Esempio n. 1
def run_workload_characterization(metric_data):
    # Performs workload characterization on the metric_data and returns
    # a set of pruned metrics.
    # Parameters:
    #   metric_data is a dictionary of the form:
    #     - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of metric data (results x metrics)
    #     - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
    #     - 'columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to
    #                       the columns in the data matrix

    matrix = metric_data['data']
    columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']

    # Remove any constant columns
    nonconst_matrix = []
    nonconst_columnlabels = []
    for col, cl in zip(matrix.T, columnlabels):
        if np.any(col != col[0]):
            nonconst_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
    assert len(nonconst_matrix) > 0, "Need more data to train the model"
    nonconst_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_matrix)
    n_rows, n_cols = nonconst_matrix.shape

    # Bin each column (metric) in the matrix by its decile
    binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    binned_matrix = binner.fit_transform(nonconst_matrix)

    # Shuffle the matrix rows
    shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(n_rows)
    shuffled_matrix = binned_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]

    # Fit factor analysis model
    fa_model = FactorAnalysis()
    # For now we use 5 latent variables, nonconst_columnlabels, n_components=5)

    # Components: metrics * factors
    components = fa_model.components_.T.copy()

    # Run Kmeans for # clusters k in range(1, num_nonduplicate_metrics - 1)
    # K should be much smaller than n_cols in detK, For now max_cluster <= 20
    kmeans_models = KMeansClusters(),
                      max_cluster=min(n_cols - 1, 20),
                      estimator_params={'n_init': 50})

    # Compute optimal # clusters, k, using gap statistics
    gapk = create_kselection_model("gap-statistic"), kmeans_models.cluster_map_)

    # Get pruned metrics, cloest samples of each cluster center
    pruned_metrics = kmeans_models.cluster_map_[

    # Return pruned metrics
    return pruned_metrics
Esempio n. 2
def run_workload_characterization(metric_data):
    # Performs workload characterization on the metric_data and returns
    # a set of pruned metrics.
    # Parameters:
    #   metric_data is a dictionary of the form:
    #     - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of metric data (results x metrics)
    #     - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
    #     - 'columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to
    #                       the columns in the data matrix

    matrix = metric_data['data']
    columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']

    # Remove any constant columns
    nonconst_matrix = []
    nonconst_columnlabels = []
    for col, cl in zip(matrix.T, columnlabels):
        if np.any(col != col[0]):
            nonconst_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
    assert len(nonconst_matrix) > 0, "Need more data to train the model"
    nonconst_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_matrix)
    n_rows, n_cols = nonconst_matrix.shape

    # Bin each column (metric) in the matrix by its decile
    binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    binned_matrix = binner.fit_transform(nonconst_matrix)

    # Shuffle the matrix rows
    shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(n_rows)
    shuffled_matrix = binned_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]

    # Fit factor analysis model
    fa_model = FactorAnalysis()
    # For now we use 5 latent variables, nonconst_columnlabels, n_components=5)

    # Components: metrics * factors
    components = fa_model.components_.T.copy()

    # Run Kmeans for # clusters k in range(1, num_nonduplicate_metrics - 1)
    # K should be much smaller than n_cols in detK, For now max_cluster <= 20
    kmeans_models = KMeansClusters(), min_cluster=1,
                      max_cluster=min(n_cols - 1, 20),
                      estimator_params={'n_init': 50})

    # Compute optimal # clusters, k, using gap statistics
    gapk = create_kselection_model("gap-statistic"), kmeans_models.cluster_map_)

    # Get pruned metrics, cloest samples of each cluster center
    pruned_metrics = kmeans_models.cluster_map_[gapk.optimal_num_clusters_].get_closest_samples()

    # Return pruned metrics
    return pruned_metrics
Esempio n. 3
def run_workload_characterization(metric_data):
    ## Performs workload characterization on the metric_data and returns
    ## a set of pruned metrics.
    ## Parameters:
    ##   metric_data is a dictionary of the form:
    ##     - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of metric data (results x metrics)
    ##     - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
    ##     - 'columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to
    ##                       the columns in the data matrix

    matrix = metric_data['data']
    columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']

