Esempio n. 1
def plot_data(data, fdata, bins, neg_shift, plot_histogram=False):
    '''create figure with plot of raw data and histogram in subplots
    nrows = 2 if plot_histogram else 1
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=1, squeeze=False)

    td0 = transform_pi_deg(data[:, 0], neg_shift=neg_shift)
    ip = np.argsort(td0)
    xmin, xmax = (0, 180) if neg_shift else (-90, 90)

    ax = axs[0, 0]
    ax.plot(td0[ip], data[ip, 1], lw=2)
    ax.set_title('raw data')
    ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
    ax.set_xlabel('angle', fontsize='large')
    ax.set_ylabel('coherency', fontsize='large')

    if plot_histogram:
        ax = axs[1, 0]
        ax.hist(transform_pi_deg(fdata, neg_shift=neg_shift),
             bins=bins, alpha=0.5)
        ax.set_title('raw data histogram')
        ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])

    return fig
Esempio n. 2
def plot_rvs_comparison(fdata, rvs, sizes, bins, neg_shift):
    '''plot 2 histograms given by fdata and rvs

    fdata : ndarray
        original data
    rvs : ndarray
        simulated data
    sizes : list, iterable
        list of the numbers of observations of mixture components
    bins :
        directly used by matplotlib ``hist``
    negshift : bool
        If False, keep range in (-90, 90).
        If True, shift range to (0, 180).

    fig = plt.figure(3)
    plt.title('orig. (blue, %d) vs. sim. (green, %s)'
              % (fdata.shape[0], ', '.join('%d' % ii for ii in sizes)),
    plt.hist(transform_pi_deg(fdata, neg_shift=neg_shift),
             bins=bins, alpha=0.5)
    plt.hist(transform_pi_deg(rvs, neg_shift=neg_shift),
             bins=bins, alpha=0.5)

    xmin, xmax = (0, 180) if neg_shift else (-90, 90)
    plt.axis(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)

    plt.xlabel('angle', fontsize='large')
    plt.ylabel('count', fontsize='large')

    return fig
Esempio n. 3
    def __call__(self):
        for filenames in self.get_filenames:
            dir_base, base_names = io.split_dir_base(filenames)
            print '======================================================'
            print 'directory base:',  dir_base

            data = io.load_data(filenames)
            if self.n_merge_bins is not None:
                data = tr.merge_bins(data, self.n_merge_bins)
            print 'angles range:', data[:, 0].min(), data[:, 0].max()

            data = tr.fix_increasing(tr.fix_range(tr.transform_2pi(data)))

            print 'transformed angles range:', data[0, 0], data[-1, 0]
            print 'data range:', data[:, 1].min(), data[:, 1].max()

            # Simulate the "random process" the histogram was done from.
            counts = tr.get_counts_from_lengths(data[:, 1])
            fdata = tr.spread_by_counts(data[:, 0], counts,
                                        trivial=self.spread_data == False)

            print 'simulated counts range:', counts.min(), counts.max()

            ddata = np.sort(tr.transform_pi_deg(data[:, 0],
            dd = ddata[1] - ddata[0]
            all_bins = np.r_[ddata - 1e-8, ddata[-1] + dd]
            bins = all_bins[::self.plot_bins_step]

            self.current = Struct(filenames=filenames, dir_base=dir_base,
            self.source_data = Struct(counts=counts,
                                      data=data, fdata=fdata, bins=bins)

            yield self.source_data
Esempio n. 4
    def __call__(self):
        for filenames in self.get_filenames:
            dir_base, base_names = io.split_dir_base(filenames)
            print '======================================================'
            print 'directory base:', dir_base

            data = io.load_data(filenames)
            if self.n_merge_bins is not None:
                data = tr.merge_bins(data, self.n_merge_bins)
            print 'angles range:', data[:, 0].min(), data[:, 0].max()

            data = tr.fix_increasing(tr.fix_range(tr.transform_2pi(data)))

            print 'transformed angles range:', data[0, 0], data[-1, 0]
            print 'data range:', data[:, 1].min(), data[:, 1].max()

