Esempio n. 1
def run_kepler(mass, semi, ecc, time):

    kep = Kepler(redirection='none')

    kep.set_longitudinal_unit_vector(1.0, 1.0,
    kep.initialize_from_elements(mass, semi, ecc)
    a,e = kep.get_elements()
    p = kep.get_periastron()
    print "elements:", a, e, p
    x,y,z = kep.get_separation_vector()
    print "separation:", x,y,z
    x,y,z = kep.get_longitudinal_unit_vector()
    print "longitudinal:", x,y,z

    pos = [1, 0, 0] | nbody_system.length
    vel = [0, 0.5, 0] | nbody_system.speed
    kep.initialize_from_dyn(mass, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2],
                            vel[0], vel[1], vel[2])
    a,e = kep.get_elements()
    p = kep.get_periastron()
    print "elements:", a, e, p
    x,y,z = kep.get_separation_vector()
    print "separation:", x,y,z
    x,y,z = kep.get_velocity_vector()
    print "velocity:", x,y,z
    x,y,z = kep.get_longitudinal_unit_vector()
    print "longitudinal:", x,y,z

    kep.make_binary_scattering(0.5 | nbody_system.mass,
                               0.5 | nbody_system.mass,
                               0.0 | nbody_system.speed,
                               0.0 | nbody_system.length,
Esempio n. 2
def CutOrAdvance(enc_bodies, primary_sysID, converter=None):
    bodies = enc_bodies.copy()
    if converter==None:
        converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(bodies.mass.sum(), 2 * np.max(bodies.radius.number) | bodies.radius.unit)
    systems = stellar_systems.get_heirarchical_systems_from_set(bodies, converter=converter, RelativePosition=False)
    # Deal with Possible Key Issues with Encounters with 3+ Star Particles Being Run More than Other Systems ...
    if int(primary_sysID) not in systems.keys():
        print "...: Error: Previously run binary system has been found! Not running this system ..."
        print primary_sysID
        print systems.keys()
        print "---------------------------------"
        return None
    # As this function is pulling from Multiples, there should never be more or less than 2 "Root" Particles ...
    if len(systems) != 2:
        print "...: Error: Encounter has more roots than expected! Total Root Particles:", len(systems)
        print bodies
        print "---------------------------------"
        return None
    # Assign the Primary System to #1 and Perturbing System to #2
    sys_1 = systems[int(primary_sysID)]
    secondary_sysID = [key for key in systems.keys() if key!=int(primary_sysID)][0]
    sys_2 = systems[secondary_sysID]
    print 'All System Keys:', systems.keys()
    print 'Primary System Key:', primary_sysID
    print 'System 1 IDs:',
    print 'System 2 IDs:',
    # Calculate Useful Quantities
    mass_ratio = sys_2.mass.sum()/sys_1.mass.sum()
    total_mass = sys_1.mass.sum() + sys_2.mass.sum()
    rel_pos = sys_1.center_of_mass() - sys_2.center_of_mass()
    rel_vel = sys_1.center_of_mass_velocity() - sys_2.center_of_mass_velocity()
    # Initialize Kepler Worker
    kep = Kepler(unit_converter = converter, redirection = 'none')
    kep.initialize_from_dyn(total_mass, rel_pos[0], rel_pos[1], rel_pos[2], rel_vel[0], rel_vel[1], rel_vel[2])
    # Check to See if the Periastron is within the Ignore Distance for 10^3 Perturbation
    p = kep.get_periastron()
    ignore_distance = mass_ratio**(1./3.) * 600 | units.AU
    if p > ignore_distance:
        print "Encounter Ignored due to Periastron of", p.in_(units.AU), "and an IgnoreDistance of",ignore_distance
        print "---------------------------------"
        return None
    # Move the Particles to be Relative to their Respective Center of Mass
    cm_sys_1, cm_sys_2 = sys_1.center_of_mass(), sys_2.center_of_mass()
    cmv_sys_1, cmv_sys_2 = sys_1.center_of_mass_velocity(), sys_2.center_of_mass_velocity()
    for particle in sys_1:
        particle.position -= cm_sys_1
        particle.velocity -= cmv_sys_1
    for particle in sys_2:
        particle.position -= cm_sys_2
        particle.velocity -= cmv_sys_2
    # Check to See if the Planets are Closer than the Ignore Distance
    # Note: This shouldn't happen in the main code, but this prevents overshooting the periastron in debug mode.
    if kep.get_separation() > ignore_distance:
    # Advance the Center of Masses to the Desired Distance in Reduced Mass Coordinates
    x, y, z = kep.get_separation_vector()
    rel_pos_f = rel_pos.copy()
    rel_pos_f[0], rel_pos_f[1], rel_pos_f[2] = x, y, z
    vx, vy, vz = kep.get_velocity_vector()
    rel_vel_f = rel_vel.copy()
    rel_vel_f[0], rel_vel_f[1], rel_vel_f[2] = vx, vy, vz
    # Transform to Absolute Coordinates from Kepler Reduced Mass Coordinates
    cm_pos_1, cm_pos_2 = sys_2.mass.sum() * rel_pos_f / total_mass, -sys_1.mass.sum() * rel_pos_f / total_mass
    cm_vel_1, cm_vel_2 = sys_2.mass.sum() * rel_vel_f / total_mass, -sys_1.mass.sum() * rel_vel_f / total_mass
    # Move the Particles to the New Postions of their Respective Center of Mass
    for particle in sys_1:
        particle.position += cm_pos_1
        particle.velocity += cm_vel_1
    for particle in sys_2:
        particle.position += cm_pos_2
        particle.velocity += cm_vel_2
    # Stop Kepler and Return the Systems as a Particle Set
    # Collect the Collective Particle Set to be Returned Back
    final_set = Particles()
    print "---------------------------------"
    return final_set
Esempio n. 3
sun_and_stone = Particles(2)
sun_and_stone[0].position = [-5.40085336308e+13, -5.92288255636e+13, 0.
                             ] | units.m
sun_and_stone[0].velocity = [-68.4281023588, -90.213640012, 0.
                             ] | (units.m / units.s)
sun_and_stone[0].mass = 1.98892e+30 |
sun_and_stone[1].position = [2.31421952844e+17, 1.72742642121e+17, 0.
                             ] | units.m
sun_and_stone[1].velocity = [500794.477878, 373808.365427, 0.
                             ] | (units.m / units.s)
sun_and_stone[1].mass = 0. |

print " particles:"
print sun_and_stone

converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(1 | units.MSun, 1 | units.AU)
kepler = Kepler(converter)
semi, ecc = kepler.get_elements()
apo = kepler.get_apastron()
per = kepler.get_periastron()
period = kepler.get_period()

print " semi-major axis ", semi.in_(units.AU)
print " eccentricity ", ecc
print " apocenter ", apo.in_(units.AU)
print " pericenter ", per.in_(units.AU)
print " period", period