    # Remove any constant columns
    nonconst_matrix = []
    nonconst_columnlabels = []
    for col, cl in zip(matrix.T, columnlabels):
        if np.any(col != col[0]):
            nonconst_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
    nonconst_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_matrix)
    n_rows, n_cols = nonconst_matrix.shape

    # Bin each column (metric) in the matrix by its decile
    binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    binned_matrix = binner.fit_transform(nonconst_matrix)

    # Shuffle the matrix rows
    shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(n_rows)
    shuffled_matrix = binned_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]

    # Fit factor analysis model
    fa_model = FactorAnalysis(), nonconst_columnlabels)

    # Run Kmeans for # clusters k in range(2, num_instance_types - 1)
    components = fa_model.components_.T.copy()

    kmeans_models = KMeansClusters(),
                      max_cluster=n_cols - 1,
                      estimator_params={'n_init': 50})

    # Compute optimal # clusters, k, using  DetK
    detk = create_kselection_model("det-k"), kmeans_models.cluster_map_)

    # Get pruned metrics, cloest samples of each cluster center
    pruned_metrics = kmeans_models.cluster_map_[

    # Return pruned metrics
    return pruned_metrics
Esempio n. 4
def map_workload(target_data):
    # Get the latest version of pipeline data that's been computed so far.
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
    if target_data['bad']:
        assert target_data is not None
        return target_data
    assert latest_pipeline_run is not None

    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=target_data['newest_result_id'])
    target_workload = newest_result.workload
    X_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['X_columnlabels'])
    y_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['y_columnlabels'])

    # Find all pipeline data belonging to the latest version with the same
    # DBMS and hardware as the target
    pipeline_data = PipelineData.objects.filter(

    # FIXME (dva): we should also compute the global (i.e., overall) ranked_knobs
    # and pruned metrics but we just use those from the first workload for now
    initialized = False
    global_ranked_knobs = None
    global_pruned_metrics = None
    ranked_knob_idxs = None
    pruned_metric_idxs = None

    # Compute workload mapping data for each unique workload
    unique_workloads = pipeline_data.values_list('workload',
    assert len(unique_workloads) > 0
    workload_data = {}
    for unique_workload in unique_workloads:

        workload_obj = Workload.objects.get(pk=unique_workload)
        wkld_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=workload_obj)
        if wkld_results.exists() is False:
            # delete the workload

        # Load knob & metric data for this workload
        knob_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload,

        metric_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload,
        X_matrix = np.array(knob_data["data"])
        y_matrix = np.array(metric_data["data"])
        rowlabels = np.array(knob_data["rowlabels"])
        assert np.array_equal(rowlabels, metric_data["rowlabels"])

        if not initialized:
            # For now set ranked knobs & pruned metrics to be those computed
            # for the first workload
            global_ranked_knobs = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload,
            global_pruned_metrics = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload,
            ranked_knob_idxs = [
                i for i in range(X_matrix.shape[1])
                if X_columnlabels[i] in global_ranked_knobs
            pruned_metric_idxs = [
                i for i in range(y_matrix.shape[1])
                if y_columnlabels[i] in global_pruned_metrics

            # Filter X & y columnlabels by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
            X_columnlabels = X_columnlabels[ranked_knob_idxs]
            y_columnlabels = y_columnlabels[pruned_metric_idxs]
            initialized = True

        # Filter X & y matrices by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
        X_matrix = X_matrix[:, ranked_knob_idxs]
        y_matrix = y_matrix[:, pruned_metric_idxs]

        # Combine duplicate rows (rows with same knob settings)
        X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels = DataUtil.combine_duplicate_rows(
            X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels)

        workload_data[unique_workload] = {
            'X_matrix': X_matrix,
            'y_matrix': y_matrix,
            'rowlabels': rowlabels,

    assert len(workload_data) > 0

    # Stack all X & y matrices for preprocessing
    Xs = np.vstack(
        [entry['X_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])
    ys = np.vstack(
        [entry['y_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])