            # Simulate the "random process" the histogram was done from.
            counts = tr.get_counts_from_lengths(data[:, 1])
            fdata = tr.spread_by_counts(data[:, 0],
                                        trivial=self.spread_data == False)

            print 'simulated counts range:', counts.min(), counts.max()

            ddata = np.sort(
                tr.transform_pi_deg(data[:, 0], neg_shift=self.neg_shift))
            dd = ddata[1] - ddata[0]
            all_bins = np.r_[ddata - 1e-8, ddata[-1] + dd]
            bins = all_bins[::self.plot_bins_step]

            self.current = Struct(filenames=filenames,
            self.source_data = Struct(counts=counts,

            yield self.source_data
Esempio n. 5
def plot_estimated_dist(output_dir, result, source, pset_id=None):
    data, fdata, bins = source.get_source_data()

    xtr = lambda x: transform_pi_deg(x, neg_shift=source.neg_shift)
    rbins = transform_2pi(bins) - np.pi * (source.neg_shift == True)
    fig = result.model.plot_dist(result.full_params, xtransform=xtr, bins=rbins,
    fig.axes[0].set_title('estimated distribution')
    fig.axes[0].set_xlabel('angle', fontsize='large')
    fig.axes[0].set_ylabel('probability density function', fontsize='large')

    if pset_id is None:
        name = source.current.dir_base + '-fit.png'

        name = source.current.dir_base + '-fit-%d.png' % pset_id

    figname = os.path.join(output_dir, name)

Esempio n. 6
def log_results(log, result, source):
    Log the fitting results.

    The resulting mixture parameters are stored into a 2d array with rows
    [location in degrees (mu), shape (kappa), probability].
    sparams = result.model.get_summary_params(result.full_params)[:, [1, 0, 2]]
    sparams[:, 0] = tr.transform_pi_deg(tr.fix_range(sparams[:, 0]),
    converged = result.mle_retvals['converged']

    fit_criteria = [-result.llf, result.aic, result.bic]
    print 'llf / nobs:', fit_criteria[0] / result.model.endog.shape[0]

    chisquare = result.gof_chisquare()

    # Chisquare test with effect size.
    alpha = 0.05 # Significance level.
    data =
    n_obs = data[:, 1].sum()
    rad_diff = data[1, 0] - data[0, 0]

    pdf = result.model.pdf_mix(result.full_params, data[:, 0])
    probs = pdf * rad_diff * n_obs
    effect_size = gof.chisquare_effectsize(data[:, 1], probs)
    chi2 = gof.chisquare(data[:, 1], probs, value=effect_size)
    power = gof.chisquare_power(effect_size, n_obs,
                                data.shape[0], alpha=alpha)

    chisquare_all = list(chisquare) + [n_obs, effect_size] \
                    + list(chi2) + [power]

    log.write_row(source.current.dir_base, source.current.base_names,
                  chisquare_all, sparams, converged, fit_criteria)
Esempio n. 7
def log_results(log, result, source):
    Log the fitting results.

    The resulting mixture parameters are stored into a 2d array with rows
    [location in degrees (mu), shape (kappa), probability].
    sparams = result.model.get_summary_params(result.full_params)[:, [1, 0, 2]]
    sparams[:, 0] = tr.transform_pi_deg(tr.fix_range(sparams[:, 0]),
    converged = result.mle_retvals['converged']

    fit_criteria = [-result.llf, result.aic, result.bic]
    print 'llf / nobs:', fit_criteria[0] / result.model.endog.shape[0]

    chisquare = result.gof_chisquare()

    # Chisquare test with effect size.
    alpha = 0.05  # Significance level.
    data =
    n_obs = data[:, 1].sum()
    rad_diff = data[1, 0] - data[0, 0]

    pdf = result.model.pdf_mix(result.full_params, data[:, 0])
    probs = pdf * rad_diff * n_obs
    effect_size = gof.chisquare_effectsize(data[:, 1], probs)
    chi2 = gof.chisquare(data[:, 1], probs, value=effect_size)
    power = gof.chisquare_power(effect_size, n_obs, data.shape[0], alpha=alpha)

    chisquare_all = list(chisquare) + [n_obs, effect_size] \
                    + list(chi2) + [power]

    log.write_row(source.current.dir_base, source.current.base_names,
                  chisquare_all, sparams, converged, fit_criteria)
Esempio n. 8
def get_area_angles(data, mode='min', ishift=None):
    Get equal area angles.

