level"][

        if self.features["to_be_ticked"] == "16list|list":
            if "ToBeTicked" in data["Level"]:
                misc["to_be_ticked"] = data["Level"]["ToBeTicked"]

        if self.features["post_processing"] == "16list|list":
            if "PostProcessing" in data["Level"]:
                misc["post_processing"] = data["Level"]["PostProcessing"]

        if self.features["structures"] == "compound":
            if "Structures" in data["Level"]:
                misc["structures"] = data["Level"]["Structures"]

        chunk.misc = misc

        return chunk, palette
    def decode(self, cx: int, cz: int, data: Dict[bytes, bytes],
               bounds: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[Chunk, AnyNDArray]:
        Create an amulet.api.chunk.Chunk object from raw data given by the format
        :param cx: chunk x coordinate
        :param cz: chunk z coordinate
        :param data: Raw chunk data provided by the format.
        :param bounds: The minimum and maximum height of the chunk.
        :return: Chunk object in version-specific format, along with the block_palette for that chunk.
        chunk = Chunk(cx, cz)
        chunk_palette = numpy.empty(0, dtype=object)
        chunk.misc = {"bedrock_chunk_data": data}

        data.pop(b"v", None)
        data.pop(b",", None)

        if self._features["terrain"].startswith(
                "2f"):  # ["2farray", "2f1palette", "2fnpalette"]
            subchunks = {}
            for key in data.copy().keys():
                if len(key) == 2 and key[0:1] == b"\x2F":
                    cy = struct.unpack("b", key[1:2])[0]
                        cy, bounds[0] >> 4)] = data.pop(key)
            chunk.blocks, chunk_palette = self._load_subchunks(subchunks)
        elif self._features["terrain"] == "30array":
            chunk_data = data.pop(b"\x30", None)
            if chunk_data is not None:
                block_ids = numpy.frombuffer(chunk_data[:2**15],
                block_data = from_nibble_array(
                    numpy.frombuffer(chunk_data[2**15:2**15 + 2**14],

                # there is other data here but we are going to skip over it
                combined_palette, block_array = fast_unique(
                        ((block_ids << 4) + block_data).reshape(16, 16, 128),
                        (0, 2, 1)))
                chunk.blocks = {
                    i: block_array[:, i * 16:(i + 1) * 16, :]
                    for i in range(8)
                palette: AnyNDArray = numpy.array(
                    [combined_palette >> 4, combined_palette & 15]).T
                chunk_palette = numpy.empty(len(palette), dtype=object)
                for i, b in enumerate(palette):
                    chunk_palette[i] = ((None, tuple(b)), )

            raise Exception

        if self._features["finalised_state"] == "int0-2":
            state = data.pop(b"\x36", None)
            val = 2
            if isinstance(state, bytes):
                if len(state) == 1:
                    # old versions of the game store this as a byte
                    val = struct.unpack("b", state)[0]
                elif len(state) == 4:
                    # newer versions store it as an int
                    val = struct.unpack("<i", state)[0]
            chunk.status = val

        if b"+" in data:
            height, biome = self._decode_height_3d_biomes(
                data[b"+"], bounds[0] >> 4)
            chunk.misc["height"] = height
            chunk.biomes = biome
        elif b"\x2D" in data:
            d2d = data[b"\x2D"]
            height, biome = (
                numpy.frombuffer(d2d[:512], "<i2").reshape((16, 16)),
            chunk.misc["height"] = height
            chunk.biomes = numpy.frombuffer(biome,
                                            dtype="uint8").reshape(16, 16).T

        # TODO: implement key support
        # \x2D  heightmap and biomes
        # \x31  block entity
        # \x32  entity
        # \x33  ticks
        # \x34  block extra data
        # \x35  biome state
        # \x39  7 ints and an end (03)? Honestly don't know what this is
        # \x3A  fire tick?

        # \x2E  2d legacy
        # \x30  legacy terrain

        # unpack block entities and entities
        if self._features["block_entities"] == "31list":
            block_entities = self._unpack_nbt_list(data.pop(b"\x31", b""))
            chunk.block_entities = self._decode_block_entity_list(

        if self._features["entities"] == "32list" and amulet.entity_support:
            entities = self._unpack_nbt_list(data.pop(b"\x32", b""))
            chunk.entities = self._decode_entity_list(entities)

        return chunk, chunk_palette