    # Scale the X & y values, then compute the deciles for each column in y
    X_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    del Xs
    del ys

    # Filter the target's X & y data by the ranked knobs & pruned metrics.
    X_target = target_data['X_matrix'][:, ranked_knob_idxs]
    y_target = target_data['y_matrix'][:, pruned_metric_idxs]

    # Now standardize the target's data and bin it by the deciles we just
    # calculated
    X_target = X_scaler.transform(X_target)
    y_target = y_scaler.transform(y_target)
    y_target = y_binner.transform(y_target)

    scores = {}
    for workload_id, workload_entry in list(workload_data.items()):
        predictions = np.empty_like(y_target)
        X_workload = workload_entry['X_matrix']
        X_scaled = X_scaler.transform(X_workload)
        y_workload = workload_entry['y_matrix']
        y_scaled = y_scaler.transform(y_workload)
        for j, y_col in enumerate(y_scaled.T):
            # Using this workload's data, train a Gaussian process model
            # and then predict the performance of each metric for each of
            # the knob configurations attempted so far by the target.
            y_col = y_col.reshape(-1, 1)
            model = GPRNP(length_scale=DEFAULT_LENGTH_SCALE,
  , y_col, ridge=DEFAULT_RIDGE)
            predictions[:, j] = model.predict(X_target).ypreds.ravel()
        # Bin each of the predicted metric columns by deciles and then
        # compute the score (i.e., distance) between the target workload
        # and each of the known workloads
        predictions = y_binner.transform(predictions)
        dists = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(predictions, y_target)), axis=1))
        scores[workload_id] = np.mean(dists)

    # Find the best (minimum) score
    best_score = np.inf
    best_workload_id = None
    # scores_info = {workload_id: (workload_name, score)}
    scores_info = {}
    for workload_id, similarity_score in list(scores.items()):
        workload_name = Workload.objects.get(pk=workload_id).name
        if similarity_score < best_score:
            best_score = similarity_score
            best_workload_id = workload_id
            best_workload_name = workload_name
        scores_info[workload_id] = (workload_name, similarity_score)
    target_data['mapped_workload'] = (best_workload_id, best_workload_name,
    target_data['scores'] = scores_info
    return target_data
Esempio n. 5
def map_workload(map_workload_input):
    start_ts = time.time()
    target_data, algorithm = map_workload_input

    if target_data['bad']:
        assert target_data is not None
        target_data['pipeline_run'] = None
        LOG.debug('%s: Skipping workload mapping.\n\ndata=%s\n',
                  JSONUtil.dumps(target_data, pprint=True))

        return target_data, algorithm

    # Get the latest version of pipeline data that's been computed so far.
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
    assert latest_pipeline_run is not None
    target_data['pipeline_run'] =

    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=target_data['newest_result_id'])
    session = newest_result.session
    params = JSONUtil.loads(session.hyperparameters)
    target_workload = newest_result.workload
    X_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['X_columnlabels'])
    y_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['y_columnlabels'])

    # Find all pipeline data belonging to the latest version with the same
    # DBMS and hardware as the target
    pipeline_data = PipelineData.objects.filter(

    # FIXME (dva): we should also compute the global (i.e., overall) ranked_knobs
    # and pruned metrics but we just use those from the first workload for now
    initialized = False
    global_ranked_knobs = None
    global_pruned_metrics = None
    ranked_knob_idxs = None
    pruned_metric_idxs = None

    unique_workloads = pipeline_data.values_list('workload',

    workload_data = {}
    # Compute workload mapping data for each unique workload
    for unique_workload in unique_workloads:

        workload_obj = Workload.objects.get(pk=unique_workload)
        wkld_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=workload_obj)
        if wkld_results.exists() is False:
            # delete the workload