    For 'min' mode:

    First, the x-axis of the histogram is rolled so that the histogram minimum
    is at the beginning/end of the x-axis. The histogram maximum is then
    assumed to be somewhere around the middle of the x-axis.

    For 'max' mode:

    First, the x-axis of the histogram is rolled so that the histogram maximum
    is in the middle of the x-axis. The histogram minimum is then assumed to be
    somewhere around the beginning/end of the x-axis.

    The two modes should give similar results for symmetric histograms.


    Assuming two main directions of fibres which are symmetric with respect to
    the angle of symmetry a_s and have the same probability 0.5 we obtain the
    mean value of these directions and their variation using the following
    algorithm. The integral sum of the histogram is obtained. Half of the sum
    is assigned to the angles smaller than the angle of symmetry and the second
    half to the angles greater than the angle of symmetry. Then each half is
    again divided into two equal area halves - two intervals are obtained [l_s,
    a_s], [a_s, r_s], where l_s, r_s are the dividing angles in the left and
    right half-areas, respectively. The mid-points of those intervals are taken
    as the directions of the assumed two fibre systems.
    ddd0 = data.copy()
    ddd0[:, 0] = transform_pi_deg(ddd0[:, 0], neg_shift=0)

    if ishift is None:
        if mode == 'min':
            ishift = np.argmin(ddd0[:, 1])

            ishift = np.argmax(ddd0[:, 1]) - int(float(data.shape[0]) / 2)

    ddd = np.roll(ddd0, -ishift, axis=0)

    # Make angle ascending.
    for ii in xrange(1, ddd.shape[0]):
        if ddd[ii, 0] < ddd[ii - 1, 0]:
            ddd[ii, 0] += 180.0

    # Mirror the first data point.
    dx = ddd[1, 0] - ddd[0, 0]
    ddd = np.r_[ddd, [[ddd[-1, 0] + dx, ddd[0, 1]]]]

    xmin, xmax = -1000, 1000
    arh, xm = split_equal_areas(ddd, xmin, xmax)
    arh1, x0 = split_equal_areas(ddd, xmin, xm)
    arh2, x1 = split_equal_areas(ddd, xm, xmax)

    x0 = x0 if x0 >= 0.0 else x0 + 180
    xm = xm if xm >= 0.0 else xm + 180
    x1 = x1 if x1 >= 0.0 else x1 + 180

    print x0, xm, x1
    print arh, arh1, arh2, arh1 - arh2, arh - (arh1 + arh2)

    return x0, xm, x1, arh1, arh2
Esempio n. 9
        print '*****'
        print 'directory base:', dir_base

        data = io.load_data(filenames, transform=tr.transform_2pi)

        print 'data range:', data[:, 1].min(), data[:, 1].max()

        # Simulate the "random process" the histogram was done from.
        counts = tr.get_counts_from_lengths(data[:, 1])
        fdata = tr.spread_by_counts(data[:, 0], counts)

        print 'simulated counts range:', counts.min(), counts.max(
        ), counts.sum()

        ddata = np.sort(tr.transform_pi_deg(data[:, 0], neg_shift=neg_shift))
        dd = ddata[1] - ddata[0]
        all_bins = np.r_[ddata - 1e-8, ddata[-1] + dd]
        bins = all_bins  #[::4]

        figname = os.path.join(output_dir, dir_base + '-data.png')
        fig = pl.plot_data(data, fdata, bins, neg_shift=neg_shift)

        if options.area_angles:
                          *pl.get_area_angles(data, neg_shift=neg_shift))


        aux = Store()
        aux.fdata = fdata