        # Load knob & metric data for this workload
        knob_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload,
        knob_data["data"], knob_data["columnlabels"] = clean_knob_data(
            knob_data["data"], knob_data["columnlabels"],
        metric_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload,
        X_matrix = np.array(knob_data["data"])
        y_matrix = np.array(metric_data["data"])
        rowlabels = np.array(knob_data["rowlabels"])
        assert np.array_equal(rowlabels, metric_data["rowlabels"])

        if not initialized:
            # For now set ranked knobs & pruned metrics to be those computed
            # for the first workload
            global_ranked_knobs = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload, PipelineTaskType.RANKED_KNOBS
            global_pruned_metrics = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload,
            ranked_knob_idxs = [
                i for i in range(X_matrix.shape[1])
                if X_columnlabels[i] in global_ranked_knobs
            pruned_metric_idxs = [
                i for i in range(y_matrix.shape[1])
                if y_columnlabels[i] in global_pruned_metrics

            # Filter X & y columnlabels by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
            X_columnlabels = X_columnlabels[ranked_knob_idxs]
            y_columnlabels = y_columnlabels[pruned_metric_idxs]
            initialized = True

        # Filter X & y matrices by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
        X_matrix = X_matrix[:, ranked_knob_idxs]
        y_matrix = y_matrix[:, pruned_metric_idxs]

        # Combine duplicate rows (rows with same knob settings)
        X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels = DataUtil.combine_duplicate_rows(
            X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels)

        workload_data[unique_workload] = {
            'X_matrix': X_matrix,
            'y_matrix': y_matrix,
            'rowlabels': rowlabels,

    if len(workload_data) == 0:
        # The background task that aggregates the data has not finished running yet
        target_data.update(mapped_workload=None, scores=None)
            '%s: Skipping workload mapping because there is no parsed workload.\n',
        return target_data, algorithm

    # Stack all X & y matrices for preprocessing
    Xs = np.vstack(
        [entry['X_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])
    ys = np.vstack(
        [entry['y_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])

    # Scale the X & y values, then compute the deciles for each column in y
    X_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    del Xs
    del ys

    # Filter the target's X & y data by the ranked knobs & pruned metrics.
    X_target = target_data['X_matrix'][:, ranked_knob_idxs]
    y_target = target_data['y_matrix'][:, pruned_metric_idxs]

    # Now standardize the target's data and bin it by the deciles we just
    # calculated
    X_target = X_scaler.transform(X_target)
    y_target = y_scaler.transform(y_target)
    y_target = y_binner.transform(y_target)

    scores = {}
    for workload_id, workload_entry in list(workload_data.items()):
        predictions = np.empty_like(y_target)
        X_workload = workload_entry['X_matrix']
        X_scaled = X_scaler.transform(X_workload)
        y_workload = workload_entry['y_matrix']
        y_scaled = y_scaler.transform(y_workload)
        for j, y_col in enumerate(y_scaled.T):
            # Using this workload's data, train a Gaussian process model
            # and then predict the performance of each metric for each of
            # the knob configurations attempted so far by the target.
            y_col = y_col.reshape(-1, 1)
            if params['GPR_USE_GPFLOW']:
                model_kwargs = {
                    'lengthscales': params['GPR_LENGTH_SCALE'],
                    'variance': params['GPR_MAGNITUDE'],
                    'noise_variance': params['GPR_RIDGE']
                graph = tf.get_default_graph()
                m = gpr_models.create_model(params['GPR_MODEL_NAME'],
                gpr_result = gpflow_predict(m.model, X_target)
                model = GPRNP(length_scale=params['GPR_LENGTH_SCALE'],
      , y_col, ridge=params['GPR_RIDGE'])
                gpr_result = model.predict(X_target)
            predictions[:, j] = gpr_result.ypreds.ravel()
        # Bin each of the predicted metric columns by deciles and then
        # compute the score (i.e., distance) between the target workload
        # and each of the known workloads
        predictions = y_binner.transform(predictions)
        dists = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(predictions, y_target)), axis=1))
        scores[workload_id] = np.mean(dists)

    # Find the best (minimum) score
    best_score = np.inf
    best_workload_id = None
    best_workload_name = None
    scores_info = {}
    for workload_id, similarity_score in list(scores.items()):
        workload_name = Workload.objects.get(pk=workload_id).name
        if similarity_score < best_score:
            best_score = similarity_score
            best_workload_id = workload_id
            best_workload_name = workload_name
        scores_info[workload_id] = (workload_name, similarity_score)
    target_data.update(mapped_workload=(best_workload_id, best_workload_name,
    LOG.debug('%s: Finished mapping the workload.\n\ndata=%s\n',
              JSONUtil.dumps(target_data, pprint=True))

    save_execution_time(start_ts, "map_workload", newest_result)
    return target_data, algorithm
Esempio n. 6
def create_workload_mapping_data():
    agg_datas = PipelineResult.objects.filter(
    dbmss = set([ for ad in agg_datas])
    hardwares = set([ for ad in agg_datas])

    for dbms_id, hw_id in itertools.product(dbmss, hardwares):
        data = PipelineResult.get_latest(dbms_id, hw_id,
        file_info = JSONUtil.loads(data.value)
        cluster_data = OrderedDict()
        for cluster, path in file_info['data'].iteritems():
            compressed_data = np.load(path)
            X_matrix = compressed_data['X_matrix']
            y_matrix = compressed_data['y_matrix']
            X_columnlabels = compressed_data['X_columnlabels']
            y_columnlabels = compressed_data['y_columnlabels']
            rowlabels = compressed_data['rowlabels']

            # Filter metrics and knobs
            ranked_knobs = JSONUtil.loads(
                    dbms_id, hw_id,
                    PipelineTaskType.RANKED_KNOBS).value)[:10]  # FIXME
            pruned_metrics = JSONUtil.loads(
                    dbms_id, hw_id, PipelineTaskType.PRUNED_METRICS).value)
            knob_idxs = [
                i for i in range(X_matrix.shape[1])
                if X_columnlabels[i] in ranked_knobs
            metric_idxs = [
                i for i in range(y_matrix.shape[1])
                if y_columnlabels[i] in pruned_metrics
            X_matrix = X_matrix[:, knob_idxs]
            X_columnlabels = X_columnlabels[knob_idxs]
            y_matrix = y_matrix[:, metric_idxs]
            y_columnlabels = y_columnlabels[metric_idxs]

            # Combine duplicate rows
            X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels = DataUtil.combine_duplicate_rows(
                X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels)
            cluster_data[cluster] = {
                'X_matrix': X_matrix,
                'y_matrix': y_matrix,
                'X_columnlabels': X_columnlabels,
                'y_columnlabels': y_columnlabels,
                'rowlabels': rowlabels,

        Xs = np.vstack([entry['X_matrix'] for entry in cluster_data.values()])
        ys = np.vstack([entry['y_matrix'] for entry in cluster_data.values()])

        X_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
        y_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
        y_binner = Bin(axis=0)
        del Xs
        del ys

        task_name = PipelineTaskType.TYPE_NAMES[
            PipelineTaskType.WORKLOAD_MAPPING_DATA].replace(' ', '').upper()
        timestamp = data.creation_timestamp
        tsf = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        savepaths = {}
        for cluster, entry in cluster_data.iteritems():
            fname = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(task_name, dbms_id, hw_id,
                                                cluster, tsf)
            savepath = os.path.join(PIPELINE_DIR, fname)
            savepaths[cluster] = savepath
            np.savez_compressed(savepath, **entry)

        X_scaler_path = os.path.join(
            '{}_XSCALER_{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(task_name, dbms_id, hw_id, tsf))
        y_scaler_path = os.path.join(
            '{}_YSCALER_{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(task_name, dbms_id, hw_id, tsf))
        y_deciles_path = os.path.join(
            '{}_YDECILES_{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(task_name, dbms_id, hw_id, tsf))
        np.savez_compressed(y_deciles_path, deciles=y_binner.deciles_)

        value = {
            'data': savepaths,
            'X_scaler': X_scaler_path,
            'y_scaler': y_scaler_path,
            'y_deciles': y_deciles_path,

        new_res = PipelineResult()
        new_res.dbms = DBMSCatalog.objects.get(pk=dbms_id)
        new_res.hardware = Hardware.objects.get(pk=hw_id)
        new_res.creation_timestamp = timestamp
        new_res.task_type = PipelineTaskType.WORKLOAD_MAPPING_DATA
        new_res.value = JSONUtil.dumps(value, pprint=True)
Esempio n. 7
def run_workload_characterization(metric_data, dbms=None):
    # Performs workload characterization on the metric_data and returns
    # a set of pruned metrics.
    # Parameters:
    #   metric_data is a dictionary of the form:
    #     - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of metric data (results x metrics)
    #     - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
    #     - 'columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to
    #                       the columns in the data matrix
    start_ts = time.time()

    matrix = metric_data['data']
    columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']
    LOG.debug("Workload characterization ~ initial data size: %s",

    views = None if dbms is None else VIEWS_FOR_PRUNING.get(dbms.type, None)
    matrix, columnlabels = DataUtil.clean_metric_data(matrix, columnlabels,
    LOG.debug("Workload characterization ~ cleaned data size: %s",

    # Bin each column (metric) in the matrix by its decile
    binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    binned_matrix = binner.fit_transform(matrix)

    # Remove any constant columns
    nonconst_matrix = []
    nonconst_columnlabels = []
    for col, cl in zip(binned_matrix.T, columnlabels):
        if np.any(col != col[0]):
            nonconst_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
    assert len(nonconst_matrix) > 0, "Need more data to train the model"
    nonconst_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_matrix)
    LOG.debug("Workload characterization ~ nonconst data size: %s",

    # Remove any duplicate columns
    unique_matrix, unique_idxs = np.unique(nonconst_matrix,
    unique_columnlabels = [nonconst_columnlabels[idx] for idx in unique_idxs]

    LOG.debug("Workload characterization ~ final data size: %s",
    n_rows, n_cols = unique_matrix.shape

    # Shuffle the matrix rows
    shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(n_rows)
    shuffled_matrix = unique_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]

    # Fit factor analysis model
    fa_model = FactorAnalysis()
    # For now we use 5 latent variables, unique_columnlabels, n_components=5)

    # Components: metrics * factors
    components = fa_model.components_.T.copy()"Workload characterization first part costs %.0f seconds.",
             time.time() - start_ts)

    # Run Kmeans for # clusters k in range(1, num_nonduplicate_metrics - 1)
    # K should be much smaller than n_cols in detK, For now max_cluster <= 20
    kmeans_models = KMeansClusters(),
                      max_cluster=min(n_cols - 1, 20),
                      estimator_params={'n_init': 50})

    # Compute optimal # clusters, k, using gap statistics
    gapk = create_kselection_model("gap-statistic"), kmeans_models.cluster_map_)

    LOG.debug("Found optimal number of clusters: %d",

    # Get pruned metrics, cloest samples of each cluster center
    pruned_metrics = kmeans_models.cluster_map_[

    # Return pruned metrics
    save_execution_time(start_ts, "run_workload_characterization")"Workload characterization finished in %.0f seconds.",
             time.time() - start_ts)
    return pruned_metrics
Esempio n. 8
def map_workload(target_data):
    # Get the latest version of pipeline data that's been computed so far.
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
    if target_data['bad']:
        assert target_data is not None
        return target_data
    assert latest_pipeline_run is not None

    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=target_data['newest_result_id'])
    target_workload = newest_result.workload
    X_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['X_columnlabels'])
    y_columnlabels = np.array(target_data['y_columnlabels'])

    # Find all pipeline data belonging to the latest version with the same
    # DBMS and hardware as the target
    pipeline_data = PipelineData.objects.filter(

    # FIXME (dva): we should also compute the global (i.e., overall) ranked_knobs
    # and pruned metrics but we just use those from the first workload for now
    initialized = False
    global_ranked_knobs = None
    global_pruned_metrics = None
    ranked_knob_idxs = None
    pruned_metric_idxs = None

    # Compute workload mapping data for each unique workload
    unique_workloads = pipeline_data.values_list('workload', flat=True).distinct()
    assert len(unique_workloads) > 0
    workload_data = {}
    for unique_workload in unique_workloads:
        # Load knob & metric data for this workload
        knob_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload, PipelineTaskType.KNOB_DATA)

        metric_data = load_data_helper(pipeline_data, unique_workload, PipelineTaskType.METRIC_DATA)
        X_matrix = np.array(knob_data["data"])
        y_matrix = np.array(metric_data["data"])
        rowlabels = np.array(knob_data["rowlabels"])
        assert np.array_equal(rowlabels, metric_data["rowlabels"])

        if not initialized:
            # For now set ranked knobs & pruned metrics to be those computed
            # for the first workload
            global_ranked_knobs = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload,
            global_pruned_metrics = load_data_helper(
                pipeline_data, unique_workload, PipelineTaskType.PRUNED_METRICS)
            ranked_knob_idxs = [i for i in range(X_matrix.shape[1]) if X_columnlabels[
                i] in global_ranked_knobs]
            pruned_metric_idxs = [i for i in range(y_matrix.shape[1]) if y_columnlabels[
                i] in global_pruned_metrics]

            # Filter X & y columnlabels by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
            X_columnlabels = X_columnlabels[ranked_knob_idxs]
            y_columnlabels = y_columnlabels[pruned_metric_idxs]
            initialized = True

        # Filter X & y matrices by top ranked_knobs & pruned_metrics
        X_matrix = X_matrix[:, ranked_knob_idxs]
        y_matrix = y_matrix[:, pruned_metric_idxs]

        # Combine duplicate rows (rows with same knob settings)
        X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels = DataUtil.combine_duplicate_rows(
            X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels)

        workload_data[unique_workload] = {
            'X_matrix': X_matrix,
            'y_matrix': y_matrix,
            'rowlabels': rowlabels,

    # Stack all X & y matrices for preprocessing
    Xs = np.vstack([entry['X_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])
    ys = np.vstack([entry['y_matrix'] for entry in list(workload_data.values())])

    # Scale the X & y values, then compute the deciles for each column in y
    X_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)
    y_binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
    del Xs
    del ys

    # Filter the target's X & y data by the ranked knobs & pruned metrics.
    X_target = target_data['X_matrix'][:, ranked_knob_idxs]
    y_target = target_data['y_matrix'][:, pruned_metric_idxs]

    # Now standardize the target's data and bin it by the deciles we just
    # calculated
    X_target = X_scaler.transform(X_target)
    y_target = y_scaler.transform(y_target)
    y_target = y_binner.transform(y_target)

    scores = {}
    for workload_id, workload_entry in list(workload_data.items()):
        predictions = np.empty_like(y_target)
        X_workload = workload_entry['X_matrix']
        X_scaled = X_scaler.transform(X_workload)
        y_workload = workload_entry['y_matrix']
        y_scaled = y_scaler.transform(y_workload)
        for j, y_col in enumerate(y_scaled.T):
            # Using this workload's data, train a Gaussian process model
            # and then predict the performance of each metric for each of
            # the knob configurations attempted so far by the target.
            y_col = y_col.reshape(-1, 1)
            model = GPRNP(length_scale=DEFAULT_LENGTH_SCALE,
  , y_col, ridge=DEFAULT_RIDGE)
            predictions[:, j] = model.predict(X_target).ypreds.ravel()
        # Bin each of the predicted metric columns by deciles and then
        # compute the score (i.e., distance) between the target workload
        # and each of the known workloads
        predictions = y_binner.transform(predictions)
        dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(
            np.subtract(predictions, y_target)), axis=1))
        scores[workload_id] = np.mean(dists)

    # Find the best (minimum) score
    best_score = np.inf
    best_workload_id = None
    for workload_id, similarity_score in list(scores.items()):
        if similarity_score < best_score:
            best_score = similarity_score
            best_workload_id = workload_id
    target_data['mapped_workload'] = (best_workload_id, best_score)
    target_data['scores'] = scores
    return target_data